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Anti-asylum seekers protest in the Netherlands turns violent

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Anti-asylum seekers protest in the Netherlands turns violent

GELDERMALSEN: -- A protest against a center for asylum seekers in the Netherlands has turned violent after protesters stormed a municipal hall where a meeting was underway.

The municipal council in Geldermalsen, about 60 kilometers (37 miles) southeast of Amsterdam, was meeting on Wednesday night to discuss a proposal to accommodate 1,500 asylum seekers at a local center for a period of 10 years. It would make it the country’s third largest asylum seekers center.

The situation had been deteriorating throughout the evening, with heavy fireworks being thrown at the municipal building. It escalated at about 8:30 p.m. when a group of protesters stormed the building, forcing those inside to be evacuated to the upper floors.

Full story: http://ethailand.com/breaking-news/anti-asylum-seekers-protest-in-the-netherlands-turns-violent/778/

-- eThailand 2015-12-17

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Good for the protesters.... send all the do-gooders to Syria... or better still, let them spend all their own moneys. And probably

find that most of the do-gooders are themselves immigrants,,, or spouses of same..... wai2.gif


None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.


None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.

You should see some of the DELETED the assylum seekers chuck at the police....literally.


None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.

You should see some of the shit the assylum seekers chuck at the police....literally.

Trying to deflect? The issue here is the police and people at the meeting were attacked.


None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.

You should see some of the shit the assylum seekers chuck at the police....literally.

Trying to deflect? The issue here is the police and people at the meeting were attacked.
Maybe its because that was only way for them to take notice...ricochet! Pyoooww!

Some of those same people seem to show up at meetings at different places,not locals but activists against asylum seekers.

I am somewhat divided,soft protest does not seem to have any effect but violence is not the way to do it either.


None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.

The OP URL link mentions police fired warning shots. So many members who support the violent activities of the right on this forum, some of whom are also word perfect in the right's extreme political rhetoric.


It's almost as if the powers who rule Europe have devised a giant social experiment to test just how much DELETED the population of secular liberal democracies are prepared to take before they start to take the law into their own hands. I find it hard to believe those presiding over the monumental disaster that is mass immigration could have expected a different outcome.


Where do you live........?

I live in Thailand, but i grew up in one of the most racist countries on earth, where coincidently the governing party members were all staunch NGK. (Nederlandse Gereformeerd Kerk) Very religious people on the outside - Sunday mornings were for church but Sunday afternoons were for drinking brandy and DELETED. Sick and disgusting human beings that were very happy to live under 'apartheid' as it benefited them greatly. The same attitude I recognise here. Not all posters, of course but several will know I mean them.

I abhor racism and will speak out against it wherever I encounter it.


I understand the situation and despair at the innocent victims fate. These are majority women and children?

In all fairness, none of these countries have an arms industry; all the weapons used against the civilians are from outside their country and their corrupt governments are the cause. They are the victims, but they are being treated like the enemy.

If there is to be a 'civil war' between Muslims then the peaceable and non violent moderates should be shown tolerance, a warm welcome. They will remember todays actions once the evil that is IS has been defeated. They wish nothing more than to be in their own country, but not when it is ravaged by war.


Dutch riot over plans for a refugee centre


GELDERMALSEN: -- A meeting to decide whether to build a refugee centre ended in a riot in the Dutch town of Geldermalsen near Utrecht on Wednesday night. Around 2,000 people surrounded the venue where the town council was discussing whether to build facilities to house 1500 asylum seekers.

Eventually councilors were evacuated when youths forced their way into the building after outside tearing down fences and throwing beer bottles at police. According to social media several arrests were made but there were no reported injuries.

It’s the biggest display of anti-migrant sentiment in the Netherlands since hooligans attacked a Syrian refugee centre in October. European countries are struggling to cope with the largest movement of migrants since World War Two, many of them Syrians who have come via Turkey, Greece and the Balkans.

The country’s deputy Justice Minister who oversees immigration called the incident “un-Dutch”.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-17

stevenl, on 17 Dec 2015 - 11:23, said:

None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.

