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Report: Israeli windsurfers denied visas to go to Malaysia


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An appropriate decision by the Malaysian government. More countries should (and inshallah, will) follow its lead. The occupiers have rigged the UN Security Council, so nations have to find other ways express their condemnation.

I am shocked the divine was invoked as late as it was in this OP. But this what you have done (if you do not understand what you state you should not use this language). Thus, the wolf wears sheep's clothing; the true intentions of Malaysia manifest. In Islam Al Lah does not allow things to happen on their own, choices to be made, nature worked out according to SOP. Al Lah manifests every single choice, always and only. When you state "Insha Al Lah" you are stating this is the Will of Al Lah, or Al Lah Willing. When you state this is the "appropriate decision" by Malaysia you either insult Al Lah or you suggest Malaysia is a tool or the divine; it is simply one or the other. DELETED

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I wouldn't quite get so literal about Islamic motivations of the Malaysian policy, but there is really no doubt about the history of Jew hatred in Malaysia. So it's obviously related to some, probably a very large, degree.

Anti-Semitism without Jews in Malaysia

In Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, politicians and civil servants devote a surprising amount of time to thinking about Israel, 7,612 km away. Sometimes they appear to be obsessed by it. Malaysia has never had a dispute with Israel, but the government encourages the citizens to hate Israel and also to hate Jews whether they are Israelis or not.

Few Malaysians have laid eyes on a Jew; the tiny Jewish community emigrated decades ago. Nevertheless, Malaysia has become an example of a phenomenon called “Anti-Semitism without Jews.” Last March, for instance, the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department sent out an official sermon to be read in all mosques, stating that “Muslims must understand Jews are the main enemy to Muslims as proven by their egotistical behaviour and murders performed by them.” About 60% of Malaysians are Muslim.


"One and one-third billion Muslims live in relative poverty not because they are shackled by a few million Jews, but because they think they are shackled. The sooner they free their minds from this fantasy, the quicker the progress they'll make."


To add, Jewish people who are not Israeli should expect no problems traveling in Malaysia. However if they are very IDENTIFIABLE as Jews ... not recommended.

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The problem was not directly linked to the visa of the Israeli athletes.

Its more a problem of how to transport and secure them in Malaysia. Israeli security protocol to bring citizens in Malaysia are too exigent.

In some cases, Israeli aircraft mechanics and security personnel has to accompany an official delegation in countries were Israel and the host country has abnormal diplomatic relationship. In this case, Malaysian security forces have to comply to Israeli norms and requests.

These high security protocols are implemented after the tragedy of Olympic games in Munich. Israel will never let a host country taking care of the protection of any kind of official envoy, read delegation.

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Perhaps I'm mistaken, but isn't the topic line for this thread wrong (and perhaps intentionally sensationalist)? It seems they weren't denied visas. The Israeli surfers refused to accept the terms of participating in the event if they couldn't display their flag or any of its symbolism.

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Perhaps I'm mistaken, but isn't the topic line for this thread wrong (and perhaps intentionally sensationalist)? It seems they weren't denied visas. The Israeli surfers refused to accept the terms of participating in the event if they couldn't display their flag or any of its symbolism.

I get what you're saying but the article says they did not receive visas.

Either way, if they are going to ban flags and anthems for Israel, then they should be banned for all.

I know there has been at least one other case, so probably more, that Israel did compete in a country that made them castrate their national pride with no flags, etc. That choice was harshly criticized in Israel by many. Understandably so.

Here is a classic case of the kind of garbage discrimination Israeli athletes are subject to:

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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

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Far too much hate, prejudice and paranoia ....

Last week it was the US issuing and then withdrawing denying a UK family visas to visit family and take the kids to DisneyLand. Australia just did the same, refused visa for UK family to visit dying student son. In all these cases, the families are made to bear the cost of the lost air ticket fares.

Our species is sure to end, long before we destroy the planet.

Sporting is intended to be a place where politics and reservations are checked at the door and men and women compete honorably for sport alone. Borders and immigration have no such pretense, nor obligation- for any nation, nor should they. Nations policing their borders will be the last death sighs of the west. Look for more of it, but not for long. For those of you appalled that a nation can arbitrarily deny certain people rest assured it cannot last long. The "we are the worlders" will prevail and the ill fruit of such suicidal policies will be front and center soon enough.

Sport is of course political, whether we like it or not. The tit for tag boycotts over the 80 and 84 Olympics comes to mind.

