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PM says his patience has limits with biased columnists


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I'm in the 98%+ of polled people who approve of the current regime.

The PM is disappointed and hurt that people don't understand and he's doing his best to gain 100% approval.

Generally speaking, throwing the other 2% into the dungeon isn't a unifying leadership style.

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As George Trevelyan wrote, "Primitive societies, if they are ever to move on towards knowledge,wealth and ordered freedom, are obliged to travel in the first instance not along the path of democratic equality but along the path of aristocracy, kingship and priesthood"

If ever this saying was true, one only needs to look at Thailnd today.

A brief flirtation with democracy, quickly snuffed out and a return to the aristocracy etc etc

My feeling is dark days ahead for Thailand maybe for a generation or two.

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When he is finished with the media people I wonder if his next target will be netizens using the Computer Crimes Act as his tool.

Seriously, I suppose it is possible. Thai citizens, likely.

But I think not expats. That would certainly blow the lid off any remaining tolerance by the US and EU.

You may be right but to be so assumes a little common sense on behalf of himself. A dangerous assumption.

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How unsurprising by the little man. Every day brings more news that Thailand is heading downhill with increasing speed.

Can't wait for the usual suspects telling us it's OK because Thaksin intimidated some reporters way back when.

The usual suspects are the enablers of such totalitarian behaviour.

The usual apologists will always justify the representative of their idiot-logy as correct.

Remember Hobson's choice? You can say and think what you want as long as you do and think what I tell you."

The human Gerbils are happy with that.

I've been saying for a long time now that the apologists must share the responsibility for the regime's actions. Without them these people couldn't succeed.

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And we take one more step towards a totally Totalitarian state.

Oh dear. How long before they shut down ThaiVisa and start rounding us up for attitude adjustment?

I've been thinking that for a while now, looks like this George character got out in the nick of time, with a bundle !

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Yes Darth Vader from the dark side speaks. Pay attention. His patience is again wearing thin and he carrys a big stick. A few strokes around the ears will loosen up the wax and his sounds of peace and happiness will again resonate within you. May his force be with you. Quote Excersize their right to vote unquote oh sorry he meant the constitution only. Be like the 3 monkeys when you vote. Hear, speak, see. I no see nothing.

Edited by elgordo38
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As George Trevelyan wrote, "Primitive societies, if they are ever to move on towards knowledge,wealth and ordered freedom, are obliged to travel in the first instance not along the path of democratic equality but along the path of aristocracy, kingship and priesthood"

If ever this saying was true, one only needs to look at Thailnd today.

A brief flirtation with democracy, quickly snuffed out and a return to the aristocracy etc etc

My feeling is dark days ahead for Thailand maybe for a generation or two.

Agree. Also "First they came for the...........and we did nothing". You know the rest.

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Well Junta suckups what do you have to say about this? Lets see you spin this?

Silence will reign supreme on this one. They no doubt are rushing to study the PM's road map to prosperity to come up with something positive. As they say in Mexico I think he hit a Tope. What does our VAT Christmas gift amount to? I must go out and boost the economy. If I buy a new flat screen 50 inch for 25,000 bahts how much will I save? Will I then have to travel all the way out to the tax office to get my rebate. I guess the taxi fare there and back will eat up all my savings on this one. Deary me decisions decisions decisions.

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And we take one more step towards a totally Totalitarian state.

Oh dear. How long before they shut down ThaiVisa and start rounding us up for attitude adjustment?

Unfortunately some could suggest if it comes to that, there wont be an "attitude adjustment" for the expats, just ten minuets to pack and your passport, then all assets and accounts frozen and told don't bother coming back,

From his own mouth, even if he has to close down the country/borders.

But wait, we were just told he has 99.3% satisfaction??? Now isn't that bias comment? or due to its positive bias it's acceptable?

Hey help, us poor falang's just getting confused with which bias is ok n which isn't,

Satop satop, falang no undersatan Thai, go back youa country ann leave moneey, is what we will get.

Edited by aussieinthailand
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one sentence tells everything:

He said the media should not accuse him of depriving them of free expressions as he had already made clear to them the limits of free expressions and media’s responsibilities.

This guy is great, we are so lucky to have him, I <3 him !

(i hope that my post is conform to our Thailand government and Thaivisa government requirements)

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He said the media should not accuse him of depriving them of free expressions as he had already made clear to them the limits of free expressions and media’s responsibilities.

Hello class!

Today, we will learn about cognitive dissonance. Can anyone give me a concise example of cognitive dissonance?


Yes, Prayut.

Very nice, this one, about cognitive dissonance. It is a phenomenon that we all experience at one time. However, I feel that it is not a case of cognitive dissonance that we have here. Maybe, just maybe, the PM has to serve that part of his citizenry which demands a strong reaction. If he said nothing, he would be accused of being weak, perhaps even to be in league with the embezzlers. National dignity is something that people take very serious here.

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And we take one more step towards a totally Totalitarian state.

Oh dear. How long before they shut down ThaiVisa and start rounding us up for attitude adjustment?

Well it will probably be you first as they will have to apply for an extradition warrant for me at present smile.png

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At this point given what is happening, I really do wonder why these Thai political topics are even open for discussion here. Seems like playing with fire. Discussions about such issues can take place on websites EXTERNAL to Thailand ... but hasn't this become a dance now here? Aren't people afraid this is going to hit expats just expressing their reasoned opinions?

Yes, I can see posting NEWS of these things here, but I am concerned about the RISKS members are taking posting about them.

I assume this will continue, but if you haven't considered this already ... I'd say be careful what you post here about Thai politics. Of course, if you live abroad, you don't have that worry unless you want to visit or live here later.

Edited by Jingthing
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Getting more like North Korea by the day.

. Yep, Dear Leader haircuts won't be fear off.

To quote from Burns "Oh wad some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us". Says it all really.

Or one from the other Burns after yet another silly comment from his wife "Say goodnight to the folks Gracie"

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