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SURVEY: Do you believe European countries are justified in seizing asylum-seekers assets?


SURVEY: Do you believe European countries are justified in seizing the assets of asylum seekers?  

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When you come to Thailand, can your assets be seized??

I vote they should be seized!!!

good to get off on the right foot

Maybe if the people coming to Thailand expect to live off the Thai taxpayers. But all the non-Thais I've known are paying into the system not taking out.

I agree with you mopar71 and 100% disagree with puukao.

I have been here for a long while on a B Visa, VOA, Tourist visa, Non Imm "O", marriage extension and currently a retirement extension.

Strangely enough I doubt if I wouls EVER be allowed to enter or remain in Thailand with no funds or apply to become a refugee, political or economic even though I have a wife and son here.

I like every other expat or tourist here am expected to pay my way so why would they need to seize my funds?

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Plus, if the "refugees" don't have all their documents, how will the host country know who is family and who isn't?

If refugees are unable to establish their identity they are not permitted asylum status, nor family reunion permitted

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I am English and I hate to see peop.le treated unfairly.. Equal treatment I say. so I voted no. However, when in England I pay a shit laod of money on taxes around half my wages, then I spend half of whats left on mortguage investments. left with a paltry bit after that. so might as well let the migrannts know what life is gonna be like if they gonna move into the country. yes our government will not be trying to bomb you. instead they want you to be like livestock on a farm, a bit of milking like everyone else.

If you wanted equal treatment, you should have voted "yes" (see my previous post as to why)


and yes for the very same reasons you state.

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The real answer here is to rebrand EU as a buddhist region. Thus those with assests will be forced to compensate the karma, any future actions taken and any past actions now result in karmic reassignment of your assets.

Well thats the thai view of it.

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Well, there is some history here.

Recall if you will the enormous stacks of spectacles, used clothing, hair, prosthetics, false teeth, empty suitcases, furs, it wasn't nice then so how can it be right now?

Much better is to tell all these economic immigrants, that Merkel made a mistake and has been taken into custody for endangering her country and let them know that no more will be given entry and those there will be returned to camps in Kurdistan awaiting repatriation.

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Why is it that western, non Moslem countries seem to be taking in huge numbers of largely, Moslem men of fighting age, and very few women, children or Christians. Surely they are the ones that are the real refugees in need of help. Just as there are Moslem Islamic countries within walking distance of Syria, (Jordan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Yeman and even Iran, that have refused point blank to accept any people.....

Facilitating millions of men of fighting age leave their country, and agueably their woman and children behind, is nothing more than facilitating in the murder of those woman and children. Why not send 50,000 well armed and trained troops to completely overwhelm the barbaric savages of ISIS, and train and assist these men of fighting age, is the only answer to ever regaining control of the country.

A large number of these, so called Asylum seeking refugees, are in fact ISIS, as they stated in Apr 2015, that they would send their murderous troops into western countries amongst the refugees to carry out jihad in all western countries, by the end of 2015. And a large majority of the rest are economic invaders... The war is now in our countries......

Once these asylum seeking men have settled in their new chosen country they will then send for their families , all legal and above board in the UK . So for every successful asylum seeker you can multiply by at least 4 .

Multiply by at least 4? I think that number is probably at least 10-15.

Plus, if the "refugees" don't have all their documents, how will the host country know who is family and who isn't?

That is why there is no solution.

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Plus, if the "refugees" don't have all their documents, how will the host country know who is family and who isn't?

If refugees are unable to establish their identity they are not permitted asylum status, nor family reunion permitted

A part of the asylum process (or any type of immigration) is to get complete and comprehensive data of who the family members are. The only people who usually have the right to immediate family reunion are the spouse and minor children. Brothers, sisters and parents are way down the list for family reunification and would have to come as immigrants (unless they are entitled to refugee status in their own right).

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The danger in seizing these assets is loaning legitimacy to the fantasy that [they] are asylum seekers- they are not! When the people rally and support taking possessions to pay for [their] arrival and maintenance the people inadvertently condone the invasion; its similar to "take the king's shilling do the king's bidding." It is a typical bait and switch. Don't take their possessions and do not take these people.They are not refugees, they are opportunists. They WILL make their next place look exactly like the last place.

Agreed, but move them back to the countries where they came from.

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Plus, if the "refugees" don't have all their documents, how will the host country know who is family and who isn't?

If refugees are unable to establish their identity they are not permitted asylum status, nor family reunion permitted

A part of the asylum process (or any type of immigration) is to get complete and comprehensive data of who the family members are. The only people who usually have the right to immediate family reunion are the spouse and minor children. Brothers, sisters and parents are way down the list for family reunification and would have to come as immigrants (unless they are entitled to refugee status in their own right).

