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SURVEY: Who do you believe would be the best president for the US?


SURVEY: Who do you believe would make the best US President?  

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I would love Trump to win, but failing that anyone but HRC, whenever I see her assuming the form of a new minority interest group this springs to mind.

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Sanders is the only one, who could start the process of giving the country back to the people, instead of giving the power to the corporations and folks who think they have right to use the peasants, the US citizens.

Sanders problem is that the USA is not ready for his progressive ideas. He is called as socialist as he wishes to improve education, which is horribly bad in the US, and he wishes to give better healthcare to all.

The republicans don't seem to understand that these are not the only socialist things, which are happening in the country. The military and the police are also paid by the government, thus those are part of socialistic government. Maybe in the true freedom, people could opt out, not to pay taxes to support military functions.. or to pay collectively paved roads.

No, Sanders' "problem" is that black people (and to a lesser extent hispanics) will not vote for him. His rallies are whiter than a New England blizzard. The Democratic Party essentially has become the Black Party. And while Hillary does everything but put on Black Face and sing Black Like Me, Sanders looks like a crotchety White old New Yorker. Blacks will never vote for that.

Blacks will also not research the fact that Sanders has supported the minority community for his entire career while Hillary merely panders to them. White voters don't do much research either truth be told. Shame that when the world of information is at their fingertips they still vote based on name recognition and who has the better smile. As far as hispanics go they would give up their first born for amnesty. Nothing else matters to them.



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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Spoken by a "true" American.

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USA has'nt got a leader. It doesn't matter a stuff who becomes president. It's time the people of that country woke up to the fact that they are considered by all other western countries as one of the dumbest, racial and uneducated in the world and keep thinking that they deserve everything from their government. Many years ago one of their greatest presidents said "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country". They are slipping back to the dark ages and the only thing making them the power they are is the military.

There are always crap comments on here like above. For once why don't you tell us what western countries you consider are not dumb? Racial ( huh)? And uneducated? Please tell us all. I dare you. The USA is high up on the list of educated countries and it has a huge population of 325 million.

When one of the most educated states like Massachusetts votes on Tuesday you will see Donald Trump with huge numbers. I don't see why some think he is dangerous. All politicians spew out BS AND NEVER follow through. You can't become a billionaire and not follow through most of the time. So what if he seems arrogant. We have had smooth talkin Obama do nothing for eight years. Where's Oprah's big fat mouth and butt now. She has finally shut up. She probably will vote for Trump too.

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I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Like I said, good luck with that. It's time for you to stop spending so much money to support your socialist army and redirect the money to socialist education and healthcare.

The USA has become weaker and continue to do so, if there are no changes. If you wish to have a nutter as a president, you have the right to do so. But be aware that the rest of the world might not like it. If USA is to become the next Russia, it is probably not the best thing to happen, not for the USA and not for the world. We have enough countries with large nuclear arsenal and a bit too unstable people leading the countries.

For me the USA is a great country with lots of smart people. Europeans have lots to learn how to do business and be more independent. So does USA has a lot to learn from European values of caring for the weaker members of the society. That's socialism, it's not something to be afraid of.

An army isn't socialist. The only reason people form a government is to have protection. End of. They want military and police and fire protection. Only after that do they even think about roads or other laws.

Socialism is when you take money from someone who earned it and give it to someone who didn't earn it. That's a recipe for disaster because everyone would like a free lunch if it existed. Socialism removes responsibility from the individual and dumps it onto the government which has nothing it doesn't first take from the people.

The UK is going broke while bragging about its socialism. The UK's debt is now about the same as that of the US as a percentage of GDP and it's climbing fast. The UK will be broke in fewer than ten years and then who will pay for the NHS? Who is going to pay for the social programs for these millions of Muslims who are streaming in? Socialism attracts freeloaders as you can surely see if you watch the news. The freeloaders don't stop until they reach a country which has socialism. Who can blame them? It's free, doncha know?

The math isn't there to sustain it so don't be smug.


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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Well you do come across with some rational and well founded, informative arguments, don't you. It was the Amis that started the Afghan exodus to Europe, without the good old USA bombing of Syria and Libya wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have these refugees. We are tired of that. Stop snivelling and telling Europeans how superior the USA is.

