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Ignorant & nasty Foreigner in our Condo..

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I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

It would be to me. The smell of cigarettes is vile, and if you're sitting poolside next to this guy, there is a good chance you're inhaling his carcinogens.

I would get the phone number of the condo office, and call it every time he's smoking.

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I am a smoker,i am a foreigner,i live at the same condo, and yes i smoke at the outdoor pool, but i am adamant that i am neither ignorant or nasty.The only possible exception to my not being nasty is when i am told to stop smoking,then, by golly i can become Nasty with a capital H.

The ban on smoking at the outdoor pool is an infringement of my god given rights, and is totally unenforceable by anyone at all.I live here because , unlike in the west, with all the PC bullshit and erosion of ones rights one can do as one pleases.

Get used to it is all i can say.coffee1.gif

Edit...i must admit though that i really hate when others see me smoking and follow my cue and near automatically light up, i mean hey, i do smoke, but i hate second hand and others doing it in my special spot!!

If I did not suspect a troll post I would say one of the most ignorant screeds I have read in a long time. There is no god. Whatever rights one

enjoys are entirely the result of achievements by secular human civilization. People get along being nice, not all the things we do in this regard are result of laws.

I don't really know if Condo rules are enforceable but in our building if one so much as leaves shoes in the hallway the Manager will make life a Hell. Certain renters have been driven out, good riddance.

Just because the the normalization of boorish and deviant anti-social behaviours is tolerated does not mean one has a right to "do as one pleases".I often hear this used by those to justify their whoremongering and drink driving. What rubbish! In actuality comparing the "PC" West Foreigners in Thailand have very few rights at all.


But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

It would be to me. The smell of pla ra is vile, and if you're sitting next door next to this guy's wife when she's cooking with it, there is a good chance you're inhaling pla ra carcinogens. I would get the phone number of someone in authority, and call them every time she's cooking.

(Pla ra is Thai seasoning sauce made from fermented fish, in case you are new here.)


Mr. Grumpy. Get a life. There are more interesting things to worry about. 71? If you concern yourself with these petty things you will terminate your chances of reaching old age. He is not blowing smoke up your nose is he?coffee1.gif


I'm 68 but after the first go around - on the second request I think I'd feel obliged to chuck him into the pool.....

Or ask him if I could bum a smoke - grab the pack out of his hands and toss it into the pool as a gentle way of reminding him there's a no smoking policy......

Most things I'm patient about - but not this.....

But I seem to have a way that usually gets the point across.....

Your kidding right??? Who are you, Chuck Norris??? that would be stupid, and get yourself thrown in the pool, OR WORSE. I hate smoking, but unless you are said, Chuck Norris, just complain to the office and landlord, unless you really do want some trouble over something that is NOT worth it.


Should be banned as it serves no purpose (only pleasure for the smoker) but causes discomfort to others.

We need to be a bit more precise here... For the majority of smokers (and I'm choosing my words carefully here, exempting cigar smokers and 'some' pipe smokers,) smoking doesn't really provide 'pleasure.' Instead, it relieves discomfort. This 'discomfort' comes from the addictive nature of nicotine. When the body's neuroreceptors begin to crave nicotine to calm them, it sets up a very uncomfortable feeling for the smoker. Now, most smokers don't label that as ' very uncomfortable.' They just know that they need a smoke... And 'many' don't give a damn who they discomfort in their efforts to ease their own problem.

Watch smokers coming out of a movie theater or off an airplane... They rush to get somewhere that permits smoking so they can 'fix' the discomfort. Watch them in the glass booths at airports, crowded into a small space that even to a smoker stinks to high heaven just so they can fix... I use the term 'fix' because it is exactly the same physical condition that a heroin junkie encounters when he needs to stop the discomfort, only his pain is worse than the smoker's.

So... there is a voluntary condition that the smoker created for him/her self by becoming addicted to nicotine, and now the smoker, wishing to stop the discomfort, doesn't care that they are causing discomfort to others by alleviating their own discomfort? And some people think this is OK?

Most smokers that I've encountered wish they could stop. Most don't have the strength to do it. It's too bad.

l stopped smoking.

lf l could do it anyone could.

