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Mixed reactions to Time's choice for 'Person of the Year'


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I just find it desperately disappointing that he seems to have such a following!

Is it poor education? Listening to codswallop like Fox News or what?

Very worrying

Trump appeals to the most ignorant, racists, bottom-dwelling pond scums in the USA. What's surprising is that we have that many.

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Merkel has helped unleash what will end Western civilization if not stopped very soon:


oh, another youtube expert....

if you don't know what to say try youtube.....

probably you are here in Thailand because Angela Merkel destroys Western civilization.......hopefully you'll get your pension if this would happen.....cheesy.gif

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I see...you got your "knowledge" from youtube. Well, keep it for yourself. It's not worth even to mention....All B.S.

I might point out that the persons interview, where his point happens to be very much same as mine, is not the only interview where he has appeared. If you would look into the matter a bit more, you might find out that he has quite a history that speaks for him regarding knowing the Soviet system and socialism.

I, myself, have visited USSR during the days when that system was still "functioning". So, I speak also from my personal views.

Since you brought up the subject (that had nothing to do with my OPINION) about reputable sources, so you consider EVERYTHING in Youtube as not worthy of even looking at? Music performances, news stories, documentaries...all no good since they are uploaded to Youtube? Oh boy, what kind of a world you live in...

I also like to say that when someone comes up with a point, it shows bad taste to say its not worthy because who he is or what source the opinion or analysis comes from. If you have something to say about the matter itself to challenge someone's point of view, please do so.

Otherwise no respect from me.

another nonsense

The "knowledge" I was referring to is the subject/thread.

Concerning "youtube/internet": it's common sense that you'll find at least one video which will support your opinion.

We did not talk in this thread about music aso.

The thread was about Angela Merkel and not about your trip to USSR last century

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If I were German, and I am not, I would be in tears. Her misguided approach will single handedly destroy Germany and the EU. Germany because the recent immigrants will never integrate so concomitant violence and economic problems ahead. The EU because nobody in the EU is sufficiently daft to let these immigrants roam free through their countries and will enforce visas to prevent it. North and South America are immigrant cultures and not without their issues but it kind of works because new immigrant groups are always reviled but ultimately integrate to some degree. Europe ... integration is not going to work any better than the North Africans in France or Turks in Germany. I am trying to sort out if this woman is barking mad or simply naive.

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I just find it desperately disappointing that he seems to have such a following!

Is it poor education? Listening to codswallop like Fox News or what?

Very worrying

Trump appeals to the most ignorant, racists, bottom-dwelling pond scums in the USA. What's surprising is that we have that many.

Well now at least you know.

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It doesn't mean they're saying the winner is the greatest or even a good person. It's meant for the most impactful person in the year. Hitler won that. They weren't saying Hitler was good. Of course Merkel is no Hitler but it's defensible that has been a very important figure this year.

You are right, the person of the year was always an impctful person, no matter what he did. But Merkel is not even this. What has she achieved: nothing. Now in her greatest challenge to organize the country regarding the refuge problem she told everyone "we can handle it" but never told anyone how to handle it. All the problems during her government were just delayed or paved with taxpayer's money. She does not deserve this choice at all. She is the big break in Germany's development. Luckly the players in the economy are more powerful, so far.

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