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Brit & German Beaten-up at Central Pattaya Beer Bar Complex

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Geez, so many idiots come to Thailand, know nothing about the place, get drunk and abusive and wonder why they get hammered. Generalizing, take your time and learn the ropes guys, this place is very different to where you come from. And put your superiority complex aside. Drunken tempers are very short, and there is very little constraint on how old you are. The bigger your mouth the harder you will get thumpted. And we all know there is a pack mentality here.

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Bring back the curfew! crazy.gif

I love the curfew, coffee-cup beers, telling the trouble and strife that I had stay out all night because I "forgot about the time". Tongue in cheek of course.


If I walk into a bar and the owner tells me the venue is closed, I tend to leave on my own accord without being asked.

If a 70 year old man walks into my bar and refuses to accept that the venue is closed, I tend to call the police instead of having my boy punch him in the face.


Will they ever learn you cant beat up on your customer base, now i wonder what these creeps think hitting someone in their 70s is acceptable , inot in my book disgusting Thailand land of sucker punch.

I agree with your sentiments about hitting a 70 year old man....but there it ends. Only yesterday I was remarking to myself about this country , Thailand, being one of the few countries that this discussing thing does NOT happen (King punch or whatever they choose to call it, which is NOT what happened in these two reported cases) after hearing stories on my home country radio from listeners in that country+ Australia and other countries around the world, how when this happened to them it almost destroyed their lives in many cases and even where death has occurred

A King Punch or Sucker Punch (for the benefit of those who have not heard of it) is when a person, man or woman, is walking along a road doing their normal everyday things, minding their own business when suddenly, out of the blue and for no reason what-so-ever.....they receive an unmerciful blow (punch) from behind to the back or side of their head that sends them flying. In many cases leaving them with sever injuries like fractured skulls, broken jaws, teeth eye sockets etc.,which can have the effect of destroying a person's life leaving them fearful of ever going out again.....has even caused deaths.from falling on a kerb or similar.

No Sir....you are wrong on two counts.......firstly.....Thailand is not a "discussing" country....and secondly.....I have never ever heard of a reported case of a "sucker punch" being delivered in Thailand.

For your information i have been living here for 15 years.


apart from the incident mentioned this sort of thing has an effect on other customers, if I saw a bar owner going violent on a drunk or otherwise customer I would never step foot in there again, the bar mentioned in the original post has a Thai guy that works behind the bar, I saw him go at a customer with a pool cue because he "politely" complained about getting a warm beer, I was there and the beer was warm like it had never been in a fridge.

When people drink stuff happens, the bottom line is that no matter what you still have to believe that a bar owner is not going to take a swing if someone steps out of line, there are easier and better ways to deal with such situations, customer on customer take it outside - owner on customer - a big no no


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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Smedly - Common sense tells us that attacking your own customers is bad for business..
However looking at some of the previous comments its easy to see that there are many idiots that believe bashing someone's face is the way forward.

Beyond it being morally wrong stupid people fail to see how this affects business, it affects the number of tourists that want to come here and go out to these sort of establishments.


If you can't get a 70-year-old drunk off the premises without resorting to punching them in the face, you probably shouldn't be running a bar in the first place.

There is the point.

Licences shouldn't be issued to bars that don't know how to deal with people that are intoxicated. Specially when they are responsible for getting people intoxicated in the first place. Of course some will say we are all responsible for our own actions and shouldn't get pi**ed in the first place. C'mon it's Pattaya. Party town and renound worldwide for that.

Discusting behavior and lucky the old fella was strong enough not to collapse and die from the shock.


Smashes? It's called a punch and 1 black eye is hardly "smashing "

Try to have an altercation with owner of the bar back home and see how many days or weeks you would be hospitalised

Try that back home.

you may well go to Jail.

You may well have your Alcohol licence revoked

You may well pay compensation to the customer you just assaulted.

You may well have to do some community service .

where you from ? coffee1.gif


If I walk into a bar and the owner tells me the venue is closed, I tend to leave on my own accord without being asked.

If a 70 year old man walks into my bar and refuses to accept that the venue is closed, I tend to call the police instead of having my boy punch him in the face.

It was the other incident, involving the German man, I was referring to, if you had time to read the article properly.

