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Christie endorses Trump for president; 'Wow,' Trump says


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Christie endorses Trump for president; 'Wow,' Trump says

STEVEN R. HURST, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican front-runner Donald Trump won the backing Friday of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, himself a former presidential candidate, in a jolt to one of the wildest primary contests in recent memory.

Christie is one of the first establishment Republicans to endorse Trump in a nominating race where many in the party have been distressed by the billionaire New York businessman's campaign tactics and policy proposals.

"I'm happy to be on the Trump team and look forward to working with him," Christie said at a Trump news conference in Texas.

Trump shared his reaction when Christie notified his campaign: "I said, 'Wow, this is really important.'"

The endorsement is yet more momentum as Trump moves into the critical Super Tuesday primary elections next week.

It also turns the story away from the series of brutal rhetorical attacks from Trump's top opponents in the party's tenth debate Thursday night.

The bombastic billionaire's candidacy has defied all the rules that normally apply in the contest for the highest office in the United States. Trump repeatedly has made politically incorrect statements, used salty language and denigrated Hispanics and Muslims.

Nevertheless, he holds a big lead in national polling heading into the Tuesday primaries and a caucus in 11 states with a treasure of 595 delegates that could make his nomination all but certain.

So far, after four primary and caucus contests, Trump has 82 delegates, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has 17 and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has 16. A candidate must have 1,237 state delegates to win the Republican nomination at the party's convention this summer.

Trump's unexpected candidacy and front-runner status reflect Americans' anger over government deadlock, a slow recovery from the Great Recession and a fear of terrorism.

Rubio has been trying to position himself as the party establishment's candidate, but the Christie endorsement suddenly made that more of a challenge.

"We don't need any more of these Washington, D.C., acts," Christie said of Rubio at Friday's announcement.

From the start of Thursday night's debate, a fiery Rubio went hard after Trump, attacking his position on immigration, his privileged background, his speaking style and more.

Cruz piled on, questioning the New York businessman's conservative credentials. The debate reflected the increasing urgency of their effort to take Trump down before he becomes unstoppable.

It was a rare night where Trump found himself on the defensive. The other two candidates, Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, and John Kasich, the Ohio governor, were largely left to watch the fireworks.

Rubio was the principal aggressor of the night. Taking on Trump's declaration that he'd build a wall on the Mexican border, Rubio declared: "If he builds a wall the way he built Trump Tower, he'll be using illegal immigration to do it."

Trump insisted that even though officials in Mexico have said they won't pay for his planned wall, "Mexico will pay for the wall." And he said that because Mexico's current and former presidents had criticized him on the issue, "the wall just got 10 feet taller."

Trump, known for his frequent use of coarse and profane language on the campaign trail, also scolded former Mexican President Vicente Fox for using a profanity in talking about Trump's plan for the wall.

"He should be ashamed of himself and he should apologize," declared Trump.

At a congressional dinner Thursday night, former Republican candidate and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham derided Trump and said the party had gone "batshit crazy."

Rubio kept up the assault in a campaign appearance Friday, calling Trump a "con artist."

As for Cruz, Trump took a more personal tack in the debate, saying: "You get along with nobody. ... You should be ashamed of yourself."

Cruz is widely disliked by fellow Republicans.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has South Carolina mostly to herself two days before the first-in-the-South primary Saturday, and she's using it to capitalize on her advantage over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders with black voters.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-27

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So, from in August... “I just don’t think he’s suited to be president of the United States,” and “I don’t think his temperament is suited for that and I don’t think his experience is.”

To a full endorsement now.... yes WOW..... politics is in indeed a fickle bitch.....

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Chris Christie would make a dynamite US Attorney General...likely the most experienced and prepared for that job of anyone in the US...

Though I do miss the likes of Eric Holder and his racist laden tenure...

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Trump shared his reaction when Christie notified his campaign: "I said, 'Wow, this is really important.'"


I smell a cabinet post position for the fat man. Sitting beside Sarah Palin as Secretary of Education; Chris (is there anything to eat) Christie for Secretary of...(wait for it) TRANSPORTATION! (get it? closed the tunnel) cheesy.gif

Could Cristie be reelected in New Jersey?

