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Victims speak out after nightmare New Year in Cologne


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Victims speak out after nightmare New Year in Cologne
By Robert Hackwill


COLOGNE: -- There werte protests in Cologne on Tuesday night in front of the cathedral which, along with the train station, was the scene of mayhem on New Year’s Eve when a crowd of about 1000 young men, many of them drunk, attacked passersby and police with fireworks, and went on a robbery and sexual assault rampage.

Police say the assailants were of north African or Arabic appearance, a fact born out by witnesses.

“We were fondled, I was groped between my legs. My friends also were fondled. My boyfriend tried to pull me away. There was quite a big group of people, maybe thirty or forty,” said one clearly distressed victim.

Men detained by the police said they were firing the fireworks “for fun”. But it was no fun for Jenny.

“I heard a sizzling sound in my hood. I somehow tried to get the firecracker out of the hood. Then it fell into my jacket and burned everything. The scars will be permanent. I was lucky that it didn’t explode.”

Cologne’s mayor, herself the subject of a violent attack in October by a man angry at her pro-refugee policies, was quick to deflect blame from the city’s most recent arrivals.

“There are no indications that there are people involved here who have received accommodation here in Cologne as refugees,” said Henriette Reker.

Chancellor Angela Merkel also expressed her disgust at the violence, but critics of her open door policy to refugees are using the night’s events to attack her.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-06

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It's to be expected that migrants are automatically blamed and without evidence that's wrong but no more so than the mayor saying there's no indication migrants are involved but without arrests how does she know ?

Angie is disgusted but both she and the mayor must be praying no proof of migrant involvement emerges given all their support and encouragement for them.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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it's to be expected that migrants are automatically blamed and without evidence that's wrong but no more so than the mayor saying there's no indication migrants are involved but without arrests how does she know they're no involved.

Angie is disgusted but both she and the mayor must be praying no proof of migrant involvement emerges given all their support and encouragement for them.

It wouldn't matter if irrefutable evidence was provided that it was migrant based. The politicians would/will deny it to their dying breath or make it the fault of their native citizens.

Stand by for harsher legal penalties against any and all anti-migrant sentiment. If you won't shut up about it, we will make you...

Edited by baboon
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"...A policeman who was outside Cologne station during the New Year's Eve trouble told the city's Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. "They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates," he said...."


A policeman probably soon to be up on disciplinary for 'rascism' or 'bigotry' after letting that one slip...
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Europe has been sold out and the natives are mostly letting it happening before their eyes. They just don't want to see it and still believe all the lies the mainstream media feeds them everyday.

In every country there are daily attacks, rapes, etc. done by the migrants/muslims towards the natives and each other, but the mainstream media has orders to stay silent about this.

Police are ordered to stay quiet also.

Just because of the scale this New Year, they could not silence it this time, but within a week will be forgotten and silence will rule again.

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Leaving the matter of massive migration obviously causing problems aside, why was this allowed to happen? peace activists in the sixties got the bejasus kicked out of them by the police in many European countries.

Merkel broke European law by inviting these people in and now the EU is threatening nations that don't agree that it's a good idea with legal action.

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The German government told everybody that they could handle it.

What they could not do is differentiate between (illegal) migrants and refugees. Start here by fingerprinting all those arrested and collected that night wherever those attacks took place and extradite them for good.
Some innocent bystanders not doing anything against it - sorry, you just were at the wrong place at the wrong moment. Establish a database of those bastards.

I - for one - would not imagine that real refugees, having ran for their lifes, would do such things.

Note to Merkel: those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind. Me thinks the whirlwind came much earlier without asking hit-the-fan.gif

He who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind:

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Merkel invited the Caliphate into Germany...I hope she and the people she leads are happy with the result. They are just enforcing their religious and cultural norm of women not being welcome in public places and should not be criticized for it.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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So I don't quite understand. Weren't these thugs arrested? Where were the police?

If they had been arrested then everyone should be able to answer the question of whether or not they are largely part of the new refugees recently allowed in.

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Where does it all end, with merkel blowing her brains out with a luger in a bunker under the garden of the reichstag as the troops of the islamic state close in ?

