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Out of curiosity...what is your hurry?

We are mostly retired, old fogies that dread going back home to the wife. Where's the fire?

Let them pass, put on some Jimmy Buffet and light one up. Don't become part of the circus. The only place I am going is to eat or get a beer.

You are driving and you are going for a beer?? Only one, or several? Tell the truth now.

I apologise if I have got this wrong, maybe you are just driving to get some beer and then take it home.

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In my Keana taxi from Patts a Range Rover zoomed past and was darting in and out of traffic. When you have such a vehicle in Thailand you own the Right of the Road. Just so?


I'm sure the use of 'Fortuner' drivers is just an example, for as a Fortuner driver I find the Ford Ranger and van drivers are the worse for this and expect everyone else to get out of their way.

Too many motorcyclers have the 'me' complex, as in 'it is all to do about me and I don't care about anyone else, common sense or the road rules'.

Too many drivers are driving a vehicle that doesn't suit them, or they have just discovered the power of such.

Just shake your head at them and stay relaxed.


I have driving in many countries around the world, and the thing is that drivers agro is NOT unique to Thai

drivers, I have seen and experienced much worse, with tail gating, horn honking, light flashing, middle fingers and coming

out to physically hit you wit some hard instruments or a tool....

In my opinion, Thai drivers are way timid compare to many other places around the world...

Exactly, try Argentina, possibly the worst drivers in the world.

And lndonesia.

Was out driving with my gf(in the middle lane)& being overtaken on both sides by bikes & cars who would then cut in front of me.

l fully expected to see the idiots side-swipe each other & was poised for it.

That didn't happen but then we came to a red light at a crossroads & everyone just kept driving through it.

l stopped to the furious honking behind me & the gf shouting "go go go go go".

The cross traffic also had a red light & were stopped.

l guess that they were about to start up any second, hence the joker behind me getting frantic to get through before they did.

So l had to start up again & drive through.

Have you ever consciously driven through a red light. lts a difficult mental block to overcome.

Of course then l had to put up with the gf's repetitious, "why you stop?" until she got tired of it.

How do you explain that with everyone else believing that they are right & you are wrong?

Why were you in the middle lane????

If you are driving at the legal speed on a 3 lane road then the middle lane is ideal, as the left lane is for exit and entry and the right left for passing of the impatient.

This is called common sense.

Right hand drive countries, before you try to argue against this statement.


If you are driving at the legal speed on a 3 lane road then the middle lane is ideal, as the left lane is for exit and entry and the right left for passing of the impatient.

This is called common sense.

Right hand drive countries, before you try to argue against this statement.

Funny that isn't thailand right hand drive oh and the UK your so called common sense is wrong call them middle lane hogged. Always if possible move to the left is the rule

A Thai friend told me when we were talking about driving standards, "don't indicate when you're pulling out to overtake because they will try to stop you. It's best not to let them know what you're doing " My experience tells me that she was absolutely right.

that's so true. Theres stoplights in phuket where you have to cut people off because if you don't you will wait 4-5 lights to get through. Half the people, move super slow when its green so theres always a spot to cut in front, if someone puts a flasher signaling cutting then everybody starts accelerating like mad men.. If you manage to cut them off still, you won't see them 200m later because they'll have slowed down to 10kph to make sure 20 cars that should of passed the greenlight, dont.


Asians first.Then secondly trying to be equal farangs with attitude with Bhudas round their neck.

Asians have got spots to squeeze when they get to the end of the journey

Not sure where the Farangs with attitude are going .. Probably the next stop light.

Most on the road have an aptitude for driving.ATTITUDE is the problem..


giddyup -

I don't accept baseless interpretations and illogical conclusions drawn from what uninformed people consider as evidence. They need the intellectual tools to be able to examine the evidence rationally.

If you have any knowledge of critical thinking you will recognise the expression "the plural of anecdote is not data".

A fact is a baseless interpretation? Maybe in your alternative universe. What is it the guy from Mythbusters says? "I reject your reality and substitute my own". That could be your motto.thumbsup.gif


In my home country: 1) it is quite common to allow a vehicle to enter from a side street when traffic is slow. 2) it is the law that you must stop for someone in or attempting to cross at a cross walk.

