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Shirtless farang filmed molesting women on Pattaya Beach

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I hope he washes his hands after his beachwalk.
Is similar to the supermarket, where someone squeezes all the fruits if they are ripe.
Not just the fine art.

One day, he will touch the wrong woman at the ass, even in Pattaya.
Then he will have his fight.


........Sooner or later he is going to get a slap.

Years ago a mate of mine you to ask straight out for a quicky.He rekons for the 9 slaps, he got 1 quicky.Better than wasting your time taking them out with no result,he said.

.....But you must ASK first: 'Can I grab your arse?' .........Then in Pattaya agree the price.........Then grab away.


I hope he washes his hands after his beachwalk.

Is similar to the supermarket, where someone squeezes all the fruits if they are ripe.

Not just the fine art.

One day, he will touch the wrong woman at the ass, even in Pattaya.

Then he will have his fight.

Yeah, he pinches some ladyboy's butt & doesn't pay up he will wish he hadn't.


The hookers on the coconut bar do this all day every day, and the Ladyboys go much further than that with their touching of foreigners, so I assume they all should be thrown in jail?


when the hell are people going to behave themselves when they are in Thailand >

I am really getting p****d off reading about farang acting like stupid jerks here, don't they

realise all this negative publicity is reflecting on every other expats and visitors to Thailand.

little wonder so many locals have a low impression of none thais. Do people leave their

common sense and manners behind once they get on board the plane where they come from.

This guy is just another misfit together with all the drunken farang cretins that seem to think

they can do whatever they like whenever they like when they visit another country, and we read

about their disgraceful actions every day on TVF sad.pngsad.pngbeatdeadhorse.gif

. . . .but there are so many farangs who act like yayhoos. Makes you real proud to be called farang doesn't it?


Omg, these comments again about how this one foreigner to the Thais makes us whites all look bad.

Inhale, exhale, don't hyperventilate!

Man, don't you get it? I can assure you, if they don't like us they just don't like us and not because of some bad behavior of a tourist.

Damn, I hate those comments. Do you hate all Thais because the one TukTuk driver scammed you? No? Why should the Thais hate all whites then? Well, the small minded do - but gives a <deleted> what some small minded people think?

Hate the comments all you like, bigotry is based upon attributing the specific actions of a few members of a group to the entire group.

500 baht fine or less as hes not even a policeman

You think ? Read my earlier post about a potential 300,000 bail and immediately put into cells for a similar offence.
The person groped can claim any damages she wishes for embarrassment etc.

Wiser heads read it,but didn't believe it.If it smells like a duck,well you know the rest.
Yeah, I'd like to know how he is so incredibly knowledge about all aspects of this alleged event.

Because I was the one that had to do the official translation between the culprit and the police. Next ?

That explains it perfectly. Thanks.

Well, it may all seem like harmless fun but I was once in Soi 9 police station when a tourist had groped a female tour guide's buttocks and he was immediately put in cells awaiting a very, very hefty bail of 300,000 baht set by the duty inspector. If reported, this guy will meet some very serious cops who do not take kindly to this kind of act.

Seems a bit discriminative, given that the cop taking sneaky up skirt videos, the other day, was fined a mere 500 baht... Pretty sure that's more intrusive and abusive than a pinch on the butt.... Especially because that sin was committed by a police officer, charged to uphold the law and protect the people from, exactly that (amongst other things)

That said... It is wrong and needs addressing, which shouldn't be hard given the viral video that's now out there.... Way to go, shirtless ?


Not appropriate behavior. However not surprising. I would also go mental living in Pattaya, having my daily walks on beach road crazy.gif. Constantly being surrounded by hookers, jet-ski thugs, lady boys on yaba molesting people, whoremongers, etc.... coffee1.gif


When i visited the Uk, Redcar beach and Blackpool, i noticed it is a common occurrence by poms there. Cant see anything wrong with it.

Likely the classy venues you choose?

Seems like a lot of fuss over a small incidence.... a Thai cop films up a students skirt was more to worry about! This guy will get a good belt around the head and possibly set upon by a guy with a little flag and his entourage and reconsider his ways.

Probably seems funny to him after several Changs in the sun.


What a beat up.

It is nothing story.

I mean considering what goes on along the Coconut Bar this is trivial.

Some of the holier than thou posters here need to get a grip.

Every second farang is shirtless ...no surprise it is the beach after all..

And the molesting goes on both ways with the LBS and gals not shy to initiate a bit of bodily contact.

