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Europe has 'six to eight weeks' to fix migrant crisis – Dutch PM


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If Scott will permit to go off topic somewhat, how do countries such as the UAE, whose native populations are vastly outnumbered by foreigners, manage to keep it all together and retain their identity?

Apples and oranges.

The foreign population of UAE are migrant guest workers who can be and indeed have been sacked, detained and expelled at any time. Their permission to stay in the country can be rescinded at any time and their original permission to enter was tied to their job. They absolutely have no say in the political process and there is no pathway to citizenship.

There is no similarity or comparison to what is occurring in Europe. None.

Sure, I can see that, but aren't those enforcing the law foreigners too? What about the army? I can't imagine the Emiratis wanting to get their hands dirty doing such jobs.

Genuine questions by the way. I haven't a clue how the UAE works.

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If Scott will permit to go off topic somewhat, how do countries such as the UAE, whose native populations are vastly outnumbered by foreigners, manage to keep it all together and retain their identity?

Apples and oranges.

The foreign population of UAE are migrant guest workers who can be and indeed have been sacked, detained and expelled at any time. Their permission to stay in the country can be rescinded at any time and their original permission to enter was tied to their job. They absolutely have no say in the political process and there is no pathway to citizenship.

There is no similarity or comparison to what is occurring in Europe. None.

Sure, I can see that, but aren't those enforcing the law foreigners too? What about the army? I can't imagine the Emiratis wanting to get their hands dirty doing such jobs.

Genuine questions by the way. I haven't a clue how the UAE works.

No, the police are Emirati.

As I have explained above, there is absolutely no comparison at all with what is happening in Europe.

Europeans migrants entered illegally.

They are there to stay permanently.

They will set up permanent communities.

They want the host country to feed, house, give them money and free world-class medical treatment.

The host country does this.

They do not want to work.

They want full political rights including the right to vote and hold government and political positions.

They will resist repatriation.

Their home countries will not co-operate in repatriation.

They want to molest women (and men) sexually from their host country.

They will have far higher rates of street robbery and drug-dealing.

They want to be above the law.

Remarkably, the host country authorities comply in this by suppressing news and playing down their crimes.

They demand full tolerance for their religion and its practices.

They will be intolerant of other religions.

Here are some of the key differences between migrant workers in UAE and European migrants (above).

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If Scott will permit to go off topic somewhat, how do countries such as the UAE, whose native populations are vastly outnumbered by foreigners, manage to keep it all together and retain their identity?

Apples and oranges.

The foreign population of UAE are migrant guest workers who can be and indeed have been sacked, detained and expelled at any time. Their permission to stay in the country can be rescinded at any time and their original permission to enter was tied to their job. They absolutely have no say in the political process and there is no pathway to citizenship.

There is no similarity or comparison to what is occurring in Europe. None.

Sure, I can see that, but aren't those enforcing the law foreigners too? What about the army? I can't imagine the Emiratis wanting to get their hands dirty doing such jobs.

Genuine questions by the way. I haven't a clue how the UAE works.

No, the police are Emirati.

As I have explained above, there is absolutely no comparison at all with what is happening in Europe.

Europeans migrants entered illegally.

They are there to stay permanently.

They will set up permanent communities.

They want the host country to feed, house, give them money and free world-class medical treatment.

The host country does this.

They do not want to work.

They want full political rights including the right to vote and hold government and political positions.

They will resist repatriation.

Their home countries will not co-operate in repatriation.

They want to molest women (and men) sexually from their host country.

They will have far higher rates of street robbery and drug-dealing.

They want to be above the law.

Remarkably, the host country authorities comply in this by suppressing news and playing down their crimes.

They demand full tolerance for their religion and its practices.

They will be intolerant of other religions.

Here are some of the key differences between migrant workers in UAE and European migrants (above).

Your making some outrageous statements here on the general mind set of a refugee, don't want to work, above the law, molest women, and one or two more, your in la la land and belong back in colonial times.

The US, Australia most of Sth America are multicultural, the current issues isn't what you say it's Religion, people in the west are god dam shit scared of Islam, just as Christianity left its controlling hold on its members as the world in the west became educated and wealthier you will find and we're seeing it in Australia that practicing Moslems would rather be busy earning and buying that second or third house, growing a business living a better life than picking up arms to fight over some far off desert in the Middle East.

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Apples and oranges.