As you are an American you'd have no reason to have followed the offical sporting boycotts against South Africa in the 70s and 80s particularly in rugby and cricket. This had an immense impact on the apartheid regime at the time. I'm by no means trying to draw parallels between Malaysia's actions BTW. Only making the point that sport can and is used as a political tool, and in some cases, it is certainly justified.

From my perspective, the west should be boycotting Malaysia given the way they have legislated discrimination against non Bumis.

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Actually, they didn't receive the visas! If you don't have a visa 24 hours before travel, it's not looking like you're traveling, is it?

I DO know for a FACT that at least one Israeli team HAS competed internationally under similar restrictions in the past. It is my impression there isn't a national Israeli law about this. Rather such decisions are made on case by case basis (to accept restrictions or not) by the team's leadership.

I don't think anyone here knows for sure if the team had received their visas in a NORMAL time frame whether they STILL wouldn't have traveled and accepted those restrictions. Maybe. Maybe not.

It's a matter of opinion whether Israeli teams should ever accept such restrictions. Personally, I think they shouldn't. On the other hand, it really sucks to be a gifted young athlete and not be able to compete at the highest level.

BTW, I attended the MUNICH OLYMPICS (the Mark Spitz / Palestinian massacre of Israeli athletes Olympics) and the German government's actions during that time, which came out later, were SHAMEFUL.

"As we have yet to receive visas, 24 hours before our scheduled departure date, and considering the restrictions and difficulties the organizing committee has placed on us, we have decided not to take part in the competition," said ISA chairman Gili Amir.


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Far too much hate, prejudice and paranoia ....

Last week it was the US issuing and then withdrawing denying a UK family visas to visit family and take the kids to DisneyLand. Australia just did the same, refused visa for UK family to visit dying student son. In all these cases, the families are made to bear the cost of the lost air ticket fares.

Our species is sure to end, long before we destroy the planet.

Sporting is intended to be a place where politics and reservations are checked at the door and men and women compete honorably for sport alone. Borders and immigration have no such pretense, nor obligation- for any nation, nor should they. Nations policing their borders will be the last death sighs of the west. Look for more of it, but not for long. For those of you appalled that a nation can arbitrarily deny certain people rest assured it cannot last long. The "we are the worlders" will prevail and the ill fruit of such suicidal policies will be front and center soon enough.

Sport is of course political, whether we like it or not. The tit for tag boycotts over the 80 and 84 Olympics comes to mind.

As you are an American you'd have no reason to have followed the offical sporting boycotts against South Africa in the 70s and 80s particularly in rugby and cricket. This had an immense impact on the apartheid regime at the time. I'm by no means trying to draw parallels between Malaysia's actions BTW. Only making the point that sport can and is used as a political tool, and in some cases, it is certainly justified.

From my perspective, the west should be boycotting Malaysia given the way they have legislated discrimination against non Bumis.

Hello Samran. Yes, I suppose your correct. Yet, it is true that we all generally hope that sports are the place where we leave such things behind, even though, as you point out, it is not always the case. I do not follow sports at all but I do follow politics and I followed the issues regarding SA. I think its pretty clear the collective efforts of many directly contributed to the changes in SA. It is to this principle, I suppose, Malaysia could justify their actions. It is also to this principle Malaysia, Brunei, S Arabia, and others should be pressured equally (I don't just mean regarding Israeli issues, Human Rights issues generally).

I would add one thing further, and IMO only. I hold that full Democracy is simply Mob Rule. I have always. Any time a majority can act upon the minority by vox populi its mob rule. The unintended consequences of the social boycotts, protests, disengagement, investment warfare, etc., that is reshaping the West every single day now, if extrapolated into global practices, poses a real threat to freedoms in the world. (Of course this is why I oppose the UN generally as a supranational entity of unelected officials). Remember, plural democracies and secular liberal governments are a minority. I see such international trends as potentially slippery slopes.

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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress. The history of independent Malaysia (and by the way origination of Singapore) is intimately tied up with institutional discrimination through UMNO. The usual drab left crowd conveniently turn a blind eye to the internal politics of Malaysia but when they do and in the above case try to line up behind the antics of the Malaysian government as their heroes of the week, their ridiculous politics are exposed for the embarrassment they are. Imagine that.

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There is a lot of ugliness regarding bigotry in Malaysia, within it's own borders, all the way up to the gov't itself. Ask any Malaysian of Chinese descent. Obama is buddy-buddy with the current PM (Najib) who has a problem dislodging his lips from O's backside. My guess is that should the US come to blows with China over the Spratly and other islands in the SC Sea it wants assurance that Malaysia will help out.