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I'm speechless. regardless of whether I agreed with all of the Big Boy's politics, I always figured he was a straight shooting, and in political terms, pretty honest guy.

But always open to be proven wrong, he turns into the usual self serving, slithery, say anything it takes politician.

Now I'm going to slither off back under my rock....wake me up when this nightmare is finally over!

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Donald doesn't NEED to promise any posts to any of those losers presently in politics. That's why he scares them so much. Their all afraid he'll get them fired for be incompetent for so long and they'll lose those cushy jobs with all the trimmings.

No doubt he'll be seeking medical attention soon for a chapped butt from all the kissing coming over the next few months. He'll win the nomination, go into the main race, have Hitley in front of a grand jury and take Bernie on as his VP.

It'll be the first uncontested presidential race since George Washington.

Vote for Donald or don't vote. whistling.gifclap2.gif

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It's does make you wonder about the American electorate if this buffoon becomes president, but in a country where a governor can proudly show off his gun in the face of the Sandy Hook families, then nothing surprises me. (He is from the Bush family though). Richard Pryor's "none of the above" would get vote.

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So, from in August... “I just don’t think he’s suited to be president of the United States,” and “I don’t think his temperament is suited for that and I don’t think his experience is.”

To a full endorsement now.... yes WOW..... politics is in indeed a fickle bitch.....

Fickle my ass. All I heard while Christie's lips were moving on that endorsement clip was a giant sucking sound.

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Trump shared his reaction when Christie notified his campaign: "I said, 'Wow, this is really important.'"
I smell a cabinet post position for the fat man. Sitting beside Sarah Palin as Secretary of Education; Chris (is there anything to eat) Christie for Secretary of...(wait for it) TRANSPORTATION! (get it? closed the tunnel) cheesy.gif
Could Cristie be reelected in New Jersey?

Christie can be in charge of the school lunch program.

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This is a very disappointing announcement. I (perhaps naively), considered Governor Christie to be more principled.

But looking at it from Gov. Christie's perspective, I suppose it makes practical sense. He's unlikely to re-elected in New Jersey, and he needs to think about a soft landing. So, who to endorse? He eviscerated Senator Rubio on the debate stage, so he can't logically endorse him. Senator Cruz is widely disliked and seems to have already peaked. Governor Kasich just can't get any traction. Therefore, Trump is the odds on favorite to get the nomination. And even though he'll get destroyed in the general election, it's always nice to have a billionaire owing you a favor.

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HUGE, absolutely HUGE, could be the bump that puts Trump over the top in Cruz Country Texas,

and the Rubio Swampland Florida, on Super Tuesday. I doubt Jeb! will endorse Rubio or Cruz

before then and probably never. The race just continues to generate drama. thumbsup.gif

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It's does make you wonder about the American electorate if this buffoon becomes president, but in a country where a governor can proudly show off his gun in the face of the Sandy Hook families, then nothing surprises me. (He is from the Bush family though). Richard Pryor's "none of the above" would get vote.

Just remember a third rate actor with Alzheimer's is considered the greatest president of all

time by the GOP. His name is spoken with reverence by the candidates even though he

would be given the bums rush if he ran in this day and age for not being nearly conservative

enough. Trump, while not being PC, seems to get along well with his ex-wives so he must

have some diplomacy, tact and fairness. His kids have done well with the silver spoon firmly

in there mouth but still many others have not. His staff both migrants with visas and those

without seem to support him so he has some kind of good relationships with him. Of course

he is the orange haired orangutan egomaniac which he puts on full display while the others do

not. Of course there are better candidates, but none of them are running and most of them

would be in there financial backers pockets. So if I had a vote in a caucus (which I do not),

with the choices available, it would be for Trump. thumbsup.gif

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Ha ha, America is going to get a president that isn't bought by the world bankers, globalists, and arms dealers.

Of course that would also mean an upcoming assassination. But it sure is going top rock the boat for a while.

