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Math teacher under investigation for slapping schoolgirls in Pathum Thani


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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

Times have changed. When I was much younger than these girls I was smacked on my hands by a ruler in front of the class. Can't remember what I did wrong but I remember it hurt a lot and I didn't want it to happen again!

So many old people in this thread "Back in my day we got a paddlin'!"

This is 2016, physical violence to minors is illegal for a reason.

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It was very few kids that ever got hit (in each term) and only usually once by a particular teacher. You might, if you were a bit of a naughty kid, get disciplined by more than one teacher (like I did - but I found life at a top private school to be difficult. I never understood how my father could be paying these people yet I wasn't allowed to order them around like I could with our servants at home).

As for witches, if we still had the ugly hags running around scaring people I'd be all for burning them!

Did you give your servants a bit of a slap?


555! I was just testing to see if anyone was paying attention.

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The Director said he had good intentions when he hit them, what the hell is that for a statement, that is just saying yes hit them for anything they do wrong and do not worry about it as I will back you up!!

So evidently the teacher may be has something similar on the director involving students. May be girl students also ?

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

I was just about to say the same thing. I have taught high school kids, I have a stick and I use it. These little sods will fail everything with teachers that puss foot around.

The best teachers discipline their kids. I have no doubt they deserved it and expect they will behave themselves in the future.

Well done teacher

You two and those like you are a PIXX POOR excuse of a teacher.If you have to resort to violence to control students then you have no idea how to behave yourself s.Evidently you were subject to the same kind of behavior from others like you and that is the one thing that you brought with you to your classes.You are proberly a coward that could not stand up to bullying when younger and then when in a leadership position bullied those under you so as to get back at the would that treated you so.

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It should read "Math teacher under arrest". Disgusting, as is the comment from the school director. If I had been the father of one of those girls I don't think I would have been able to stop myself from hitting him. That is simply not acceptable anywhere on the planet, not even Thailand.

Where are the complaints from the parents, demanding he is fired?

Mai Ben Rai maybe?

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I went to school with very high fees in England where both headmaster, housemaster and prefects could use the cane

We knew what was right and wrong

Sad our standards have changed, I would also bring back the cat of nine tails, I think the Isle of man has abolished it now

we also had wrapping across the knuckles with wooden ruler in class if we did not achieve

Today all too no discipline very sad expect many will object to my views, and that is Ok

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i have seen regular incidents in the news where a parent has had to take there 5 year old or older to hospital because the teacher has beaten him till he or she was black and blue, and never heard any more about it in the media whether the teacher was punished for it or not. When i have mentioned it to Thai people they tell me Teachers can punish pupils by LAW and there is nothing you can do about it.

Not correct it is an offence in thailand for a teacher to hit a student, I know, because when I suggested to school here they do theist my step son, with his mother in agreement, they said they were not allowed to but recommended the parents do

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If one of those girls was my daughter..that teacher would pay in the biggest way!!!

When my daughter went to kindergarten in Thailand,

I met the teacher and told her that no one was to lay

a hand on my daughter. Ever. And I was not smiling when

I said that......

So yeah, if I saw footage of some

lunatic Thai teacher slapping my daughter around,

it would not go well for him. Not an issue any more

as my daughter now attends school in America.

Where teachers slapping kids around does not

exist...... :-)

Maybe you are dreaming a bit. My 1st grade school teacher used to repeating hit students with a ruler in front of the class. Not a small tap a fill blown smack multple times if they would not do the lessons. This was in America. It happened there also.

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I can't believe that in today's day and age with all the violence being performed by children that people are still defending the fact that children should not be smacked for being bad.

Kids today need a good kick in the arse to keep them in line otherwise it's only going to get worse.

And I'm sure none of you were ever slapped around by your parents when you were a kid I guess because you were all so perfect.

Seems you have no concept or idea of the difference between a parent "taking the bastard in the ear" and a teacher smacking them around in school.

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I never had any children but if I had, there would have been warnings to the headmaster never to use the belt on my kids,

I would certainly use violence on any male teacher who hit my kid.

Male teacher... so you would let a female teacher beat your child?

I would find it very hard to hit a female.

You can't honestly think of any situation where you would hit a woman?