You just need strong will power.

Now if you asked me to give up a bacon & egg breakfast, l don't know that l could.

And l will kill anyone who tries to stop my morning coffee!(only joking)!


So there is a no smoking policy and signs are posted accordingly and there are people on here who think it's OK to actually smoke?

How sad.

I hate smokers, especially when I'm eating. I have a way of dealing with these folk which is very successful.

But I have to say, I am not going to complain about anyone smoking outdoors, as long as they are not near food.


I dislike French for more reasons...

You are right.
And if you knew what the French think of you, you would hate them even more ...

l quite like the French.


it permeates the clothes and and lungs around them and befowls the area.

In that case, all you can do is duck.

Unless he's too chicken.

Or he'll find something else to grouse about.


I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

In many Hotels etc there are non smoking signs around the pool. Most Songtaews have non smoking signs how different is that & if someone was smoking on a Songtaew should he be permitted? Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters. Why should non smokers be subjected to this indoors or outdoors. However the point is that he becomes violent is that acceptable?

what about the smoke of everyones car is that acceptable?

Well, you can't order a car to stop smoking.

You could order people to stop driving their vehicles. However, doing so would garner even more violation complaints; wouldn't it?

Certainly, as has been said, the OP should: video the smoker, provide it with your complaint to the condo management.

I would add a petition of complaint signed by other residents. The petition process itself would be quite beneficial. It would impart the level of resident support for the complaint and it would generate peer confrontation with this offender.


Most things I'm patient about - but not this.....

If you were living in the US, I might see some traction here, but this is SE Asia. Yes, he's breaking the condo rule. But this is the Wild, Wild West of the East. As long as he isn't right next to you blowing his smoke in your face, then what are you willing to do?

Sixty-eight or 71, try picking a fight over smoking in an outside place (against the condo rule) and see what happens. (I realize the OP doesn't want to fight, for very sound reasons.)

Personally, I think these people are not so against the smoke, but rather the fact that some can FLAUNT THE RULE! Shock! Horror! The very audacity!

"So how did you get a crushed esophagus?"

"Some A-hole was smoking a cigarette across the pool, and that's against the condo rule! So I took his pack of smokes and tossed them in the swimming pool."

"Ah, clever move, Grasshopper. Was it worth it? Oh, wait, let me put my ear closer to that breathing hole in your neck."

This is NOT the US. Try getting used to it. Shock! Horror! The very audacity!

As previously stated I live at the condo in question. I have been closely monitoring comments made in this posting particularly noting some guys state that if condo has no smoking signs around pool these should be respected. However it should be noted when OP moved in there was no no smoking policy in operation. Indeed OP has already admitted in an earlier post that this policy was never agreed at a general meeting by the owners with the OP going direct to the committee without consultation to and getting this policy implemented. The vast majority of residents have never had, and currently have, no objection to smokers around the open air pool. I very much doubt that if the OP was to raise a petition that he would gain the support required. It's also somewhat disconcerting that some posters have suggested our condo is not a nice place to live whereas the fact is most residents, with one obvious exception, have a live and let live attitude


Hmmmm.... What to do..... what to do?

I know...... Make an anonymous phone call to the police telling them there is someone smoking some Marijuana around the pool ......as it must be Marijuana because the rules clearly state cigarettes are forbidden.

Just my imagination running away with me.



There was a feature on BBC TV in the UK some time ago. The purpose was for this guy to substantiate his argument that smoking in parks should not be allowed.

He argued passionately (honest!) that a smoker on a bench 200 yards away was polluting his air. Now, that is getting crazy.

As to the OP. I think that he is now having a battle with an irritating principle - which I understand.

I'm a smoker and, honestly, I respect those who don't and abide by any 'no smoking' signs etc. But when we have moved to the situation above then it really is the nanny state, pandering to the zealots.

You've heard this before. I don't drink booze at all. Dunno why, just never have. Now, should I post on here that I get angry when I see farangs boozing up and staggering out the bar to the m'bike or car, whilst I'm having a quiet fag and coffee in the corner.?


