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Thailand comes 93rd place in UN’s survey of world’s most liveable countries


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I do not understand how they arrive at the ratings.

US? Ok if you are gun happy I suppose.

2. Germany is about to suffer a major drop in rankings with swarms of so called 'refugees' hearding all over their country.

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Looking at the top 20, I'd rather live here than any of those.

Have you ever been to any one of those to make that statement. Or is it simply because those other countries don't have ladyboys.

Do they not? The UK has ladyboys, but that's not what they are called.

What are they called? Before anyone asks. Transvestites.

Not really. 'Transvestites' merely wear the clothing of the other sex - the clue's in the name : vest. Otherwise known as 'cross-dressers' .

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Looking at the top 20, I'd rather live here than any of those.

Have you ever been to any one of those to make that statement. Or is it simply because those other countries don't have ladyboys.

Do they not? The UK has ladyboys, but that's not what they are called.

What are they called? Before anyone asks. Transvestites.

AKA, some old boilers with big wigs belting out a few Shirley Bassey numbers down at the local

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The most impressive achievement on that list is SINGAPORE.

It's interesting that they got there with a much less than ideal form of "democracy" by western standards.

I don't think this is a question about whether we would personally want to live in those places.

The criteria they did use are pretty specific.

Edited by Jingthing
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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif so crime ridden poverty stricken for many USA is better is it or anywhere in west full of nonsense PC and total lack of real freedoms. Give me Thailand anyway what a load of crap

No, the USA is quite a good place to live, if you don't have a wife, and don't need (as an old guy) much sex.

You just have to pick out the place you live.

Sure, downtown Detroit ain't the place to live, but Muir Woods (near SF) and Lake Tahoe are almost perfect (if you got the money).

Add to that the Florida Keys, Sanibel, etc. perfect beaches and the food and hi-tech goodies we love are easily available at reasonable prices.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Looking at the top 20, I'd rather live here than any of those.

I suspect they are looking at it from the point of view of the country's citizens rather than us expatriates. I have seen a ranking (pre coup) which rates Thailand as the second best place in the world for a Westerner to retire to.

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Looking at the top 20, I'd rather live here than any of those.

Have you ever been to any one of those to make that statement. Or is it simply because those other countries don't have ladyboys.

Do they not? The UK has ladyboys, but that's not what they are called.

What are they called? Before anyone asks. Transvestites.

post-9891-0-27789800-1450532720_thumb.jp Good old British ladyboy/man

post-9891-0-67313400-1450532380_thumb.jp Thai version.

Take your pick.thumbsup.gif

Edited by ratcatcher
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Who would want to freeze their nuts off in Norway, get skin cancer from the holes in the ozone layer in Australia, be unable to afford even the most basic necessity in Switzerland etc etc etc.....Thailand easily for me and my family though i think one of my daughters prefers Canary Wharf.

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Looking at the top 20, I'd rather live here than any of those.

Have you ever been to any one of those to make that statement. Or is it simply because those other countries don't have ladyboys.

Do they not? The UK has ladyboys, but that's not what they are called.

What are they called? Before anyone asks. Transvestites.

More commonly called Queer's

No, no, it''s tran'svestite's - get the grocer's' in-the-air commas in the right place, cant' ?you

Edited by robsamui
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Looking at the top 20, I'd rather live here than any of those.

Have you ever been to any one of those to make that statement. Or is it simply because those other countries don't have ladyboys.

Do they not? The UK has ladyboys, but that's not what they are called.

What are they called? Before anyone asks. Transvestites.

attachicon.giftv.jpg Good old British ladyboy/man

attachicon.gifploy-thai-ladyboy.jpg Thai version.

Take your pick.thumbsup.gif


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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif so crime ridden poverty stricken for many USA is better is it or anywhere in west full of nonsense PC and total lack of real freedoms. Give me Thailand anyway what a load of crap

No, the USA is quite a good place to live, if you don't have a wife, and don't need (as an old guy) much sex.

You just have to pick out the place you live.

Sure, downtown Detroit ain't the place to live, but Muir Woods (near SF) and Lake Tahoe are almost perfect (if you got the money).

Add to that the Florida Keys, Sanibel, etc. perfect beaches and the food and hi-tech goodies we love are easily available at reasonable prices.

I agree. I was just in Muir Woods last week, hiking and taking photos. One can live within 10 miles of Muir Woods on an average or slightly lower income.

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Oh, I see my ex country Serbia is ranked 66. So why people don't go there? I can assure you it's cheaper, food is 100 better and women are hotter.

Then why aren't you there ? I have heard Serbian and East European woman as a whole are the most lovely on earth. This is my experience as well . Serbia seems more organized and safer than Thailand.

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Israel is an interesting one.

Anyway, well done Thailand for only dropping four places, all things considered.

Israel is a bizarre one, given the security situation, the almost constant state of semi-warfare with Palestinian territories and fact that a large section of the society are utterly marginalised by an apartheid-type arrangement. When one considers that France, one of the most civilized and livable countries in the world doesn't appear in the top 20, but the US is in top ten, one really has to wonder about the criteria for constructing this table.

If I was in the bottom quintile of the population, I would much rather live in any of the states that offer social security and protection (i.e. Western European states, Canada, Australia and NZ) over any of the other nations listed, but if I was in the top quintile, probably some semi-secure and democratic state would do. Thailand's place at 93rd is questionable, given its economic fundamentals, and it has the potential to be far higher with a little bit of decent leadership, functioning justice system and political stability. However, given the events of the last 10 years, I wouldn't be surprised to see it slip further down the list over the next decade, unless it can finally get its act together at the top.wink.png

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One of the basic requirements of a human being is to have somewhere to live. In the UK, I cannot afford to buy somewhere to live and neither can a large percentage of people of my age (mid 30s). This is despite being well educated and having a reasonable salary.

In Thailand, Thais can afford to buy a house.

The UK is a disaster for the young (and middle aged who either can't afford to buy or are enslaved to a ridiculous mortgage), yet it appears in the top 20 of this report. I think that is solid evidence that this report is not worth the paper it isn't written on.

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I am surprised it is so high but these suveys are not that accurate!

93 out of 188 rather surprises me. Any government figures are rubbery at best. Look at seniors COLA increase. Sure puts a big band aid on government expenditures. If they fudge the numbers anymore we will end up giving money back.

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I personally like it here, for me at least life is very uncomplicated & despite all the political / administrative issues Thailand is still a very "can do" sort of place.

Living here a while you tend to get a feel for how things are done, and if you have an ounce of sense, you adapt accordingly, and life is pretty sweet.

And as other posters have mentioned, the quality of life for the average Thai citizen probably is reflected in the lowly ranking. It's such a shame because there are many Thais who work so hard and are rewarded with so little in return, and now there is almost nothing they can do to make it better for the next generations.

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Oh, I see my ex country Serbia is ranked 66. So why people don't go there? I can assure you it's cheaper, food is 100 better and women are hotter.

Well why are you here then?

This is the question I asked myself many times on Thai visa. My stomach detests Thai food and I would have no visa issues.

So, why am I here? Because I spent 20 years in Canada and started to think stupid.

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