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Canada to welcome first charter flight of Syrian refugees


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Canada to welcome first charter flight of Syrian refugees


OTTAWA: -- Canada has made extensive preparations to deal with the 25,000 Syrian refugees it has pledged to resettle by the end of February. The first of daily charter flights with 350 individuals on board is due to land Thursday.

With so many refugees coming and in so short a space of time Ottawa has said it will use also military planes to help in the so called “air lift”.

Canada’s Immigration Minister John McCuallum has been at pains to reassure the public there is adequate security screening in place.

“If one of the officials doing the interview has any reason to question an individual case, well, that case will be put to the side, and he or she will go on with their cases. So, I think that is one of the elements explaining why our security measures are sound”.

The government has however been criticised over its decision to exclude unaccompanied, heterosexual, single adult men from the programme over security concerns.

Canada is taking refugees from Lebanon and Jordan where around 500 embassy officials have been processing potential immigrants, some of whom have been living in camps there for years.

One Syrian refugee who had escaped from the fighting in Aleppo said: “You know what it’s like in our country, in Syria, I don’t have a home, I lost everything there. I’m looking for a new life for my children and me.”

The terrorist attacks in France last month have heightened security concerns over accepting the refugees but Canada’s newly elected Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that “resettling refugees demonstrates our commitment to Canadians and to the world that Canada understands that we can and must do more.”

Once the new arrivals have been fully provesed they will be regarded as permanent residents of Canada.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-10

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Well, the decision to do this lies with Canadians their government. No more to say than that. Just observe how it plays out. And keep them from infiltrating the US border, as has been done in the past. Maybe a wall with Canada is not such a bad idea. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/us-border-chief-says-terror-threat-greater-from-canada-than-mexico/article580347/

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Well, the decision to do this lies with Canadians their government. No more to say than that. Just observe how it plays out. And keep them from infiltrating the US border, as has been done in the past. Maybe a wall with Canada is not such a bad idea. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/us-border-chief-says-terror-threat-greater-from-canada-than-mexico/article580347/

Just vote for Trump and you may get your wish...hah!
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Well, the decision to do this lies with Canadians their government. No more to say than that. Just observe how it plays out. And keep them from infiltrating the US border, as has been done in the past. Maybe a wall with Canada is not such a bad idea. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/us-border-chief-says-terror-threat-greater-from-canada-than-mexico/article580347/

C'mon man, Americans are killing each other much faster than any "infiltrators". Trump? LOL ... be careful what you wish for.

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Well, the decision to do this lies with Canadians their government. No more to say than that. Just observe how it plays out. And keep them from infiltrating the US border, as has been done in the past. Maybe a wall with Canada is not such a bad idea. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/us-border-chief-says-terror-threat-greater-from-canada-than-mexico/article580347/

C'mon man, Americans are killing each other much faster than any "infiltrators". Trump? LOL ... be careful what you wish for.

That will change soon. There will be a lot of blood letting in America from Jihadist Muslims soon enough. Trump is spot on the money. On this subject he is the only one with the balls to say what he really thinks.

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The thousands waiting forever and jumping through never ending hoops to get into Canada, will be thrilled.

I agree, those living in fear of persecution, who cannot be assured of their childrens life, let alone an education will be thrilled.

Like the thousands of persecuted Burmese living in the camps on the Thai / Burma border doing it legally.

You do know of this situation I presume?

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The thousands waiting forever and jumping through never ending hoops to get into Canada, will be thrilled.

I agree, those living in fear of persecution, who cannot be assured of their childrens life, let alone an education will be thrilled.

Like the thousands of persecuted Burmese living in the camps on the Thai / Burma border doing it legally.

You do know of this situation I presume?

I am well aware of that, but I fail to see how it is relevant to the topic, this is about Canada.

I can deflect and talk about many other nations, but?

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So many of the negative comments on Thai Visa simply boggle one's mind.

It isn't too late to find another forum more to your liking.

He's here to try and make some changes.

An uphill battle for him. A year ago, before Charle Hebdo and Paris , there was WAY less anti terrorist muslim sentiment on here or any forum. But the muslim terrorists are fixing that

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Proud to be Canadian. This is right way to show compassion to terrified families by a war. All fear, hate, bigotry have no place when it comes to innocent humans in distress. Thanks Trudeau for showing the world what's true humanism is.

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Well, the decision to do this lies with Canadians their government. No more to say than that. Just observe how it plays out. And keep them from infiltrating the US border, as has been done in the past. Maybe a wall with Canada is not such a bad idea. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/us-border-chief-says-terror-threat-greater-from-canada-than-mexico/article580347/

Watching what goes on in the US would leave most Canadians wishing the wall already built.

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"The government has however been criticised over its decision to exclude unaccompanied, heterosexual, single adult men from the programme over security concerns."

I guess women and children first does not sit well with the PC crowd.

Presumably crappy reporting (for a change).

Are single, unaccompanied males who claim to be bisexual or gay being allowed passage?

