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Donald Trump's first TV ad touts Muslim ban


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Let's not forget the chances of an American being killed by Islamic terrorism is less than getting hit by lightning.

Tell that to the mother of an american who got killed by a terrorist.

What about the poor child that was killed by lightning? There are a lot more of them.

Xenophobic hysteria is a cornerstone of the Republican candidates policies. They only way these clowns can possibly be elected (about the same chances of getting hit by lightning) is to scare everyone to death.

Republicans are adult diaper wearing cowards.

Edited by Pinot
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Truth is the new hate speech, as far as the regressive media are concerned. Articulating what are mainstream opinions normally muzzled by political correctness are meeting a reaction somewhat reminiscent of the Emperors new clothes.

But he doesn't have and doesn't voice any real answers to these problems. He's a demagogue.

Perhaps you just conveniently missed the bits when he says what he will do.

Trump isn't a one man band. He will assemble the best advisors that America has to ponder solutions to the problems. Unlike Obama that just over rides everyone to do whatever he likes with his phone and his pen. Absolutely a terrible president- can't wait to see the back of him.

"He will assemble the best advisors that America has to ponder solutions to the problems."

Trump has never taken advice from anyone let alone paid anyone to ponder anything. He just spouts off the first bit of nonsense that comes to his "mind" and doesn't back down no matter how impractical or illegal his spontaneous "solutions" may be. The only reason he's appeared to have popular backing is because he's running against a cabal of clowns. Once the field is whittled down to a smaller group of clowns, even someone like Marco Rubio will appear the saner choice.

"Perhaps you just conveniently missed the bits when he says what he will do."

Even in the totally unlikely chance he were elected he couldn't do most of what he talks about.

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Let's not forget the chances of an American being killed by Islamic terrorism is less than getting hit by lightning.

Tell that to the mother of an american who got killed by a terrorist.

What about the poor child that was killed by lightning? There are a lot more of them.

Xenophobic hysteria is a cornerstone of the Republican candidates policies. They only way these clowns can possibly be elected (about the same chances of getting hit by lightning) is to scare everyone to death.

Republicans are adult diaper wearing cowards.

You keep ignoring how many Democrats vote along with the Republicans, but then no reason to let facts get in the way is there.

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Too funny not to share here...apologies if it has already been posted...

Donald Trump Tweets Throughout History You've Definitely Never Seen
Whether it's Jesus or Shakespeare, the guy can't not be an a**hole.


Edited by mopar71
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Too funny not to share here...apologies if it has already been posted...

Donald Trump Tweets Throughout History You've Definitely Never Seen
Whether it's Jesus or Shakespeare, the guy can't not be an a**hole.


So, in trying to disparage the Donald you give a Huffington Post link cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif . Most biased "news" media in history.

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Too funny not to share here...apologies if it has already been posted...

Donald Trump Tweets Throughout History You've Definitely Never Seen
Whether it's Jesus or Shakespeare, the guy can't not be an a**hole.


So, in trying to disparage the Donald you give a Huffington Post link cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif . Most biased "news" media in history.

Ah, so their statement is not correct?

"DISCLAIMER: None of these tweets, of course, have actually been sent from Trump’s real account. If you believed they were, then we’ve got a wall in Southern Texas to sell you."

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Balance is what we need in world politics and trump is not a good representation of that and his base of supporters

I am hoping the balanced voters would give him a good kick in the butt and vote for a more sensible president

Balanced like Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Bush the elder, Bush the younger and Obama?

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Dem choices for "balanced" HRC or Bernie


Don't get me wrong, none of the GOP candidates are any better, including the Donald, but to claim that any of them are "balanced" is mirth provoking.

The problem with politics today is that the media have so poisoned the well, that no respectable, balanced statesman or woman is going to touch politics, even with a very long pole.

I can't think of a single well known politician in any country that I respect. There are lots of people that would make excellent political leaders, but the very fact that they are sensible means they won't be standing for office.

Kennedy is the last US president I respect. I like Bill, but he had an unfortunate habit of having sex with his subordinates and then lying about it, so no, he wasn't balanced either. Now he's telling us that HRC is a great choice, so he's obviously lying again.

PS Bill and Hillary make a compatible pair. They both like to tell huge porkies.

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One more time :

How will you know if someone is muslim?


1. They must eat pork.

2. They must invest alcohol.

3. They must draw a picture of Allah.

4. They must acknowledge that they are non-Muslim.

5. They must shave their beard.


Boom, there's your requirements to enter the USA.

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Too funny not to share here...apologies if it has already been posted...

Donald Trump Tweets Throughout History You've Definitely Never Seen
Whether it's Jesus or Shakespeare, the guy can't not be an a**hole.


So, in trying to disparage the Donald you give a Huffington Post link cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif . Most biased "news" media in history.

