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self defense at home


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long ago are here some posts about guns for self defense using guns.

at our pub we were discussing about buying a gun or a baseball bat...

1st, you will getting into serious troubles if you own and use a gun, even for self defense. So better forget it.

2nd Yes, you can have a permit or better your wife and sure there is a law about using in self defense. in case of freakening fear you might not even getting charged.

but, how big is your turf, that you will need a gun and risk to blow a hole in neighbors house as well, (under stress or in panic) or even knock your neighbors kid from the motorbike.

More easy and as effiecient are license/permit free Bow and Arrow or crossbow. A recurve or compound bow is deadly on 100yrds and that should cover your land does it?

Further, nobody (i expect most burglars are coming by night AND they are coming when you are not at home.. leave a motorbike and shoes in front of the door is the best weapon..) but if it comes to a stress situation belive me. the first gunshot and you gave up your position and there might be a chance that bullets getting returned. Puncture a body with an arrow and he will bleed as a stabbed pig and will not shoot back, you miss him, he will just hear a pop where the arrow hits and will be sure very nervous to continue..

I have got 2 recurve bows from 35 and 48 lbs and feel more than safe and comfortable on 5 rai land..

If you aint got such big land visit an archery club and be surprised what is the difference between the bow in your childhood and a modern carbon arms bow with only 30 lbs pull for the beginning. just deadly as a gun but more silent... aim, pop, and feed him to the pigs if you wish, nobody will notice lol..

how is your opinion about this?

Edited by See Will
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i bred two bang kaews with german sheperds and it came some interesting mix out. Within 2 years they let nobody leaving the land when my wife or i not opens the gate and lets the visitor out. (A poor parcel service guy was stuck 6 hrs) and if you think you can throw poisened food over, nothing will be taken thrown by strangers as long it lands not in their food bowl and if you prefer close contact and want to hand the food through the fence, you might be lucky if you can pull the bloody fingerbones out again.

method; all strangers and non family member gave them nice treats with chilli and my wife and i gave the same without. Chilli is not good for dogs but in this case it might even safe their lifes.

Archery is my hobby and i guess it will never come to a situation pointing the arrow in another direction than the straw disc. it was more ment for all who might think to get a gun, as it is 24/7 a dangerous item in the house and will bear more risk to use in a silly effect or during a family clash as your wife found out you cheat on her, cheesy.gif

Still you can assemble the bow in approx 2 min and because it makes no noise you do more excercises with it as with a gun and can handle it in every situation.

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I was in the special forces in germany and that is the reason i never will have a gun in my house. as soon the trigger is pulled it's none of your business anymore and a bullet flies as made for purpose over kilometers.

honestly, some pair of shoes in front of the door works wonder when you are not at home. That is my main fear or paranoia as i would hate it when my house getting raided and i am not present.

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long ago are here some posts about guns for self defense using guns.

at our pub we were discussing about buying a gun or a baseball bat...

1st, you will getting into serious troubles if you own and use a gun, even for self defense. So better forget it.

2nd Yes, you can have a permit or better your wife and sure there is a law about using in self defense. in case of freakening fear you might not even getting charged.

but, how big is your turf, that you will need a gun and risk to blow a hole in neighbors house as well, (under stress or in panic) or even knock your neighbors kid from the motorbike.

More easy and as effiecient are license/permit free Bow and Arrow or crossbow. A recurve or compound bow is deadly on 100yrds and that should cover your land does it?

Further, nobody (i expect most burglars are coming by night AND they are coming when you are not at home.. leave a motorbike and shoes in front of the door is the best weapon..) but if it comes to a stress situation belive me. the first gunshot and you gave up your position and there might be a chance that bullets getting returned. Puncture a body with an arrow and he will bleed as a stabbed pig and will not shoot back, you miss him, he will just hear a pop where the arrow hits and will be sure very nervous to continue..

I have got 2 recurve bows from 35 and 48 lbs and feel more than safe and comfortable on 5 rai land..

