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Muslim woman thrown out of Trump rally; group seeks apology


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It's NOT a judenstar at all. Jews do not have a monopoly on yellow. The six-point judenstar is quite different from the Wal-Mart mass-produced kindergarten card advertising multi-purpose things they have got.

There's an antisemite under every bed, isn't there.



Really? Because they do not know a Star of David from a vesica pisces or a platonic solid is weak intellectual refuge. Of course their intent remains. It is even worse because the underlying intention remains intact but instead of outright co-opting the actual Star of David they would come up with their own, one that is... oh, just a silly ole symbol from a wal mart kit. This argument reinforces the nonsense that the liberal left imbibe in- they drink the cool-aide that informs them if they can announce an argument they will demand the world believe it. My sister, the drama queen, was notorious for this. She would announce an angle to an issue, one that seemed not the best argument but the most opportune, then come hell or high water she found herself arguing such stupid things, and actually believing her arguments.

No matter what the ignorance of these people its self evident that they intended to mimic Jews either for mercenary opportunity or derision; either way, they employed their faith in the service of another symbol for tactical advantage- clearly betraying/finessing even their own symbolic injunctions. I don't mind opponents arguing all day long that I am wrong about the nature of what happened here but to argue the yellow badge is no more than... coincidence... it has nothing at all to do with Jews, etc. forces me to confront a much uglier impression of others on this forum. Digesting even. In fact, this concludes our exchanges with such posters.


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Political Campaign events in the U.S. are private affairs ... the candidate can pick and choose who is allowed to attend and who is barred... It happens a political rallies for both parties and has for many years. Trump's security has before -- removed a paid heckler sent to his rally by Jeb Bush to sabotage his gathering.. If someone from Trump's campaign or paid by them goes to a Hillary rally - and causes a disruption - even a silent and symbolic one -- you can bet that such a person would be ejected from a Hillary Clinton rally...

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It's NOT a judenstar at all. Jews do not have a monopoly on yellow. The six-point judenstar is quite different from the Wal-Mart mass-produced kindergarten card advertising multi-purpose things they have got.

There's an antisemite under every bed, isn't there.



Really? Because they do not know a Star of David from a vesica pisces or a platonic solid is weak intellectual refuge. Of course their intent remains. It is even worse because the underlying intention remains intact but instead of outright co-opting the actual Star of David they would come up with their own, one that is... oh, just a silly ole symbol from a wal mart kit. This argument reinforces the nonsense that the liberal left imbibe in- they drink the cool-aide that informs them if they can announce an argument they will demand the world believe it. My sister, the drama queen, was notorious for this. She would announce an angle to an issue, one that seemed not the best argument but the most opportune, then come hell or high water she found herself arguing such stupid things, and actually believing her arguments.

No matter what the ignorance of these people its self evident that they intended to mimic Jews either for mercenary opportunity or derision; either way, they employed their faith in the service of another symbol for tactical advantage- clearly betraying/finessing even their own symbolic injunctions. I don't mind opponents arguing all day long that I am wrong about the nature of what happened here but to argue the yellow badge is no more than... coincidence... it has nothing at all to do with Jews, etc. forces me to confront a much uglier impression of others on this forum. Digesting even. In fact, this concludes our exchanges with such posters.

You are doing exactly what you accuse your sister of doing. Worse, you're doing it on a very precarious foundation. They did not know what a proper star of David looks like? Not only are you certain of their unstated intent, you are certain of their ignorance. It is far more likely that those blazons were simply chosen to be like those "Hello, I'm Peter" sticky labels handed out at conventions. I've seen these card stars used for exactly that purpose. They are bright and multi-pointed to attract the eye (which is what they are designed to do!).

You started out certain of their intent based on nothing but the colour of some card, the shape having a number of points, and she being Muslim., but when I pointed out that the stars were definitely not judenstars at all, you had to make up that they were ignorant! I think you should apologise to your sister for being a pot and calling her black.

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This is total BS if someone protests and it is a private function throw their ass out . Just because she was a Muslim are the liberal media jumping on it.