The troops of the Islamic State don't close in. They are like a serpent with thousands of heads, operating independently wherever they are. This will make them impossible to stop.

Before long the acts of jihad in Europe will expand and expand until the authorities are hopeless to deal with it. They won't be able to protect their people who are also unable to defend themselves.

This is the beginning of an avalanche that Europe asked for starting a few decades ago. Hate speech laws are keeping many things silent. There is no good ending here.

The only place that this might be stopped is in America where the people might stop it in their neighborhoods. The people in America are gearing up, not down, and are dumbfounded by their cousins who stand by helplessly.


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it's to be expected that migrants are automatically blamed and without evidence that's wrong but no more so than the mayor saying there's no indication migrants are involved but without arrests how does she know they're no involved.

Angie is disgusted but both she and the mayor must be praying no proof of migrant involvement emerges given all their support and encouragement for them.

It wouldn't matter if irrefutable evidence was provided that it was migrant based. The politicians would/will deny it to their dying breath or make it the fault of their native citizens.

Stand by for harsher legal penalties against any and all anti-migrant sentiment. If you won't shut up about it, we will make you...

Sorry to say, but I think you are absolutely correct.

Police have said some of those detained were asylum seekers. Watch how quickly further comments from the police are censored. Next, it will be the fault of Germans - plying the poor refugees with evil alcohol and taunting them with seductively dressed women. None of this would happen if German law was more akin to Sharia etc etc etc.

Very soon Germany will reinforce its laws to protect these migrants and introduce draconian punishments for any who dare transgress. Rights of free speech and celebrating German and EU culture will simply be trampled on. And dictator Merkel will announce it all in the interests of European values and multiculturalism and can all be sorted as soon as we have a federal central controlled EU.

This is wrong on so many counts, but the liberal left PC are determined to destroy Europe and re-create it as they see how it should be. And Merkel, is their leader.

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Where does it all end, with merkel blowing her brains out with a luger in a bunker under the garden of the reichstag as the troops of the islamic state close in ?

The troops of the Islamic State don't close in. They are like a serpent with thousands of heads, operating independently wherever they are. This will make them impossible to stop.

Before long the acts of jihad in Europe will expand and expand until the authorities are hopeless to deal with it. They won't be able to protect their people who are also unable to defend themselves.

This is the beginning of an avalanche that Europe asked for starting a few decades ago. Hate speech laws are keeping many things silent. There is no good ending here.

The only place that this might be stopped is in America where the people might stop it in their neighborhoods. The people in America are gearing up, not down, and are dumbfounded by their cousins who stand by helplessly.


The worst part is that the EU federalists and their liberal left PC pals, politicians and bureaucrats, have done all they possibly can over the last 20 to 30 years to make sure their populations cannot defend themselves.

Whatever you Americans do, don't let Obama, Hilary or any of their mates dilute your Second Amendment Rights.

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So I don't quite understand. Weren't these thugs arrested? Where were the police?

If they had been arrested then everyone should be able to answer the question of whether or not they are largely part of the new refugees recently allowed in.

Yes they should. But, Sweden and German already filter that sort of information from the news media. Not for public consumption. The politicians don't like the truth, only what's considered PC.

Freedom of speech in EU - another joke.

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Where's Trump when you need him?


Now let's see how long it takes to collect the signatures of 568,000 German idiots for a petition to bar The Donald from entering Germany. Ha, ha! (Hint: It won't happen)

Whereas I'm pretty sure that IM "Erika" and her fatty arch-angel would also be in favour of a ban, like some post-208463-0-43232800-1451446334_thumb. British MPs.

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What can one expect when the EU insists on jamming open the door and letting in the scum of the earth (There is no other way to describe the animals who carried out the New Year's Eve atrocities?).

If any of those young "Arabic looking" men - surprise, surprise - happen to be refugees from IS, then it is clear that they do not deserve refuge, as they are little better than the head-loppers and rapists they claim to be fleeing from.

On the other hand, if, as suggested by the impotent police, they are immigrants already settled in Cologne and the other German cities they have defiled, their contribution to multiculturalism is one nobody needs.

To hear the mayor of Cologne and the execrable Merkel woman's attempt to defend the behavior of these barbarians is sickening and downright insulting to their traumatised victims.

