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EU deal: David Cameron faces assault on multiple fronts in Brussels all-nighter


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EU deal: David Cameron faces assault on multiple fronts in Brussels all-nighter
By Matthew Holehouse, in Brussels

European leaders hope to whittle away at David Cameron's deal, then contain the 'contagion' of reform, during gruelling talks expected to last until dawn

BRUSSELS: -- Francois Hollande, the French president, will tell Mr Cameron that his deal will not get any better and there can be “no bidding” at the decisive summit on Thursday night.

A leaked text reveals how Belgium, France, Hungary and Spain will plan to trim back Mr Cameron’s deal, and then prevent it being copied to halt a “contagion” of reform across Europe.

Leaders will seek to water-down his welfare reforms, making them limited to only newly-arrived migrants, and weaken a mechanism sought by George Osborne to prevent Eurozone countries from ganging-up against the City of London.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/12160450/EU-deal-David-Cameron-faces-assault-on-multiple-fronts-in-Brussels-all-nighter.html

-- The Telegraph 2016-02-17

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Cameron spouts nothing but hot air.

His major proposal has already been vetoed.


Donald Tusk, the former Polish prime minister and European council president in charge of brokering the deal, said EU leaders would have to go an “extra mile” to reach agreement. Tusk spoke out after Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Czech Republic reached a common position on Tuesday rejecting current proposals on curbing child benefits for their migrant workers in western Europe, a key demand in Cameron’s campaign.


It is time he grabbed Merkel and the pair of them should head off to South Pole where they can do the least amount of damage.

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If countries want changes, then if it is truly a Union based on democratic principles, then reforms should be allowed.

It would seem that the present situation in Europe would indicate the EU is not going in the right direction.

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Jean-Claude Juncker


Our best experts are working on the most creative solutions in order to present Great Britain with a deal that is fair for the British, but also for the other member states. Despite the fact that, on the high sea and within European politics, anything is always possible, I am still convinced that the facts of the inner-European market, the EU trade policy and the global importance of Europe will speak for themselves. We need Great Britain in our European family and the British need the European Union.”


Creative solutions = Smoke and mirrors.

You better believe you need the UK in the EU. A Brexit will be the catalyst that brings the whole rotten pile down.

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Aw, but Cameron, being a Brit, doesn't have any balls. Maybe he can kiss the feet of Merkel and Hollande after he crawls across the room on his belly.

Gawd. What the hell happened to the Brits to where they have to beg lesser countries for permission?

Hey Cameron, it's simple. Tell them to go <deleted> themselves.

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Hmm. The headline sounds dramatic and all that, but I shouldn't wonder if it is just a little exercise in intellectual masturbation by the out of touch political class over fine food and wines their embittered taxpayers get to pay for along with everything else.

They will be fine, don't you worry about that. Now go about your ordinary little lives and look sharp about it...

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Cameron spouts nothing but hot air.

His major proposal has already been vetoed.


Donald Tusk, the former Polish prime minister and European council president in charge of brokering the deal, said EU leaders would have to go an “extra mile” to reach agreement. Tusk spoke out after Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Czech Republic reached a common position on Tuesday rejecting current proposals on curbing child benefits for their migrant workers in western Europe, a key demand in Cameron’s campaign.


It is time he grabbed Merkel and the pair of them should head off to South Pole where they can do the least amount of damage.

The EU are not going to going to give up the EU Gravy train without a fight,after all the English have been paying the benefits for the last 20 year,so don't expect any large give aways.from the EU.

Slavemaster,are not allowed to escape! unless they shoot you !

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Aw, but Cameron, being a Brit, doesn't have any balls. Maybe he can kiss the feet of Merkel and Hollande after he crawls across the room on his belly.

Gawd. What the hell happened to the Brits to where they have to beg lesser countries for permission?

Hey Cameron, it's simple. Tell them to go <deleted> themselves.

Cameron will not do that,don't forget he is in favour of staying in the EU,and keeping the EU gravy train on track.

Even Merkel who used to treat Cameron with contempt is rallying around Cameron, thinking about her own position,of course! small wonder the people want out, but will the cannon fodder Plebicites see the light this time,I have serious doubts.................???

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