I would suggest that the liberal media start to tally their dead from the different states around the country How many in California and the rest of the country .

This is not racism although they would want you to believe it is . One of the others was a christian so I guess we are racists about Christians.

I really do not care if she was a Muslim or Jewish or a Buddhist She was disrupting a private function and it is the right of Donald Trump or whoever s rally it was to

Throw her ass out of their PERIOD.

I am not a bleeding heart liberal as you might have surmised by now

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Trump urged to apologise after Muslim ejected from campaign rally


Muslim woman ejected from rally

Rose Hamid staged silent protest

Trump supporters suggest it was a stunt

WASHINGTON: -- US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is being urged to apologise to a Muslim protester who was forcibly removed from one of his campaign rallies.

Supporters say Rose Hamid’s eviction from the meeting in South Carolina sent a “chilling message” to the Muslim community.

What happened?

The rally took place in the town of Rock Hill in South Carolina.

Ms Hamid stood up in the crowd when Trump suggested Syrian refugees entering the United States were affiliated with militant networks.

The 56-year-old flight attendant and media commentator was wearing a head scarf and T-shirt with the words: “Salam, I come in peace.”

She was then escorted out of the rally by security officers. The crowd jeered as she left.

Ms Hamid, who says she is a registered Democrat, says she did not want to disrupt the proceedings. “I did not want to cause any problems. My goal was to stand up and to let people know that this is not an appropriate way for a presidential candidate to speak.”

Campaign group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), with which Ms Hamid has associations, has called on Donald Trump to apologise.

The context

Donald Trump has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.

The Republican front-runner for presidential contender has taken a tough stance against ISIL.

What they are saying

The overwhelming majority of reaction in the media and on Twitter has been supportive of Ms Hamid’s action.

Campaigners for Trump, however, say he should not apologise as her intention was to disrupt the rally.

Others, like Tim Carney from the Washington Examiner who was at the rally, says the situation was not as straightforward as it has been described.

Others have questioned the widespread interpretation of the events, describing Ms Hamid as an “activist”.


-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-11

You say this is NOT APPROPRIATE FOR A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE TO SPEAK !!!!. You are part of the problem in the USA. You want to muzzle peoples freedom of speak because it is not along your ideology . You are part of the problem "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" and this has to stop.

Trump is just speaking his mind and has a right to Good. bad or indifferent . And you do not have a right to muzzle him

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Maybe after all is said and done regarding Muslims and their demands for understanding and compassions,

maybe Trump is the right person to deal with theses issues, who knows? after Obama inaction and careless

attitude toward this problems, I guess that ANYONE CAN DO BETTER THAN HIM...

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Rather than protest what trump does or does not do How about protesting ISIS and Protest the Federal Government to do more to eradicate this Evil from Mother Earth .

Who is causing damage to the name of ISLAM TRUMP OR ISIS?

Lady get your priorities in line

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I cannot believe you are protesting against Trump Protest against your worst enemy ISIS They created this mess. For some reason Muslims in general do not

protest when 14 people are slaughtered they stay silent

Get out your placards and take to the street demanding that the US government do more to eliminate this scourge ISIS

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The evidence of disruption was there.....You!!! Rose Hamid!!! ...YOU, purposely went to this rally, with that in mind, as you knew you wouldn't be welcome.

Nice try....

So the Constitution now only applies to non-muslims that legally want to attend rallies and/or protest?

However, you can blame the media (and their owners with an agenda) for a lot of this, fanning the flames of discontent and fear against everything and everyone.

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Perhaps you are right, but this is politics, and If Trump wants to be president, and prove his claim that he would be a GREAT negotiator for as, he needs to display his political skill, and not fall for simple political ploys such as this.

All this "great negotiator" had to say was :

" Now now people leave this lady along, this is America, and we all have the right to out opinion, let her stand and listen to as, and perhaps by the end of this rally we will change her opinion of as"

It would had made him look good, and her look stupid standing there.