No nasty headlines coming out of the USA of course, so you know what? I don't give a shit (to use your words) about what arrogant uninformed Americans like you have to say about international policy.

Thank god not all Americans are like you. Go on, vote for Trump and start building a nuclear bunker.

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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Spoken by a "true" American.

Thank you very much. thumbsup.gif

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I think someone like Fidel Castro would make a good US president. For starters, he would replace the health care system with one that's much, much cheaper and actually works - for everyone. Not sure what course of action he would take with the chief executives of drug companies and other vested interests, but I'm guessing that Guantánamo Bay might have a new and revitalised function.

He might do something about trade with Cuba, too, and before you know it, modern US cars would be all over Havana.

Oh, of course, Castro's not born in the US (well, as far as I know), so this is all wild conjecture on my part ...

Taking this just a bit more seriously, I can't help but look at Trump with bemusement. Sure, he stands first and foremost for himself, but could someone here educate me about what else he stands for?

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'Feel The Bern' - 'A Future To Believe In'

Let the girls step you through the main issues: 'Talk Bernie To Me'

And now you know why Sanders lost SC and will lose most of the rest of the states on Tuesday. There wasn't one big bottomed black girl in that video, which was full of white narcissistic college girls.

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I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Well you do come across with some rational and well founded, informative arguments, don't you. It was the Amis that started the Afghan exodus to Europe, without the good old USA bombing of Syria and Libya wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have these refugees. We are tired of that. Stop snivelling and telling Europeans how superior the USA is.

No nasty headlines coming out of the USA of course, so you know what? I don't give a shit (to use your words) about what arrogant uninformed Americans like you have to say about international policy.

Thank god not all Americans are like you. Go on, vote for Trump and start building a nuclear bunker.

So you are unaware that the UK provided 1/3 of the troops for the attack on Iraq while Tony Blair told parliament that Saddam had WMDs. I see.

You are unaware that the UK has been involved in all of these wars including Libya and Syria. I see.

What then are you aware of? Anything? I suggest you learn more about Europe and actually learn the facts about the US.

As someone said, guys from the UK who are in Thailand mostly can't afford to live in their home country or get the "free" health care because taxes, and consumer prices driven up by taxes are so high. Everything is socialism and "free" but yet unattainable.

You don't see many Americans needing to be economic refugees in Thailand, because they can afford to live in their own country.


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A big problem Americans have is their crazy low to allow people to have/carry guns, witch cause an extreme amount of killings and accidents. Also police brutality who easy like to use a weapon ..

I don't think Trump is gone solve that problem...

Also the interference in other countries politics ... They should never intrude Afghanistan, Iraq Libya Syria ... maybe then we wouldn't have had the problem with muslims or refugees in europe ..

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An army isn't socialist. The only reason people form a government is to have protection. End of. They want military and police and fire protection. Only after that do they even think about roads or other laws.

Socialism is when you take money from someone who earned it and give it to someone who didn't earn it. That's a recipe for disaster because everyone would like a free lunch if it existed. Socialism removes responsibility from the individual and dumps it onto the government which has nothing it doesn't first take from the people.

The army, the police force, fire department, healthcare and education are all socialistic functions. The money to support these collective services comes from taxes. Yes, you take the money from people's pockets to pay these functions. That's the reason we found societies. To secure our lives as well as our future.

If you don't want to spend money on collective healthcare or education, you certainly should not want pay taxes to support military or police force. That's all socialism.

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Anybody but Clinton. Last time she LOST to a guy who has spent the last 8 years doing nothing. He has been an embarrassment and she will be as bad if not worse. She even applauds her own 'jokes' and quips like a grinning seal!

The topic is not about Europe, but seeing as neversure is having as stab at Europe, may I say, that if the big cigar biting bullies from the good ol' U S of A stopped poking their greedy beaks into problems that really should not concern them, then maybe we wouldn't have such problems. All of Europe is sweeping the mess up that America has caused through interfering in others problems.

If the crazies in the world want to kill each other then let them on their own soil. As soon as we are threatened closer to home, then get involved.