Smoking in all communal open spaces should be banned. Condos, parks, beaches etc should have small enclosed smoking cages like those in airports.

I say all smoking, drinking, having an opinion, being obese, having tattoos, should be banned, but it is OK to breath.


What’s striking about the attitude of these smokers is their arrogant sense of entitlement regardless of any rules.bah.gif

Reminds me of the days when I flew around Australia for work back in the days when there were still smoking and non-smoking sections in the aircraft. Sitting comfortably in the non-smoking section several times I encountered someone who casually lit up their cigarette sitting close to me and I would politely point out that they were in the non-smoking section.

I can’t remember the number of times the response to that was “ well I asked for smoking section “ as they nonchalantly continued their cigarette.blink.png

and you let them??


I agree with you Les 1 even though the medical authorities/Doctors/law enforcement have totally

misled all the general non smoking public ! Did you know that just last week the AMA American

Medical association approved SMOKERS lungs for transplants and several leading studies indicate that second hand smoke is a myth perpetrated by people who earn big bucks with scare tactics! What you

breathe is measured in parts per million and, even a foot away from a smokerin a reasonably well

ventilated room or especially outdoors, the dilution of my smoke into your breathing apparatus is

not even measurable.Why is it people don't complain about the other, far more numerous and far more dangerous fumes ? Essentially because there is no money in it -- my excess "Sin " taxes put severalpeople thru college and filled many Doctors/lawyers/authors/sign makers pockets. Second hand smoke

is a big,very big,BUSINESS - remember when medics said bacon and eggs no good and alcohol was poisonand even cranberries and grilled meats caused cancer and now ? Only Santa claus and Brooklyn bridge sales are bigger myths !


it permeates the clothes and and lungs around them and befowls the area.

In that case, all you can do is duck.

Unless he's too chicken.

Or he'll find something else to grouse about.

I think not...he's actually a rather pheasant individual. Always smiling.


What? So everyone should ignore the rules if it doesn't suit them? Sometimes, that is what is wrong with modern society. Some people are brought up thinking that there are no repercussions to anything. I think that if we surveyed the yays with the nays on this matter we would find that all of the nays were younger people who weren't spanked when they did wrong. I hope this post gets some positive response. Have more to say on this subject but will let the posters open it up first.


I am a non smoker.. Not a militant one but I do object if someones smoking in somewhere I am eating etc.. I would agree with 'common areas' being indoors etc..

But poolside ?? Outdoors ??

Surely thats not so disturbing...

I am a smoker.

And I'd find it annoying if someone was smoking in the pool area. I don't mind my own stinking smoke- I'll smoke in private, thanks- but someone elses? When I'm outdoors trying to relax, get some sun, swim..? That's bad manners. And a total lack of respect for others.

If I was smoking somewhere in public and someone asked me to stop, I'd stop right away. Isn't that just common decency though?


I don't smoke or drink. I dislike loud bikes. I also hate the smell of cigarettes and spray on deodorants give me severe asthma. But why should everyone follow my lifestyle? There has to be a bit of give and take. Allowing smoking in open space doesn't seem unreasonable. Smokers can enjoy themselves in so few places now that surely they can have just a little latitude in the open spaces available. When I clash with someone that smokes near me - and yes it has happened. The problem is if that person does not acquiesce to my demands. On reflection it is more to do with my being frustrated. My anger is often out of proportion to the actual event. My ego is far more of a problem than the smoking itself.


I'm a smoker, but consider myself as a responsible smoker. I don't smoke in our house, I don't smoke in our car. If I am out with the wife for dinner or something, and I want a smoke, I go outside, and away from other people. Even if I'm outside, but there are others around, I will move away so they are not affected by, or smell the smoke. But some people are just ignorant.

About a month ago my wife and I went into BoSang to one of our favorite open air food courts. I sat down at a table that was outside. There was no one within well over a meter from me. Then this 6 foot plus older guy stands up, picks up his young Thai son, turns around and sees me. He promptly stomps over and tells me roughly - "There's no smoking here. Put it out!" I smiled and pointed out to him that I was not inside the eating area, and was well outside, where smoking IS permitted, and noticed by the ash trays on the table. Then he comes out with - "Well, I don't want my son to have to smell your shitty smoke!" I stood up, placed the cigarette in the ask tray and crossed my arms over my chest and told him - "Then I suggest you take whomever son is you are now paying for, and your fat ugly hill tribe looking wife, and go home."