I agree, all they are doing is wasting tax payers money on policing and repairs.


I understand the situation and despair at the innocent victims fate. These are majority women and children?

In all fairness, none of these countries have an arms industry; all the weapons used against the civilians are from outside their country and their corrupt governments are the cause. They are the victims, but they are being treated like the enemy.

If there is to be a 'civil war' between Muslims then the peaceable and non violent moderates should be shown tolerance, a warm welcome. They will remember todays actions once the evil that is IS has been defeated. They wish nothing more than to be in their own country, but not when it is ravaged by war.

So as a South African, who rightly abhors racism, you would welcome if any people from any other African nation, regardless of ethnic or religion, simply went to South Africa and demanded to be allowed to stay, to chose where they lived and expect to be housed, fed, given free medical treatment, education etc. And of course not be expected to change their culture, follow their own laws and be fully protected by the laws they don't obey?

Whilst some of the protesters may be right wing extremists, skinheads. and thugs many are not. They are normal people fed up with seeing some politicians spend their money, their countries resources purely to further political agendas and forcing acceptance of an alien culture that has no intention of ever fitting in and every intention of becoming dominant.

These people must sort their own problems out, in their own countries. Most of the migrants filmed are no more than economic migrants chancing their arm to get into another country illegally and exploit it economically.

People are fed up with clowns like Merkel and Eurocrats like Juncker cocking up, doing u-turns and refusing to ever admit they were wrong. And all the time spending taxpayers money like it was their own. Wonder how much the former communist Staasi spy very wealthy Merkel has chipped in?


I would not agree with uncontrolled mass migration, but that is not what we are discussing - in this case the numbers have already been agreed to as part of UN and EU legislation. If people are not happy with those decisions, then take it to Brussels and stone the EU buildings because that is where the problem exists.

This cowardly attack on unarmed and defenseless people, trying to do their job is just short of terrorism. Is that how your country debates and alters policy? I thought it was up to people to take an active role in their community and vote, but no - that is not fashionable and it is far easier to point fingers elsewhere than at yourself.


I understand the situation and despair at the innocent victims fate. These are majority women and children?

In all fairness, none of these countries have an arms industry; all the weapons used against the civilians are from outside their country and their corrupt governments are the cause. They are the victims, but they are being treated like the enemy.

If there is to be a 'civil war' between Muslims then the peaceable and non violent moderates should be shown tolerance, a warm welcome. They will remember todays actions once the evil that is IS has been defeated. They wish nothing more than to be in their own country, but not when it is ravaged by war.

I see women and children too, but I do not see majority women and children. I see majority young men of military age. I see young men who are economic migrants from many countries who are clearing a path to bring their women and children, and transplant their culture and religion.

I see majority young men who will not fight for their own countries to bring them out from the middle ages. I see majority young men who are learning / have been taught how to exploit the material benefits and relative safety of the western apostate.

I see majority young men who will get established, and will then demand that their new host countries become much more like the backward countries they have run away from.


Why do you refer to racism?

The objections most of the protesters have, have nothing to do with the race of the immigrants, but more to do with the perceived alterior motives of the immigrants: free handouts, free accommodation, free education, with intent to settle instead of seeking temporary refuge, without the intention and willingness to assimilate (and why would a people of a nation not have the right to expect newcomers to adjust and assimilate, why would that be racist??). This while the natives themselves have worked hard to build the country and have endured cut backs when necessary.

The problem for the protesters is not to provide temporary refuge to those in need, the problem is that the refugees receive, and demand, the golden treatment, while the natives themselves have been and are burdened under high taxes, or have been on housing waiting lists for years and years. This is where the gripe of those protesters comes from.

Then there are those that are concerned of the possible threat of letting in muslims that might have radical intentions.

How is all that racist?


I cannot comment on the numbers and do not have the interest in following up the figures but it would surprise me to see military age men being allowed entry en masse.