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A big problem Americans have is their crazy low to allow people to have/carry guns, witch cause an extreme amount of killings and accidents. Also police brutality who easy like to use a weapon ..

I don't think Trump is gone solve that problem...

Also the interference in other countries politics ... They should never intrude Afghanistan, Iraq Libya Syria ... maybe then we wouldn't have had the problem with muslims or refugees in europe ..

So, you too are unaware that the UK was also fighting the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria? You think only the US was there? And Brits tell me that Americans don't know much about the world outside of the US. Hmmm.

The gun part is off topic because that right is in the Constitution, not the presidency.


Edited by NeverSure
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Free Health Care??? No such thing Someone Has to Pay!!

In Americe we pay $350+per month for health insurance so

It doesn't break us.....you can't afford to retire and live in

Your own Country because of low pensions and high taxes

For all these FREE things

He he he heee,...I never said everything was for free, My compulsory health insurance costs me something like 6 to 9 Euro per month x2 . we are fully covered my wife and I, no matter pre existing health issues.

could retire and live in my country ! ..but why ? if I have the choice ?!?!? I prefer to stay here in the sun, for multiple reasons.....He he he heee...

And I'm not the kind a guy to let people dictate what I should or could do......been here for 28 Years.....

Life is what you make of it yourself, not what other people tell you how it has to be....!!!! knew that sins I was a kid....!!!


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You think The Americans would open their eyes and learn from the

Pathetic give away European Countries. America has always been

About: get an education, work hard and no matter who you are, where

You come from, you can be successful. Now, it looks like a new

Generation wants to sit on their ass and look for a free ride....We all

know, "No Such Thing as Free," someone has to pay!!!

"Pathetic give away European Countries". ?!?!?....My Pathetic give away European Country has free health care for everyone for as long as I can remember.....something that does not exist in the big US of A....(that Land of the Freeeee)

A couple of years ago I had to spend more than four months in Hospital, something that would have ruined me if I was a US citizen. All I had to pay was a mere +/- 100 Euro.....Ok, !!! we pay more taxes, !!!, but we know where the money goes...It's not waisted at the military to fight (Illegal) wars overseas...!


The health care you refer to is not free. It is being paid for in wonderful ways that you do not want to hear about. I too come from a country where there is "free" health care. The taxes are through the roof, and the government system is bloated. However, there still isn't enough money to satisfy all the vested interests so here's what happens;

- Health care is rationed

- Non essential surgeries are postponed for years. It is not uncommon to send people with broken limbs away from the emergency rooms with a request to come back in a few days when there is a specialist or technician available because the working hours are 8-3 pm.

- Elderly patients are denied health care even though they may be mentally competent and in good health otherwise

- Advanced treatments are denied because they are not on the approved list

- Supplementary fees for non medical services are allowed. Some hospitals charge a small fortune for parking, Or the meals served in some facilities do not even meet basic dietary needs.

And if you don't think this doesn't occur in Germany or France or Spain or Denmark, think again. It does.

Oh, nice swipe at the USA for "illegal" wars. Cute. Who started the invasion of Libya? It wasn't the USA. Know why? Because Italy and France had the vested interests since they were being over run by refugees and they had the oil investments. The adventure in Iraq that the US gets blamed for under the bogus argument of "oil" interests neglects the fact that the biggest beneficiaries of the Iraqi oil were the EU, and Asian countries. The USA didn't need Iraqi oil. So you rant on with your myths and blame the Americans because it meets your agenda. Tell me why the Americans should spend a small fortune guaranteeing the EU's freedom and security from Putin? The Russians invaded an EU neighbor, and threaten the Baltic countries and EU members like Poland. Those Russian tanks aren't going to be rolling across the Canadian and US prairies, but will be romping through Germany like they did before.

