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Europe has 'six to eight weeks' to fix migrant crisis – Dutch PM


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Europe has 'six to eight weeks' to fix migrant crisis – Dutch PM


"Last year it was only 600 in the full month of January. Now 35,000 in the first 3 weeks of this year and now it winter."

DAVOS: -- The Dutch prime minister says Europe has just six to eight weeks to find a fix for the migrant crisis.

Mark Rutte was speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos alongside his counterparts from Greece and France.

Rutte said 35,000 people crossed the sea from Turkey into Greece so far this year.

“When Spring comes the figures will quadruple,” he added. “They will go up considerably. We cannot as EU, at least, for Netherlands, Germany…. We cannot cope with these numbers any longer we have to get a grip of this.”

“What we are calling for is a mechanism that will help relocate refugees from Turkey and the Greek Islands to the rest Europe,” said Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipiras. “I’m not just referring to specific countries.”

“We can not leave Africa and The Sahel alone to terrorism,” said French prime minister Manuel Valls. “Libya is on the focus because there are so many issues: Daesh, the disorganization of Libya and the migration crisis.”

Many of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people have gathered in the Swiss ski resort of Davos to discuss business and the state of the world.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-22

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" A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out."

An oversight and a rush to be benevolent has caused irreparable damage, and brought chaos to many

EU countries and communities.....

Edited by ezzra
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Headlines from the UK daily mail... ( that for some reason is blocked by my ISP,

Angela Merkel being sued by migrants over time taken to process asylum claims

Germany admits it cannot account for half of its 1.1 million refugees ...
4 hours ago - But he also said that in some cases refugees may not have stayed in Germany but instead gone on to a different country elsewhere in the EU some probably under false documents....
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Headlines from the UK daily mail... ( that for some reason is blocked by my ISP,

Angela Merkel being sued by migrants over time taken to process asylum claims

Germany admits it cannot account for half of its 1.1 million refugees ...

www.dailymail.co.uk/.../German-government-admits-account-4 hours ago - But he also said that in some cases refugees may not have stayed in Germany but instead gone on to a different country elsewhere in the EU some probably under false documents....

It's blocked by the generals for reporting [fill in your desired adjective] on Thailand.

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Shut the gate after the horse has bolted,,,,They are so stupid,It's to late The horse has gone,,,,,In this Disaster case They are already IN They must stop them from coming in,,,And move the ones that are already in,OUT,,,,

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Germany is about to destroying Europe a third time. Nothing learned. Pure ignorance and arrogance.

Reportedly 1 million refugees have already entered Germany, as was integrating East Germany seemingly problematic it turned out the opposite.

Some people are smarter than we think....imagine.... they now have a pool of employable people willing to work for low wages at least in the short term, houses to build, furnish them, 1 million people use a lot of products, buy a lot of products, the ones in work pay taxes....

I really don't understand what all the fuss is over about accepting refugees unless these members here are anti moslem.

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Massive migrant camps in the desert in the Spanish enclave in the Sahara.

No benefits for "asylum seekers".

That would stem the tide. But best of all don't allow them in in the first place.

Yes the answer is SO SIMPLE don't let them in.

But we have to find Politicians with enough BALLS to do this.

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I hear some european politicians want to build a wall...I wonder where they got that idea? ?


The Soviet republic? The US? Israel? Hadrian? Me (well, the neighbour's kids kept knocking their ball into my garden).

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But think back, who started this disaster in the making?

Errrr...the 'Man Behind The Curtain?' lol

Your question nails it, but it goes right over the heads of most of the 'ignorant masses' who are now dealing directly with this mess. Who's responsible? A quick glance toward Davos would net a bunch of them.

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we call him Mark "Pinokkio" Rutte. And with him there is a whole bunch of semi pinokkio's, called government.

No vision, but an American vision of destruction. IS made a good tactical move to overload Europe with moslims.

Whole EU just talk talk talk like chickens.

Point is they should have bothered when Assad was killing his people.

IS took this moment and now it's out of hands.

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It's like someone already write: either you place a long chain of gun boats in the mediterranean that sink any and all vessels trying to enter Europe... ooorrrrrr.... you change it so that not a single person, not even if you have valid asylum reason (like 2% of them), will get a single cent in any kind of benefits until they are citizens of that nation and to be citizen of an european nation you have to have clean criminal record for 10 years straight, 8 years of taxed income and do a language and history test.

And voila!

There would be about 600 refugess coming to Europe EACH YEAR.

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Most Western countries: "We can't turn our backs on political or economic refugees, but we can turn our backs on the poverty-stricken and unemployed citizenry in our own country while 'fast-tracking' refugees for government assistance and jobs."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, what's wrong with this picture.

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Give me a break; like they don' know what's happening and the consequences of it.

They won't do anything. Its all part of the plan.

I too suspect there is a deliberate plan to flood Europe with Muslim migrants. However I cannot for the life of me think why anyone in the ruling classes (other than Muslims) would want this.

Is it to drive European govts to the right so welfare can be curbed?

It appears insane that govts in Europe are actively participating in destroying the world's leading culture and planting populations in Europe's midst that will never integrate and have been shown to be economically non-productive, hostile to the host population, morally deviant particularly with regards to women and consistently intolerant and discriminatory towards other groups which is taught to their children as a "religion".

A few dotted around fine, but hundreds of thousands, as we have seen, makes no sense at all. Geno-suicide.

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Give me a break; like they don' know what's happening and the consequences of it.

They won't do anything. Its all part of the plan.

I too suspect there is a deliberate plan to flood Europe with Muslim migrants. However I cannot for the life of me think why anyone in the ruling classes (other than Muslims) would want this.

Is it to drive European govts to the right so welfare can be curbed?

It appears insane that govts in Europe are actively participating in destroying the world's leading culture and planting populations in Europe's midst that will never integrate and have been shown to be economically non-productive, hostile to the host population, morally deviant particularly with regards to women and consistently intolerant and discriminatory towards other groups which is taught to their children as a "religion".

A few dotted around fine, but hundreds of thousands, as we have seen, makes no sense at all. Geno-suicide.

And Sweden is on steroids when it comes to this... around 2050-2055, with current immigration (pre 2015 mass flooding), Sweden will have a minority ethnic swede population.

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Headlines from the UK daily mail... ( that for some reason is blocked by my ISP,

Angela Merkel being sued by migrants over time taken to process asylum claims

Germany admits it cannot account for half of its 1.1 million refugees ...

www.dailymail.co.uk/.../German-government-admits-account-4 hours ago - But he also said that in some cases refugees may not have stayed in Germany but instead gone on to a different country elsewhere in the EU some probably under false documents....

It's blocked by the generals for reporting [fill in your desired adjective] on Thailand.

Its blockage is nothing to do with the generals, but it's off limits for discussion.

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If Scott will permit to go off topic somewhat, how do countries such as the UAE, whose native populations are vastly outnumbered by foreigners, manage to keep it all together and retain their identity?

Apples and oranges.

The foreign population of UAE are migrant guest workers who can be and indeed have been sacked, detained and expelled at any time. Their permission to stay in the country can be rescinded at any time and their original permission to enter was tied to their job. They absolutely have no say in the political process and there is no pathway to citizenship.

There is no similarity or comparison to what is occurring in Europe. None.

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