In no way would I ever condone violence, but any normal person would have simply walked away, and looked for an alternative venue, having been told that place was not open.

As with a lot of reporting over here, I guess there was more to it than what was written down.


Its about time the police actually did something about this. I am sure that both these guys were probably making a nuisance of themselves but what is a 70 year old drunk man going to do? Why then need to assault him in such a way, if he gets out of line get him out of the door and tell him to sling his hook, if he plays up call the police.

There is no mention that he was violent so the man who assaulted him should be arrested and face charges. Why would he not? Local bar owners can not just knock someone about as and when they feel like it with no repercussions.

Why don't we all just boycott the bar, there are plenty of others to chose from. If a landlord gets out of line and assaults someone, we ALL move on and stop spending money there.

This way they may think twice.

If the police won't do anything time for us all to vote with out feet.


Its about time the police actually did something about this. I am sure that both these guys were probably making a nuisance of themselves but what is a 70 year old drunk man going to do? Why then need to assault him in such a way, if he gets out of line get him out of the door and tell him to sling his hook, if he plays up call the police.

There is no mention that he was violent so the man who assaulted him should be arrested and face charges. Why would he not? Local bar owners can not just knock someone about as and when they feel like it with no repercussions.

Why don't we all just boycott the bar, there are plenty of others to chose from. If a landlord gets out of line and assaults someone, we ALL move on and stop spending money there.

This way they may think twice.

If the police won't do anything time for us all to vote with out feet.

So Pattaya beer bar complex off Soi Bukkao, I won't be going there, suggest you do the same and tell people you know about the occurrence,, frankly it is just not acceptable.


Having read all of the above, and unless I've missed something, there is no mention of which bar the 70yr old was assaulted in (although I would hazard a guess) so how would you boycott it?

Also, there is no mention that a Thai inflicted the injuries, but there are a lot of presumptions that this was the case.

Whatever happened, there is no justification for GBH of an OAP. The bar could easily tell him to leave, escort him off the premises, or call the police without resorting to violence.

This all sounds like a drunk bully kicking off to me!


Yeah' I agree!! But pray tell me. How many people do we ever hear of beating up on 70 year old patrons?? Don't happen mate!!. You see it's called - Civilised and they don't have that in Thailand. Land of Cowards !!!

If someone smashes a 70 year old man's face in they need to go to gaol!

I don't really see what difference the age makes. Anyone who smashes anyone's face in should be punished accordingly.

Smashes? It's called a punch and 1 black eye is hardly "smashing "

Try to have an altercation with owner of the bar back home and see how many days or weeks you would be hospitalised


I seldom visit bars but when I do, if I see ANY sign of hostility, I leave quickly. I may not even bother to finish my pint.


I'm going to have to go against the grain here folks

1) I cant see in the report that it was a Thai who dished out the black eye so unless anyone can point out that this is the case, stop being presumptuous (Thai or farang, still not right)

2) What the <deleted> is a 70 year old man doing in these bars at closing time?? (Anywhere between 2am and 4am subject to law breaking)

As to the incident with the German . .

I was recently in a hotel bar at the other end of Soi Buakhao, a quiet bar, and there was a pissed German in their being annoying, loud and obnoxious, trying it on with the lady behind the bar by asking for boom boom and she told him she was married so back off (the staff in this hotel bar are simply staff, not "bar girls"

Eventually 2 of his previous conquests turned up and they sat down at a table but he continued to be rude, quite loud and obnoxious.

Could this be the same guy? Bit of a coincidence if so, but this guy deserved a clout and this was only 8pm! So I can imagine at closing time, an obnoxious farang carrying on when you are trying to lock up is a nuisance. Maybe the German was pushing and shoving after being led from the bar and kept coming back for more? Ending up in him tasking one on the beak!

People need to realise in life that violence happens. Sometimes it is necessary, I wasn't there but in the case of the old boy, ID say it was not required, as for the German guy, maybe it was.

I understand Thai people can be bullies in certain circumstances ganging up. But nowhere I can see does it say either attacker was Thai or more than one.

Thais also put up with a lot of shit from drunk farangs, so I'm not surprised this happens. For the number of strange around tourist Thailand, I'm surprised there aren't loads more reports like this.

