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Someone suggest anything for Sleep !


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Just a word of warning...melatonin while it will help you get drowsy and sleep, will also give you wild and vivid dreams/nightmares. I had to stop using it due to this...I would wake up so agitated because the dreams seemed too real.

Give it a shot...it's like taking LSD that only works while you are asleep.

Even taking 2x 5mg melatonin has no effect on me whatsoever.

Like any drug...some people affected differently than others. Just as some can eat certain foods and not get gas....ha ha, while others are releasing weapons of mass destruction on the skytrain

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Hot milk reminds me of story on BBC about drinking night milk from cows milked at night. Contains more mellitonin..

On the plane, breathing in then out lowers heart rate.. And blood pressure.

No worries.. Being awake is OK.Just relax.

The rest will happen naturally.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hot milk reminds me of story on BBC about drinking night milk from cows milked at night. Contains more mellitonin..

On the plane, breathing in then out lowers heart rate.. And blood pressure.

No worries.. Being awake is OK.Just relax.

The rest will happen naturally.


It might for you but there are many for which it doesn't

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In your post you are saying the sleep has only started to be an issue since arriving here.

That suggests an environmental cause.

May be you should start looking into whats surrounds you.

Do you live near a cell mast?

I personally had to make my house from EMF-free to regain proper sleep patern.

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In your post you are saying the sleep has only started to be an issue since arriving here.

That suggests an environmental cause.

May be you should start looking into whats surrounds you.

Do you live near a cell mast?

I personally had to make my house from EMF-free to regain proper sleep patern.

Well I dont have any issues in sleeping 6 months of the year in uk but 6 months in Thailand I certainly do. As I dont stay in the same places (normally) have to rule that out.

I personally think it comes down to "security".......I'm not talking financial but security in that pick up bedside phone at home Police are on their way ditto ambulance or fire brigade. Dont know if that makes sense ?? That sort of "unease" ??

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Doing bio feedback with a neurologist, I learned that breathing slowly lowers heart rate, as you exhale.

Lately, I've been counting down from 100 with each breath, rarely getting very far. My best one is puting attention on the back of my eyelids.. as if looking into deep space..galaxys and all.my cats keep me awake for hours anyway.. we have some visitors in my forest.. small kine..animals.


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In your post you are saying the sleep has only started to be an issue since arriving here.

That suggests an environmental cause.

May be you should start looking into whats surrounds you.

Do you live near a cell mast?

I personally had to make my house from EMF-free to regain proper sleep patern.

Well I dont have any issues in sleeping 6 months of the year in uk but 6 months in Thailand I certainly do. As I dont stay in the same places (normally) have to rule that out.

I personally think it comes down to "security".......I'm not talking financial but security in that pick up bedside phone at home Police are on their way ditto ambulance or fire brigade. Dont know if that makes sense ?? That sort of "unease" ??

Towers are everywhere in THL unless you stick to the bush, you are going to be irradiated with microwaves frequencies; and with 4G coming and BKK 23000 hotspots it is getting worse.

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In your post you are saying the sleep has only started to be an issue since arriving here.

That suggests an environmental cause.

May be you should start looking into whats surrounds you.

Do you live near a cell mast?

I personally had to make my house from EMF-free to regain proper sleep patern.

Well I dont have any issues in sleeping 6 months of the year in uk but 6 months in Thailand I certainly do. As I dont stay in the same places (normally) have to rule that out.

I personally think it comes down to "security".......I'm not talking financial but security in that pick up bedside phone at home Police are on their way ditto ambulance or fire brigade. Dont know if that makes sense ?? That sort of "unease" ??

It makes total sense. It is a natural survival mechanism to remain wakeful if we do not feel we are secure.

It might help for you to think through what you would do in an emergency and to have next to the bed the numbers of tourist police, landlord (or front desk if hotel), a helpful Thai friend/acquaintance etc.

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In your post you are saying the sleep has only started to be an issue since arriving here.

That suggests an environmental cause.

May be you should start looking into whats surrounds you.