I am not trying to disparage The Donald. This is just funny stuff and I wouldn't doubt if he laughed at them himself. Say what you want about Trump, but he has a great sense of humor and take a joke (Saturday Night Live comes to mind)

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Balance is what we need in world politics and trump is not a good representation of that and his base of supporters

I am hoping the balanced voters would give him a good kick in the butt and vote for a more sensible president

If the other choice is Hillary, I pray Trump wins the vote. We already know all we need to know about Hillary Clinton and none of it is good. Trump is also well-known but has not been reviled until he ran for president and started leading the polls. It reminds me of John McCain, the New York Times' favorite Republican. Great press from them until he won the Republican nomination. Then they ran a fake story about an affair which they later retracted. Trump is saying a lot of crazy, rude things, but I seriously doubt that if by some miracle he became president that he would govern that way. If the alternative is Hillary, then I'd be willing to take that chance.

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Balance is what we need in world politics and trump is not a good representation of that and his base of supporters

I am hoping the balanced voters would give him a good kick in the butt and vote for a more sensible president

Balanced like Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, Carter, Bush the elder, Bush the younger and Obama?

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

Dem choices for "balanced" HRC or Bernie


Don't get me wrong, none of the GOP candidates are any better, including the Donald, but to claim that any of them are "balanced" is mirth provoking.

The problem with politics today is that the media have so poisoned the well, that no respectable, balanced statesman or woman is going to touch politics, even with a very long pole.

I can't think of a single well known politician in any country that I respect. There are lots of people that would make excellent political leaders, but the very fact that they are sensible means they won't be standing for office.

Kennedy is the last US president I respect. I like Bill, but he had an unfortunate habit of having sex with his subordinates and then lying about it, so no, he wasn't balanced either. Now he's telling us that HRC is a great choice, so he's obviously lying again.

PS Bill and Hillary make a compatible pair. They both like to tell huge porkies.

Looks like you need system like the CCP presidents selected and rubber stamped for ten years with no humiliating TV debates

We already know who the next CCP president is when Xi steps downs

Less drama and more work done

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One more time :

How will you know if someone is muslim?


1. They must eat pork.

2. They must invest alcohol.

3. They must draw a picture of Allah.

4. They must acknowledge that they are non-Muslim.

5. They must shave their beard.


Boom, there's your requirements to enter the USA.

Alcohol no problem for many. Met pissed Muslims in Saudi and when they go to Bahrain or Pattaya they drink like fish.

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Trump won't run 3rd party. That would be a gift to HRC.

Yes, but to Trump, everyone else (at least people who have less billions than him) are LOSERS! So he should win, right? Unless perhaps if he ran against someone richer than himself. To Trump, money is the measure of a man. The more you got, the better a person you are. He's in the garage now, building a needle with an eye five feet wide. ("it's harder for a rich man to get to heaven than to pass through the eye of a needle" J.C.) I saw a photo of Trump today. His head is low. His chin is a bit lower than his shoulders (It was a straight ahead pic, and trump wasn't doing his duck impersonation). If his head keeps on sinking, by the time he's done with his 2nd term as president, his nose will be shoulder height - but he'll still have a massive tuft of golden yellow hair, so that's good.

The weird thing about Trump is that I very much doubt he himself is as bad as his SUPPORTERS. He tells this large toxic group what they want to hear and they eat it up but does he really believe it? I doubt he's that stupid. But in the slim chance he becomes president based on such support, then we might have created a monster.

A monster who would have a time out with Muslim immigration until people could be vetted, and a monster who would seal the borders and stop illegal immigration.

Sorry, the "monsters" are already in office.


Muslims who want to immigrate to the US already face a long arduous process - even before Trump opened his pie-hole.

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Too funny not to share here...apologies if it has already been posted...

Donald Trump Tweets Throughout History You've Definitely Never Seen
Whether it's Jesus or Shakespeare, the guy can't not be an a**hole.


So, in trying to disparage the Donald you give a Huffington Post link cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif . Most biased "news" media in history.

I am not trying to disparage The Donald. This is just funny stuff and I wouldn't doubt if he laughed at them himself. Say what you want about Trump, but he has a great sense of humor and take a joke (Saturday Night Live comes to mind)

Fair enough. I didn't read it before because the headline made me think it was just another H. Post hatchet job. Hard to believe that the H Post has any staff with a sense of humour though.

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Let him win and be the next president. Americans are known to vote rubbish into congress and the White House so why not a reality show clown this time.

Any way my guess he will not get the vote by the ROP and will run as an independent as Ross Perot did and we got another Clinton in the White House and bill have to keep an eye on his pants with all those interns at the WH.

That would make 3 Clinton presidential victories... none near 50% of the vote. The ONLY benefit of a President Hillary would be Bill as First Bubba.

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Trump talks about radical Islam as do some posters here.

Quote: Speaking at Kanal D TV”s Arena program, PM Erdogan commented on the term “moderate Islam”, often used in the West to describe AKP and said, “˜These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”

Source: Milliyet, Turkey, August 21, 2007

For once, I agree with Erdogan, president of Turkey.

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One more time :

How will you know if someone is muslim?

Easy......At the border make them eat a piece of bacon.

If they refuse send them back.....