"Politics, the art of telling some one to go F%#k them selves in such a way that they say thank you"

Trump is just an Idiot with money, please don't mistake wealth with intelligence

Edit, stupid laptop key-board dropping letters smile.png . dont buy an HP envy , a piece of crap for a lot of money

John McCain would have done exactly as you described. To my mind he was the last real Republican to run. But even he had to pander to to the wingnuts by bringing along the lady who could see Russia from her porch.

Not True, say what you may, McCain was/is a gentelman



We actually agree you know...perhaps I worded my sentence badly, but McCain would have handled the situation way more honourably. Heck, he wouldn't have even been muttering the brain farts that The Donald has been letting off left right and centre.

I mean, where are the serious policy people in the GOP these days?

Edited by samran
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Trump urged to apologise after Muslim ejected from campaign rally


Muslim woman ejected from rally

Rose Hamid staged silent protest

Trump supporters suggest it was a stunt

WASHINGTON: -- US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is being urged to apologise to a Muslim protester who was forcibly removed from one of his campaign rallies.

Supporters say Rose Hamid’s eviction from the meeting in South Carolina sent a “chilling message” to the Muslim community.

What happened?

The rally took place in the town of Rock Hill in South Carolina.

Ms Hamid stood up in the crowd when Trump suggested Syrian refugees entering the United States were affiliated with militant networks.

The 56-year-old flight attendant and media commentator was wearing a head scarf and T-shirt with the words: “Salam, I come in peace.”

She was then escorted out of the rally by security officers. The crowd jeered as she left.

Ms Hamid, who says she is a registered Democrat, says she did not want to disrupt the proceedings. “I did not want to cause any problems. My goal was to stand up and to let people know that this is not an appropriate way for a presidential candidate to speak.”

Campaign group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), with which Ms Hamid has associations, has called on Donald Trump to apologise.

The context

Donald Trump has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.

The Republican front-runner for presidential contender has taken a tough stance against ISIL.

What they are saying

The overwhelming majority of reaction in the media and on Twitter has been supportive of Ms Hamid’s action.

Campaigners for Trump, however, say he should not apologise as her intention was to disrupt the rally.

Others, like Tim Carney from the Washington Examiner who was at the rally, says the situation was not as straightforward as it has been described.

Others have questioned the widespread interpretation of the events, describing Ms Hamid as an “activist”.


-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-11

You say this is NOT APPROPRIATE FOR A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE TO SPEAK !!!!. You are part of the problem in the USA. You want to muzzle peoples freedom of speak because it is not along your ideology . You are part of the problem "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" and this has to stop.

Trump is just speaking his mind and has a right to Good. bad or indifferent . And you do not have a right to muzzle him

In your previous post, you said she should have been kicked out, ie shut up from protesting.

Contradictory, much?

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Wherever they are in power Muslims have violently suppressed and banned all opposition and we of course we should welcome them with open arms?

In the name of their religion they récement committed indiscriminate attacks, kidnapped tourists, hanged their opponents, stoned the woman adultery, murdered their prisoners etc ... repeat, all these crimes were committed in the name of Islam.

Across the planet they are defined as enemies of all non-Muslims. In response the non-Muslims now consider themselves as enemies, at least potential.

By openly displaying his faith this woman placed herself as hostile and for the majority it is perfectly legitimate to deny its presence.

Everywhere around the world these anti Muslim reactions multiply with general approval. They will therefore have earned the right to universal detestation.

Nice result.

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This is pretty much par for the course for all candidates ...

Hillary did similar to a silent protester holding a tiny sign..


I would condemn Hilary for that, as it was also a silent protest and not over the top at all, however, it is still quite different as in Trumps case, the woman was not heckling by sign or speech. The Hilary heckler was heckling with his sign. It was a direct comment to Clinton.

"Salaam, I come in peace", if it is a direct comment at Trump, should make you think about Trump's policies.

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I feel sorry for the folks who try to disrupt the proceeding at the Trump rallies...I want to apologize for the behavior of the folks who said boo to you...OK...feel better now?

Why don't you attend a sleep over at the Sanders or Clinton rallies...you will not even need to take you nightly sleeping pill...they will bore you to sleep...