The foreign population of UAE are migrant guest workers who can be and indeed have been sacked, detained and expelled at any time. Their permission to stay in the country can be rescinded at any time and their original permission to enter was tied to their job. They absolutely have no say in the political process and there is no pathway to citizenship.

There is no similarity or comparison to what is occurring in Europe. None.

Sure, I can see that, but aren't those enforcing the law foreigners too? What about the army? I can't imagine the Emiratis wanting to get their hands dirty doing such jobs.

Genuine questions by the way. I haven't a clue how the UAE works.

No, the police are Emirati.

As I have explained above, there is absolutely no comparison at all with what is happening in Europe.

Europeans migrants entered illegally.

They are there to stay permanently.

They will set up permanent communities.

They want the host country to feed, house, give them money and free world-class medical treatment.

The host country does this.

They do not want to work.

They want full political rights including the right to vote and hold government and political positions.

They will resist repatriation.

Their home countries will not co-operate in repatriation.

They want to molest women (and men) sexually from their host country.

They will have far higher rates of street robbery and drug-dealing.

They want to be above the law.

Remarkably, the host country authorities comply in this by suppressing news and playing down their crimes.

They demand full tolerance for their religion and its practices.

They will be intolerant of other religions.

Here are some of the key differences between migrant workers in UAE and European migrants (above).

Your making some outrageous statements here on the general mind set of a refugee, don't want to work, above the law, molest women, and one or two more, your in la la land and belong back in colonial times.

The US, Australia most of Sth America are multicultural, the current issues isn't what you say it's Religion, people in the west are god dam shit scared of Islam, just as Christianity left its controlling hold on its members as the world in the west became educated and wealthier you will find and we're seeing it in Australia that practicing Moslems would rather be busy earning and buying that second or third house, growing a business living a better life than picking up arms to fight over some far off desert in the Middle East.

It's quite easy to check if a very large majority of muslims are peaceful or not: you just say that their so called prophet was a psychopathic massmurderer and paedophile (which he was). If the muslim asked is smarter than average he or she will not react to it but as most people on earth regardless of religion or ethnicity are "dumb" they would react violently or in an aggressive way.

Australia was only 50 years ago whiter than winter time in Lappland in Sweden. But then again, exact like Sweden was 50 years ago.

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If Scott will permit to go off topic somewhat, how do countries such as the UAE, whose native populations are vastly outnumbered by foreigners, manage to keep it all together and retain their identity?

Apples and oranges.

The foreign population of UAE are migrant guest workers who can be and indeed have been sacked, detained and expelled at any time. Their permission to stay in the country can be rescinded at any time and their original permission to enter was tied to their job. They absolutely have no say in the political process and there is no pathway to citizenship.

There is no similarity or comparison to what is occurring in Europe. None.

Sure, I can see that, but aren't those enforcing the law foreigners too? What about the army? I can't imagine the Emiratis wanting to get their hands dirty doing such jobs.

Genuine questions by the way. I haven't a clue how the UAE works.

No, the police are Emirati.

As I have explained above, there is absolutely no comparison at all with what is happening in Europe.

Europeans migrants entered illegally.

They are there to stay permanently.

They will set up permanent communities.

They want the host country to feed, house, give them money and free world-class medical treatment.

The host country does this.

They do not want to work.

They want full political rights including the right to vote and hold government and political positions.

They will resist repatriation.

Their home countries will not co-operate in repatriation.

They want to molest women (and men) sexually from their host country.

They will have far higher rates of street robbery and drug-dealing.

They want to be above the law.

Remarkably, the host country authorities comply in this by suppressing news and playing down their crimes.

They demand full tolerance for their religion and its practices.

They will be intolerant of other religions.

Here are some of the key differences between migrant workers in UAE and European migrants (above).

These are key differences, and for the reason you cite. Actually, there is just no comparison with these above populations and the contract slavery in the GCC; it is not a similar situation. While later a poster objects to this bullet list above the fact remains that most all of these bullets have ample citation, studies, and statistics to back them up. From entering illegally, to staying permanently, to the dependence on the state for income, the vast majority remain on the public dole, rationalized by many as the jizya due. The employment levels are shockingly low, they often do resist repatriation, vast numbers do molest women, and this population is grossly over represented in prisons and crime. They are frequently intolerant of others and demand accommodations and the reproduction rates are significantly higher than their hosts.

The information supporting these bullet points above are available easily, and are unambiguous.

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