Lastly, to make a comparison, if you saw the recent article on TVF about the old dude touching women on beach rd, I think that is worse than someone getting a slap. In fact if I saw him doing that, Id slap him myself!


a brit gets beaten up possibly by another brit bar owner who obviously cant control himself and in my opinion shouldn't be in business and shouldn't be here, we don't need this type of person in pattaya get rid of him.


you know when drunks get into that place where there is no talking to them because they are blitzed? SOMETIMES they can be harmless as a mouse but start with the broken record talking. all the bar owner wants to do is close.

i was with a Thai woman who owns a bar when she just flips out because she could not communicate well in English and did not know what to say or do with a harmless drunk in her bar. So she get angry and the drunk got angry. so i got up and whispered into the drunks ear. he stops, looks at me and says "you are right." He got up, paid his bill and left. The bar owner thanked me and said "I not know what to say and I always get mad. Thank you."

not defending the Thais or the drunks... and what do you expect in dive bars in Thailand?


so i got up and whispered into the drunks ear. he stops, looks at me and says "you are right." He got up, paid his bill and left.

Cryptic….did you offer to meet him in a ST hotel? Spill it.


A racist rant has been removed. You need to read the forum rules that YOU agreed to when you signed up to Thai Visa they are HERE

Meanwhile take a look at this one before you post further vitriolic none sense:

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I'm going to have to go against the grain here folks

1) I cant see in the report that it was a Thai who dished out the black eye so unless anyone can point out that this is the case, stop being presumptuous (Thai or farang, still not right)

2) What the <deleted> is a 70 year old man doing in these bars at closing time?? (Anywhere between 2am and 4am subject to law breaking)

As to the incident with the German . .

I was recently in a hotel bar at the other end of Soi Buakhao, a quiet bar, and there was a pissed German in their being annoying, loud and obnoxious, trying it on with the lady behind the bar by asking for boom boom and she told him she was married so back off (the staff in this hotel bar are simply staff, not "bar girls"

Eventually 2 of his previous conquests turned up and they sat down at a table but he continued to be rude, quite loud and obnoxious.

Could this be the same guy? Bit of a coincidence if so, but this guy deserved a clout and this was only 8pm! So I can imagine at closing time, an obnoxious farang carrying on when you are trying to lock up is a nuisance. Maybe the German was pushing and shoving after being led from the bar and kept coming back for more? Ending up in him tasking one on the beak!

People need to realise in life that violence happens. Sometimes it is necessary, I wasn't there but in the case of the old boy, ID say it was not required, as for the German guy, maybe it was.

I understand Thai people can be bullies in certain circumstances ganging up. But nowhere I can see does it say either attacker was Thai or more than one.

Thais also put up with a lot of shit from drunk farangs, so I'm not surprised this happens. For the number of strange around tourist Thailand, I'm surprised there aren't loads more reports like this.

Lastly, to make a comparison, if you saw the recent article on TVF about the old dude touching women on beach rd, I think that is worse than someone getting a slap. In fact if I saw him doing that, Id slap him myself!

it's a badly written report but from what I understood, the Brit was assaulted by a farang associate of the owner at a bar mentioned in the comments and the German was assaulted in a different bar by the Thai owner


There is almost always a common denominator in these sort of incidents.

Firstly the victim is almost always drunk.

Secondly he is usually alone.

Thirdly it is often late at night.

Going out drinking alone in Pattaya and getting drunk is a dangerous game.

Too many predators looking for easy targets and an old drunk farang by himself is a prime target.

That unfortunately is the nasty side of Pattaya.


These bars that delight in beating foreigners should be named and shamed and boycotted. A lack of business/income due to their own actions might make them think twice about rumping the goose that lays their golden egg..... Scum.


It seems bar owners have found a way around having bouncers beat up customers and getting their bar closed for a few days.


Will they ever learn you cant beat up on your customer base, now i wonder what these creeps think hitting someone in their 70s is acceptable , inot in my book disgusting Thailand land of sucker punch.

Over 70? You should not be out late in punchoutville. I am not surprised at old guys getting beat up because some run off at the mouth too much when they've had too many. These people simply don't want to be colonised, mate. (oh, I'm 71)

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