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Ignorant & nasty Foreigner in our Condo..

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Governments only mandate a lifestyle desired by a majority. And strong perfumes, chewing loudly & blowing noses etc could be disgusting but not dangerous to health.

Parfume its chemical indastry , Chemical indastry not dangerouse to helth?

car exhaust?

Why can buy but cant use?

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Not living there but I would probably throw a full bucket of water over his smoking head.

I hate smokers

I do too.

There is a nasty stinking french woman on the 6th floor that chain smokes outside on her balcony. You go anywhere near her room inside or outside and it stinks like stale smoke. All the rooms around that room are empty, no renters and even owners have moved out because of her.

Too many passive pansies around.

Take the matters to the dungaree court and get it settled. There are too many creative ways to remind stupid inconsiderate people that their actions are not only offensive, against the policies for a reason, but also dangerous to your health.


I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

In many Hotels etc there are non smoking signs around the pool. Most Songtaews have non smoking signs how different is that & if someone was smoking on a Songtaew should he be permitted? Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters. Why should non smokers be subjected to this indoors or outdoors. However the point is that he becomes violent is that acceptable?

what about the smoke of everyones car is that acceptable?

Where I was living in Canada they came in with no smoking laws. They met a lot of resistance but after a while it disappeared. I knew people there who would go out side to smoke and they wouldn't even smoke in their own car. There is always one who thinks they are better than the rest and rules shouldn't apply to them. At your age this fellow would strike you if you asked him to obey the rules several times and then just threw his cigarettes in the pool. Sounds like a low life bar hopping sleaze bag to me.wai.gif


I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

In many Hotels etc there are non smoking signs around the pool. Most Songtaews have non smoking signs how different is that & if someone was smoking on a Songtaew should he be permitted? Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters. Why should non smokers be subjected to this indoors or outdoors. However the point is that he becomes violent is that acceptable?

My take on this is that I approve an indoor smoking ban, but outdoor is a bit drastic.

The effects of occasional second hand smoke within 30 meters in well vented open sky areas are not significant, so it's not a health concern.

Regarding hotels, I can't remember a single one where smoking was not permitted in open sky areas - I insist on open sky, meaning no roof.

I'm a non smoker and dislike smelling too much smoke too, but I am ready to give some "breathing space", so to speak, to smokers too.

You have it backwards. If you want to give them breathing space put there cigarettes out.giggle.gif


Not living there but I would probably throw a full bucket of water over his smoking head.

I hate smokers

I do too.

There is a nasty stinking french woman on the 6th floor that chain smokes outside on her balcony. You go anywhere near her room inside or outside and it stinks like stale smoke. All the rooms around that room are empty, no renters and even owners have moved out because of her.

Too many passive pansies around.

Take the matters to the dungaree court and get it settled. There are too many creative ways to remind stupid inconsiderate people that their actions are not only offensive, against the policies for a reason, but also dangerous to your health.

I remember the days when smoking was allowed on airplanes. And the farce of asking if you wanted a 'non-smoking' seat! Now almost all (good) open air restaurants also prohibit smoking or they will lose majority customers.


What’s striking about the attitude of these smokers is their arrogant sense of entitlement regardless of any rules.bah.gif

Reminds me of the days when I flew around Australia for work back in the days when there were still smoking and non-smoking sections in the aircraft. Sitting comfortably in the non-smoking section several times I encountered someone who casually lit up their cigarette sitting close to me and I would politely point out that they were in the non-smoking section.

I can’t remember the number of times the response to that was “ well I asked for smoking section “ as they nonchalantly continued their cigarette.blink.png


Smoking in all communal open spaces should be banned. Condos, parks, beaches etc should have small enclosed smoking cages like those in airports.


polution from car and factory it more "not healthy"rolleyes.gif .

And why if sell some ligal can't use?

They do have rules for pollution from cars and factories. If anyone violates those policies, they should be punished. If a majority votes for more stringent emission regulations, i will accept it even if i may not agree.

Please remember what you posting.

you say:should be banned

I ask WHY?

npow you tel me about you will accept it if even not agree.

Yes my english poor, and may be i some wrong understand.


should be banned

Its you mean - YOU want (wish)banned smoking?