This is no time for political correctness or paying lip service to some nutty notion of turning the whole of Europe into multicultural shang-ri-la - a dopey liberal dream that, as the carnage at Christmas indicates, is turning into an ever more ghastly nightmare.

The first priority of police and politicians must be to ensure those responsible for these appalling acts of savagery and bestiality are hunted down and made to pay the full price for their outrageous behavior, irrespective of whether of their age, religion, ethnicity, immigrant or refugee status or any other consideration.

Deportation for those who not only bite the hand that feed but demonstrably delight in doing so should be automatic - once they have served the appropriate prison sentence.

What we have just witnessed is, in essence, a form of terrorism, carried out by violent, misogynistic young men who have nothing but contempt for the morals and mores of their adopted homelands or their indigenous populations.

Their unwelcome impact, albeit on a less seismic scale, has already been felt in a number of European countries which have tightened up their borders in response. Others, however, continue to bury their heads in the mire of political correctness. Maybe they should learn from the experience of Sweden.

Rape used to be comparatively rare in this Scandinavian icon of liberal democracy. Now it is so commonplace that Swedish is known as the rape capital of the world. A Swedish woman has a one chance in four of being violated- almost certainly by a Muslim man or men, who commit the vast majority of these offences.

This shocking information was leaked by unofficial sources. Racial profiling is banned across the EU - which means no member state can publish details of criminals' ethnic, cultural or religious backgrounds. The rapists in Sweden were simply recorded as "Swedish". Why should relevant facts which could help eliminate the growing virus of hate-fueled, sexist domestic terrorism, be hidden from us?

Crimes of sex and violence are by no means the only, or most widely-felt legacy of unfettered immigration. Political leaders are quick to point out the hard-to-quantify "economic benefits" of multiculturalism, yet dismissive of their electorate's worries over extra pressure on jobs, homes, school places, hospital beds, welfare services and a host of other important issues affecting people's everyday lives.

It is high time governments in the UK and throughout the EU came clean about the real cost of the "culture of diversity" which is being impose upon us - whether we want it or not.

Once the full facts are known, each country should hold an independent referendum on whether or not to allow further immigration - and,on what conditions. In the case of Britain, I suspect the result would make the planned poll on our membership of the EU irrelevant.

Edited by Krataiboy
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it's to be expected that migrants are automatically blamed and without evidence that's wrong but no more so than the mayor saying there's no indication migrants are involved but without arrests how does she know they're no involved.

Angie is disgusted but both she and the mayor must be praying no proof of migrant involvement emerges given all their support and encouragement for them.

It wouldn't matter if irrefutable evidence was provided that it was migrant based. The politicians would/will deny it to their dying breath or make it the fault of their native citizens.

Stand by for harsher legal penalties against any and all anti-migrant sentiment. If you won't shut up about it, we will make you...

So its a political cover up. Pick a country and you win the overstuffed Teddy Bear.

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Another typically misleading, rubbish picture from Eurodrivel. Despite the fact, quote:-

"Police say the assailants were of north African or Arabic appearance, a fact born out by witnesses" and

"A policeman who was outside Cologne station during the New Year's Eve trouble told the city's Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates," he said...."

Yet Eurotrash has to publish a picture of some half-witted "useful idiot" waving a banner reading "Against sexism"..Against racism".

You couldn't make it up.

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Europe's politicians amaze me with their encouragement of mass immigration from middle east countries .Cameron tried to restrict the numbers coming to the UK until the do gooders put him to shame . He should have stuck to his original statement . The UK is already flooded with illegal immigrants and asylum seekers ,plus for every 1 person that makes it to a EC country you can multiply it by a minimum factor of 4, i.e. other family members will follow legally . To date an estimated 1,000,000 have reached the EC in 2015 . This is all good news for the business puppeteers of the politicians as they employ cheap labour and increase their profits without any concern to the public purse or the loss of culture , traditions and the host countries changing identity . Without wanting to sound a racist , many of the immigrants come from a background of the jungle and will impose their ways on the hand that feeds them and expect the host country to change and accept their ways and religious practices . It is all but out of control . No wonder that so many Europeans are off to OZ or NZ .

The E.C. has a lot to answer for

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