Edited by canuckamuck
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It's does make you wonder about the American electorate if this buffoon becomes president, but in a country where a governor can proudly show off his gun in the face of the Sandy Hook families, then nothing surprises me. (He is from the Bush family though). Richard Pryor's "none of the above" would get vote.

Just remember a third rate actor with Alzheimer's is considered the greatest president of all

time by the GOP. His name is spoken with reverence by the candidates even though he

would be given the bums rush if he ran in this day and age for not being nearly conservative

enough. Trump, while not being PC, seems to get along well with his ex-wives so he must

have some diplomacy, tact and fairness. His kids have done well with the silver spoon firmly

in there mouth but still many others have not. His staff both migrants with visas and those

without seem to support him so he has some kind of good relationships with him. Of course

he is the orange haired orangutan egomaniac which he puts on full display while the others do

not. Of course there are better candidates, but none of them are running and most of them

would be in there financial backers pockets. So if I had a vote in a caucus (which I do not),

with the choices available, it would be for Trump. thumbsup.gif

It's times like this that I wish Joan Rivers was still alive. She would give the full, unedited, not politically correct run down and Trump, whom she knew fairly well. Of course, we'd hear about the rest of them too.

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Here is what I think is the only, albeit tiny, chance, for the republicans to stop Trump from defecating all over their party (and being nominated).

Cruz stays in and siphons off fundamentalist far right wing fanatics from Trump. Cruz has no chance, don't worry about that creepy WEIRDO.

Of course sleepy man Carson is just one big joke. He should stay in too.

Rubio loses in Florida, effectively dooming his dim chance.

Kasich goes on North and wins Ohio and Michigan.

Then Kasich and Rubio have a pow wow, Rubio drops out and agrees to be Kasich's running mate if Trump can be stopped. Kasich runs as the savior of the party, managing to never dirty himself with the idiotic schoolyard fighting, and Rubio stays on as the VP pick apparent to be the fighting monkey ... shouting TRUMP IS A CON MAN, TRUMP IS A FASCIST 24/7.

If all that happened, I think Trump can be stopped from the nomination.

Will it? Not bloody likely, but that's the only path I see.

Of course, personally, I have no problem with Trump being nominated and losing in the general. But I think that would be a disaster for the nation for Trump to actually be president. Kasich or Rubio would be less bad. If Trump is nominated, even though arguably that's who the democrats want to run against (rather than Rubio) yes he really COULD win.

I see no real path for Cruz or Carson so no comment on them as presidents. I know most have already written off Kasich and logically that makes sense, but I still see him as the ONLY slim chance of blocking Trump's nomination now. It's probably too late.

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The very fact that Donald Trump could possibly become a Presidential Republican nominee shows just how sick and tired the American public are of the current politicians and political wrangling in America. Yes, Trump means change but it is not the real change that America needs. Trump is one of the wealthy who will protect the bankers, lawyers and other wealthy who have led to the decline of America. Trump is one of them He will find ways to throw out some more money to keep the middle class and the poor passive but he will never solve the real problems. He uses straw men to state his case such as illegal immigrants are holding America back and the Chinese and Russians are the bogeymen as well as terrorists lurking behind every door. He has no real plan for changing what really needs to be changed such as the concentration of wealth in the hands of 1% of the population; a tax system that favors the wealthy; and a military that consumes $630 Billion per year, the largest in the World.

The only real change would come if Americans voted in Bernie Sanders who actually has a plan that would put real money and jobs in the hands of the poor and middle class by taking it away from the wealthy. Then Americans could get healthcare that was affordable and get a University education without become an indentured servant of the Government. Indeed, some of what Sanders proposes would be a socialistic approach but what we have now is a Democracy based on capitalistic greed and that is not sustainable.

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Here is what I think is the only, albeit tiny, chance, for the republicans to stop Trump from defecating all over their party (and being nominated).

Cruz stays in and siphons off fundamentalist far right wing fanatics from Trump. Cruz has no chance, don't worry about that creepy WEIRDO.

Of course sleepy man Carson is just one big joke. He should stay in too.

