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Antidote for boredom


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Sadly this is common with most foreigners moving here. Alcoholism. Ever thought of learning Thai ? Ever thought of spending time with Thais ? If i remember correctly your in Thailand. Most foreigners move here, get drunk 24/7. never learn a single word of Thai, never eat Thai food, spend most of their time either in bars with other foreigners or with bar girls. Then wonder why later they have so many problems here. Hmm ????

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maybe go home back where you came from? If i remember correct there are numerous articles mentioning why you should not move here early. Maybe you should read them and get on the next plane. Thailand is a great country if you have any common sense. If not it will chew you up and spit you out. Leave !

Go somewhere less boring maybe.

Well deserved. Bkk is not boring at all I agree. I just hope there are some people who understand me and give some real advise. Your answer is just an easy score. That's ok though, I do the same to other people.
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everyone here has a beautiful girlfriend??? have you seen some of the other women ? did you ever ask yourself where they met them ?

Wow people here are really picking my brain. I was looking for a more general solution. But ok. Came here because I love Asia, always have loved Asia since I was young, can't explain why really. On and off with the gf, not a really good relationship but she is really pretty so hard to let go, silly I know. Don't know what that has to do with my question though...because everybody here has a beautiful gf.

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Many of us have been there, here's few suggestions:

Break the problem down into its components, deal with the weight/health issues first - go get a simple medical check up, the results might scare you into action.

Target to lose 10% of your body weight and get serious about, make a game out of it, change your diet, change your lifestyle.

Get off the PC, leave the internet alone because it's fatal for you, makes you lazy - limit to 30 mins. a day.

Join a gym and go three times a week, it can be very addictive.

Set a goal to experience one new activity or location every day, things you've never done before, places you've never visited.

If the booze thing is serious, AA does work for many people although it sounds like your drinking is linked to boredom.

Objectively evaluate your relationship with your girlfriend, be honest about it, whatever you decide is fine but go through the process.

There, get started, let me know when you need some more pointers, I'll be checking on your progress from time to time. laugh.png

Good luck

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Come down here and help me work the land.........youll be so tired after a day or so youll forget all about being bored.............. bonus youll be as thin as a rake after a few weeks of it

Hours are 6.30 till dark but u can have 2 hours for lunch , snooze etc

Edited by kannot
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Couple of things to come out of your responses.

Retired at 30 but concerned about the cost of spear fishing.

The 30's - 45/50 is a period in your life when you should be most productive, working hardest to get some coin and quality assets behind you.

You need some planning for the future, a few decades ahead.

If you have heaps of coin and just being stingy with it, the above doesn't apply.

That's the long term planning.

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The short term planning might be something like this.

You have issues as you have mentioned in the OP and subsequent posts.

Most likely, you have a routine, and the first thing you need to do is break that routine, and that's, most likely the biggest challenge you will face. Restting yourself.

My example is, I used to smoke (in the West), not a lot, maybe 2 packs a week.

When I stepped through the Airport, I stopped, easy as for me. Never desired it. Coming to Thailand was my re-set button.

Maybe 3 or 4 months later, I'd go back West, through the Duty-Free, I'd pick up a carton, there were so cheap in the Duty-Free as compared to the Supermarket. Just 1 carton, I thought. When that ran out, just one packet, I'll stop again next week, on Monday.

My Monday never came, and I would keep smoking till I left the West again, touched down @ Swampy and stopped ... re-set button pushed.

Return to the West, pick up a carton on the self promise of 'just one'. That promise was never fullfilled.

One day, I got a tinge in the heart, then another, then a few regularly, every couple of days.

Luckily I was returning to Thailand in a week. Arrived @ Swampy, stopped smoking, left Thailand, went back through the Duty-Free (home city), had the self conviction NOT to buy that carton ... haven't had a ciggie again. I don't begrudge someone else having one, their choice. Doesn't worry me either way.

I was desperate enough to change.

I 're-set' myself, broke a long standing bad habit.

It takes a long time to break bad habits, change routines. If you are putting the key in the same door everyday, it's easy to maintain, rather then change your routine/habits.

As the fameous say goes:- 'If you always do, what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got'.

Simply put, change what you do to get the new you

My suggestion is, if the finances allow. Go travelling. You said you love Asia, go see more of it. Maybe, as one poster mentioned above, go see more of Thailand.

Don't worry about food or drink, no need to count calories or any of that BS.

Break the habit of drinking a fizzy drink with lunch/dinner, just have water. Increase your water intake.

Don't 'eat/drink on the run'. Sit down, enjoy a meal, take your time, food should be savoured, tasted, not just consumed.

Thai food usually won't make you fat, unless you make consistently poor choices.

When you travel, you usually walk more, exercise issue taken care of.