Is It?

if YES

so i ask WHY????

Why you not wish banned use car? why do not wish banned chemical indastry?About smog in Chiang Mai.

Its more dangerous for health(even under regulation emission) than some people smoking in public area.



I do not know any scientific work about the dangers of tobacco smoke but nekuryshnih which does not sponsor or received a grant from the tobacco industry.thumbsup.gif


Governments only mandate a lifestyle desired by a majority. And strong perfumes, chewing loudly & blowing noses etc could be disgusting but not dangerous to health.

Parfume its chemical indastry , Chemical indastry not dangerouse to helth?

car exhaust?

Why can buy but cant use?



As suspected, Riverside is inhabited by a bunch of angry, miserable old men. This thread is top inside info for any prospective buyer.


I would presume that is isn't the smoke bothering the OP.

How can it, it's outside in an open area. Pool areas are usually well open and gusty.

He has problems with the attitude of the other guy.

Become Buddhist OP.

Problem solved. :)


Governments only mandate a lifestyle desired by a majority. And strong perfumes, chewing loudly & blowing noses etc could be disgusting but not dangerous to health.

Parfume its chemical indastry , Chemical indastry not dangerouse to helth?

car exhaust?

Why can buy but cant use?


Why prohibit smoking in public places in the open air?
This is much less dangerous to the health of non-smoking than car emmision or chemical industry .
All these laws are lobbying for the tobacco industry. as a result of anti-smoking cigarette prices rise. drop in the number of smokers and tobacco sales is less than the increase in cigarette prices, even if you subtract taxes and duties

The scenario that plays out.. confrontation... the end result.. wet pack of smoke..the the Senior Retiree...get his arse kicked in.. Senior Retiree calls the BIB, they start laughing.... they go take the report, laugh.. Smoke avenger has his Thai buddies interpret for him...all is well..based on the Senior Retirees current eye candy, she comes out and tries to sort things out.. the BIB do the OOOO HOOOO..and the rest is history..Nothing is done.. Senior Retiree moves out in disgust.. Smoke Avenger finds a new mojo.. and that's the way the coconut falls in Chieng Mai...clap2.gifthumbsup.gif


Smoking in all communal open spaces should be banned. Condos, parks, beaches etc should have small enclosed smoking cages like those in airports.

Without question. And people who wear too much perfume, chew loudly, blow their noses in public, and fart should be confined to camps where their heinous behavior is overseen by guards in jackboots who enforce the government mandated lifestyle. I love people like you.

Governments only mandate a lifestyle desired by a majority. And strong perfumes, chewing loudly & blowing noses etc could be disgusting but not dangerous to health.

You live in Thailand - right now in this particular period in the country's history - and you attempt to say that with a straight face? Ha, ha. Like I said, I love people like you.


Good luck. This kind of yob usually is ensconced in a powerful odour of tobacco. They have no idea how foul they smell and think it is their right to foist smoke on others.

I uses to think it was too much to restrict smoking on beaches and parks, and public pavements but it is really to much to have to endure.

More and more I think it is tantamount to assault and should be banned in all public places. I would never rent to a smoker or allow smoking in my home or vehicle. No way.


Smoking in all communal open spaces should be banned. Condos, parks, beaches etc should have small enclosed smoking cages like those in airports.


polution from car and factory it more "not healthy"rolleyes.gif .

And why if sell some ligal can't use?

They do have rules for pollution from cars and factories. If anyone violates those policies, they should be punished. If a majority votes for more stringent emission regulations, i will accept it even if i may not agree.

Please remember what you posting.

you say:should be banned

I ask WHY?

npow you tel me about you will accept it if even not agree.

Yes my english poor, and may be i some wrong understand.


should be banned

Its you mean - YOU want (wish)banned smoking?

Is It?

if YES

so i ask WHY????

Why you not wish banned use car? why do not wish banned chemical indastry?About smog in Chiang Mai.

Its more dangerous for health(even under regulation emission) than some people smoking in public area.