Do you live near a cell mast?

I personally had to make my house from EMF-free to regain proper sleep patern.

Well I dont have any issues in sleeping 6 months of the year in uk but 6 months in Thailand I certainly do. As I dont stay in the same places (normally) have to rule that out.

I personally think it comes down to "security".......I'm not talking financial but security in that pick up bedside phone at home Police are on their way ditto ambulance or fire brigade. Dont know if that makes sense ?? That sort of "unease" ??

It makes total sense. It is a natural survival mechanism to remain wakeful if we do not feel we are secure.

It might help for you to think through what you would do in an emergency and to have next to the bed the numbers of tourist police, landlord (or front desk if hotel), a helpful Thai friend/acquaintance etc.

I'm going to give that go thanks. Pleased you understood what I meant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No microwaves..

EMF..look it up.

Cordless phones and WiFi are 3.2 gigahertz. Quick cycles, supposedly VIBRATING our cells.

I had a hard night last time I posted..Breathing is the best..5 seconds in,five seconds out. And that's the best way to get alkaline.. Breathing in Alkaline Oxygen, exhale Acid CO2


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Breathing worked for me last night..

Don't remember...

That's Good.

I lay down for twelve or thirteen hours,I woke at 8:30 this morning after turning off radio after 10p.

NPR and BBC are so good.. Cats disturb..

Oh Well..

Sorry, waiting for the OP?


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Get some Remeron. You can get generics anywhere in the world (chemical name Mirtazapine) but I think it's brand name only in Thailand. 15mg is all you need. Even half that would suffice.

I've suffered from insomnia all my life and tried most meds for it but this works best for me.

It's classed as an antidepressant at higher dosages but prescribed off label at lower dosages for insomnia.

Google it and see reviews for yourself.

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Open eyes takes 70% of brain's bandwidth..

So no staring at ceiling

Blue light from screentime messes up circadian rhythm.

I was able to walk on a country road when I was in Thailand.. That certainly helps.

Caffeine, etc. You get da pictures.


Edited by KonaRain
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Lately I have been drinking papaya tea. I dried some leaves out and make some tea. The only side effect I have it increases you appitype. Google papaya leaves and see all the befits from this amazing plant. I sleep like a baby and my energy level is way up.

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Sorry to hear about your problem with sleeping disorder, OP. I can advise you taking DOXYLAMIN. The trade name in France is Donormyl. It is an antihistamine medicine which side-effect is that you are falling asleep very fast within 15-30 minutes and enjoy full 8 hrs long sleep without waking ups. What is important - it does not affect your sleep phases and you wake up with fresh head. It is not addictive. You can PM me, I have a bottle with 30 pills left here as I don't use them often. The manufacturer is UPSA, expiry date is Nov 2017. I am in Bangkok. Cheers

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Lately I have been drinking papaya tea. I dried some leaves out and make some tea. The only side effect I have it increases you appitype. Google papaya leaves and see all the befits from this amazing plant. I sleep like a baby and my energy level is way up.

By how many inches ?...it's hard enough to find good underwear in Thailand

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Sorry to hear about your problem with sleeping disorder, OP. I can advise you taking DOXYLAMIN. The trade name in France is Donormyl. It is an antihistamine medicine which side-effect is that you are falling asleep very fast within 15-30 minutes and enjoy full 8 hrs long sleep without waking ups. What is important - it does not affect your sleep phases and you wake up with fresh head. It is not addictive.

Brand names in Thailand are Sominar and Hoggar-N. Inexpensive and no prescription required.

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Sorry to hear about your problem with sleeping disorder, OP. I can advise you taking DOXYLAMIN. The trade name in France is Donormyl. It is an antihistamine medicine which side-effect is that you are falling asleep very fast within 15-30 minutes and enjoy full 8 hrs long sleep without waking ups. What is important - it does not affect your sleep phases and you wake up with fresh head. It is not addictive.

Brand names in Thailand are Sominar and Hoggar-N. Inexpensive and no prescription required.

How are those for sinus congestion?

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