This was a predicted outcome of BREXIT, EU national immigrants being replaced by immigrants from Asia and Africa.
You’ll find it filed under ‘Project Fear’.
Suppers! As long as the nut jobs don't break my SSI, and I don't spend much time overhear, I'll be OK. Only other thing that would hurt is major devaluing of the dollar. But might be good still as I ha e moved my investments out of the states.
Like minded, but the downfall of Putin rather than Russia as a whole......power vacuums have a nasty habit of biting you on the bum.
Let's get rid of Putin in the hope he's replaced by someone not quite as psychotic.
In total, in North America, there are 23 officially recognized independent states. List of countries in North America in alphabetical order (links don't work anymore today)
Not united at all.
You are welcome.
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