I seriously doubt that, what is it that makes you so sure it is like that? The media is severely watered down and manipulated, crime is sky rocketing, natives are getting desperate.

They house these people scattered all over the place, especially women feel very unsafe.

This is only beginning and it is already spinning out of control as it is, reunion will triple the problem in a short time frame.

"In the past many of these import people have found ways to get in way more then the only "allowed" immediate family and this has been reality for so long already."

I fear for Europe, if nothing is going to be done to stop and reverse this there will be a war again.

And man, there is so much more to say about this but I decided not to spend too much time about these issues that are going on anymore because it makes me feel bad and very very worried.

Nobody held this for possible, if you would have made predictions about what is happening today a few years ago you would have been laughed at and been declared a nutter.

Today's madness is the new "normal" of tomorrow and the sky seems to be the limit with this madness.

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Yes, if they're going on benefits - most countries make their locals use up savings before getting benefits, so that's only fair.

No, if they can fund their own lives - those will quickly become taxpayers and that should be encouraged - my taxes can't pay for ALL of them! ohmy.png

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If refugees are unable to establish their identity they are not permitted asylum status, nor family reunion permitted

A part of the asylum process (or any type of immigration) is to get complete and comprehensive data of who the family members are. The only people who usually have the right to immediate family reunion are the spouse and minor children. Brothers, sisters and parents are way down the list for family reunification and would have to come as immigrants (unless they are entitled to refugee status in their own right).

I seriously doubt that, what is it that makes you so sure it is like that? The media is severely watered down and manipulated, crime is sky rocketing, natives are getting desperate.

They house these people scattered all over the place, especially women feel very unsafe.

This is only beginning and it is already spinning out of control as it is, reunion will triple the problem in a short time frame.

"In the past many of these import people have found ways to get in way more then the only "allowed" immediate family and this has been reality for so long already."

I fear for Europe, if nothing is going to be done to stop and reverse this there will be a war again.

And man, there is so much more to say about this but I decided not to spend too much time about these issues that are going on anymore because it makes me feel bad and very very worried.

Nobody held this for possible, if you would have made predictions about what is happening today a few years ago you would have been laughed at and been declared a nutter.

Today's madness is the new "normal" of tomorrow and the sky seems to be the limit with this madness.

I worked with refugees with the UNHCR a number of years ago and then also with refugees and immigrants through a western embassy. I also worked with refugee programs which saw applicants going to many countries, including, much of Europe, Canada, Australia and the US.

The people entering Europe have yet to be screened and vetted to determine their status. The problem is due in part to a lack of border controls, a system of detention and reasonably quick and efficient screening before they are resettled.

The citizens of the various countries have every right to be concerned and upset with the events that are unfolding, but the blame needs to be placed on the various gov'ts that have let it happen, are continuing to let it happen and are doing little to deal with the consequences.

It's a little like blaming the passengers on the Titanic for its sinking.

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When you come to Thailand, can your assets be seized??

I vote they should be seized!!!

good to get off on the right foot

Maybe if the people coming to Thailand expect to live off the Thai taxpayers. But all the non-Thais I've known are paying into the system not taking out.

I agree with you mopar71 and 100% disagree with puukao.

I have been here for a long while on a B Visa, VOA, Tourist visa, Non Imm "O", marriage extension and currently a retirement extension.

Strangely enough I doubt if I wouls EVER be allowed to enter or remain in Thailand with no funds or apply to become a refugee, political or economic even though I have a wife and son here.

I like every other expat or tourist here am expected to pay my way so why would they need to seize my funds?

Puukao seems to have missed the point here. It is people who want to live off the state for free, those who arrive with nothing other than their clothes and need food, cigarettes, televisions, mobile phones, accommodation and other necessities giving for free who should have their assets seized to cover the costs.

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The problem is that those or most people migrating to EU are from Africa and other countries which have nothing in common with real refugees from Syria. Until all are properly checked, which is almost impossible due to no passports, all should be stopped. This is only deter-ant against free ride, or free money every month, in EU.

The questions should be:

  1. Does EU should accept and support financially all refugees without considering religious beliefs, customs and their real origin? If yes, why?
  2. Does Arabic Muslim countries should support financially Islamic refugees with disregards of Muslim Shiites and Sunnis? If yes, why?
  3. Is EU responsible for the Muslim refugees? If yes, why?

1 No

2 Yes

3 YES. The west has been sticking it's beak into middle eastern/ African politics for years and the present situation is directly of theirs ( and the US ) making. However, they should be helping the countries around Syria and in Africa to support the refugees and not allowing them into Euro.

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No again.

Let them keep their assets for investments if they go home.