There is a fundamentalist Islam political party in Malaysia that has grown in popularity over the past 10 years. UMNO panders to them in attempts to keep them from getting too aggressive. But the anti-Jew stuff goes back decades before this. The PM has been skating on thin ice over a corruption scandal, and recently one of his henchmen blamed the accusations on the Wall Street journal, who he said was run by Jews so what do you expect -- hey Rupert, did you hear what he called you?

I think the first time Malaysia won any Olympic medals was in 2008, the silver medal in badminton. The fellow is of Chinese descent. I was living there at the time and for days that's all anyone could talk about. When he returned to Malaysia he was made a datuk (sort of the Malaysian equivalent of a knighthood), unusual for someone so young. It was obviously a political ploy right before a regional election. "See, we respect the Chinese" (big smile).

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Malaysian anti-Jewish bigots were probably also afraid Israel would take medals as the sport is an Israeli specialty. So this competition is now basically bogus -- thanks to bigotry. Kind of like Hitler being embarrassed about Jesse Owens at his Nazi Olympics. The connection between the Malaysian racist Jew haters and Hitler is not made up. In Malaysia, Mein Kampf and Henry Ford's The International Jew are openly sold and popular as something to take seriously as opposed to being only of academic interest. Of course it's not as if this is about Jews in Malaysia because Malaysia barely has any Jews; it's for their own political purposes of scapegoating, blaming all their problems irrationally on a foreign OTHER. Historically and now, Jews have frequently been a convenient target for that use. Why do you think the Zionist movement gained resonance in the first place? Another reason it's pretty darned atrocious to demand that Israelis be singled out of all the nations to HIDE their flag, you know, the one with the STAR OF DAVID on it.

BTW, doubt the accuracy of this but according to the Jewish Virtual Library there are about 100 Jews living in Malaysia, in Chinese dominated Penang. So basically none.

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Once got into chit-chat in a cafe with a Malaysian (of Indian descent). He mentioned that W. Bush was jewish, or partly so. I thought this was funny, told him it was in no way true. I don't think he believed me.

I totally believe that.

That he believed that.

I really think for most Malaysian people Jewish people are a total abstraction. The vast majority have never met one and even if they have, they wouldn't know unless the Jew was in full black hat and beard. So it's the idea of Jews. Not actual Jews. That's pretty darned strange.

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Quite simply, ugly discrimination.

Israel takes the bronze in UAE. You wouldn't know it.

Gerbi broke into tears at the medal ceremony, and afterwards explained her feelings of frustration, noting that for six years Israelis had been banned from the tournament - and that they only found out they would be banned from using the Israeli flag after they arrived in Abu Dhabi.


Qatar. Silver. Blanked out flag. Ivry is Israeli. Those Muslim nations really don't like seeing the Jewish star on a flag, huh?


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Quite simply, ugly discrimination.

Israel takes the bronze in UAE. You wouldn't know it.

Gerbi broke into tears at the medal ceremony, and afterwards explained her feelings of frustration, noting that for six years Israelis had been banned from the tournament - and that they only found out they would be banned from using the Israeli flag after they arrived in Abu Dhabi.


Qatar. Silver. Blanked out flag. Ivry is Israeli. Those Muslim nations really don't like seeing the Jewish star on a flag, huh?


Don't you ever get tired of playing the victim? I guess not :)

The flags and symbols are not allowed, not to be recognised and not to be given publicity. You can't have it all your own way.

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Don't you ever get tired of defending Israel demonization?

The flags?

You mean ISRAELI flags.

That is not OK.

Speaking of which, be careful about using LIKES in Malaysia!

NIBONG TEBAL, Aug 13 — A Form Five student who was threatened with immolation for allegedly liking an “I love Israel” Facebook page is now under investigation for sedition.


Actually the main reason I posted that stuff about Qatar and UAE was to document that sometimes Israel has agreed to compete under such bigoted restrictions. To counter those who have jumped to the conclusion that IF Malaysia had granted the visas that the Israeli team would still definitely NOT have traveled. Because I don't think we really know that, either way. It didn't happen. They didn't get the visas. So they didn't really have that choice.

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Just as well as the Malay surfers would have lost the compaction surfing wearing Arab drabs and veils,

Yeah I know stupid comment yes? and so are most of the contributors here who advocate for more

hate even in sporting events, that interestingly enough, started in ancient Greece to compete among

rivals armies in sporting events instead on the battle fields...