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And in other news, Prince of Wales Island in Nunavut Territory has said it will be finishing the new community being built for the 25,000 refugees Canada is welcoming so they may all live together thereby avoiding the whole ackward struggle of learning to embrace the very country and culture spending billions to embrace them as a symbol of humanitarityism. rolleyes.gif

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Hopefully the Canadian authorities know about this.

Now all you Canucks know as well.


US Intel: ISIS May Have Passport Printing Machine, Blank Passports
Dec 10, 2015, 5:56 PM ET
With the U.S. and other countries on high alert for ISIS attacks, American authorities are warning the terror group’s followers may have infiltrated American borders with authentic-looking passports ISIS has printed itself with its own machines, according to an intelligence report obtained by ABC News.
The 17-page Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Intelligence Report, issued to law enforcement last week, says ISIS likely has been able to print legitimate-looking Syrian passports since taking over the city of Deir ez-Zour last summer, home to a passport office with “boxes of blank passports” and a passport printing machine. Another passport office was located in Raqqa, Syria, which has long been ISIS’s de facto capital.
“Since more than 17 months [have] passed since Raqqa and Deir ez-Zour fell to ISIS, it is possible that individuals from Syria with passports ‘issued’ in these ISIS controlled cities or who had passport blanks, may have traveled to the U.S.,” the report says.
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Hopefully the Canadian authorities know about this.

Now all you Canucks know as well.


US Intel: ISIS May Have Passport Printing Machine, Blank Passports
Dec 10, 2015, 5:56 PM ET
With the U.S. and other countries on high alert for ISIS attacks, American authorities are warning the terror group’s followers may have infiltrated American borders with authentic-looking passports ISIS has printed itself with its own machines, according to an intelligence report obtained by ABC News.
The 17-page Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Intelligence Report, issued to law enforcement last week, says ISIS likely has been able to print legitimate-looking Syrian passports since taking over the city of Deir ez-Zour last summer, home to a passport office with “boxes of blank passports” and a passport printing machine. Another passport office was located in Raqqa, Syria, which has long been ISIS’s de facto capital.
“Since more than 17 months [have] passed since Raqqa and Deir ez-Zour fell to ISIS, it is possible that individuals from Syria with passports ‘issued’ in these ISIS controlled cities or who had passport blanks, may have traveled to the U.S.,” the report says.

Info has been in the public domain for quite a while, so god only knows why US security has only just circulated a report on the issue

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Hopefully the Canadian authorities know about this.

Now all you Canucks know as well.


US Intel: ISIS May Have Passport Printing Machine, Blank Passports
Dec 10, 2015, 5:56 PM ET
With the U.S. and other countries on high alert for ISIS attacks, American authorities are warning the terror group’s followers may have infiltrated American borders with authentic-looking passports ISIS has printed itself with its own machines, according to an intelligence report obtained by ABC News.
The 17-page Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Intelligence Report, issued to law enforcement last week, says ISIS likely has been able to print legitimate-looking Syrian passports since taking over the city of Deir ez-Zour last summer, home to a passport office with “boxes of blank passports” and a passport printing machine. Another passport office was located in Raqqa, Syria, which has long been ISIS’s de facto capital.
“Since more than 17 months [have] passed since Raqqa and Deir ez-Zour fell to ISIS, it is possible that individuals from Syria with passports ‘issued’ in these ISIS controlled cities or who had passport blanks, may have traveled to the U.S.,” the report says.

Refugees are given special travel documents. They do not generally use a passport for travel to a resettlement country.

I note that Canada has a lot of people involved in the screening process in those camps, but accepting 2,500 in such a short time does sound like it is a little quick.

It is better to make sure the screening is done thoroughly. Hopefully, they can do that.

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Hopefully the Canadian authorities know about this.

Now all you Canucks know as well.


US Intel: ISIS May Have Passport Printing Machine, Blank Passports


Dec 10, 2015, 5:56 PM ET

With the U.S. and other countries on high alert for ISIS attacks, American authorities are warning the terror group’s followers may have infiltrated American borders with authentic-looking passports ISIS has printed itself with its own machines, according to an intelligence report obtained by ABC News.

The 17-page Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Intelligence Report, issued to law enforcement last week, says ISIS likely has been able to print legitimate-looking Syrian passports since taking over the city of Deir ez-Zour last summer, home to a passport office with “boxes of blank passports” and a passport printing machine. Another passport office was located in Raqqa, Syria, which has long been ISIS’s de facto capital.

“Since more than 17 months [have] passed since Raqqa and Deir ez-Zour fell to ISIS, it is possible that individuals from Syria with passports ‘issued’ in these ISIS controlled cities or who had passport blanks, may have traveled to the U.S.,” the report says.

Read more here: http://abcnews.go.com/International/us-intel-isis-passport-printing-machine-blank-passports/story?id=35700681

Info has been in the public domain for quite a while, so god only knows why US security has only just circulated a report on the issue

"...god only knows why US security has only just circulated a report on the issue."

Agreed. 17 months is a ridiculous amount of time after a passport office has been available to IS.

Perhaps an indication of the intelligence gathering and processing skills of the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) department.

I'm sure lots of folks in the U.S. will feel so much safer having read about this.

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