Generally, people on welfare need assets or credit if they want to live independent of welfare in the future. So *all* assets should be untouchable for welfare offices up to a certain amount, regardless of whether welfare is claimed by a national or a foreigner, provided assets are declared investment money and cannot be wasted for consumption.

Edited by micmichd
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Shouldnt let them in in the first place .


1. How many migrants have been given refuge in Vatican City?

2. How many migrants have been given refuge in Saudi Arabia?

3. How many migrants have been given refuge in the UAE?

4. How many migrants have been given refuge in Bahrain?

5. How many migrants have been given refuge in Kuwait?

Lebanon and Jordan have over 1 million each. Why not the rich Arab countries and the home of the highly critical Pope?

Saudi Arabia: Only refugees with relatives who have been granted residency (approx 100k) are allowed in. Saudi Arabia bases its refusal to house more refugees because it is not a signatory on the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention. Wonder why. But the EU is bad for not allowing unlimited migration. Go figure?

The UAE: Houses about 100k 'residents' and funds Jordanian refugee camps. "Go there, don't come here." But the EU is bad for not allowing unlimited migration. Go figure?

Bahrain: 300. Wow! But the EU is bad for not allowing unlimited migration. Go figure?

Kuwait: "Kuwaiti official Fahad Al Shalami told France24 television in a broadcast interview on Sept. 2 that in fact, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) should never accept Syrian refugees." Doesn't that say it all. But the EU is bad for not allowing unlimited migration. Go figure?

Vatican City: One Melkite Greek Catholic family of four individuals fleeing Syria. Wow! Pope Franky, leading by example!!! But the EU is bad for not allowing unlimited migration. Go figure?

So why is it again that Europe or any other non-Islamic nation should open it's doors to unlimited foreign migration from predominately Muslim nations when the wealthiest Islamic (and Catholic) countries don't want them inside their borders? Hypocritical to say the least, imho.

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When you come to Thailand, can your assets be seized??

I vote they should be seized!!!

good to get off on the right foot

Maybe if the people coming to Thailand expect to live off the Thai taxpayers. But all the non-Thais I've known are paying into the system not taking out.

I agree with you mopar71 and 100% disagree with puukao.

I have been here for a long while on a B Visa, VOA, Tourist visa, Non Imm "O", marriage extension and currently a retirement extension.

Strangely enough I doubt if I wouls EVER be allowed to enter or remain in Thailand with no funds or apply to become a refugee, political or economic even though I have a wife and son here.

I like every other expat or tourist here am expected to pay my way so why would they need to seize my funds?

Puukao seems to have missed the point here. It is people who want to live off the state for free, those who arrive with nothing other than their clothes and need food, cigarettes, televisions, mobile phones, accommodation and other necessities giving for free who should have their assets seized to cover the costs.

I think the fact that you regard cigarettes, televisions and mobile phones as 'necessities' is a sad indictment of the society we have become.....

Edited by Shadychris
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Frankly, I am horrified (if not surprised) by the racist, xenophobic votes and posts here. We were all privileged to be born in well-off countries with world access, male, and English speakers. We've never had the threat of bombs dropping, levelling our houses, schools, and hospitals and drone attacks of our weddings and funerals.

Sure there may be a few fanatics among the refugees who perhaps could be revved up to become terrorists. But 99.999999999% are just people like you trying to make the best life for their families in a safe place.

Honestly, your lack of compassion for a problem our well-off countries, particularly the US, have created is appalling. If it were your family & community which was so threatened, you, too, would trek thousands of miles to safety. Show some respect for your fellow humans!

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Plus, if the "refugees" don't have all their documents, how will the host country know who is family and who isn't?

If refugees are unable to establish their identity they are not permitted asylum status, nor family reunion permitted

Don't know about the rest of the world but i know for a fact that you incorrect when it comes to Sweden regarding this thing.

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Frankly, I am horrified (if not surprised) by the racist, xenophobic votes and posts here. We were all privileged to be born in well-off countries with world access, male, and English speakers. We've never had the threat of bombs dropping, levelling our houses, schools, and hospitals and drone attacks of our weddings and funerals.

Sure there may be a few fanatics among the refugees who perhaps could be revved up to become terrorists. But 99.999999999% are just people like you trying to make the best life for their families in a safe place.

Honestly, your lack of compassion for a problem our well-off countries, particularly the US, have created is appalling. If it were your family & community which was so threatened, you, too, would trek thousands of miles to safety. Show some respect for your fellow humans!

Well at least now you know what most people think

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Frankly, I am horrified (if not surprised) by the racist, xenophobic votes and posts here. We were all privileged to be born in well-off countries with world access, male, and English speakers. We've never had the threat of bombs dropping, levelling our houses, schools, and hospitals and drone attacks of our weddings and funerals.