After driving in Thailand a for a while I have completly given up both practices. In instance 1. the driver will often look at you as if you are crazy and not move and in instance 2 the pedestrian is liable to be run over by he motorcycles and other drivers passing on whatever side is possible.

In all cases I pretty try to much "grin and bear it" ( all the while shaking my head and thinking "dummy")


Interesting observation. However, in 15 years of driving Thai roads, I've never experienced this behavior. I'm not saying it doesn't happen...just say'in. Experienced this every day driving in California, however.


Fortuner drivers own the road. Boy racers on their skinny tired, lowered, noisy bikes think they can take on a big bike tongue.png

I'm a Fortuner driver and I don't own the road....only half of it. The other half I just borrow from time to time wink.png

On a more serious note, I see people driving all types of vehicles doing that, and not just here but in my home country also (but probably more here). Loss of face is global.


If you are driving at the legal speed on a 3 lane road then the middle lane is ideal, as the left lane is for exit and entry and the right left for passing of the impatient.

This is called common sense.

Right hand drive countries, before you try to argue against this statement.

If you did the in he UK, you could well be pulled up by the police.

I'm glad you responded though as it is a classic example of the arrogance of some foreign drivers who think "they know best" when in fact they just driving according to their own prejudices. People in the middle lane force others to pass either on the left or the right and force cars out in front of faster traffic.

I UK they are referred to as "walkers in the middle lane"

Thai Law...

[if the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:

  1. thereisobstructionontheroad

  2. theroadisprescribedasone-way

  3. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction

  4. whenovertakinganothervehicle

  5. whendrivingfasterthanvehiclesintheleft-handsidelane.

what often happens in cases like this is that the first car to approach the "walker" has to move into the R/H lane, then an even faster vehicle finding both middle and R/H lane blocked may resort to passing on the left.........whilst travelling even faster then the vehicle in the RH lane - all because of the walker in the middle lane using his "common sense."


If you are driving at the legal speed on a 3 lane road then the middle lane is ideal, as the left lane is for exit and entry and the right left for passing of the impatient.

This is called common sense.

Right hand drive countries, before you try to argue against this statement.

If you did the in he UK, you could well be pulled up by the police.

I'm glad you responded though as it is a classic example of the arrogance of some foreign drivers who think "they know best" when in fact they just driving according to their own prejudices. People in the middle lane force others to pass either on the left or the right and force cars out in front of faster traffic.

I UK they are referred to as "walkers in the middle lane"

Thai Law...

[if the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:

  1. thereisobstructionontheroad

  2. theroadisprescribedasone-way

  3. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction

  4. whenovertakinganothervehicle

  5. whendrivingfasterthanvehiclesintheleft-handsidelane.

Why are you comparing Thailand to the UK and hair splitting over driving in the centre lane, when the total disregard for road rules, safety and common sense is so much the norm here.


If you are driving at the legal speed on a 3 lane road then the middle lane is ideal, as the left lane is for exit and entry and the right left for passing of the impatient.

This is called common sense.

Right hand drive countries, before you try to argue against this statement.

If you did the in he UK, you could well be pulled up by the police.

I'm glad you responded though as it is a classic example of the arrogance of some foreign drivers who think "they know best" when in fact they just driving according to their own prejudices. People in the middle lane force others to pass either on the left or the right and force cars out in front of faster traffic.

I UK they are referred to as "walkers in the middle lane"

Thai Law...

[if the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:

  • thereisobstructionontheroad

  • theroadisprescribedasone-way

  • it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction

  • whenovertakinganothervehicle

  • whendrivingfasterthanvehiclesintheleft-handsidelane.

what often happens in cases like this is that the first car to approach the "walker" has to move into the outside lane, then an eeven faster vehicle finding both middle and R/H lane blocked mat resort to passing on the left.........whilst travelling even faster then the vehicle in the RH lane - all because of the walker inthe middle lane using his "common sense."

In CM the left lane seems to belong to the scooters 2or 3 lanes doesn't matter. I get into the right lane as quickly as possible and stay there till I've reached destination. Only time I'm in left lane is where someone could be turning right at a light


Thailand has about the same number of "collisions" as UK (less than the USA) but a death rate 10 times higher.The topic is about aggressive Thai behaviour, the statistics don't support you point of view.

