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Will Thailand buy Russian T-90 tanks?


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Seriously. Who uses tanks in the 21st century?

Who uses them? You might want to google your question and you will every country uses them and developing/buying new ones.

When boots-on-the-ground forces like Army and Marines are no longer required then we'll probably see tanks only in museums which I don't foresee happening in at least a hundred life times. And I say this after a career in the air force.

We're kinda almost there, aren't we? Anyway, Thailand doesn't need any tanks beyond showing em off.

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"In 2011, Thailand placed a $240 million order for the purchase of 49 Ukrainian-made T-84 β€˜Oplot-M’ MBTs plus a number of support vehicles with Ukrspetsexport, a Ukrainian state-owned defence contractor. Yet, by the end of 2015, only ten tanks had been delivered to the Royal Thai Army"

10 tanks in 4 years...

Problems clearing customs, I suspect.

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The Russians have a history of making two models of everything. The all singing all dancing machines that equip their own armoured regiments and the export version (known colloquially as "the chimp model") which lacks all the nice toys, bells and whistles. I wonder what the generals are going to get? One fully kitted out, pimped version (to show people that these things are worth the cash) and a bunch of cheap and cheerfuls with the money saved going to some other pockets worthy cause?

But I do agree with the general sentiment. The country has no external enemies for which tanks would be of any use. But, as the navy is pushing for submarines, then the army must have its share of the pie. Anybody know what the air force is shopping for? Somebody say the American F-35, I need a good laugh.

Edited by Narratio
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As I understand it the USA has 2100 main battle tanks in storage absolutely ready to go.

Just dumb them down a bit (remove the top secret bits) and make a deal. The USA does

not want or need them. Even the US military wants to cut back but Republican Governors

and Senators don't want to loose the jobs in there states and they continue to build and

refurbish tanks. This could be a win-win. The US gets some money for tanks they do not

need or want, Thailand gets almost immediate delivery of a new toy for the army. Subs

and planes will round out the procurement. thumbsup.gif

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I guess this has something to do with the satisfaction of that certain someone regarding the traffic accident figures for the recent New Year Break. They want to make sure those figures are maintained (or surpassed?) - I guess using those tanks perhaps?

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Tanks, submarines, aircraft carrier - that makes a lot makes sense considering Thailand's geography of mountain and jungle?

Thailand has not been very active in any UN supported missions (one argument is that Thai soldiers should only make sacrifices for their motherland – not for the defense of others. (http://www.providingforpeacekeeping.org/2015/03/30/peacekeeping-contributor-profile-thailand/)) that would warrant investment in a large number of tanks.

But tanks are of course always impressive when rolling in the streets.

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Seriously. Who uses tanks in the 21st century?

Who uses them? You might want to google your question and you will every country uses them and developing/buying new ones.

When boots-on-the-ground forces like Army and Marines are no longer required then we'll probably see tanks only in museums which I don't foresee happening in at least a hundred life times. And I say this after a career in the air force.

We're kinda almost there, aren't we? Anyway, Thailand doesn't need any tanks beyond showing em off.

No - not even close. Wars are still won by the foot soldier with his rifle and bayonet.

Ground forces win wars. Air power, naval power help dominate enemies but only ground power really eliminates them. And, against terrorist attacks on civilian population, ground forces are the most effective preventative.

Why a third world country like Thailand needs a large ultra modern tank force though is mystifying - unless they are expecting trouble with a neighbor. But, Pakistan spends a large amount on it's military, including nuclear weapons, and then relies on foreign aid from dopes like the UK to help pay for other things. Arming seems a priority for countries again.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Must be some happy Generals around. All that graft doing the deal with Ukraine and now it's all aboard a new gravy train for the Russian deal. They must be hoping the Russians don't deliver either !

What the army will do is set up a holding company in another country as did Thaksin. Then if the tanks cost ,say,$5.000.000 USD each ,the army will bid $17,000,000 each.When the media ask about the price run up,the Army will point out that they are buying them from a company in said country that does the acceptance inspections and slight refurbished to Thai specs..The money collected by the holding company will now be divided to the generals as the PM see fit The Thai tax payer will burdened the cost. Win,Win,Loose Thaksin's family made $500,000 dollars USD on his airplane deals.He did not share with his generals.So you know how the army feels toward his family.

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10 tanks in 4 years, its not beyond the grounds of possibility that the Ukrainians who cast those little figures they put on the bonnets of tanks actually expected to get a reasonable portion of the price in their hands before delivery and refused to make "voluntary" contributions towards a certain park.

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Tanks, submarines? Who are they planning to go to war with?

Thailand. A country with champagne tastes and beer money.

All hat and no cattle.

All mouth and no trousers.

A country without enough water.

And other words to that effect..facepalm.gif ......................

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Tanks, submarines, aircraft carrier - that makes a lot makes sense considering Thailand's geography of mountain and jungle?