Sure there may be a few fanatics among the refugees who perhaps could be revved up to become terrorists. But 99.999999999% are just people like you trying to make the best life for their families in a safe place.

Honestly, your lack of compassion for a problem our well-off countries, particularly the US, have created is appalling. If it were your family & community which was so threatened, you, too, would trek thousands of miles to safety. Show some respect for your fellow humans!

How come about 94% (-+3% from year to year) coming to Sweden do not have any kind of ID or anything else when it comes to documentation about who they are?

About half of all the colonizers now "resettling" into Sweden will not have any kind of employment after 1 decade in Sweden. Not surprising at all considering that you get more money through benifits than working a lower wage job. If you are really "lucky" you entire Sweden when you are 64 years old and "retire" the next year and get MORE pension than a swedish person who has worked for 45 years.

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If refugees are unable to establish their identity they are not permitted asylum status, nor family reunion permitted

A part of the asylum process (or any type of immigration) is to get complete and comprehensive data of who the family members are. The only people who usually have the right to immediate family reunion are the spouse and minor children. Brothers, sisters and parents are way down the list for family reunification and would have to come as immigrants (unless they are entitled to refugee status in their own right).

I seriously doubt that, what is it that makes you so sure it is like that? The media is severely watered down and manipulated, crime is sky rocketing, natives are getting desperate.

They house these people scattered all over the place, especially women feel very unsafe.

This is only beginning and it is already spinning out of control as it is, reunion will triple the problem in a short time frame.

"In the past many of these import people have found ways to get in way more then the only "allowed" immediate family and this has been reality for so long already."

I fear for Europe, if nothing is going to be done to stop and reverse this there will be a war again.

And man, there is so much more to say about this but I decided not to spend too much time about these issues that are going on anymore because it makes me feel bad and very very worried.

Nobody held this for possible, if you would have made predictions about what is happening today a few years ago you would have been laughed at and been declared a nutter.

Today's madness is the new "normal" of tomorrow and the sky seems to be the limit with this madness.

I worked with refugees with the UNHCR a number of years ago and then also with refugees and immigrants through a western embassy. I also worked with refugee programs which saw applicants going to many countries, including, much of Europe, Canada, Australia and the US.

The people entering Europe have yet to be screened and vetted to determine their status. The problem is due in part to a lack of border controls, a system of detention and reasonably quick and efficient screening before they are resettled.

The citizens of the various countries have every right to be concerned and upset with the events that are unfolding, but the blame needs to be placed on the various gov'ts that have let it happen, are continuing to let it happen and are doing little to deal with the consequences.

It's a little like blaming the passengers on the Titanic for its sinking.

My apologies to all the sympathisers, but my solution would be to take the assets and add to a fund to forcibly return them to north africa. If this is not done soon the EU is done for.

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Frankly, I am horrified (if not surprised) by the racist, xenophobic votes and posts here. We were all privileged to be born in well-off countries with world access, male, and English speakers. We've never had the threat of bombs dropping, levelling our houses, schools, and hospitals and drone attacks of our weddings and funerals.

Sure there may be a few fanatics among the refugees who perhaps could be revved up to become terrorists. But 99.999999999% are just people like you trying to make the best life for their families in a safe place.

Honestly, your lack of compassion for a problem our well-off countries, particularly the US, have created is appalling. If it were your family & community which was so threatened, you, too, would trek thousands of miles to safety. Show some respect for your fellow humans!

Well at least now you know what most people think

Someone who is so easily "horrified" clearly perceives on the emotive level, and this is evident by the hyperbole and pejoratives "racist...xenophobic..." labels. What person needs to insult another to make their argument seem the better? There is no indication that there are a "few fanatics" among these masses of people. All evidence points immediately and consistently to the fact that there are large numbers of people presenting various problems to the host nations, including rape, robbery, theft, public loitering, littering, intimidation, etc. The entire position above seems to be entirely predicated upon whether or not a person is a terrorist, and assumes anything short is acceptable. The assertion that people have a duty to accept the violent and abrupt decline in their lives is absurd.

There is zero indication that "99.999999999%" (there are not this many people involved in the equation) are just like me, living in a "safe place." The vast majority of these people are nothing like me at all. I do not believe women are property, children can be married, someone else is inferior because of their secret appreciation for god, or others are stained by god. I do not believe in slaves, the superiority of my race, nor the inferiority of others. The vast majority are young single males without families. The vast majority are not remotely similar to me. You keep citing the image of families seeking to live better lives but this is a fantasy unrelated to this problem. Families are the exception. Among the first observations supporters and detractors alike realized is the palpable absence of families, children, and even the old from the hoards descending into Europe.

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