Rubio loses in Florida, effectively dooming his dim chance.

Kasich goes on North and wins Ohio and Michigan.

Then Kasich and Rubio have a pow wow, Rubio drops out and agrees to be Kasich's running mate if Trump can be stopped. Kasich runs as the savior of the party, managing to never dirty himself with the idiotic schoolyard fighting, and Rubio stays on as the VP pick apparent to be the fighting monkey ... shouting TRUMP IS A CON MAN, TRUMP IS A FASCIST 24/7.

If all that happened, I think Trump can be stopped from the nomination.

Will it? Not bloody likely, but that's the only path I see.

Of course, personally, I have no problem with Trump being nominated and losing in the general. But I think that would be a disaster for the nation for Trump to actually be president. Kasich or Rubio would be less bad. If Trump is nominated, even though arguably that's who the democrats want to run against (rather than Rubio) yes he really COULD win.

I see no real path for Cruz or Carson so no comment on them as presidents. I know most have already written off Kasich and logically that makes sense, but I still see him as the ONLY slim chance of blocking Trump's nomination now. It's probably too late.

OMG, stop your nagging about Trump.

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Ha ha, America is going to get a president that isn't bought by the world bankers, globalists, and arms dealers.

Of course that would also mean an upcoming assassination. But it sure is going top rock the boat for a while.

Ha ha, he isn't bought by the globalists he is a globalist . And the bankers? how do you think he finance his projects?

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OMG, stop your nagging about Trump.

No, I won't. Because the word needs to get out there about how DANGEROUS Trump really is.

He's running a classic campaign of an authoritarian strong man dictator and enjoys a very similar support demographic as when Hitler was first elected.

I think he will be nominated, yes, but the campaign to reveal the truth of what he's about needs to stepped up starting NOW.

Rubio made a good first shot. Hopefully the correct label CON MAN will stick and stick hard on Trump.

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"Like any number of us raised in the late 20th century, I have spent my life perplexed about exactly how Hitler could have come to power in Germany," professor and political theorist Danielle Allen wrote.

"Watching Donald Trump's rise, I now understand," she added.

She then went on to explain "how a demagogic opportunist can exploit a divided country." She urged Trump's critics not to stand by passively as he gains support among Republican primary voters.

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Here is what I think is the only, albeit tiny, chance, for the republicans to stop Trump from defecating all over their party (and being nominated).

Cruz stays in and siphons off fundamentalist far right wing fanatics from Trump. Cruz has no chance, don't worry about that creepy WEIRDO.

Of course sleepy man Carson is just one big joke. He should stay in too.

Rubio loses in Florida, effectively dooming his dim chance.

Kasich goes on North and wins Ohio and Michigan.

Then Kasich and Rubio have a pow wow, Rubio drops out and agrees to be Kasich's running mate if Trump can be stopped. Kasich runs as the savior of the party, managing to never dirty himself with the idiotic schoolyard fighting, and Rubio stays on as the VP pick apparent to be the fighting monkey ... shouting TRUMP IS A CON MAN, TRUMP IS A FASCIST 24/7.

If all that happened, I think Trump can be stopped from the nomination.

Will it? Not bloody likely, but that's the only path I see.

Of course, personally, I have no problem with Trump being nominated and losing in the general. But I think that would be a disaster for the nation for Trump to actually be president. Kasich or Rubio would be less bad. If Trump is nominated, even though arguably that's who the democrats want to run against (rather than Rubio) yes he really COULD win.

I see no real path for Cruz or Carson so no comment on them as presidents. I know most have already written off Kasich and logically that makes sense, but I still see him as the ONLY slim chance of blocking Trump's nomination now. It's probably too late.

If the GOP establishment really wanted to save their party from Trump, we probably would have seen some sign of that by now. After polls open in 72 hours, there's a good chance that the CruBio duo will be all but mathematically eliminated. Trump would likely pick a politician as VP, but not an inside the Beltway one so Kasich might get that offer. Since Rubio might lose his Senate seat , Trump could give him a job at one of his Florida hotels laugh.png .

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