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Germany hands out swimming pool etiquette guides after sexual harassment reports against migrants


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Germany hands out swimming pool etiquette guides after sexual harassment reports against migrants
By Our Foreign Staff

Leaflets of instructional cartoons handed out at German swimming pools after reports of women being groped by migrants

BERLIN: -- German authorities have produced an instructional leaflet of swimming pool etiquette following reports that dozens of women were groped by migrants.

The cartoons, produced by Munich public services in cooperation with the equality office, anti-discrimination office and the Centre for Intercultural Cooperation of the City of Munich, warn men not to touch women or enter the pool in their underwear instead of swimming trunks.

There is nothing specific in the 13-point cartoons directed at migrants. However, the issuing of the leaflet comes two weeks after several reports that women were harassed by migrants in German swimming pools.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/12135197/Germany-hands-out-swimming-pool-etiquette-guides-after-sexual-harassment-reports-against-migrants.html

-- The Telegraph 2016-02-02

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The only thing Germany should hand out to those ' refugees ' is one way ticket to where they come from, as many of the so called refugees came from counties they had no rights what so ever to be called refugees...

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Gee, maybe try arresting, convicting and tossing them in prison.

What the devil is wrong with you Germans anyway? Are you out of your minds?

I agree.

This isn't a cultural thing. There is nowhere on earth where it is legal to grope people.

But if you don't enforce laws, then they are going to get broken a lot.

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Appears these young refugees see Germany as an easy country to come too. they donot have to be responsible because political correctness will protect them They are just laughing at how stupid countries can be they go to.They just walk in illegally get fed have a place to stay and can do as they please no responsibility or accountability. These same people make have been useless non contributing people back in their own country and see a free ticket given by stupid people as an easy ride and take it. While th PC people hand feed them.

Also are refugees immune to arrest for harassment and sexual assault?

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Gee, maybe try arresting, convicting and tossing them in prison.

What the devil is wrong with you Germans anyway? Are you out of your minds?

I agree.

This isn't a cultural thing. There is nowhere on earth where it is legal to grope people.

But if you don't enforce laws, then they are going to get broken a lot.

I am sure the law would be rigorously enforced if Klaus or Heinz took a swing at one of them for groping their wife or girlfriend and I bet the miscreants know this. They will also be aware Klaus and Heinz have bills to pay, mouths to feed and a job they are afraid of losing.

The problem here is SELECTIVE law enforcement, which is guaranteed to piss people off and eventually cause them to take matters into their own hands. We are seeing the beginnings of now in places like Sweden and it will not end well for anyone...

Edited by baboon
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Oh! I thought this was going to be an amendment to 'German swimming pool etiquette' warning German tourists not to reserve their pool-side sun-loungers with towels in the early hours of the morning for fear of attack from drunken Brit suicide bombers the next day!

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I also see a story on this general subject that reports Merkle has made the proclamation that any refugees will have to return to their home countries once peace is restored. That Germany will not be their permanent home

Good luck with that, Angela.

Oh, and thanks for the brilliant political leadership. You are a leader with great foresight. We need more like you.

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Ahh such crocodile tears and hand wringing. The Germans are loving their new guests. Germany has had a love affair with the arab world dating back to the 1800's, In the 1800's some of the world's greatest scholars in on the ancient arab and African civilizations were German. The German males loved their special holidays in Tunisia and Morocco. They still do. In the 1930's Germany cultivated a warm relationship with some of the more violent elements of the arab world. The British had the temerity to stop the expansion of German influence in North Africa. Had the Germans been left alone, Germania would have included all of North Africa. In the 1960's and 1970's Germany's leftists saw common ground with the various radical groups of the middle east. it was quite the rage to have an Arab lover, although Arab women were not particularly interested in the German males.

This is just the next phase in the long running torrid love affair. Germany rid itself of all sorts of educated and decent people long ago. The new people will serve as a wonderful reminder of what happens when countries make poor choices.

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Handing out "guides" like this is self evidently racism/bias, which makes the purposeful importing of these populations even more treasonous. By this action the State concedes/indicts these people for lacking the intellect or moral bearing to be held accountable equally for their actions as are Europeans. There is zero intention of remedying this problem in any event. All efforts by State will be to assuage citizen outrage and buy time. Europe is so far f___ed that no amount of action now can unfu-- them except fleeing. But this was intended for many years. This is why this invasion seems inexorable, like a car accident in slow motion- happening irrespective of outrage or abuses to the citizens. Even though this slow motion 'car accident' is still on the road we all just know it is going to end up upside down, in the river below. We know this as certainly as knowing an arrow in flight will hit the earth.

