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Temperatures to drop further in North and Isaan tomorrow


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Temps have been in the single digits in the mountains day and night. Never seen anything like this in my years here. As low as 4°C today and breezy. Fingers are numb trying to type on the keyboard. Tomorrow and the next day will be colder? Wow! If you are from a cold climate and think that's nothing then turn off your thermostat and see how long you can take it before turning it on. No heaters in the houses or cars here is a whole different thing.

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Waiting for the usual government call to distribute blankets to the poor, the same people who gets

blankets every year and mange to lose them somehow, and also the article that

tell us how many people died from the cold.... nothing new under the sun...

Even abnormally cold weather can be used to expose the shortcomings of Thailand and denigrate the Thai people.

How do I hate thee?

Let me count the ways...

Bit over-sensitive, aren't we? Jinger by name, Ginger by nature.

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How many Thais have scaled Everest?
How many Swedes have walked across the Sahara? What's your point?
Do I really need to spell it out?
If you wouldn't mind.

When the ambient temperature drops below 25, the ski jackets come out

So when it's cold people dress warmly. How profound rolleyes.gif You do realise that 16 is 20 degrees less than the norm. That's like the UK going from 20 (Nice bikini weather for Hyde Park) to 0...or do you expect people in London to stay in T Shirt and shorts when the temperature drops. Now I bet you sweat your balls off when you came here and the temp was 30+ (Quite mild for me...I only start feeling hot in Kanchanaburi when its 40)

I believe Bangkok is usually around 26 degrees in January

I believe I'm a handsome old devil...doesn't make it true wink.png Average daytime temperature is 33 degrees.
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Its Brass Monkeys today,never mind tomorrow.even the cat does not want to go out.

regards Worgeordie

Yesterday I had to turn my AC on. Today I had to pull my electric heater out of moth balls, first time this year. smile.png

I used my AC to keep my room warm...it was much colder outside:)

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How many Thais have scaled Everest?
How many Swedes have walked across the Sahara? What's your point?
Do I really need to spell it out?
If you wouldn't mind.

When the ambient temperature drops below 25, the ski jackets come out

So when it's cold people dress warmly. How profound rolleyes.gif You do realise that 16 is 20 degrees less than the norm. That's like the UK going from 20 (Nice bikini weather for Hyde Park) to 0...or do you expect people in London to stay in T Shirt and shorts when the temperature drops. Now I bet you sweat your balls off when you came here and the temp was 30+ (Quite mild for me...I only start feeling hot in Kanchanaburi when its 40)

I believe Bangkok is usually around 26 degrees in January

I believe I'm a handsome old devil...doesn't make it true wink.png Average daytime temperature is 33 degrees.

Daily average 26
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How many Thais have scaled Everest?

How many Swedes have walked across the Sahara? What's your point?

Do I really need to spell it out?

Well yes actually.

And as I am a bear of very little brain, avoid using long words like wheelbarrow and marmalade please...

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Volatile weather expected in most parts of the country

BANGKOK: -- The Meteorology Department has issued an announcement indicating volatile weather in the north of the Kingdom with strong winds in the Gulf of Thailand.

The announcement details that a low pressure front from China has moved to cover the north of the country and caused weather in the region to be volatile with heavy showers and wind. Temperatures are set to drop rapidly by another 2-4 degrees Celsius over the next several days.

Lowest temperature estimates for the next 1-2 days is 8-14 degrees Celsius in the north, 8-15 degrees in the northeast, 14-18 degrees in the central and eastern regions and 16-18 degrees in Bangkok.

Winds from Myanmar on the 26 and 27 of January are expected to cause rains and colder conditions.

At the same time, a monsoon front moving over the Gulf of Thailand will intensify winds and bring waves up to 2 or 4 meters. Shippers are advised to be on alert during this period and small boats should stay on shore on the 27th.

Permanent Secretary of Interior, Krisada Boonrach, has circulated a memo to administrators at all levels to provide close care to their constituents and to urge them to care for their health during the cold spell.

-- NNT 2016-01-25 footer_n.gif

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How many Thais have scaled Everest?

If you are implying that it is not cold, the why is it that all Farang visitors at Chiang Rai are bundled up with thick jackets, and scarves? They must be feeling really hot eh?

Do you think comparing westerners in Chiang Rai with Thais in Bangkok is logical?

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How many Thais have scaled Everest?

How many Swedes have walked across the Sahara? What's your point?
Do I really need to spell it out?

YES! No idea what you're talking about and frankly. I'm not arsed.

That's on oxymoron

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BKK is absolutely freezing. This must be a record low.

Not sure about Bangkok but CNN are reporting that temps in Hong Kong are lowest for six decadesblink.png

Think we need to ramp up the carbon emissionsbiggrin.png

What Thailand is now being affected by is the bitterly cold weather sweeping down from China. I live in .Guangdong Province and a mere 70kms from Hong Kong, these last three days the Mercury has gone South big time and yesterday snow was seen here for the first time since 1929.

Last Thursday I flew out of Hangzhou, an area where snow is not unheard of but unusual. The 2 hour drive to the airport really had me worried as the snow was starting to drift and making driving very hazardous. To cap it off, our aircraft was de iced prior to take off, the first time I have witnessed that in many years and possibly hundreds of flights. As I sit here now the temperature is a numbing 3c.

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How many Thais have scaled Everest?

3 Thais have scaled Everest.. Have you?

And, if it's not too much trouble, names and dates please. Proof is always welcome.


Rojanpanich in 2008, did , i only remember because my friend stayed in base camp that year, and some where around 70 people managed to do it that year, too cold for me to do anything like that,

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