Maybe, when you are waiting that 1 or 2 hours for the bus to the next destination, turn the i-Pad off, tune into yourself, have a think about what is important in your life.

Make some plans for the short and long term. Find the conviction inside to carry those through.

If you stumble along the way (break a few self-promises) don't be too hard on yourself, just recover the best as you can.

Don't wait till 'Monday' to start again ... in life, 'Mondays' rarely come.

I hope it works out for you. Maybe, in a few months, revisit this thread. Come back and tell your story.

Good Luke with it.


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I fell into the same pattern about 10 years ago, drinking a lot, not doing much, eating the wrong foods. I started jogging, bought a bicycle to ride around the parks near my apt, but then decided to ride it everywhere, cut out the drinking and bad food. Took about 6 months to get into shape. Lost a lot of weight.

Yeah that's kind of the advice I gave myself. Cut the drinking and be more active. Sounds so easy...

Healthy body healthy mind.

All I see in your replies says you should swim, gym and bike around for a few months.

On eating just have what you want but eat smaller portions...but chop out pizzas and burgers.

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My advice for whats worth is join groups. There is no point going to the gym if you are doing it alone, no point riding a bike if you are doing it alone.

You need people to do these things with. It dosent matter if the people are Thai or farang, just as long as there are other people.

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My advice for whats worth is join groups. There is no point going to the gym if you are doing it alone, no point riding a bike if you are doing it alone.

You need people to do these things with. It dosent matter if the people are Thai or farang, just as long as there are other people.

Depends if your objective is exercise or a social occasion, I've been going to the gym and riding a bike by myself for many years, as have many others around me.

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My advice for whats worth is join groups. There is no point going to the gym if you are doing it alone, no point riding a bike if you are doing it alone.

You need people to do these things with. It dosent matter if the people are Thai or farang, just as long as there are other people.

Depends if your objective is exercise or a social occasion, I've been going to the gym and riding a bike by myself for many years, as have many others around me.

It really depends on what kind of a person you are, I got my own home gym well stocked and I workout in it a lot. I did this because at first there were no good gyms close by. Now there are but I invested a lot in the gym and its is in many ways better as a commercial gym. But in general going to a gym is better as you have to "learn" to do it right and a training buddy can help.

When I was 18 I trained a lot with a friend we motivated each-other and competed made sure we did not skip sessions and stuff like that. So it can be good to have a buddy to train with.

Exercise does help against boredom and other stuff. If your doing it good it will release hormones that make you feel better, it can be a healthy addiction. Combine it with starting to eat more healthy (usually that means cooking yourself) and drinking less (will save a lot of money). So exercise and healthy food will help you improve just as alcohol and overweight will bring you down.

But you have to be ready for the change, you can't do it without motivation. I was 25 kg overweight at some point because of alcohol and Thai food. I hated myself hated looking in the mirror. (I was still exercising but its impossible to out-train a bad diet). I cleaned up my foods and lost the 25 kg in a year. The fat never came back just the muscles, but it takes motivation to keep eating and training as its a lifestyle change the moment you go back to your old habits it goes wrong.

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The thais where i am won't even walk down the soi. They don't get the concept of exercise unless its at an indoor gym with air-con.

Just cultural differences, but those around you do influence your behavior long term whether you like to admit it or not.

Here's hoping you become half the man you wanted to be!

Edited by fey
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Some folks want to be close to the "action"...pubs, restaurants, and the shopping. That all comes at a heavy price...both physically and financially. Only few make it through the years without battle scars. It may be healthier to live in a more serene environment. Too much fun is actually bad for you, and leaves you numb. Living where you can enjoy some scenery and having enough room for some hobby, might be better. You can still visit the fun places, once or twice a month, and actually save some money. I live 15 kilometers from a large city, and enjoy the variety of life. We head into the city twice a week, for the cravings....but also enjoy a quiet, easy life in the countryside. Sometimes, on a whim, we pack up a few things and just go for a long overnighter. Anything within five hours...(thats a big radius). These overnight trips bring new ideas, and keeps me fresh. I always keep a hammock in the car, for those scenic spots. Also have a bike rack for two bicycles on the car. That lets us tour around freely. (good exercise).

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Seems to me you need an "attitude" adjustment. Changing geography wont help, because no matter where you go, you are always there biggrin.png

You need to work on you, sit down and have a serious talk with yourself, find out what the problem really is, make a plan, solve it.thumbsup.gif

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Alcoholism? coffee1.gif

Maybe you're right. I hope not. I feel that isn't the case. I just need to kill my time
And there is your problem in one line, just need to kill my time.

Time to get interested in something other than what you are currently used to. Get some exercise, doesn't mean having to go to the gym every day.

Give yourself some sort of direction mate, not much worse than boredom and taking the pub path to convince yourself that thst isn't you.