If you aint got such big land visit an archery club and be surprised what is the difference between the bow in your childhood and a modern carbon arms bow with only 30 lbs pull for the beginning. just deadly as a gun but more silent... aim, pop, and feed him to the pigs if you wish, nobody will notice lol..

how is your opinion about this?

so your arrow wouldn't knock your neighbours kid of his bike?
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So are home invasions by criminals common in Thailand?

I am sure they happen.. but are not common, its just that some people are obsessed by weapons and defending their house at any cost. If you look at the USA you will see that more force is used by home invasions just because they expect the inhabitant to be armed and need to strike first to neutralise them.. In other countries where weapons are far less available this will happen less as the invaders know they will have control with their fire arms and don't have to use force right away.

Home invasions might happen in the boonies.. but even then I doubt they are common. I doubt you will have many home invasions in cono's or even in gated villages like in BKK.. but if you live all alone out in the country who knows. But I don't read much about it.

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I have a licence/permit, member of a gun club and regularly go to the firing range.

Keep the guns in a bolted safe.

If someone broke into my house whilst home the first place I would be going is the safe... Not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

Sent from my c64

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I have a licence/permit, member of a gun club and regularly go to the firing range.

Keep the guns in a bolted safe.

If someone broke into my house whilst home the first place I would be going is the safe... Not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

Sent from my c64

it's for sure a slow thing.

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I was in the special forces in germany and that is the reason i never will have a gun in my house. as soon the trigger is pulled it's none of your business anymore and a bullet flies as made for purpose over kilometers.

honestly, some pair of shoes in front of the door works wonder when you are not at home. That is my main fear or paranoia as i would hate it when my house getting raided and i am not present.

So are 20% of the posters here and 50% of the guys I have met when out having a beer. Is Thailand the number one destination for all you Special type fellas?

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I have a housekeeper that sleeps extremely lightly. She knows the sound of every bike and foot step in the village.

120 kgs, face like a pit-bull, and an attitude to match.

I once walked up the stairs with one shoe on (slightly very drunk) at 3am. She'd heard me get off the mosai taxi 50 mtrs from the house to walk in without waking the missus and getting an earful, but didn't recognise the foot steps. So she's out of the bedroom and caning it down the stairs making a helluva noise with an iron in her hand.

Scared the bejesus out of me. Missus woke up and I got two earfuls. Very careful to make sure I take off both shoes when I come home drunk now.

Who needs a gun. I'm pretty sure the local crims know we have a pit-bull housekeeper as both houses on either side of us have been burgled over the last 12 months, as well as a few others in the moo baan.

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I have a few baseball bats around the house - just from being in the sport.....

We did have a home invasion in our walled Moo Baan recently.....Someone jumped an outer perimeter wall and grabbed a flat screen tv....We're on the inside so probably safer....

I did move my trusty tire thumper to our bedroom hanging closely to the door - just in case....

Used to belong to an archery club & and shoot at the hilly outdoor ranges (think golf course with targets/gullies/up/down/across treed hills) but no open spaces to cover at our place.....

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Ive always carried myself such that Thais can do whatever they want to us and wont be held responsible. Bringing a gun or any other weapon into the equation would only complicate things. Best to mind your manners and hope for the best. And drop an important name if trouble comes lurking.

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Buy a G700 tactical flashlight which has a strobe and use it to blind the intruder and a baseball bat to take knee caps out and disarm, then call the police.

The police might be a long wait so make sure there is plenty of beer in the fridge.

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So are home invasions by criminals common in Thailand?

I am sure they happen.. but are not common, its just that some people are obsessed by weapons and defending their house at any cost. If you look at the USA you will see that more force is used by home invasions just because they expect the inhabitant to be armed and need to strike first to neutralise them.. In other countries where weapons are far less available this will happen less as the invaders know they will have control with their fire arms and don't have to use force right away.

Home invasions might happen in the boonies.. but even then I doubt they are common. I doubt you will have many home invasions in cono's or even in gated villages like in BKK.. but if you live all alone out in the country who knows. But I don't read much about it.

