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Will Smith joins Oscars boycott, says he won't attend


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Will Smith joins Oscars boycott, says he won't attend
JAKE COYLE, AP Film Writer

NEW YORK (AP) — Will Smith says he will not attend the Academy Awards next month, joining his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, and others in protest against two straight years of all-white acting nominees.

"My wife's not going. It would be awkward for me to show up with Charlize (Theron)," said Smith on ABC's "Good Morning America" on Thursday. "We've discussed it, but at this current time, we're uncomfortable to stand there and say this is OK."

Smith, who some thought might be nominated for his performance in the football drama "Concussion," said his decision was "deeply not about me."

"This is about children that are going to sit down and they're going to watch the show and they're not going to see themselves represented," said Smith.

Smith, who would likely have been a sought-after presenter at the Feb. 28 ceremony, becomes the biggest name to join a boycott of the Academy Awards following announcements by Spike Lee (an honorary Oscar recipient this year) and Pinkett Smith.

Mark Ruffalo, nominated for his performance in the newspaper drama "Spotlight," told BBC News on Thursday that he was "weighing" whether to skip the ceremony. But later in the day, he clarified that he will attend the Oscars "in support of the victims of clergy sexual abuse and good journalism" — the subjects of "Spotlight."

"I do support the Oscar Ban movement's position that the nominations do not reflect the diversity of our community," said Ruffalo.

Following the announcements by Lee and Pinkett Smith, academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs has pledged "dramatic changes" to diversity in the academy's membership.

Smith, who has been nominated twice before, for 2001's "Ali" and 2006's "The Pursuit of Happyness," said he believes the industry can do better.

"Diversity is the American superpower. That's why we're great," said Smith. "When I look at the series of nominations of the academy, it's not reflecting that beauty."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-01-22

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Black actors are offended just because they're black, accusing the academy of racial ignorance,

not even getting a mention on this year nominations, sour grapes.....throughout the history

of the Oscars there have been hundreds of black nomination and wining,

Full list here:


Be a better actor/ director or what ever they give out nominations and prizes, and you too,

will be in the running.....

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I havenot watched the oscars for decades. Who cares,so what big deal.

I often wonder what would they call it if white people did something like this. Probably call it racist . No matter what side the blacks are on the whites are called rascist.

I always thought oscars were given by the industry to honour the best of the year . If you're not the best not honoured. It isnot the best black or white it is the best. If any given year people many people donot make the oscar cut.what does color have to do with talent .What do they want to do bring down the standard on Oscars along with everything else in America. Maybe change the name to Oscar Baltimore

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I laud Smith for his courage. He is a very highly paid superstar, and this is a gutsy decision. He has influence, and he is using it. The reality is that there was alot of talent in this years crop of actors of color. And it was nothing but racism, favoritism, and Hollywood saying how liberal they are, but when it really came down to it, not having the guts to demonstrate that. Look, something like 45% of the audience is of color. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc. Actors from within those groups are under represented to begin with. Those that do perform, and do so on the level of the crew of Selma, or Concussion should be recognized. To continue not doing so is just plain old ignorant. And I say this as a white male. There is alot of talent out there when it comes to people of color.

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What you been smoking ??

I laud Smith for his courage. He is a very highly paid superstar, and this is a gutsy decision. He has influence, and he is using it. The reality is that there was alot of talent in this years crop of actors of color. And it was nothing but racism, favoritism, and Hollywood saying how liberal they are, but when it really came down to it, not having the guts to demonstrate that. Look, something like 45% of the audience is of color. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc. Actors from within those groups are under represented to begin with. Those that do perform, and do so on the level of the crew of Selma, or Concussion should be recognized. To continue not doing so is just plain old ignorant. And I say this as a white male. There is alot of talent out there when it comes to people of color.

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So the race/color of the nominees has to be diverse............just so that there is diversity?

Of course not. That is certainly not what I am saying. All I am saying is that if the person of color deserves the nomination, nominate him or her. Don't avoid doing so out of habit, fear, or preference due to your political or business allegiances. Something like 94% of the academy members are white. Who do you think they vote for? And what is the makeup of the audience?

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I laud Smith for his courage. He is a very highly paid superstar, and this is a gutsy decision. He has influence, and he is using it. The reality is that there was alot of talent in this years crop of actors of color. And it was nothing but racism, favoritism, and Hollywood saying how liberal they are, but when it really came down to it, not having the guts to demonstrate that. Look, something like 45% of the audience is of color. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc. Actors from within those groups are under represented to begin with. Those that do perform, and do so on the level of the crew of Selma, or Concussion should be recognized. To continue not doing so is just plain old ignorant. And I say this as a white male. There is alot of talent out there when it comes to people of color.

You say this as a white liberal left PC male.

