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I am returning to Thailand! At last!


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Most people probably won't remember me... However I was quite active on here back in 2011-2013.

I had to leave Thailand suddenly when I was told my kidneys had failed and I had to go on dialysis etc so I went back to the UK.

Needless to say 2 and a bit years later... I am dialysis free and I was given a kidney transplant! wai2.gif

It's my first time that I've been given the all clear as fit to travel to a country outside of Europe and I'm hella excited! Thailand, I have missed you and our love/hate relationship!

Unfortunately it's only a 2 week holiday but a holiday nontheless. smile.png

What's new Thailand? Any gossip or news I need to catch up on?! Or is it still the same old? tongue.png

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Congrats to your recovery,mate...even if I don't remember you but I think it has more to do that I have been a newbie at this time and hence still well behaved and somehow shy....

What has changed here???not much and a lot...

The bashing brigade is still out in full force( especially in the news section)...

The usual suspects( including me) in Pub and general but big clean out last year...

Some wise folks are still contributing in a positive way to this forum...

Some "new" characters are omnipresent...

and there a still some folks around who loves this country...

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Congratulations on your return to health. I hope you enjoy your 2 week visit. Maybe you can post a follow-up thread on the changes you observe during your visit? Most of them are lost on the perpetual tourist and retiree crowd posting here.

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Phuratica, its great to hear you are back on your feet and able to travel again. Having myself suffered a serious longterm health problem in my 30s I know what a struggle it is to get well again and what a pleasure it is to once again live at least some of your old life.

Enjoy your holiday.

I note from your profile that you are UK based, so I take it that is another big thank you to the NHS and a reminder of the freedom having the NHS and welfare state behind us when we go off on our travels.

Again, great news your are able to enjoy life again.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Phuratica, an administrative point you need to deal with when you return.

Don't forget to check in with Crazy chef so that he can allocate you to the right pigeon hole.

Congrats to your recovery,mate...even if I don't remember you but I think it has more to do that I have been a newbie at this time and hence still well behaved and somehow shy....
What has changed here???not much and a lot...
The bashing brigade is still out in full force( especially in the news section)...
The usual suspects( including me) in Pub and general but big clean out last year...
Some wise folks are still contributing in a positive way to this forum...
Some "new" characters are omnipresent...
and there a still some folks around who loves this country...

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Phuratica, its great to hear you are back on your feet and able to travel again. Having myself suffered a serious longterm health problem in my 30s I know what a struggle it is to get well again and what a pleasure it is to once again live at least some of your old life.

Enjoy your holiday.

I note from your profile that you are UK based, so I take it that is another big thank you to the NHS and a reminder of the freedom having the NHS and welfare state behind us when we go off on our travels.

Again, great news your are able to enjoy life again.

Yes indeed! God bless the NHS is all I can say! Being ill has made me realise how precious life is so I try to be fit and healthy these days!

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What's new in Thailand? Any gossip or news I need to catch up on?

With questions like that I don't think you have only been away from Thailand for 2 and a bit years but rather earth.

Congratulations on your recovery.

My question was rather tongue in cheek. I'm very much aware of what's been happening in Thailand via the news etc. I was more or less trying to rouse up the usual bashing brigade and bitter twisted old men. tongue.png Back when I was active, there was a fair few moaners on here!

I see that hasn't changed all that much. laugh.png

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Just curious, OP, would you have been able to get a kidney transplant inside Thailand, as opposed to returning to the UK?

Did you even explore the prospects for that?

I didn't explore the options in Thailand as it was actually a bit of a surprise when the Doctor (In the UK) told me.

I went home to the UK for a wedding and to visit family etc and I felt like my jetlag was worse than usual and that I struggled to even get out of bed. I had a blood test and suddenly was told my kidney function was <10% and I had a murmur on my heart as the potassium levels in my blood were so sky high that I was at risk of having a cardiac arrest at any time! It was all a big shock really!

When discussing it all with doctors, they said by rights, I wasn't really fit to travel from BKK to the UK and if I had stayed I might not have made it. Apparently the biggest cause of death from kidney failure is actually a cardiac arrest due to too many toxins and excess fluid in the body, and kidney failure is painless in terms that you don't get any pain in the actual kidneys etc. The cardiac arrest would have just happened spontaneously.

Dialysis is an option in Thailand but is very expensive and it's a long term affair, at least 3 times a week so I'd have been dying and broke.

Also finding a match for a donor in Thailand I imagine is also harder. I'm not sure what the procedure is regarding organ donation. But usually ethnicity comes into play when finding a match.

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I was not on here then but the short time I have been I have noticed a lot of new names. I have lived here for 9 years and other than traffic nothing much. New government due to a coupe but the streets are safer now. the red shirts are no longer visibly active. People are a little mor4e at ease. That is the people who don't complain for ever and a day.

Congratulations on your recovery. I trust the new kidney is fully functional and no more problems with it. Not sure how you kept up with what was happening here the BBC is not exactly always a good source of the real truth. Probably find prices a little higher but the people still friendly.

Keep us informed of your impressions.

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Congrats to your recovery,mate...even if I don't remember you but I think it has more to do that I have been a newbie at this time and hence still well behaved and somehow shy....

What has changed here???not much and a lot...

The bashing brigade is still out in full force( especially in the news section)...

The usual suspects( including me) in Pub and general but big clean out last year...

Some wise folks are still contributing in a positive way to this forum...

Some "new" characters are omnipresent...

and there a still some folks around who loves this country...

i am agog.

The woman asks what is new in the country and you respond with 'news' on the the complete lack of happenings on thaivisa.


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Nothin new--still the same. Thai scam deals, pretty ladies who will rob you of your dignity in years to come; trips to and from immigration waiting in long lines (though I did hear rumors they changed tourist visas to 6 months and you don't have to keep taking trips in and out of the country--God did Thailand do something right for a change? I doubt it will last long once the Thai taxi drivers and airline companies %$@#! enough about it...); still a 2nd class citizen unless Thai; still takes 2 hours to get anywhere 20 kilos away in the city during normal business hours...

What were you expecting? -.-

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