Malay males don't wear that sort of thing ( and the women don't wear veils ). In Malaysia it's not compulsory for women to wear all covering clothes, though string bikinis might be a stretch.

Amir Gill, chairman of the Israel association, also told local media that Malaysia had placed "unacceptable" demands by forbidding athletes from carrying their country's flag or wearing any symbol on their attire and surfboards that showed their country of origin.

Seems like a reasonable idea to ban flags etc. It's supposed to be about sports, not trumpeting that your country is the best because you won some competition. That's why I ignore the Olympic games.

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Just as well as the Malay surfers would have lost the compaction surfing wearing Arab drabs and veils,

Yeah I know stupid comment yes? and so are most of the contributors here who advocate for more

hate even in sporting events, that interestingly enough, started in ancient Greece to compete among

rivals armies in sporting events instead on the battle fields...

Malay males don't wear that sort of thing ( and the women don't wear veils ). In Malaysia it's not compulsory for women to wear all covering clothes, though string bikinis might be a stretch.

Amir Gill, chairman of the Israel association, also told local media that Malaysia had placed "unacceptable" demands by forbidding athletes from carrying their country's flag or wearing any symbol on their attire and surfboards that showed their country of origin.

Seems like a reasonable idea to ban flags etc. It's supposed to be about sports, not trumpeting that your country is the best because you won some competition. That's why I ignore the Olympic games.

Conveniently failed to mention these restrictions were targeted at ISRAEL only. facepalm.gif

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Just as well as the Malay surfers would have lost the compaction surfing wearing Arab drabs and veils,

Yeah I know stupid comment yes? and so are most of the contributors here who advocate for more

hate even in sporting events, that interestingly enough, started in ancient Greece to compete among

rivals armies in sporting events instead on the battle fields...

Malay males don't wear that sort of thing ( and the women don't wear veils ). In Malaysia it's not compulsory for women to wear all covering clothes, though string bikinis might be a stretch.

Amir Gill, chairman of the Israel association, also told local media that Malaysia had placed "unacceptable" demands by forbidding athletes from carrying their country's flag or wearing any symbol on their attire and surfboards that showed their country of origin.

Seems like a reasonable idea to ban flags etc. It's supposed to be about sports, not trumpeting that your country is the best because you won some competition. That's why I ignore the Olympic games.

Conveniently failed to mention these restrictions were targeted at ISRAEL only. facepalm.gif

I wasn't referring to that situation. I only commented that it seems like a good idea to take nationalism out of international sporting events. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Personally, I couldn't care less about international sports of any sort. Sports are supposed to be what individuals do, not some great media event boosting nationalism and advertisements. It could all vanish tomorrow and I'd cheer.

This time, I'm not referring to Israel directly.

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I don't think Palestine, regardless of it's history, is recognized as a 'country' by the world political bodies. So comparing non-countries vs. countries won't cut it in this argument.

Let me ask if ALL countries are forbidden to carry national flags or such emblems on the shirts? If only Israel, then certainly Malaysia is displaying wrong-headed bias and fear (cue the Sultan of Brunei). If all forbidden, then Israel needs to get their act together.

Other questionable places include Taiwan, which if you listen to sports, esp golf, can not be referred to as Taiwan, but rather only as Chinese Taipei. Or Hong Kong, a mere chinese city.

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Perhaps I'm mistaken, but isn't the topic line for this thread wrong (and perhaps intentionally sensationalist)? It seems they weren't denied visas. The Israeli surfers refused to accept the terms of participating in the event if they couldn't display their flag or any of its symbolism.

I get what you're saying but the article says they did not receive visas.

Either way, if they are going to ban flags and anthems for Israel, then they should be banned for all.

I know there has been at least one other case, so probably more, that Israel did compete in a country that made them castrate their national pride with no flags, etc. That choice was harshly criticized in Israel by many. Understandably so.

Here is a classic case of the kind of garbage discrimination Israeli athletes are subject to:

I have just watched the video you posted. Yes; it is really a shame for that Iranian weightlifter to refuse to shake hands with his Israeli competitor. I mean, he doesn't have to agree with Israel's policies or even like Israel (mind you, I wonder what sort of lies about Israel and Jews he has been brainwashed with in Iran since his childhood) ; but shying away from a simple sporting, human gesture is totally unacceptable and sad.