Should the Oscar nominations be based on talent and content or on racial profiling to achieve diversity. With places reserved not only for Afro-Americans but Latinos, Asian, Native Americans, Arabs, Eskimos; and then some for Jews, Catholics, Atheists, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, etc; men, women, homosexuals, transgenders etc etc etc.

Or do you prefer just the Afro-Americans to receive special treatment.

Stuff the idea of picking the best. And if a white person should win, omg, must be racist and require endless debate and protest.

Of course it couldn't be sour grapes from the talentless Mrs Smith that her average husband and very average son haven't been nominated somehow? Or her desire that they be elevates to one of Hollywood's leading dynasties where anyone who doesn't recognize all they do as mega talent is vilified and pilloried as racist? Notice she only mentions Afro-Americans and speaks as though she is some kind of authority higher than the academy members on deciding what's best.

Pathetic. The constant use of the race card by some every time they aren't treated specially or given the prize.

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I laud Smith for his courage. He is a very highly paid superstar, and this is a gutsy decision. He has influence, and he is using it. The reality is that there was alot of talent in this years crop of actors of color. And it was nothing but racism, favoritism, and Hollywood saying how liberal they are, but when it really came down to it, not having the guts to demonstrate that. Look, something like 45% of the audience is of color. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc. Actors from within those groups are under represented to begin with. Those that do perform, and do so on the level of the crew of Selma, or Concussion should be recognized. To continue not doing so is just plain old ignorant. And I say this as a white male. There is alot of talent out there when it comes to people of color.

You say this as a white liberal left PC male.

Should the Oscar nominations be based on talent and content or on racial profiling to achieve diversity. With places reserved not only for Afro-Americans but Latinos, Asian, Native Americans, Arabs, Eskimos; and then some for Jews, Catholics, Atheists, Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, etc; men, women, homosexuals, transgenders etc etc etc.

Or do you prefer just the Afro-Americans to receive special treatment.

Stuff the idea of picking the best. And if a white person should win, omg, must be racist and require endless debate and protest.

Of course it couldn't be sour grapes from the talentless Mrs Smith that her average husband and very average son haven't been nominated somehow? Or her desire that they be elevates to one of Hollywood's leading dynasties where anyone who doesn't recognize all they do as mega talent is vilified and pilloried as racist? Notice she only mentions Afro-Americans and speaks as though she is some kind of authority higher than the academy members on deciding what's best.

Pathetic. The constant use of the race card by some every time they aren't treated specially or given the prize.

You are so very incorrect. Here you go jumping to conclusions, yet again. I am not a leftist. And I am alot of things, but I have NEVER been called PC. I am about as politically incorrect as they come! I could give a rats ass about political correctness. But, I do care about talent. And there are alot of black and latino talents out there. A lot. The fact that they are rarely nominated by the oscars, yet often nominated by the peoples choice awards, the critics choices awards, the screen actors guild, the golden globes, and others, tells me all I need to know about the Academy. They are bought and paid for. They are about as impartial, and as fair as Donald Trump.

There is no race card here. I am not a black man. I am just a huge fan of cinema, and like alot of black, latino and asian actors and actresses, filmmakers, directors, cinematographers, make up artists, production designers, writers, editors, musicians, etc. I am often astonished at how infrequently they are nominated. That is all this is about. Make it a race issue, if that makes you happy.

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I don't care about Will Smith. Gets his name in the news though. I don't like this boycott. I think it would have been much better not to boycott and make some kind of public statement AT the event.

I'm going to watch it to see what happens when the "Black Lives Matters" protesters march down the aisles bearing their signs and banging their cooking pots.

Will the particular star of the moment in front of the microphone relinquish it like Bernie did or will they fight to keep their spot in the sun.

Count me in.

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Entitled rich black man and wife stage protest.

While living in a white community and living of the white moms money, loll you have to love these people, they and their like only

Reinforce peoples hatred for blacks.

Will Smith is one of the most successful/influential and richest men in Hollywood.

He worked from a very young age to get to where he is today....

He's not entitled nor hated. Except by certain obviously racial hating TV members....

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A racist doesn't usually marry an Asian, I say it how it is, these type of people only cause resentment, plus as an actor both him and his wife are talent less, they will only increase racial hatred in America and cause more blacks to get shot.

Look not to start a pissing contest. Why dont you read about Will Smith


You dont get a racial pass just because you might be married to an Asian.

In you opinion you think him and his wife is talentless. Just because its your opinion, does not make it fact.

Please let me know how you gather your assumptions about how those two individuals will cause more black people in the US to "get shot"

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I laud Smith for his courage. He is a very highly paid superstar, and this is a gutsy decision. He has influence, and he is using it. The reality is that there was alot of talent in this years crop of actors of color. And it was nothing but racism, favoritism, and Hollywood saying how liberal they are, but when it really came down to it, not having the guts to demonstrate that. Look, something like 45% of the audience is of color. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, etc. Actors from within those groups are under represented to begin with. Those that do perform, and do so on the level of the crew of Selma, or Concussion should be recognized. To continue not doing so is just plain old ignorant. And I say this as a white male. There is alot of talent out there when it comes to people of color.