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i have seen regular incidents in the news where a parent has had to take there 5 year old or older to hospital because the teacher has beaten him till he or she was black and blue, and never heard any more about it in the media whether the teacher was punished for it or not. When i have mentioned it to Thai people they tell me Teachers can punish pupils by LAW and there is nothing you can do about it.

The thai people who said that are morons.

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

Times have changed. When I was much younger than these girls I was smacked on my hands by a ruler in front of the class. Can't remember what I did wrong but I remember it hurt a lot and I didn't want it to happen again!

So many old people in this thread "Back in my day we got a paddlin'!"

This is 2016, physical violence to minors is illegal for a reason.

Not just the older people.

Anyone who went to public (you might call them private) schools in the UK up until 1999.

I don't actually know anyone who was at school when corporal punishment was legal who thinks it was a bad thing.

The problem with people who *didn't* go to schools with corporal punishment is they have some really strange ideas about it.

Teachers did not just smack kids for no reason. Corporal punishment was a very last resort after detention and extra homework.

Suspensions and expulsion came after corporal punishment as taking a student out of class was seen as a failure.

Better to have a quick (painful) lesson than miss out on days or weeks of education.

It wasn't a vicious beating.

As kids we didn't feel like we'd been harmed even when we were hit. It was a short sharp shock and far more preferable than 2 hours of detention. Although believe me it did make you think twice when a teacher told you so be quiet in class, once you know what getting dapped (tennis shoe'd) felt like you or even if you'd seen someone else get it, you did as you were told.

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

Bring back the good old days?



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The road to hell is paved with good intentions

And bad ones.
Bluespunk. Firstly, is that a musical reference or is your semen sick? Secondly, do you really believe in "never forgive, never forget"? :)

The only sick thing is a person who defends assaulting children.

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

After reading the first #&*<! answers, I am reassured YOUR answer got round 30 likes thumbsup.gif

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Anyone who has tried to teach M2 or M3 or get them to do homework (gasp!!) will understand the angst this teacher is feeling.....If you are going to rage, then rage against the system that creates such poor students!! I hate myself for saying that but sometimes the teacher does their best and it's like whistling in the wind!!!

There are two sides to that coin, but the real rage should be against the system that creates such a vast sea of mediocre public school teachers. I had two kids go through the public school system in the US and have a brother in-law who is a teacher in the Thai school system and have many other friends who are teachers in Thailand. Yes, there are a few good teachers. But most are simply mediocre. In Thailand, from an early age, they use the threat of physical abuse to keep the students in check. In the US they use drugs to keep those with a genetic disposition to rebel against dreary monotony in check. Meanwhile, at least in the US, the teachers place themselves on a pedestal that is tall enough to prevent anyone from touching them despite gross incompetence. In the US I was part of a parent group that once tried to get a grossly incompetent teacher removed and we were told the process would take at least two years and that is just how long it took for the school district to convince the union to convince the teacher to voluntarily retire. I suggest tracking down and watching the documentary "Waiting for Superman" to learn more on how few teachers, a ridiculously low number compared to other professions, are found incompetent. Again, there are some great teachers out there. But neither my brother in-law and his peers in Thailand nor the vast majority of my kid's teachers in the US public school system could be classified as anything other than mediocre. Blame the students?!? Yea, you should and do probably hate yourself.

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If one of those girls was my daughter..that teacher would pay in the biggest way!!!

When my daughter went to kindergarten in Thailand,

I met the teacher and told her that no one was to lay

a hand on my daughter. Ever. And I was not smiling when

I said that......

So yeah, if I saw footage of some

lunatic Thai teacher slapping my daughter around,

it would not go well for him. Not an issue any more

as my daughter now attends school in America.

Where teachers slapping kids around does not

exist...... :-)

'cause the kids or their parents might have a gun ! whistling.gif

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Daily occurance at my school, seems normal to me. I still have nothing but respect for my teachers, they controlled us scallies in the only way possible. Without the corporal punishment we'd have learned nothing.

So best way to teach anything to anyone is hitting them?


Edited by Tchooptip
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Daily occurance at my school, seems normal to me. I still have nothing but respect for my teachers, they controlled us scallies in the only way possible. Without the corporal punishment we'd have learned nothing.