The barrier of political correctness which has allowed you to operate with impunity in the past...is no longer valid...so get a life of your own...if you continue to insist on disrupting lawful assemblies...you may find yourself surrounded by people who are unpleased by your antics...bringing upon yourself unforeseen consequences...

People who attend these rallies are tired of your foolish behavior...

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She stood up to protest and disrupt the meeting. She was led out. Nobody touched her. What does she want an apology for? Wonder what would happen if I went to an Obama townhall and just silently stood there every time somebody said something I didn't like? Do you think CNN would have let me or anybody else do that a few nights ago??? Or would I/we have been led out by force?

'Wonder what would happen if I showed up in "silent protest" at a mosque...

Precisely which of this woman's "rights" were violated?

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This is pretty much par for the course for all candidates ...

Hillary did similar to a silent protester holding a tiny sign..


I would condemn Hilary for that, as it was also a silent protest and not over the top at all, however, it is still quite different as in Trumps case, the woman was not heckling by sign or speech. The Hilary heckler was heckling with his sign. It was a direct comment to Clinton.

"Salaam, I come in peace", if it is a direct comment at Trump, should make you think about Trump's policies.

I appreciate everyone's freedom of speech, but is pretty much expected that regardless of the candidate ..

All supports are welcome inside... All protesters or non supporters.. Please feel free to exercise your freedom of speech/expression outside..

To be honest.. That really didn't offend me to much ... As these are campaign events.

It would be a bit different if an event where both sides are present like a debate or similar, where it is expected that both sides to have their supporters in attendance

As pretty sure, as soon as it is clear this is a 'non supporter' trying to make a point (against the candidate)-- there people will try to get that person out of the venue

This has been done both parties an would likely happen again at both parties...

Edited by CWMcMurray
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It was a pre-registered ticket only event. I read Trump's team had a designated "Freedom of Speech area" outside of the hall itself and attendees were informed no protests were permitted within the hall; how this gels with the US idolisation of the First Amendment unsure.

Trump is still a private citizen holding a private rally for his supporters. I think that gives him the right to decided who can attend or not.

Even if he were a public official, right or wrong, free speech zones are common place these days...

"Free-Speech Zones" Balancing First Amendment Rights with Government Interests
"Free-speech zones" were first introduced, according to Nicholas Riccardi of LA Times, during the 1992 Presidential Conventions, but under the more fitting label of, "protest zones" (a rose by any other name...). The "free-speech zones" associated with the 2004 Republican and Democratic National Conventions have drawn considerable indignation from a variety of critics. Donna Lieberman, executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, argues, "[t]he notion of a free-speech zone is sort of oxymoronic. What it belies is the converse, which is the no free-speech zone, which is everything but." Dahlia Lithwick, in her New York Times guest column, declared the "'free-speech zone' at the Democratic convention in Boston last month was an affront to the spirit of the Constitution. The situation will be only slightly better when the Republicans gather this month in New York."
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Muslims are allways playing the victim. Instead of condemning the Bernadino shootings they generally said they felt victimised for everything. I wonder why ?

I don't think that's fair. If we're talking about AMERICAN Muslims, I am very confident that the VAST majority of them are not supportive at all at ISIS inspired terrorism as happened there. What they're feeling on the streets is real, too many morons looking at them funny (or worse) just because they are identifiable Muslims. That's not fair and it's also UN-AMERICAN. Americans imagine ourselves to be "better" than that ... well to be better you've got to walk the walk and scapegoating Muslims is not that. Learn from history and the mistake of what the U.S. government did to the Japanese Americans in WW2 (which of course had massive political support). What exactly do you expect everyday American Muslims to do? Walk around with a big sign on their chest saying: SO SORRY FOR WHAT SOME OTHER MUSLIMS DID? As I mentioned before, this is why American Muslims get so much support from American Jews when they see American Muslims being scapegoated. A shared historical experience. It might seem odd, and it is a little odd, because there is a high rate of Jew hatred among American Muslims (as everywhere) but politics sometimes makes strange bedfellows (not a gay thing).

Edited by Jingthing
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