Thailand has not been very active in any UN supported missions (one argument is that Thai soldiers should only make sacrifices for their motherland – not for the defense of others. (http://www.providingforpeacekeeping.org/2015/03/30/peacekeeping-contributor-profile-thailand/)) that would warrant investment in a large number of tanks.

But tanks are of course always impressive when rolling in the streets.

Actually Thai forces did make a useful and brave contribution to the UN missions during the (still ongoing) Korean war.

But that was back in the days when the Thai Army were still real soldiers, not oppressing the population like the German Army in occupied Europe.

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Tanks, submarines, aircraft carrier - that makes a lot makes sense considering Thailand's geography of mountain and jungle?

Thailand has not been very active in any UN supported missions (one argument is that Thai soldiers should only make sacrifices for their motherland – not for the defense of others. (http://www.providingforpeacekeeping.org/2015/03/30/peacekeeping-contributor-profile-thailand/)) that would warrant investment in a large number of tanks.

But tanks are of course always impressive when rolling in the streets.

This report is hopelessly inaccurate, Thai Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen all fought wit the UN forces in Korea.

During the course of that war Thailand dispatched a total of 11,786 soldiers to Korea and 136 Thai soldiers had lost their lives.

Please check this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thailand_in_the_Korean_War

People here have long forgotten, but the Koreans still appreciate and commemorate Thailand's assistance and sacrifices.

If only the Amy would stick to their role, keep out of politics and remember that the Chinese are only interested in dominating SEA and taking over its resources the country might get back on a proper footing. But it seems this lot have sold out the country already.

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Will they be used for crowd control or will they be used in a war against in the south, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Burma, Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam ? It is a main battle tank coming in at 46 tonnes plus. In the paddies of the central plains it will sink in the mud and is too big for fighting in the mountains or in urban combat (like the south). So the question is who are the intended enemy and what role will these tanks play ?

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Will they be used for crowd control or will they be used in a war against in the south, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Burma, Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam ? It is a main battle tank coming in at 46 tonnes plus. In the paddies of the central plains it will sink in the mud and is too big for fighting in the mountains or in urban combat (like the south). So the question is who are the intended enemy and what role will these tanks play ?

You will find out when they send one round to your house to confiscate that calendar you have been hording

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Plug the gun barrel, put lots of silicone in cracks to make the tanks air tight, give some to the Thai Navy for the 3 submarines they want to defend the high seas around Thailand.

Now there's a good idea! You could fit the mechanics with snorkles for serviceing! thumbsup.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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Obsolete way of fighting an enemy with tanks ,they are still way too heavy and expensive to move and have a restricted elevation, would be far more dominate in a fight with cheap kamikaze drones that fly directly up the gun current and explode, how many drones could you buy for the cost of 10 tanks 240 million, i see them advertised for 22000 baht, lets see thats = a lot ,

Seriously. Who uses tanks in the 21st century?
ummm almost all military forces at some time!

But for what? Toppling cities? Defending borders? Just seems like they're mostly used for intimidation.

Absolutely wrong. Go watch the videos from Syria : they use them a lot.

And go read some books by the American soldiers who fought in Iraq. Tank support made all the difference.

Troops move in behind them while the tank gives suppressing fire then they enter the buildings. The tanks then blast any position which starts firing at them.

Despite what you see in the movies or on TV and think it's all true, the only way to win a fight is with troops on the ground.

And if you think Asia is so peaceful, Thailand does not need to be able to defend itself against some of it's extremely dubious neighbors, you have missed every lesson history has taught the rest of the world.

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Everyone knows you need new tanks to fight students with. blink.png

The new tanks are for Children's Day. Kids and parents need Tank Selfies

And the next mission after that will be to guard the new submarine.. Wouldn't want someone stealing it :)

Another option would be to put them on the beaches in Phuket, Samui and Pattaya, everything else that has been tried with the jetski's mafia failed..

That might work..

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Will they be used for crowd control or will they be used in a war against in the south, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Burma, Laos, Cambodia or Vietnam ? It is a main battle tank coming in at 46 tonnes plus. In the paddies of the central plains it will sink in the mud and is too big for fighting in the mountains or in urban combat (like the south). So the question is who are the intended enemy and what role will these tanks play ?

They're also (at 46 tonnes) much too heavy for the vast majority of bridges off the main highways. Of course they may also be investing in purchasing and training on significant amounts of specialised engineer bridging equipment ( which will have to be mounted on tracks, so it can keep up with the tanks). That goes along with all the tracked armoured personnel carriers and self propelled artillery (to allow the infantry and artillery to keep up with the fast moving tanks), Then of course you will need a large fleet of flatbed transporters to move the tanks to wherever they are needed, together with a large fleet of all terrain trucks to keep them supplied with fuel and ammunition to allow them to fight. Add in the sophisticated command and control systems to allow the generals to wield this weapon system effectively and the maintenance facilities (capable of deploying into the field) to keep them working. Then let us think about the training facilities and programmes to bring the commanders and troops up to the level required to be effective.....

Maybe not, just park them in the centre of town and use them to frighten the students...

The M48 (Pattons) are good enough for that.

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