This decade is turning out to be quite dark in the world's history, the future is looking even bleaker. I would not want to be young trying to start out today as the rich seem to have it all sewn up now. Revolution is most likely the only way forward for many but first you should identify the enemy, not attack those in an even worse situation like rabid pack animals.


Why do you refer to racism?

The objections most of the protesters have, have nothing to do with the race of the immigrants, but more to do with the perceived alterior motives of the immigrants: free handouts, free accommodation, free education, with intent to settle instead of seeking temporary refuge, without the intention and willingness to assimilate (and why would a people of a nation not have the right to expect newcomers to adjust and assimilate, why would that be racist??).

This while the natives themselves have worked hard to build the country and have endured cut backs when necessary.

The problem for the protesters is not to provide temporary refuge to those in need, the problem is that the refugees receive, and demand, the golden treatment, while the natives themselves have been and are burdened under high taxes, or have been on housing waiting lists for years and years. This is where the gripe of those protesters comes from. Then there are those that are concerned of the possible threat of letting in muslims that might have radical intentions.

How is all that racist?

Racism can come in many guises, this incident is specifically aimed at the refugees from Syria.

Would you swap your position for theirs and still support your argument? Your burden equals theirs and taxes and waiting lists are just as tedious as gassing, rape and murder?

As I stated earlier - take your gripe to Brussels or Den Hague as they are the source of the problem - the people getting attacked are not the decision makers - they are just a soft target for the extremists to show off their right-wing lunacy.

These guys were rent-a-mob, hardly a just cause.


Well I just found out that in my Farang home backyard 30 children age 12 to 28 will be welcomed.

The place used to be a revalidation centre for post-op elderly. It was very quit for 30 years, just some family visits during w.e. The access to that property is next to my Farang house where I reside 2x1 month/year. I learn today the 30 neighbours are very upset, the commune will hold an information meeting in a few days.

30 Afghan and Syrian children residing in my backyard, the nearest school and shop is 4 km away.

The owner of the residence will get 30 euro/day per child. It seems 20 adults will work there as of January, I guess the government will pay for them as well. The place was closed for the last 3 years.

I very much doubt the 30 houses in the estate will welcome these kids.

Development to follow on news.


Why do you refer to racism?

The objections most of the protesters have, have nothing to do with the race of the immigrants, but more to do with the perceived alterior motives

of the immigrants: free handouts, free accommodation, free education, with intent to settle instead of seeking temporary refuge, without the intention

and willingness to assimilate (and why would a people of a nation not have the right to expect newcomers to adjust and assimilate, why would that be racist??).

This while the natives themselves have worked hard to build the country and have endured cut backs when necessary.

The problem for the protesters is not to provide temporary refuge to those in need, the problem is that the refugees receive, and demand, the golden treatment,

while the natives themselves have been and are burdened under high taxes, or have been on housing waiting lists for years and years.

This is where the gripe of those protesters comes from.

Then there are those that are concerned of the possible threat of letting in muslims that might have radical intentions.

How is all that racist?

The objections are dressed up, but are pure racist.


Why do you refer to racism?

The objections most of the protesters have, have nothing to do with the race of the immigrants, but more to do with the perceived alterior motives

of the immigrants: free handouts, free accommodation, free education, with intent to settle instead of seeking temporary refuge, without the intention

and willingness to assimilate (and why would a people of a nation not have the right to expect newcomers to adjust and assimilate, why would that be racist??).

This while the natives themselves have worked hard to build the country and have endured cut backs when necessary.

The problem for the protesters is not to provide temporary refuge to those in need, the problem is that the refugees receive, and demand, the golden treatment,

while the natives themselves have been and are burdened under high taxes, or have been on housing waiting lists for years and years.

This is where the gripe of those protesters comes from.

Then there are those that are concerned of the possible threat of letting in muslims that might have radical intentions.

How is all that racist?

Racism can come in many guises, this incident is specifically aimed at the refugees from Syria.

Would you swap your position for theirs and still support your argument? Your burden equals theirs and taxes and waiting lists are just as tedious as gassing, rape and murder?

