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Crazed Scot attacks Pattaya City Security Officer on Walking Street


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This individual is living proof of why the romans built a wall rather than integrate them into the empire.

Ye Olde Hadrian was on to something there eh?

I love my Scottish pals, they know how to take a joke for the most part.

Make fun of us 'Muricans all you want as well. I find it all funny.

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This individual is living proof of why the romans built a wall rather than integrate them into the empire.

Ye Olde Hadrian was on to something there eh?

I love my Scottish pals, they know how to take a joke for the most part.

Make fun of us 'Muricans all you want as well. I find it all funny.

Lol... And I would venture, God bless old Hadrien.... But as a Roman emperor, he was already a god!

Just goes to show, you can fight a god, and still win, with a resounding "git the <deleted>, out!"

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Woe to the Scot that behaves like an Englishman...laugh.png

Trying to spread blame doesn't get over the fact that he is a SCOT and everyone knows that now. You should admit the truth about your countryman's bad behaviour like an Englishman would.

Well, the English have had more experience apologizing for their countrymen.

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This individual is living proof of why the romans built a wall rather than integrate them into the empire.

Ye Olde Hadrian was on to something there eh?

I love my Scottish pals, they know how to take a joke for the most part.

Make fun of us 'Muricans all you want as well. I find it all funny.

Lol... And I would venture, God bless old Hadrien.... But as a Roman emperor, he was already a god!

Just goes to show, you can fight a god, and still win, with a resounding "git the <deleted>, out!"

Too bad the Scot's didn't have Johnny Walker back then.

They'd have ruled the known world with that recipe.

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Anyone who thinks Scots are the worst drunks obviously hasn't been out drinking with Koreans.

After a few drinks they start crying then after several more one will jump up and smash his glass on the floor or wall and a fight will eventually break out. Sth and Nth Korea are just as mad and corrupt as each other.

I think the real reason the Scot was arrested is because he's wearing the ultimate bogan light grey tracky pants and a fake billabong t-shirt.

Stay classy Patts !

Edited by jalansanitwong
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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed?.

The picture in the main link is this guy being detained in broad daylight. Yet the other picture is obviously nighttime.

When they say early hours - how early?.

Maybe they just keep file photo's of crazy westerners being restrained. facepalm.gif

The picture is clearly indoors, where they have things called "lights" to make it look like outdoors during the day or night.

This pic indoors??? :Look at the shadows. So, I do know there are such things as lights.

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Woe to the Scot that behaves like an Englishman...laugh.png

Trying to spread blame doesn't get over the fact that he is a SCOT and everyone knows that now. You should admit the truth about your countryman's bad behaviour like an Englishman would.

Well, the English have had more experience apologizing for their countrymen.

Carpe diem... Just own it, man!... Lol

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I bet he loves football......

Yes, I bet he supports Scotlands newest club.
I guess you are referring to the world's most successful club?

A three year old club successful?? They are not even in the first tier of Scottish football, and never have been.

Maybe he supports another club.

Who knows?

Maybe Big Jock.

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As a home boy, specifically a weegee, I can confirm that you can take a man out of a tenement but you can't take the tenement out of a man; in much the same way there's a bit of Begbie, an Edinburghensian no less, in us all especially when we are &lt;deleted&gt;', or in my case when I was &lt;deleted&gt;'. Good to see such quality tourists in LOS! Hoots mon

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As a home boy, specifically a weegee, I can confirm that you can take a man out of a tenement but you can't take the tenement out of a man; in much the same way there's a bit of Begbie, an Edinburghensian no less, in us all especially when we are <deleted>', or in my case when I was <deleted>'. Good to see such quality tourists in LOS! Hoots mon

the deleted word was [&lt;deleted&gt;'] which in the local patois is short for full, which means steaming drunk....!

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Is it just me or has anyone else noticed?.

The picture in the main link is this guy being detained in broad daylight. Yet the other picture is obviously nighttime.

When they say early hours - how early?.

Maybe they just keep file photo's of crazy westerners being restrained. facepalm.gif

It's just you. The main picture is obviously inside the police station, with the lights on.

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Woe to the Scot that behaves like an Englishman...laugh.png

Trying to spread blame doesn't get over the fact that he is a SCOT and everyone knows that now. You should admit the truth about your countryman's bad behaviour like an Englishman would.

Could have been worse and been like an American with a gun

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