The three components of this EU debacle are Merkel/State/Paneuropa Pals, EU Citizens/Alien Population, Breaking down the glue that previously bound or separated various and collective European identities with a new hybrid from populations in the Middle East and North Africa.

As long as one does not change their perspective they will not understand what is really happening. This is not my theory, this is Merkel's avowed and dedicated worldview. There is a reason Merkel is a proud recipient of the Coudenhove-Kalergi/Charlemagne Prize- she is a leading proponent of the total re-engineering of the European fabric. This has been known of her long before this current treason. This has been a plank in the Coudenhove-Kalergi manifesto/plan for many years. Merkel's Paneuropa necessarily and finally includes a Paneurabia because all projects have concluded that the goal of the Paneuropa will ultimately fail without a profound infusion of new population. None of this is related to "refugees." Its hogwash. Europeans are the victims, migrants are the means.

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On a recent trip to Hamburg I noticed that the management of my favorite local gym and swimming pool changed the rules.

Before, in the male locker room and showers area they allowed families there and German females were able to enter the area with their husbands and kids.

Not anymore, they have made a segregated family lockers room two weeks ago. I was explained that the new immigrants and occasional tourists stayed for a very long time near the showers gawking at the girls and embarrassing the German families who are used to the casual nudity.

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Wait until the summer comes, where many lying naked in the parks and on the beaches.
Germany has a long tradition, is called FKK - Free nudists Body Culture.

This part of our culture we will probably no longer be able to practice safely.
A shame what Merkel and Co. did to our country with their idiotic immigration policy.
These people from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Syrian, Afghanistan, Irak, Iran, Ethiopia, Sudan, Pakistan, Arab Countrys, East and West Africans
do not fit into our society and reject our behaviors, culture, religion and freedoms.
And the radical Islamists fighting even our values by force.
When the madness of invading unhindered continues, there coming soon a civil war.
The first signs are already visible.
The majority of Germans are fed up with this - deleted -.
The only thing that Merkel still protects are the lies of the mass media.

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I fear for the future of Europe.

Allowing this mass influx of ill-educated, misogynistic adherents of a Dark Ages Cult will result either in Civil conflict or the complete destruction of Western beliefs, standards and tradition.

How long before all Western women are forced into the Burqa as a means of avoiding unwanted attention from these foul, criminal invaders ?

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It's as broad as it is tall. How about a guide educating culture enrichers that it is not acceptable to pull your trousers and defecate in the waiting area for a bus, or even on public transport itself? Every facet of every day existence has indeed been enriched to the degree that pamphlets as copious as the library at Byzantium would be needed to get these migrants to not behave like savages. Much of the bad behavior is of course deliberate making any attempts at education moot.

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Wait until the summer comes, where many lying naked in the parks and on the beaches.

Germany has a long tradition, is called FKK - Free nudists Body Culture.

This part of our culture we will probably no longer be able to practice safely.

A shame what Merkel and Co. did to our country with their idiotic immigration policy.

These people from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Syrian, Afghanistan, Irak, Iran, Ethiopia, Sudan, Pakistan, Arab Countrys, East and West Africans

do not fit into our society and reject our behaviors, culture, religion and freedoms.

And the radical Islamists fighting even our values by force.

When the madness of invading unhindered continues, there coming soon a civil war.

The first signs are already visible.

The majority of Germans are fed up with this - deleted -.

The only thing that Merkel still protects are the lies of the mass media.

Sorry to digress. I am reminded of a story long, long ago. My friend and I, both roughly 20 years old, were visiting a svimmbar- an outdoor grassy pool area where women were often topless. We were so stupid, and drinking, so we camped out in a sea of women. We slightly covered our heads with a blanket like idiots as my friend once more asked me "How do I ask a woman to sleep with me?" I replied "Ich morshda mit der schlafen."

My friend, drunk or stupid, could not get this through his head. Over and over he tried to quietly repeat this correctly until I threw open the blanket and shouted to him "ICH MORSHDA MIT DER SCHLAFEN!" The entire outdoor area went silent as all the women stared at me shouting at my best (male) friend "I want to sleep with you."

Such silly days of youth can now never happen again. Besides the stupidity of the act, the innocence of such moments are now lost forever.

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I would pay to see the pamphlet they hand for groping women when in Muslim countries. I am quite certain, depending on the country, that the family of the girl would track down and execute the perpetrator. Do the Germans seriously tolerate this behaviour on the belief that it's a cultural misunderstanding?

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I don't really blame the colonizers and other iPhone tourists coming to Europe... i blame the politicians, journalists, police etc for allowing this ethnic cleansing to happen. One day, hopefully quite soon, they will get what's coming to them.

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