This was now attracting attention of others. He set his son down and started to step towards me when a Thai friend I know quickly stepped in front of him and told him - "i know this man. He will put your old ass in the hospital for a very long and painful time if you mess with him. My advice is to do what he said, take your wife and son and go home." The old man was pissed, but didn't try to come towards me. Instead he raised his voice even more and threatened to call the cops on me. At which point my usually quiet and shy wife got into the act. She told him her cousin was a Senior Sergeant Major and just lived about 2 kilometers away, and asked if he would like his number. The guy threw up his hands in disgust, snatched up his "son" and stormed off with his fat, ugly wife waddling along behind him. All I could do was laugh.

Like I said, I try to be a considerate smoker, but there are some people who simply want to take things to the extreme. Screw them! lol whistling.gif

Sounds like the rude guy got what he deserved. But one meter is no distance, really. For people who don't smoke, it's annoying, and probably quite unhealthy, to breathe in air from somebody smoking 5-6 meters away. At that distance, you easily smell the stench and it sure ruins it for me if I'm sitting there relaxing with a cup of coffee.

I wouldn't complain about somebody smoking outside in most cases. Sometimes I sit down outside the restaurant, and later on somebody starts to smoke there. Annoying to me, but ok, I can move inside, while they cannot, so it's I who should move.

In the op's case, it's somebody smoking in a very limited recreational area however. The area is marked as no smoking. And to boot, it's an area for "healthy" recration (swimming). Only a rude and obnoxious idiot would light up in an area like that.


I'm a smoker, but consider myself as a responsible smoker. I don't smoke in our house, I don't smoke in our car. If I am out with the wife for dinner or something, and I want a smoke, I go outside, and away from other people. Even if I'm outside, but there are others around, I will move away so they are not affected by, or smell the smoke. But some people are just ignorant.

About a month ago my wife and I went into BoSang to one of our favorite open air food courts. I sat down at a table that was outside. There was no one within well over a meter from me. Then this 6 foot plus older guy stands up, picks up his young Thai son, turns around and sees me. He promptly stomps over and tells me roughly - "There's no smoking here. Put it out!" I smiled and pointed out to him that I was not inside the eating area, and was well outside, where smoking IS permitted, and noticed by the ash trays on the table. Then he comes out with - "Well, I don't want my son to have to smell your shitty smoke!" I stood up, placed the cigarette in the ask tray and crossed my arms over my chest and told him - "Then I suggest you take whomever son is you are now paying for, and your fat ugly hill tribe looking wife, and go home."

This was now attracting attention of others. He set his son down and started to step towards me when a Thai friend I know quickly stepped in front of him and told him - "i know this man. He will put your old ass in the hospital for a very long and painful time if you mess with him. My advice is to do what he said, take your wife and son and go home." The old man was pissed, but didn't try to come towards me. Instead he raised his voice even more and threatened to call the cops on me. At which point my usually quiet and shy wife got into the act. She told him her cousin was a Senior Sergeant Major and just lived about 2 kilometers away, and asked if he would like his number. The guy threw up his hands in disgust, snatched up his "son" and stormed off with his fat, ugly wife waddling along behind him. All I could do was laugh.

Like I said, I try to be a considerate smoker, but there are some people who simply want to take things to the extreme. Screw them! lol whistling.gif

Sounds like the rude guy got what he deserved. But one meter is no distance, really. For people who don't smoke, it's annoying, and probably quite unhealthy, to breathe in air from somebody smoking 5-6 meters away. At that distance, you easily smell the stench and it sure ruins it for me if I'm sitting there relaxing with a cup of coffee.

I wouldn't complain about somebody smoking outside in most cases. Sometimes I sit down outside the restaurant, and later on somebody starts to smoke there. Annoying to me, but ok, I can move inside, while they cannot, so it's I who should move.