I do not know any scientific work about the dangers of tobacco smoke but nekuryshnih which does not sponsor or received a grant from the tobacco industry.thumbsup.gif

Not saying that I am for the banning of smoking but I can give some good reasons

Should be banned as it serves no purpose (only pleasure for the smoker) but causes discomfort to others.

The smog in Chiang Mai is because the farmers need to burn the rice and other methods are harder.

Chemicals in industry serve purpose during production of goods

Personally I am not sure how much danger / damage there is from smoking in an open area, other risks of smoking in closed area have been well documented and no need to go over them.


Not living there but I would probably throw a full bucket of water over his smoking head.

I hate smokers

I do too.

There is a nasty stinking french woman on the 6th floor that chain smokes outside on her balcony. You go anywhere near her room inside or outside and it stinks like stale smoke. All the rooms around that room are empty, no renters and even owners have moved out because of her.

Too many passive pansies around.

Take the matters to the dungaree court and get it settled. There are too many creative ways to remind stupid inconsiderate people that their actions are not only offensive, against the policies for a reason, but also dangerous to your health.

I dislike French for more reasons.

In my country now it's forbidden to smoke on your own balcony if it's disturbing to your neigbors. Very good evelopments, this harmful and primitive behaviour should be banned as much as possible.

Free marihuana - ban tobacco.


Good luck. This kind of yob usually is ensconced in a powerful odour of tobacco. They have no idea how foul they smell and think it is their right to foist smoke on others.

I uses to think it was too much to restrict smoking on beaches and parks, and public pavements but it is really to much to have to endure.

More and more I think it is tantamount to assault and should be banned in all public places. I would never rent to a smoker or allow smoking in my home or vehicle. No way.

If eat some food body can bad smell on some opinion, Some parfume too, even old people smell " different.

So banned only because some do not like smell?

But have some people ( non-smoker) like smell after smoke


Even when i smoking at past, i don't like at home and ofcause at vehicle.


Not only smells it can cause disease. This is proven. A child with asthma could have an attack just from such exposure.

By the way I have not met many people who stink more than a feet away from eating kimchi, garlic or even extreme BO like bums on the street.

Now this trash insists in smogging a no-smoking area with his reeking stench that wafts for a long distance disturbing his neighbors. He should get with the program

or move to a Condo which allows poolside smoking. Is that to much to ask?

Recently we have also phenomena of "vaping" with huge clouds of crap being blown at all and sundry. Almost worse than tobacco because at least you can always smell the ciggy coming.

Maybe my hatred of smoking is irrational. I have turned down gorgeous women because they can't enjoy an evening without dangling a cigarette out if their gob. Sorry not interested. Their bodies, hair, mouth clothes and homes smell like stale tobacco smoke. (In fact I saw today a super hot Thai chick at a chic rooftop restaurant, lost all respect when she stepped out for her ciggie. I would not touch her if she paid me).

Truth is tobacco kills more than terrorists could ever dream of, but it is tolerated. If I had my way it would be banned in all public places.


Should be banned as it serves no purpose (only pleasure for the smoker) but causes discomfort to others.

We need to be a bit more precise here... For the majority of smokers (and I'm choosing my words carefully here, exempting cigar smokers and 'some' pipe smokers,) smoking doesn't really provide 'pleasure.' Instead, it relieves discomfort. This 'discomfort' comes from the addictive nature of nicotine. When the body's neuroreceptors begin to crave nicotine to calm them, it sets up a very uncomfortable feeling for the smoker. Now, most smokers don't label that as ' very uncomfortable.' They just know that they need a smoke... And 'many' don't give a damn who they discomfort in their efforts to ease their own problem.

Watch smokers coming out of a movie theater or off an airplane... They rush to get somewhere that permits smoking so they can 'fix' the discomfort. Watch them in the glass booths at airports, crowded into a small space that even to a smoker stinks to high heaven just so they can fix... I use the term 'fix' because it is exactly the same physical condition that a heroin junkie encounters when he needs to stop the discomfort, only his pain is worse than the smoker's.

So... there is a voluntary condition that the smoker created for him/her self by becoming addicted to nicotine, and now the smoker, wishing to stop the discomfort, doesn't care that they are causing discomfort to others by alleviating their own discomfort? And some people think this is OK?

