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Foreigners who brag about their status in Thailand

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So here it is.....

There are many posts here from people who look down on others who have less money or trying to do things on the cheap here in Thailand.

I'll say it flat out.... I find these kind of posts revolting.

One post got stuck with me because one older gentlemen was bragging how he posted a picture of him at Conrad Bangkok and had all these young girls messaging him.

Now, let me get this straight.

You are bragging about your "hiso" life in Thailand, posting pictures from a hotel that costs 100 bucks a night.... less than a super 8 hotel in a major US city??? Then you have a nerve to call other people "cheap charlies" or whatnot? Absolutely ridiculous!

I mean I am a poor schmuck and have managed to earn myself a diamond membership at Hilton staying in hotels here because they are so cheap.

Personally, anyone who puts other people down or tells them they are too cheap should go back and live in their respective countries. My guess is they can not afford to have that lifestyle, feel a bit empowered here because of a little cash and feel the need to insult poorer members with degrading terms. Pathetic!

I think "Cheap Charlie" should be a banned word on this site.

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The people I know, both here and back in my hometown, who actually are wealthy, never mention it or flaunt it.

They are not Cheap Charlies, as you would call them, but just genuine, down to earth people.

Seeing yourself as better than others, due to wealth, is pathetic, and such people need to 'buy' friends, as they tend to be unable to socialise with most normal people in society.

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I tell people when first meeting them that I am -"Considerably richer than you"!, its always better to get these things out of the way before making any sort of conversation.

Edited by roo860
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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

Isn't that just too spot on? Absolutely. Vulgar and gauche people who brag about their latest acquisitions, how big their house is, how much money they earn, etc etc ad nauseum. You will notice this amongst the new money lot. 'Old' moneyed people carry on with modesty. No need to flash the cash.

People who are genuinely wealthy shake their heads at this showing off. I also shake my head at the concept of 'class'. I'm better than you are because I have more- is utter balderdash.

Below sums it up in a fun way.


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I tell people when first meeting them that I am -"Considerably richer than you"!, its always better to get these things out of the way before making any sort of conversation.

I take it you have read the book "How to make friends and influence people" ?

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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

The richest people I ever met were also the nicest,and really gave out the impression that they were interested in me,and we certainly never talked about

money, Perhaps I was lucky,but they were all true gentlemen!

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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

The richest people I ever met were also the nicest,and really gave out the impression that they were interested in me,and we certainly never talked about

money, Perhaps I was lucky,but they were all true gentlemen!

No - you weren't lucky....It's a common trait among the extremely rich....Some of the most gracious and grounded/unpretentious people you'd ever want to meet....

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I have never considered myself better than any, except in a physical /sporting way. I have set at a poker table

(a private invitation/members) with a several times over billionaire, same with 3 millionaires and 3 of us working stiffs

and and dont think I ever enjoyed losing or winning a hand as much as they did. I socialized with them and several more

who never worried about money and saw nothing but polite attitude and behavior.

I have visited with a lot of special forces, snipers, seals, etc here in CM, but the self proclaimed wealthly seem to out number the foemer in brag and rudness to just about all walks of life, until they are called out by someone theypushed too hard. Its a lovely sight.

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I tell people when first meeting them that I am -"Considerably richer than you"!, its always better to get these things out of the way before making any sort of conversation.

I take it you have read the book "How to make friends and influence people" ?

Good book actually, by Dale Carnegie

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As said above, truly "moneyed" folks rarely feel the urge to "brag" or even talk about money.

But there are 2 "under categories" of Farang visitors in Thailand:

- The 2 week millionaires (tourist).

- The 2 year millionaires (expats), having taken out their pension benefits in form of a lump sum beforehand.

Over time, the "bragging" get's less and less, in tandem with their shrinking assets.

I have seen them come and go over the years. I have lost count a long time ago..................


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To be a contrarian; of course there is the opposite stereotype.

The guy who belittles you because you don't want to live in the tin roof shack and eat insects as a staple diet... as not fully embracing the 'culture'.

I like to live my life without comment on anyone else, or they comment on me

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The people I know, both here and back in my hometown, who actually are wealthy, never mention it or flaunt it.

They are not Cheap Charlies, as you would call them, but just genuine, down to earth people.

Seeing yourself as better than others, due to wealth, is pathetic, and such people need to 'buy' friends, as they tend to be unable to socialise with most normal people in society.


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I tell people when first meeting them that I am -"Considerably richer than you"!, its always better to get these things out of the way before making any sort of conversation.

You forgot to post a video to explain the phrase to non Harry Enfield fans.

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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

does that mean that people "who actually have money" should not participate in Thaivisa's financial forum because that would be "vulgar" but people who do not meet the afore-mentioned criteria are welcome?

are Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gross, Mohamed El-Erian and hundreds of other individuals "who actually have money" vulgar when they talk about it? coffee1.gif

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Talking of bragging...

I mean I am a poor schmuck and have managed to earn myself a diamond membership at Hilton staying in hotels here because they are so cheap.

From the OP.

a few years ago i had a membership card of a foot massage parlor. but before i earned my first free massage it closed down. now a massage lady comes to my home twice a week but i won't tell whether i pay her some money because that might be vulgar whistling.gif

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People who actually have money, seldom if ever talk about it, its considered "vulgar".

Those that insist on talking about it, generally dont have anything to shout about, they just "think" they do by comparing themselves to what they perceive as a poor Thai farmer, when in reality, that Thai farmer probably has land worth more than the loud mouth farang anyway.

People like that, frankly, are best avoided.

does that mean that people "who actually have money" should not participate in Thaivisa's financial forum because that would be "vulgar" but people who do not meet the afore-mentioned criteria are welcome?

are Warren Buffet, George Soros, Bill Gross, Mohamed El-Erian and hundreds of other individuals "who actually have money" vulgar when they talk about it? coffee1.gif

I was talking about abusers here that like to throw the term Cheap Charlie around because some backpacker does not live up to their standards.

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