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Survey: Corruption in Thailand lowest in 6 years


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Yea reversing democracy results in less corruption. This should be obvious because less transparency and oversight would clearly result in less corruption...

"....less transparency and oversight......" than the Yingluk government? Is that even possible?

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Yea reversing democracy results in less corruption. This should be obvious because less transparency and oversight would clearly result in less corruption...

"....less transparency and oversight......" than the Yingluk government? Is that even possible?

Uh, yes. An unelected and unaccountable junta. You really are quite slow sometimes....coffee1.gif

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Yeah, sure.Like the same 99% approval rating for the govt. We trust this kind of junk statistics.

As said by another user, Transparency International gave Thailand the exact same score of the previous year, so no improvement at all.

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170 billion paid to government officials is only part of it. This is from big business trying to buy contracts. If you add in all the small 500 baht notes paid by ordinary folk for something needed from small fry officials the amount would be staggering.

And yet when Abhisits Democrat government were shoehorned into power one of their first acts was to give out a couple of thousand baht to every government official for the great work they do.

And then some people want to harp on about poor farmers taking money for their votes whilst ignoring massive corruption from Democrat voters.

If there is any truth in the saying that people get the government they deserve then perhaps it would be better for Thep dolls to run it. Could hardly be much worse.

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Amazing the business people they surveyed reported below. That is, yes we paid bribes to govt officials but a little less in 2015. Wonder if those business people are ready to confess to the justice system their crime and identify the officials they paid the bribes to? Probably not.

The samples who had done business with the government said in 2015 they paid bribes totaling 60 – 170 billion baht or 6% - 15% of their budget in order to obtain contracts from the government. The total value of bribes in 2015 was lower than 2014 when they paid around 200 – 250 billion baht to government officials.

Of course not.. they are as guilty as they got contracts for bribing and made all the money back.

that means it's going on but more secretely and hidden, maybe to foreign accounts or envelopes handed over in Laos or Cambodia or elsewhere (in Dubai?)

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I chose to see it from a brighter perspective than most... The corruption is a big problem but it's getting better and better. During Thaksin the level of corruption rose to over over 30% and according to my Thai friends and associates (some of them so high up in the Thai hierarchy that they even have direct access to dr. Thaksin, Abhisit and/or Prayut) it got even worse during the reign of his sister so if it was "ONLY" 6-15% last year then it's actually a quite good improvement!

Actually if you check with international agencies, corruption fell during the period 2001-2006 and then rose immediately afterwards.

It then fell again under a couple of elected regimes and then magically rose again after they were removed.

And according to Transparency.org there has been zero improvement across calendar 2015. (although Thailand moved up the rankings a little it's score remained the same).

So perhaps keep your slightly yellow anecdotal fairytales to yourself.

The only changes that have been made are cosmetic. And the supply chain has been reordered :)

Edited by sandrew33
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Amazing the business people they surveyed reported below. That is, yes we paid bribes to govt officials but a little less in 2015. Wonder if those business people are ready to confess to the justice system their crime and identify the officials they paid the bribes to? Probably not.

In the Western world, the same applies. There it is called campaign contributions. No Difference

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Amazing the business people they surveyed reported below. That is, yes we paid bribes to govt officials but a little less in 2015. Wonder if those business people are ready to confess to the justice system their crime and identify the officials they paid the bribes to? Probably not.

In the Western world, the same applies. There it is called campaign contributions. No Difference

"The western world" Isn't just the US. Perhaps learn that before posting? :)

And regardless, by any measure, the Western World consistently outperforms most of the rest of the world in the area of dealing with corruption.

Thailand remains vastly corrupt and the current regime has, at best, applied a band aid to various points of a ruptured artery. At best.

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This is a Thai survey, outside survey I read they were 96 in 2014, and 70's in 2015 recently in another TV article? Wasn't it reported the General had a oversea Bank account somewhere with a Billion in U.S. Dollars reported just last year by the Bangkok Post?

The movement up was based on others moving down.

Thailands corruption score did not improve at all in 2015. Not a single point. Per Transparency.org.

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That's about Australian $12 million (multiply by 25) less than the two major pploiical parties in Australia got

Huh? Even at the ridiculously low estimate of 100 billion baht it's $4 billion Aussie dollars.

That's roughly the amount the Australian government wastes on teaching maths to people like you it seems :P

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