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I fell into the same pattern about 10 years ago, drinking a lot, not doing much, eating the wrong foods. I started jogging, bought a bicycle to ride around the parks near my apt, but then decided to ride it everywhere, cut out the drinking and bad food. Took about 6 months to get into shape. Lost a lot of weight.

Yeah that's kind of the advice I gave myself. Cut the drinking and be more active. Sounds so easy...
I found a new hobby...spear fishing...burns a lot of calories and time..,..
Yeah 1 thing I didn't mention. Budget. Isn't spear fishing expensive?

The entire equipment is about 20000thb and than it is for free...but I am not sure if chao praya is the best hunting ground...

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I don't think you're really ready to face all of this. Sorry. The impetus to make major life changes needs to come from inside, and I don't think you're there yet. Probably need things to get even worse before that happens. I'm also guessing that you're probably an alcoholic. So we've probably got boredom, obesity, alcoholism, depression ...

Pep talks aren't gonna cut it.

I am sorry to say that i agree with JT, at least in that if alcohol is the issue then so much good advice already in this thread is not going to advance your situation. They are corollaries to the solution once you have faced your relationship with alcohol.

I won't bang on but just say this. Working this out at 35 gives you a chance!! It is a good thing. Carrying these habits into your forties and beyond will seriously impact on the quality of life you will ever have. Do not under-estimate this point. Avoidance will take you there!

It is easy to open up on the internet, however if you cannot talk to friends in the same way it is indicative of the problem and also of JT's comment you may not be ready yet. You will have an answer re your friends in your head right now. I fear you are not ready too but I also think it is part of the self realization process needed. Part of the axiom and journey.

I tentatively include a link here to Thamkrabot Monastery. It is a detox facility with expertise and recover solutions for all types of dependence. I say 'tentatively' because it may not be applicable to you but also because misunderstanding the value of the Sajja is a serious transgression of the commitment a client makes to Thamkrabot, Buddha in a situational sense and also the applicant them-self. It may be of use latter or for someone else. If you are not ready you will break the Sajja and cannot return to Thamkrabot. And that is a great shame to not represent the commitment, values and predicament of all parties with out due respect and reflection of your situation.

If you are concerned about alcohol go to an AA meeting, and talk to some of the members. It does not mean you are alcoholic nor that alcohol is the kernel of what is bothering you but you will get great insights there. And no shame in it. Treat it as a learning exercise. It is a possible start of an overall solution .

I did bang on in the end... sry, and if i overstepped, again apologize.

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I disagree with many of the suggestions here, like go to the gym get a hobby etc.

These are things you do around your life, or if you are old and retired and are just trying to fill your day.

Do you have goals and aims in your life? You need a purpose in life, if not you are just killing time, till you die.

You say you wanted to move to Asia for 15 years, you must of planned what you would do when here.

Goals change at different times and I had to reassess mine when I moved here.

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Seems to me you need an "attitude" adjustment. Changing geography wont help, because no matter where you go, you are always there biggrin.png

You need to work on you, sit down and have a serious talk with yourself, find out what the problem really is, make a plan, solve it.thumbsup.gif

You should have stayed at home then

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Go somewhere less boring maybe.

Well deserved. Bkk is not boring at all I agree. I just hope there are some people who understand me and give some real advise. Your answer is just an easy score. That's ok though, I do the same to other people.

Boredom is a choice. Kick a cop in the ass and you will have plenty of excitement. If that fails walk around front and kick him in the front.

Chances are you are depressed. There is lots to do and see but you just can't get up the energy to do it. To easy to sit on a bar stool talking about every thing there is to do rather than doing it or in front of a TV or computer.

Why did you come to Thailand in the first place? Not to be bored. Do what ever it is you came to do and if that is no longer an attraction look for attractions in other countries.

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Many of us get bored with the same routine. The key is to not fall into the same rut day after day and also find activities that allow your mind to wander free even if you are pinned to a place.

In the Northeast US we had terrible winters and many times you were penned in for days on end...reading became an important way for me to stave off that boredom of being caught in a rut. books can take your mind to places your body can never go....leave you feeling refreshed and full of new ideas.

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Get a bicycle, start cycling.

2 hours a day in the early morning is good.

Why cycling?

It doesn't cost a lot, 5k will get you a decent s/h bike.

You can do it anywhere, anytime.

No problems parking or storing the bike.

Cheaper than gym membership.

You don't need to be fit, and if you're heavy, it won't damage you.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Antidote for boredom

Simple solution, Get a life!!!

Sorry to be so blunt, no intention to be mean spirited.

In my life there are not enough hours in the day, enough Days in the week to do all the things I want to do, who has the time to be bored.

No one will tell you you what you want to do, you already know, the trick is get off your ass, get a life , go out there and do it.

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