Black people are recognized at the Oscars.

Race was not a factor in selection this year. It is just a coincidence.

To accuse people of racism is divisive and needs to be proven. The burden of proof is on the accuser and none has been provided.

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So the race/color of the nominees has to be diverse............just so that there is diversity?

Of course not. That is certainly not what I am saying. All I am saying is that if the person of color deserves the nomination, nominate him or her. Don't avoid doing so out of habit, fear, or preference due to your political or business allegiances. Something like 94% of the academy members are white. Who do you think they vote for? And what is the makeup of the audience?

What makes you think the academy members are racist?

Are you white and racist yourself?

Are all white people automatically racist?

I ask this because I'm white and not racist and I think it's offensive that you suggest white people are automatically racist.

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So the race/color of the nominees has to be diverse............just so that there is diversity?

Of course not. That is certainly not what I am saying. All I am saying is that if the person of color deserves the nomination, nominate him or her. Don't avoid doing so out of habit, fear, or preference due to your political or business allegiances. Something like 94% of the academy members are white. Who do you think they vote for? And what is the makeup of the audience?

What makes you think the academy members are racist?

Are you white and racist yourself?

Are all white people automatically racist?

I ask this because I'm white and not racist and I think it's offensive that you suggest white people are automatically racist.

Wow. Talk about reading into something, and coming away with a conclusion that could not be further from the truth. I am a white male. This much is true. But, I am not racist. I have many close black and latino friends. I have always been quite supportive of people of color, and find that to be one of the best aspects of American, quite frankly. Who said anything about white people being automatically racist? Where was that said? Or implied? I may have implied that there are quite possibly racists within the academy. It cannot be a coincidence that black and latino people are nominated so rarely. It has to be an agenda. It has to be caused by some inability of the academy members to judge a performance or a film on its true merits. Their record of omitting astonishing performances by black men and women is astonishing to me. At least that is the way I see it. If that makes me a racist, so be it, in your mind only.

The Spectator put it well:

But it seems that not much has changed in 50 years, as far as the Academy Awards are concerned. In the first 50 years of the Academy Awards, beginning in 1929, only two black American actors won Oscars — including Poitier for Lilies of the Field. Since then things have picked up, but only a little. There have been Academy Awards for a total of 11 black American actors in the last 37 years and only about 40 nominations. And in the last two years not a single black face has even been nominated.


Edited by spidermike007
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Mr. Smith says this is about the children.

"This is about children that are going to sit down and they're going to watch the show and they're not going to see themselves represented," said Smith

How many children watch the Oscars, other than being in the room while Mom and Dad are watching?

How many children would notice the racial mix, unless an over-privileged, self-important parent pointed it out?

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So the race/color of the nominees has to be diverse............just so that there is diversity?

Of course not. That is certainly not what I am saying. All I am saying is that if the person of color deserves the nomination, nominate him or her. Don't avoid doing so out of habit, fear, or preference due to your political or business allegiances. Something like 94% of the academy members are white. Who do you think they vote for? And what is the makeup of the audience?

What makes you think the academy members are racist?

Are you white and racist yourself?

Are all white people automatically racist?

I ask this because I'm white and not racist and I think it's offensive that you suggest white people are automatically racist.

Wow. Talk about reading into something, and coming away with a conclusion that could not be further from the truth. I am a white male. This much is true. But, I am not racist. I have many close black and latino friends. I have always been quite supportive of people of color, and find that to be one of the best aspects of American, quite frankly. Who said anything about white people being automatically racist? Where was that said? Or implied? I may have implied that there are quite possibly racists within the academy. It cannot be a coincidence that black and latino people are nominated so rarely. It has to be an agenda. It has to be caused by some inability of the academy members to judge a performance or a film on its true merits. Their record of omitting astonishing performances by black men and women is astonishing to me. At least that is the way I see it. If that makes me a racist, so be it, in your mind only.

The Spectator put it well:

But it seems that not much has changed in 50 years, as far as the Academy Awards are concerned. In the first 50 years of the Academy Awards, beginning in 1929, only two black American actors won Oscars — including Poitier for Lilies of the Field. Since then things have picked up, but only a little. There have been Academy Awards for a total of 11 black American actors in the last 37 years and only about 40 nominations. And in the last two years not a single black face has even been nominated.


Why can't it be coincidence?

Is the NBA also racist?

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Mr. Smith says this is about the children.

"This is about children that are going to sit down and they're going to watch the show and they're not going to see themselves represented," said Smith

How many children watch the Oscars, other than being in the room while Mom and Dad are watching?

How many children would notice the racial mix, unless an over-privileged, self-important parent pointed it out?

You'd be surprised at what children see and know.

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