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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress. The history of independent Malaysia (and by the way origination of Singapore) is intimately tied up with institutional discrimination through UMNO. The usual drab left crowd conveniently turn a blind eye to the internal politics of Malaysia but when they do and in the above case try to line up behind the antics of the Malaysian government as their heroes of the week, their ridiculous politics are exposed for the embarrassment they are. Imagine that.

Being an officially Islamic state, I could see where a Malaysian Prime Minister, after seeing thousands of innocent fellow muslims killed and maimed at the hands of the Zionist State, would have some strong sentiments regarding Jews. What he may have said, and if it was true or not, I don't know. Yes, there is also allot of garden variety ethnic and religious discrimination against minority groups in Malaysia and maybe Jews get get some of that too, not because they're Jews per se but because they're not Malay muslims.

It would probably be best if athletes from the Zionist State confined their participation in international sporting events to venues wherein their government has diplomatic relations with the host country government.

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Re: the weightlifting video - it seems the event was about countries NOT individuals. Sad really. If you want to take part as a state supported competitor then you need to toe the State line. No room for individual achievements. sad.png

From Post #57


I would remove FASCISM and replace with EXTREMISM. coffee1.gif

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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress. The history of independent Malaysia (and by the way origination of Singapore) is intimately tied up with institutional discrimination through UMNO. The usual drab left crowd conveniently turn a blind eye to the internal politics of Malaysia but when they do and in the above case try to line up behind the antics of the Malaysian government as their heroes of the week, their ridiculous politics are exposed for the embarrassment they are. Imagine that.

Being an officially Islamic state, I could see where a Malaysian Prime Minister, after seeing thousands of innocent fellow muslims killed and maimed at the hands of the Zionist State, would have some strong sentiments regarding Jews. What he may have said, and if it was true or not, I don't know. Yes, there is also allot of garden variety ethnic and religious discrimination against minority groups in Malaysia and maybe Jews get get some of that too, not because they're Jews per se but because they're not Malay muslims.

It would probably be best if athletes from the Zionist State confined their participation in international sporting events to venues wherein their government has diplomatic relations with the host country government.

As ever facts disprove your nonsense. Since 1948 the number of Muslims killed in all the hostilities against the Israelis amounts to a tiny 0.3% of the total. So to somehow blame Israel for these deaths and not blame other states responsible for killing far more Muslims demonstrates how selective an argument this is.


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I imagine there was very little "anti-Jewish" sentiment in Malaysia before 1949, so if there is today, I would characterize it as anti-Zionism and not anti-Semitism. Being subject to British colonial rule beforeindependence, the Malaysians can recognize racist colonial ideologies when they see it.

As to these athletes not competing in Malaysia, the simple fact that the two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations would make such participation problematic at best.

When someone 'imagines' something it invariably means that they are going to make something up to fit inside their pre-existing narrative. Those who are prepared to put in a little legwork and just for example look at the speeches of the old prime minister Mahathir Mohamad will discover that he had absolutely zero compunction spouting anti-Semitic vitriol and hardly bothering at all dressing it up in anti-Zionist dress. The history of independent Malaysia (and by the way origination of Singapore) is intimately tied up with institutional discrimination through UMNO. The usual drab left crowd conveniently turn a blind eye to the internal politics of Malaysia but when they do and in the above case try to line up behind the antics of the Malaysian government as their heroes of the week, their ridiculous politics are exposed for the embarrassment they are. Imagine that.

Being an officially Islamic state, I could see where a Malaysian Prime Minister, after seeing thousands of innocent fellow muslims killed and maimed at the hands of the Zionist State, would have some strong sentiments regarding Jews. What he may have said, and if it was true or not, I don't know. Yes, there is also allot of garden variety ethnic and religious discrimination against minority groups in Malaysia and maybe Jews get get some of that too, not because they're Jews per se but because they're not Malay muslims.

It would probably be best if athletes from the Zionist State confined their participation in international sporting events to venues wherein their government has diplomatic relations with the host country government.

As ever facts disprove your nonsense. Since 1948 the number of Muslims killed in all the hostilities against the Israelis amounts to a tiny 0.3% of the total. So to somehow blame Israel for these deaths and not blame other states responsible for killing far more Muslims demonstrates how selective an argument this is.


An asian cultural problem? Same as Thai leaders blaming everyone else (caucasians particularly) for many of their problems. They fail/do not want to take responsibility for their own actions (or lack of action)! sad.png

"Asian" by geography.

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