On a more serious note, I think Trump is spot on with

his anti Muslim stance. As recent events in Cologne

Germany have recently prove. I am sure at this moment

Germany is rethinking its insane policies to let thousands

of rag heads refugees into their country...

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Sorry, I just got the correct quote about rich men and eyes of needles: Here goes:

"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God"

I must've snoozed off that day in Sunday school when they taught that lesson.

Ouch. That does not bode well for the Saudi princes with their

billions of dollars.....

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("it's harder for a rich man to get to heaven than to pass through the eye of a needle" J.C.)

I just love these misquotes by "experts". The quote was that it's harder for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

1. At that time, they had low entrances into cities for security so they couldn't be rushed by an enemy. Those low passes required a rider to dismount and for the camel to pass through on its knees. Those passes were known as the eye of the needle.

2. J. C. Followed up that statement by saying "but anything is possible".


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("it's harder for a rich man to get to heaven than to pass through the eye of a needle" J.C.)

I just love these misquotes by "experts". The quote was that it's harder for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

1. At that time, they had low entrances into cities for security so they couldn't be rushed by an enemy. Those low passes required a rider to dismount and for the camel to pass through on its knees. Those passes were known as the eye of the needle.

2. J. C. Followed up that statement by saying "but anything is possible".


You are soooooo impressive!

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Sorry, I just got the correct quote about rich men and eyes of needles: Here goes:

"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God"

I must've snoozed off that day in Sunday school when they taught that lesson.

Ouch. That does not bode well for the Saudi princes with their

billions of dollars.....

Different religion different rules.

The difference between Islam and Christianity, as I understand it, is that a Christian is judged by what is in their heart ( ie head ), at least that was what Jesus said, and in Islam as long as you follow the rules it doesn't matter what you think, you will go to heaven.

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Sorry, I just got the correct quote about rich men and eyes of needles: Here goes:

"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God"

I must've snoozed off that day in Sunday school when they taught that lesson.

Ouch. That does not bode well for the Saudi princes with their

billions of dollars.....

Different religion different rules.

The difference between Islam and Christianity, as I understand it, is that a Christian is judged by what is in their heart ( ie head ), at least that was what Jesus said, and in Islam as long as you follow the rules it doesn't matter what you think, you will go to heaven.

It is just hard to wrap my head around a religion that if you strap a bomb to yourself and blow

up a bunch of non believers, you go straight to heaven where 67 virgins are awaiting you.

Among the hundreds of religions that all claim to have the one true god, Islam has to among

the most wacky .

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Sorry, I just got the correct quote about rich men and eyes of needles: Here goes:

"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God"

I must've snoozed off that day in Sunday school when they taught that lesson.

Ouch. That does not bode well for the Saudi princes with their

billions of dollars.....

Different religion different rules.

The difference between Islam and Christianity, as I understand it, is that a Christian is judged by what is in their heart ( ie head ), at least that was what Jesus said, and in Islam as long as you follow the rules it doesn't matter what you think, you will go to heaven.

It is just hard to wrap my head around a religion that if you strap a bomb to yourself and blow

up a bunch of non believers, you go straight to heaven where 67 virgins are awaiting you.

Among the hundreds of religions that all claim to have the one true god, Islam has to among

the most wacky .

Ah, you can convince the simple minded to do anything. That has been proven time after time in history.

Notice that the guys telling other guys to blow themselves up never do it themselves.

The way I grade religions on the wacky scale is by how ridiculous the hats are. Old men in stupid hats, bah humbug.

Just to relate the subject to the OP, the Donald doesn't wear hats, but his hair is pretty wacky, and HRC changes her hairstyle more often than she has to go to the loo in the middle of meetings, so pretty much on the higher level of hair wackiness. IMO men are safest by having as little hair as possible, so Obama probably comes in low on the wacky scale.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Sorry, I just got the correct quote about rich men and eyes of needles: Here goes:

"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God"

I must've snoozed off that day in Sunday school when they taught that lesson.

Ouch. That does not bode well for the Saudi princes with their

billions of dollars.....

Different religion different rules.

The difference between Islam and Christianity, as I understand it, is that a Christian is judged by what is in their heart ( ie head ), at least that was what Jesus said, and in Islam as long as you follow the rules it doesn't matter what you think, you will go to heaven.

It is just hard to wrap my head around a religion that if you strap a bomb to yourself and blow

up a bunch of non believers, you go straight to heaven where 67 virgins are awaiting you.

Among the hundreds of religions that all claim to have the one true god, Islam has to among

the most wacky .

I thought it was 72 virgins? Are they running out of them up there? :)

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Pussy Riot asserts that Trump would be the USA's Putin.

I think they're obviously right, and the SICK truth is many Americans want exactly that in an explicit way, a Putin-like dictator.

"When Putin came to his first term or second term, nobody [in Russia] actually thought that this is serious. Everybody was joking about it. And nobody could imagine that after five, six years, we would have a war in Ukraine, annexation of Crimea, and these problems in Syria.”


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