In the op's case, it's somebody smoking in a very limited recreational area however. The area is marked as no smoking. And to boot, it's an area for "healthy" recration (swimming). Only a rude and obnoxious idiot would light up in an area like that.

I understand you point, and in most cases, I do try to be "downwind" of them so the smoke doesn't drift towards them, which was definitely the case here. This guy had no idea I was smoking until he turned around and actually saw me, and that's when his panties got sucked up into the crack.


Prove to me that garryjohns is not a shill? Prove to me he is the actual offender; or ignore his posts. I can impersonate too, if you like.


People addicted to anything become very angry and aggressive at the thought of being denied their fix...

Evidence the, "What the fanbelt is with closing the bars at midnight?" thread.

"The best bargirl doesn't even come in until 12:15am, dagnabbit! I am getting very angry and aggressive about now!"

Edit// What's more potentially harmful to your health: others making illegal U-turns or someone smoking across the swimming pool?

I'll say this again: I think the OP is more concerned about someone breaking a rule than the actual nature of the offense.

I too enjoyed the, "Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters." Classic. I know I that gerry123 and me always try to keep 30 meters away from running automobiles for the same reason. We're kind of homebodies, as it turns out....

"Prove to me that garryjohns is not a shill? Prove to me he is the actual offender; or ignore his posts. I can impersonate too, if you like"

One; you obviously have not a clue in hell what a shill is.cheesy.gif Who are you asking to prove this anyway?

Two; i never ever said that i was the actual offender as in the OP [but it is quite possible]

Three: yes ignore my posts..sounds like you really need to. Go have a smoke.

Four: yes you can impersonate too!..You are doing a good job of impersonating an intelligent human being now.coffee1.gif


Anyone should check the condo rules before renting or buying .If the condo has a no smoking rule by the pool in the common area the Juristic manager with the help of the committee should enforce this rule .If a tenant he can have his lease revoked for non compliance of existing condo rules

A previous post saying it is impossible to ban smoking in a public area is simply not true .Many public parks in Bangkok and Chaing Mai do not allow smoking.


A creative solution: Go and find a friendly policeman. Explain the situation to him in Thai (with the help of a friend if required). Get him to come to the pool area and tell the smoker that it's against the law. He should be friendly but heavy. Pay him 1000baht + for so doing. Probably end of problem!


Prove to me that garryjohns is not a shill? Prove to me he is the actual offender; or ignore his posts. I can impersonate too, if you like.


People addicted to anything become very angry and aggressive at the thought of being denied their fix...

Evidence the, "What the fanbelt is with closing the bars at midnight?" thread.

"The best bargirl doesn't even come in until 12:15am, dagnabbit! I am getting very angry and aggressive about now!"

Edit// What's more potentially harmful to your health: others making illegal U-turns or someone smoking across the swimming pool?

I'll say this again: I think the OP is more concerned about someone breaking a rule than the actual nature of the offense.

I too enjoyed the, "Smoking as we all know is even worse by second hand smoke within 30 meters." Classic. I know I that gerry123 and me always try to keep 30 meters away from running automobiles for the same reason. We're kind of homebodies, as it turns out....

"Prove to me that garryjohns is not a shill? Prove to me he is the actual offender; or ignore his posts. I can impersonate too, if you like"

One; you obviously have not a clue in hell what a shill is.cheesy.gif Who are you asking to prove this anyway?

Two; i never ever said that i was the actual offender as in the OP [but it is quite possible]

Three: yes ignore my posts..sounds like you really need to. Go have a smoke.

Four: yes you can impersonate too!..You are doing a good job of impersonating an intelligent human being now.coffee1.gif

Dear oh dear, is there any reason why personal insults should be thrown, does it help ? Or is it the reaction of those who don't like to be reminded of social living ?


Agree with LivinLOS above.

You can't stop him using the law anyway. No laws prohibit smoking in open places.

If that's again the rules in your condo, then try speaking to his landlord if that worries you that much.

The country's laws you refer to apply to general public, NOT private areas. Private areas have their own by-laws, and if they were i filed with the land dept and accepted, they can be enforced.

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