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'Jet-ski Champion' transferred out of Phuket

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'Jet-ski Champion' transferred out of Phuket
Phuket Gazette

Phuket Marine Office Chief Phuripat Theerakulpisut was set to leave the island at 11am today. Photo: Gazette

PHUKET: -- Phuket’s long-standing champion of jet-skis on the island leaves the province today after being transferred to the landlocked Nonthaburi Province Marine Office.

“I leave at 11am and will start my work there on Monday,” former Phuket Marine Office Chief Phuripat Theerakulpisut told the Phuket Gazette.

Mr Phuripat declined to specify exactly why he was transferred after almost six years on the island.

“I hope that whoever takes over continues with the projects that I started, as I would like to see the Phuket marine area continue to improve,” Mr Phuripat said. “I will of course do my best in whichever province I am working in.”

Despite numerous honorary councils in Phuket and ambassadors from Thailand airing their concerns about jet-ski scams and dangers, Mr Phuripat leaves a legacy of protective measures for the rental operators.

Full story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Jetski-Champion-transferred-of-Phuket/63251?desktopversion

-- Phuket Gazette 2016-02-26


A rich man.


Yes, he made a fortune from the jet-ski mafia. He must have really teed off someone in the higher ranks. Good riddance, but no doubt another corrupt official will be appointed, after all he has to make a profit n his upfront payment.


A rich man.


Yes, he made a fortune from the jet-ski mafia. He must have really teed off someone in the higher ranks. Good riddance, but no doubt another corrupt official will be appointed, after all he has to make a profit n his upfront payment.

“I hope that whoever takes over continues with the projects that I started"

I hope not, dreaming is permitted.


Actually Nonthaburi isn't landlocked at all. You can boat up and down the Choa praya river and into the gulf of Thailand from Nonthaburi pier.


Any person who rents a jet skie in Thailand must be completely insulated from the constant reports of scams online, newwspapers, and Television or else just plain dumb.


I applaud his downfall and demotion to a small crappy post.

He has been the man who, in my opinion, has abused his power in a more obvious and dangerous way than any of the other big crooks here.

When a speedboat chopped up a tourist in a swimming area, he dismissed it as an accident and took no action against the lunatic driver. He allowed the jet skis to, not only remain illegally on the beaches, but expand on to nearby islands and beaches previously free of the scourge. After his previous promotion I was expecting the jet skies to start appearing on Krabi shores.

I don't think things will change in any substantial way with a new guy in charge. I've given up hoping for sanity to suddenly break out among the people with all the power. The small fines dealt out to the boat mafia in court today is an indication that all will soon be back to business as usual. However, knowing this character received a kick in the bum is good for the soul.


A rich man.


Yes, he made a fortune from the jet-ski mafia. He must have really teed off someone in the higher ranks. Good riddance, but no doubt another corrupt official will be appointed, after all he has to make a profit n his upfront payment.

What do you mean "made a fortune FROM the jet ski mafia?" - he was, "The Godfather."

Scamming tourists is one thing, people trafficking and slavery is another.


Any person who rents a jet skie in Thailand must be completely insulated from the constant reports of scams online, newwspapers, and Television or else just plain dumb.

Unfortunately, naive tourists don't usually spend a lot of time reading up on jet ski scams. They come to Thailand, seemingly a tropical paradise, and usually rent the jet ski on a spur of the moment basis. They are ripe for victimization. They probably won't make the same mistake again. But that's no problem for the jet ski scamsters, because there is plenty of fresh meat arriving every day in Thailand. I have never rented a jet ski, and never will, but there are many many people who are totally unaware of the scams and dangers awaiting them on the beaches of thailand.


I remember when the much anticipated new plan for the jet skies was introduced after the coup. Instead of a cutback, the number of jets skis allowed on Phuket beaches was DOUBLED to over 400. I can't remembered the numbers but for instance on Kamala beach the number that was allowed was now 40. There were 15 jet skis in use during high season! Every beach was like that! And the plan for where they could operate took up more beach land then was given to swimmers.

Phuket beaches were given away to the jet skis by this guy. It was a travesty. The plan was eventually modified by the governor somewhat but the damage was done. The jet ski boys not only got everything they already had but future rights to completely inundate the beaches.

Rules on the beach are not enforced, of course. Jetskis sit on the beach for hours instead of in the water and are slow to be removed at the end of the day, past the time they're supposed to be gone. The parasailing continues to have no rules, operating very dangerously. No enforcement means there are no rules.

Love to see this guy's bank account. Don't let the door hit ya in the bum on the way out, buddy. Good riddance.


Actually Nonthaburi isn't landlocked at all. You can boat up and down the Choa praya river and into the gulf of Thailand from Nonthaburi pier.

So what you are saying is that he will bring the jet ski scams to Nonthaburi? Could happen I suppose. ;-)


Any person who rents a jet skie in Thailand must be completely insulated from the constant reports of scams online, newwspapers, and Television or else just plain dumb.

Unfortunately, naive tourists don't usually spend a lot of time reading up on jet ski scams. They come to Thailand, seemingly a tropical paradise, and usually rent the jet ski on a spur of the moment basis. They are ripe for victimization. They probably won't make the same mistake again. But that's no problem for the jet ski scamsters, because there is plenty of fresh meat arriving every day in Thailand. I have never rented a jet ski, and never will, but there are many many people who are totally unaware of the scams and dangers awaiting them on the beaches of thailand.

All travellers should, at least, read their own country's warning page for their proposed destination.

From Australia's website:

Be aware of the risks of hiring jet skis and motorcycles. Australian travellers continue to report harassment and threats of violence by jet ski operators on beaches across Thailand, and particularly in Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Samui and Koh Phangan. You may be detained and arrested by police following jet ski and motorcycle accidents until compensation, often in thousands of dollars, can be negotiated between parties. Check your insurance cover if you intend to ride a motorcycle in Thailand when you are not licensed to ride one in Australia.

I cannot remember how long ago it was but a previous governor said Phuket will be free of jet skis within 7 years. When I first came here the beach operators, deck chairs, all had a space which they used. Usually defined by between 2 trees. They only had 1 line of chairs, maybe 2 in the high season but of course it was the old adage give them an inch & they will take a mile although looking back it might have been forced on them by ever increasing "rents". Aahh, the good old days when tuk tuk drivers were polite, friendly & only charged about 10 Baht to get around Patong. I used to try & use the same guy. Once in the wee hours of the morning he took me home, I realised I was skint but he happily came back later on & collected the money.

Unfortunately, like the jet skis, there ended up being too much money to be paid all the way up the chain.


Actually Nonthaburi isn't landlocked at all. You can boat up and down the Choa praya river and into the gulf of Thailand from Nonthaburi pier.

That's a bit like saying London is by the sea as you can get a boat to Southend.

But it doesn't matter. He's gone from a large tourist island to a place with a river, albeit a busy one. That's quite a demotion for a marine chief.

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