The EU has every reason to worry about Trump, but for some very different reasons. Trump will disengage and cut the defense of the EU. This will allow Putin to intimidate and push around the spineless EU. Trump will pull back from the Middle East. In case you missed it, Saudi Arabia and its allies have declared Iran's proxy army Hizbollah enemy number 2 after ISIL. The Eu lefties have longed cosied up to Hizbollah. Watch the Sunnis pummel the Shiites because the USA isn't going to be there to hold them back if Trump's in charge. Watch the Chinese expand into Asia and turn Thailand into another Laos like vassal state because the USA under Trump isn't going to be manipulated by Generals who like to award themselves lots of medals. Watch as Trump balances his budget by cutting back on foreign aid, which means that the rest of the world will have to accept its responsibilities and pay for all the crap they stuck the USA taxpayers with. You think you got problems with bogus refugees now? Watch what happens when the USA stops giving a few billion $$$ in aid. Ready for some panic from pandemics? Watch what happens when the USA stops being the medical savior and guardian of the developing world. Africa is much closer to the EU than it is to North America. Next Ebola crisis, the EU can respond on its own.


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An army isn't socialist. The only reason people form a government is to have protection. End of. They want military and police and fire protection. Only after that do they even think about roads or other laws.

Socialism is when you take money from someone who earned it and give it to someone who didn't earn it. That's a recipe for disaster because everyone would like a free lunch if it existed. Socialism removes responsibility from the individual and dumps it onto the government which has nothing it doesn't first take from the people.

The army, the police force, fire department, healthcare and education are all socialistic functions. The money to support these collective services comes from taxes. Yes, you take the money from people's pockets to pay these functions. That's the reason we found societies. To secure our lives as well as our future.

If you don't want to spend money on collective healthcare or education, you certainly should not want pay taxes to support military or police force. That's all socialism.

You are mistaken. A fully capitalist country will have a military and police and fire protection. That isn't socialism. It's basic government. There will also be laws against stealing and assault and so on. That's basic government.

It's when you start taking taxpayers money to distribute it to people who didn't earn it that you get socialism. Europe is drowning in socialism. It won't be able to pay the bills. When the whole world learns about all of the benefits of socialism, the people walk, boat and swim to get to it. They cross many other countries to get to it because it's "free". Personal responsibility goes out the window because you get the benefits even if you don't work.

These hordes pouring into Europe will prove it. They'll break the system which is already almost broken.


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The UK is going broke while bragging about its socialism. The UK's debt is now about the same as that of the US as a percentage of GDP and it's climbing fast. The UK will be broke in fewer than ten years and then who will pay for the NHS?



The claims you make are incorrect on every point raised. Ten year economic forecast for UK.


Back on topic for preferred US President...


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If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Spoken by a "true" American.

True American ? like First Nation True American ????? nobody could be more American than the first Nation people !!!!

All the rest are Immigrants....!

Edited by off road pat
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'Feel The Bern' - 'A Future To Believe In'

Let the girls step you through the main issues: 'Talk Bernie To Me'

And now you know why Sanders lost SC and will lose most of the rest of the states on Tuesday. There wasn't one big bottomed black girl in that video, which was full of white narcissistic college girls.

You feeling the Bern Usernames?

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I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

Well you do come across with some rational and well founded, informative arguments, don't you. It was the Amis that started the Afghan exodus to Europe, without the good old USA bombing of Syria and Libya wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have these refugees. We are tired of that. Stop snivelling and telling Europeans how superior the USA is.

No nasty headlines coming out of the USA of course, so you know what? I don't give a shit (to use your words) about what arrogant uninformed Americans like you have to say about international policy.

Thank god not all Americans are like you. Go on, vote for Trump and start building a nuclear bunker.

So you are unaware that the UK provided 1/3 of the troops for the attack on Iraq while Tony Blair told parliament that Saddam had WMDs. I see.

You are unaware that the UK has been involved in all of these wars including Libya and Syria. I see.

What then are you aware of? Anything? I suggest you learn more about Europe and actually learn the facts about the US.

As someone said, guys from the UK who are in Thailand mostly can't afford to live in their home country or get the "free" health care because taxes, and consumer prices driven up by taxes are so high. Everything is socialism and "free" but yet unattainable.

You don't see many Americans needing to be economic refugees in Thailand, because they can afford to live in their own country.


I am Swiss. Without the good old USA those disastrous balls ups would never have happened. Tony Blair got most of his information about WMD from the Americans.

You are right though, I spend my time in a crystal tower playing with myself.

Cut out the hate guys, will you, being patriotic is ok but spouting malevolent and insulting remarks doesn't help.

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