Most smokers that I've encountered wish they could stop. Most don't have the strength to do it. It's too bad.


The thread title could also describe the OP.

I figure you are confirming what you posted in #45.giggle.gif

Obviously, you don't know what one is (you know, that thing I mentioned in post #45 giggle.gif)


Not saying that I am for the banning of smoking but I can give some good reasons

Should be banned as it serves no purpose (only pleasure for the smoker) but causes discomfort to others.

The smog in Chiang Mai is because the farmers need to burn the rice and other methods are harder.

Chemicals in industry serve purpose during production of goods

Personally I am not sure how much danger / damage there is from smoking in an open area, other risks of smoking in closed area have been well documented and no need to go over them.

1 No need say "only pleasure for the smoker" minimum i know 6 girls in my life non-smoker but like smell tobaco smoke.

2 Can say "who travel by car takes pleasure" so some pleasure more importan than another?wink.png

3.farmers need to burn the rice and other methods are harder. So its need for Farmer "pleasure"rolleyes.gif

4. Chemicals in industry serve purpose during production of goods YESS parfume? deodorant etc

give some pleasure , but dangerous for helthy and ofcouse its industry dangerous, and chemical detergents.

Aroun us so many MORE dangerouse thinks for healthy than smoking at open aircoffee1.gif



Very well said and written Folkguitar. Being a reformed smoker I concur with the gist of your post. Many a time I was asked by my first wife to throw the habit away. However at the time I believed I 'enjoyed' smoking and no body but no body was going to tell me otherwise.

It wasnt until I 'woke up' after getting tired of throwing away money on cigarettes for no real gain. People use to say that if you give up smaoking food will taste better....<deleted> to that. The food I ate always tasted good and I didnt notice any difference when I finally gave up (Which coincidentally occurred at the same time of marital seperation) Ive never looked back.

As to the OPs problem, for me its not really his problem...its for the management to sort out. He can only but advise management and they should be doing eveything in their power to enforce their rules. Its not about being a bunch of jackbooted law enforcers, but ensuring that rules are followed. If its condo policy that there is to be no smoking around the pool area, then as a tenant its a rule you should follow.

All the people that say 'oh its just one smoke' or its in the open air....it makes no difference. Its like saying that its ok for people to run a red light, but it was just 1 red light. If that way of thinking applied to everything then there would be no point in having any rules or laws. Lets all bring in Anarchy and then watch people moan about not having any rules/laws or standards of common deciency.

I dont have a problem with those that want to kill thenselves either quickly or slowly, just dont do it on my patch or watch please.


Should be banned as it serves no purpose (only pleasure for the smoker) but causes discomfort to others.

We need to be a bit more precise here... For the majority of smokers (and I'm choosing my words carefully here, exempting cigar smokers and 'some' pipe smokers,) smoking doesn't really provide 'pleasure.' Instead, it relieves discomfort. This 'discomfort' comes from the addictive nature of nicotine. When the body's neuroreceptors begin to crave nicotine to calm them, it sets up a very uncomfortable feeling for the smoker. Now, most smokers don't label that as ' very uncomfortable.' They just know that they need a smoke... And 'many' don't give a damn who they discomfort in their efforts to ease their own problem.

Watch smokers coming out of a movie theater or off an airplane... They rush to get somewhere that permits smoking so they can 'fix' the discomfort. Watch them in the glass booths at airports, crowded into a small space that even to a smoker stinks to high heaven just so they can fix... I use the term 'fix' because it is exactly the same physical condition that a heroin junkie encounters when he needs to stop the discomfort, only his pain is worse than the smoker's.

So... there is a voluntary condition that the smoker created for him/her self by becoming addicted to nicotine, and now the smoker, wishing to stop the discomfort, doesn't care that they are causing discomfort to others by alleviating their own discomfort? And some people think this is OK?

Most smokers that I've encountered wish they could stop. Most don't have the strength to do it. It's too bad.

Yes you are far more precise, and my mother is one of those smokers. She did quit for a while but unfortunately did not stick with it. When she comes of a plane she has to smoke.. when she goes somewhere she has to smoke that urge is real strong.

My brother was stronger and stopped it and did not start again.

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