So best way to teach anything to anyone is hitting them?

Who said it is the best way? rolleyes.gif

No one here, it is most of the time the last one.

Plus it is not "hitting any one" but yes with "some" lazy one it can help!

In this case they have failed to turn in their home works, not like if they had failed to understand something.coffee1.gif

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions

And bad ones.
Bluespunk. Firstly, is that a musical reference or is your semen sick? Secondly, do you really believe in "never forgive, never forget"? smile.png

The only sick thing is a person who defends assaulting children.


assault |əˈsɔːlt, əˈsɒlt|

verb [ with obj. ]

make a physical attack on: he pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer | she was sexually assaulted as a child.

• carry out a military attack or raid on (an enemy position). they left their strong position to assault the hill.

• bombard with something undesirable or unpleasant: thunder assaulted the ears.


1 a physical attack: his imprisonment for an assault on the film director | a sexual assault.

Law an act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done: he admitted an assault and two thefts | [ mass noun ] : he appeared in court charged with assault.

• a military attack or raid on an enemy position: troops began an assault on the city.

• a strong verbal attack: an articulate assault on all forms of prejudice.

2 a concerted attempt to do something demanding: a winter assault on Mt Everest.

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The Director said he had good intentions when he hit them, what the hell is that for a statement, that is just saying yes hit them for anything they do wrong and do not worry about it as I will back you up!!

was quite normal at school when i went in england ,and i went to a convent , yes the nuns used to love to cane you ,funny it was the Math teacher as well ,must be in the blood

Quite normal when I went to public school in Massachusetts USA when I was a kid. Could get a few slaps with a ruler on your palm or worse with a rattan. And yes went to after school classes at Catholic school and the nuns would like to get a few wacks in ---nobody died or was severly beaten. Nowadays the kid would probably pull a gun an shoot the teacher.

Oh and by the way 19 states in the USA still allow corporal punishment : http://www.businessinsider.com/19-states-still-allow-corporal-punishment-2014-3

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The Director said he had good intentions when he hit them, what the hell is that for a statement, that is just saying yes hit them for anything they do wrong and do not worry about it as I will back you up!!

was quite normal at school when i went in england ,and i went to a convent , yes the nuns used to love to cane you ,funny it was the Math teacher as well ,must be in the blood

Quite normal when I went to public school in Massachusetts USA when I was a kid. Could get a few slaps with a ruler on your palm or worse with a rattan. And yes went to after school classes at Catholic school and the nuns would like to get a few wacks in ---nobody died or was severly beaten. Nowadays the kid would probably pull a gun an shoot the teacher.

Oh and by the way 19 states in the USA still allow corporal punishment : http://www.businessinsider.com/19-states-still-allow-corporal-punishment-2014-3

So anyone can hit your child because that person thinks it's ok as the child wasn't behaving as "it should"? Or are you doing your best to do logical somersaults so that magically only a teacher should be able to beat children?

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If a teacher has to resort to assaulting children then he is not a very imaginative or inspiring teacher.

As always a total lack or recognition of wrong doing here and inability to admit guilt and accept consequences.

Just why the Director feels the need to support a man who assaults children is beyond me.

As for those saying a good hiding never hurt anyone, get with the times . Its 2016.

Not 1966.

Public flogging was once acceptable in the UK as was beating or raping your wife. Thankfully things move on and we hopefully become more enlightened.

I agree with the poster on page one. Raise your hand to my defenceless daughter and it will be the last time you raise it to anyone without needing metal pins to hold your arm together.

I dont hit my children . I wont allow other men to do it.

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Teachers have to be one of many things. A genius in the fields that they teach, an entertainer, an authoritative figurehead, an organiser, an administrator and a bouncer to keep the peace sometimes. It`s a mentally and physically demanding low paying job in a system where all the parents expect their children to archive top marks and the school expects top results from their students that is especially difficult today when so many disciplinary powers have been taken away from teachers. Not just in Thailand but everywhere, teachers can often crack under the strain. It`s bad enough when some parents have unruly kids at home that are hard to control, so imagine having a whole class full of them. Not saying that I 100% agree with the level of violence that teacher used, but I do sympathize when they feel they are losing control of a situation.

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