I live alone in the country, Im still waiting to be attacked, I have no neighbours on the 15 rai I do have a stainless steel catapult and bags of 1cm marbles + some of those round "bangers" about the same size, make a hell of a bang when they go off, scare the dogs sh*tless, havent seen a dog here now for a longggggggg time.

I have no gate but house is surrounded with "noisy" gravel so anyone approaching can be heard.

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Do you people really live with so much fear and paranoia?

I really think its a mainly American thing, some people are obsessed by weapons maybe its the small man syndrome or something like that.

Not saying all Americans are like this but it seems to be from the my home my castle I will defend it at any cost doctrine. Back where I came from (Netherlands) I did not know of many people wanting all kinds of weapons to defend their homes. Here on Thaivisa I constantly hear about weapons to attack dogs.. defend homes ect ect. Not sure why.

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"Do you people really live with so much fear and paranoia?"

Would agree its totally bizarre - I have lived here for many years - have never worried about anything- dont lock doors

Is this an American thing? I dont know=weapons,guns,crossbows. Its totally incomprehensible.

Answers on a post card please, wouldnt want to be scared by a Thaivisa email.

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Try a big dog or bunch of dogs... anytime, most of time, whenever, a farang will get the short stick of a self defensive issue..

Dogs make a bunch of noise and are a first level distracter...

Good luck.

If it was legal I would rent you my dog. He is a big German Shepard and does not bark. People can come into the property but if he doesnt know them they will get to experience his teeth

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Do you people really live with so much fear and paranoia?

No - not really....archery was a sport.....An arrow can actually penetrate deeper than a bullet....

With 2 daughters in the house and a middle of the night break in not very far away I thought it wise to be ready rather than sorry & have the Thumper within reach.....

Did have a 357 magnum Marlin saddle gun & matching Dan Wesson 357 hand gun when I lived in the Sierra Mountains riding horses/snowmobiling/4x4ing in 250.000+ acres of open mountain land with grizzled & brown bears - mountain lions, rattlesnakes and such roaming around that beautiful area.....A gun is a tool - not a toy.....

My FIL here has one.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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Do you people really live with so much fear and paranoia?

No - not really....archery was a sport.....An arrow can actually penetrate deeper than a bullet....

With 2 daughters in the house and a middle of the night break in not very far away I thought it wise to be ready rather than sorry & have the Thumper within reach.....

Did have a 357 magnum Marlin saddle gun & matching Dan Wesson 357 hand gun when I lived in the Sierra Mountains riding horses/snowmobiling/4x4ing in 250.000+ acres of open mountain land with grizzled & brown bears - mountain lions, rattlesnakes and such roaming around that beautiful area.....A gun is a tool - not a toy.....

My FIL here has one.....

Seems logical to own a gun if you live in a rural area like what your describing. I would too nothing wrong with that. But in cities and such seems a lot less logical and the reason why so many people get shot in the US. When legal guns are easy to get illegal guns are easy to get too.

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Buy a G700 tactical flashlight which has a strobe and use it to blind the intruder and a baseball bat to take knee caps out and disarm, then call the police.

The police might be a long wait so make sure there is plenty of beer in the fridge.

Who is the beer for?

The intruder? The cops or yourself? tongue.png

I like the idea of dogs that allow the intruder to enter the premises, but won't allow them to leave. My friend had a rottweiler that did that and it actually worked once. After that , he was told to put a big sign "Beware the dog" on the gate.

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Do you people really live with so much fear and paranoia?

Clearly there is a small but significant section of the expat population that does move in such circles and does concern itself with such things as weaponry, attack dogs and such.

Personally though, in thirty years here, I have never had anything but cordial relations with my neighbours, the local shopkeepers and almost everybody else - excepting the occasional overly aggressive hustlers on the - infrequent these days - times I go downtown to the tourist areas.

It does make one wonder how much cultural conditioning, the circles one moves in and the expectations one has, play a part in feeling the need for such armaments.

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