As I stated earlier - take your gripe to Brussels or Den Hague as they are the source of the problem - the people getting attacked are not the decision makers - they are just a soft target for the extremists to show off their right-wing lunacy.

These guys were rent-a-mob, hardly a just cause.

Not an answer to the question: why call it racism when the objections have nothing to do with RACE?

By the way, I was giving an explanation as to what the motivation/consideration of (a lot of) the protesters is, I did not say it is my gripe (not saying it is or isn't).


70 % are male, :Pakistani, Eritrean, Nigerian, Syrian, Afghan various African states. Its a mess and its still going on , arrivals in Greece at thousands a day. Meanwhile the EU has no coherent policy.( By choice.)

An EU border force is mooted, but when and where it will be deployed is anyone's guess.

The people of Europe, on the whole are far from being racist and are kind and have tolerated a huge change , almost overnight to their culture. But...and its a big but, there is no end in sight to mass immigration of undocumented unknown origin people,

some of whom, and middle eastern leaders themselves have mooted, 2% at least of whom are active jihadis, see Paris etc.

Meanwhile horror stories are starting and continuing, check Denmark, Finland and Norway for rapes and murders by young men given asylum. It is not racist to want the society you are used to live in to continue as it was.. People have no voice in Europe , it is governed by an unelected bureaucratic elite. Their game plan is a super state with one government, one Police force, one army one currency. Mass immigration is to dilute the nation state and eventually to regionalise Europe to make it easy for the Eurocrats to control.

The people however are their problem, we do not want their facist state. racism (?), just a decoy in a much darker overall plan for poor old Europe.


I understand the situation and despair at the innocent victims fate. These are majority women and children?

In all fairness, none of these countries have an arms industry; all the weapons used against the civilians are from outside their country and their corrupt governments are the cause. They are the victims, but they are being treated like the enemy.

If there is to be a 'civil war' between Muslims then the peaceable and non violent moderates should be shown tolerance, a warm welcome. They will remember todays actions once the evil that is IS has been defeated. They wish nothing more than to be in their own country, but not when it is ravaged by war.

77% were unaccompanied males most below the age of 30 from what I read, furthermore a majority of these were not from Syria. Even a UK based Muslim charity visited a migrant camp in Calais intending to help the poor 'refugees' the to their credit washed their hands of the situation on concluding the camp consisted of migrants in no danger and should not be there.

P.s Name calling and aggressive denial are sure signs you are directly over the target.


Well I just found out that in my Farang home backyard 30 children age 12 to 28 will be welcomed.

The place used to be a revalidation centre for post-op elderly. It was very quit for 30 years, just some family visits during w.e. The access to that property is next to my Farang house where I reside 2x1 month/year. I learn today the 30 neighbours are very upset, the commune will hold an information meeting in a few days.

30 Afghan and Syrian children residing in my backyard, the nearest school and shop is 4 km away.

The owner of the residence will get 30 euro/day per child. It seems 20 adults will work there as of January, I guess the government will pay for them as well. The place was closed for the last 3 years.

I very much doubt the 30 houses in the estate will welcome these kids.

Development to follow on news.

I think the UK can start with the villages where bankers and footballers have bought all the houses as weekend or summer retreats. These were once vibrant little places. but today are deserted. Surely these good people will rush to offer their properties?

There are many empty mansions and estates in France, begging for restoration. Spain has entire towns for sale, or had - it was a while ago I saw Top Gear visit some places - one even had an airport!

I think old East Germany is still sparsely populated - a million refugees are not going to want to stay long I think. laugh.png


None of the protesters were locals, and whatever they feel, throwing bottles and stones at the people in the meeting and police is not acceptable.

I stand corrected, latest information is that all people arrested and a vast majority of the hooligans are locals.

Looks to me like mass asylums seekers is the Trojan horse to end the free world

Fill the other countries with strong young men true to their motherland,that have no problem dieing for the cause. Events like what happened in Paris can become the normal way of life.

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