We don't appear to be on the same page here. Aggressive behaviour is one of the problems that contribute to road deaths. I don't know what the percentage of motorcyclists are killed in proportion to motorists, but it doesn't matter, motorcyclist exhibit aggressive behaviour as well.

If you are inferring that Thai people are more aggressive than the rest of the world, you don't have a leg to stand on. and the concept that "aggressive driving" causes road deaths to jump by 1000% then you really need to rethink your ability to understand stats and their interpretation. Most evidence on this thread is anecdotal and worthless.


If you are driving at the legal speed on a 3 lane road then the middle lane is ideal, as the left lane is for exit and entry and the right left for passing of the impatient.

This is called common sense.

Right hand drive countries, before you try to argue against this statement.

If you did the in he UK, you could well be pulled up by the police.

I'm glad you responded though as it is a classic example of the arrogance of some foreign drivers who think "they know best" when in fact they just driving according to their own prejudices. People in the middle lane force others to pass either on the left or the right and force cars out in front of faster traffic.

I UK they are referred to as "walkers in the middle lane"

Thai Law...

[if the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:

  1. thereisobstructionontheroad

  2. theroadisprescribedasone-way

  3. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction

  4. whenovertakinganothervehicle

  5. whendrivingfasterthanvehiclesintheleft-handsidelane.

Why are you comparing Thailand to the UK and hair splitting over driving in the centre lane, when the total disregard for road rules, safety and common sense is so much the norm here.

Is that the best you can come up with? - the law is very similar in both countries and obeyed in the UK which has one of the lowest death rates in the world. I'm showing you the Thai law which you seem to be oblivious of. Has it never occurred to you why other drivers seem so aggressive? - DELETED


Thailand has about the same number of "collisions" as UK (less than the USA) but a death rate 10 times higher.The topic is about aggressive Thai behaviour, the statistics don't support you point of view.

We don't appear to be on the same page here. Aggressive behaviour is one of the problems that contribute to road deaths. I don't know what the percentage of motorcyclists are killed in proportion to motorists, but it doesn't matter, motorcyclist exhibit aggressive behaviour as well.

If you are inferring that Thai people are more aggressive than the rest of the world, you don't have a leg to stand on. and the concept that "aggressive driving" causes road deaths to jump by 1000% then you really need to rethink your ability to understand stats and their interpretation. Most evidence on this thread is anecdotal and worthless.

DELETED I said aggressive behaviour contributes to road deaths, I didn't say it was the sole cause. DELETED


I just drove to Vientiane (well Nong Khai) from Chiang Mai and back in a Honda City, only had it happen once the whole trip, if you're doing 140 they're generally not interested in trying to catch up with you.


Fortuner drivers own the road. Boy racers on their skinny tired, lowered, noisy bikes think they can take on a big bike tongue.png

Yeah....and I like my Fortuner.....You never heard about being "King of the Road? clap2.gif


Out of curiosity...what is your hurry?

We are mostly retired, old fogies that dread going back home to the wife. Where's the fire?

Let them pass, put on some Jimmy Buffet and light one up. Don't become part of the circus. The only place I am going is to eat or get a beer.

It's not the Op who is in a hurry, it's the Thai who needs to get in front at all costs, no matter how many lives he endangers in the process. It's usually the motorist who is toodling along sticking to the speed limit and obeying the road rules who gets cleaned up by these maniacs.

You have obviously never driven in LA traffic :)


Fortuner drivers own the road. Boy racers on their skinny tired, lowered, noisy bikes think they can take on a big bike tongue.png

Yeah....and I like my Fortuner.....You never heard about being "King of the Road? clap2.gif

Yeah, I heard a song once about it. Pretty sure it was about a Peterbilt, Freightliner, Kenworth or a Mack though :P


When they race past me I think "There goes another accident on its way to happen". Too many times have I seen them farther ahead in the ditch, wrapped around another car or tree. My wife says it is bad for Farangs to complain about local people's driving. I told her that the way they drive they will have an accident. She says it is just their particular driving technique. When I point out that the car that recently passed us is in the ditch, she says "No problem, next time they will try a different technique", so don't complain. So now when we watch the Thai road accident news in the morning we call it the "End of Technique News".

Very Good "Estrada" I had a genuine LOL experience ! TQ

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