Next silly story please....


if you listen closely, the woman in the white shorts says "300 Baht!" after getting pinched.

just so everyone knows what is really happening in this video, this man is just saying hello to all the free lancers he knows on Beach Road. smile.png

never forget the time my mother who was a model and my 15 year old sister who later became a model went to Rome. Their rear ends were pinched like every 15 seconds. I was only ten years old watching all of this but I could tell my sister did not seem too bothered. smile.png

seems many havent read your postfacepalm.gif


QUESTION: Don't these idiot know that walking around in public without a shirt is considered extremely rude in Thailand? Hell, I don't go out of my house without a shirt on, and I'm in damn good shape with nothing to be ashamed of. But in Thailand, it's considered flat out rude! They should learn something about the culture if they are going to be here.

Well said and very true. I get an ear-full from the trouble and strife if I wear tank tops outside of the house. Thais hate them.

Go thru any of the villages round by me and many Thai men topless.....sadly no women!!

Yes you are right, but generally the whole village is like one giant family. In my village half the village seem to have either my wife's father's surname or mother's surname (shades of Deliverance, joking). The men do walk around with no shirts but if they leave the village for the next, or go to the Wat, the shirt goes on. Plus I think Thai wives like to see their falang husbands a cut above the rest. This sometimes is not possible, say no more 8-)

I started living in my wife's village in 1982, and then on occasions some of the younger women weren't so quick to cover up. The Yia's could not be bothered. Now, no way. Funny isn't it that I have noticed this, but yet we all think Thai culture has warped more towards a Western culture, where nudity can be the norm.


The hookers on the coconut bar do this all day every day, and the Ladyboys go much further than that with their touching of foreigners, so I assume they all should be thrown in jail?

One thing I do hate are the sub-continental tailors in Pattaya on Beach Road, grabbing you by the arm, as you walk past, to get your attention, even though you are in conversation with family or friends. One particular guy did it to me three times to me in one day. Us falang look all the same I think.


Mr StnkyFinger needs to be found and arrested.

Dirty old pervert

Pure sexist post overly anxious to stick it to the male, bet if the camera was filming females it would have shown far more of the female sex molesting male tourists. The female is the more dominant of the species and invariably she is always the party to initiate sex and in my own experiences, it happened when I was a schoolboy being seduced by the neighbour's daughter with her "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" offer. I've worked in Thai shipyards where I was the only male and the goading never stops and being captain of a tour boat you are fair game. I once had an island tour chartered by Thai girls and once most of them left the boat for lunch, the remainder had their hands all over me. The male deserves a more balanced view on this subject because believe me it happens but then it may be because i am just a "hansum man"


when the hell are people going to behave themselves when they are in Thailand >

I am really getting p****d off reading about farang acting like stupid jerks here, don't they

realise all this negative publicity is reflecting on every other expats and visitors to Thailand.

little wonder so many locals have a low impression of none thais. Do people leave their

common sense and manners behind once they get on board the plane where they come from.

This guy is just another misfit together with all the drunken farang cretins that seem to think

they can do whatever they like whenever they like when they visit another country, and we read

about their disgraceful actions every day on TVF sad.pngsad.pngbeatdeadhorse.gif



The hookers on the coconut bar do this all day every day, and the Ladyboys go much further than that with their touching of foreigners, so I assume they all should be thrown in jail?

Ladyboys are men, so man on man is more acceptable.


I got drunk in a Spore nightclub last year when the Gunners visited for the Asia Cup. I must have forgotten that I wasn't in Thailand and pinched a waitress on the butt. She got very angry and tried to fly-kick me. I got led into a corridor out the back and got 2 jabs to the abdomen by a Chinese worker. Surprise, surprise. The other dudes (Indian, Malay etc) did not touch me. Anyways, they booted me out of the club through the back exit. I walked around the corner and straight back into the club through the front door to try and find my friends. Some workers recognised me and then asked me to leave. Moral of the story? Don't pinch random girls on the butt. Though I have had much more luck when doing this in Thai nightclubs 555


Well, it may all seem like harmless fun but I was once in Soi 9 police station when a tourist had groped a female tour guide's buttocks and he was immediately put in cells awaiting a very, very hefty bail of 300,000 baht set by the duty inspector. If reported, this guy will meet some very serious cops who do not take kindly to this kind of act.

Wow, poor guy would have been much better off (500 baht), by just sticking a video camera up the skirts of school girls. Oh wait, need to be a cop for that.

Off topic racist flame removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Mr StnkyFinger needs to be found and arrested.

Dirty old pervert

Pure sexist post overly anxious to stick it to the male, bet if the camera was filming females it would have shown far more of the female sex molesting male tourists. The female is the more dominant of the species and invariably she is always the party to initiate sex and in my own experiences, it happened when I was a schoolboy being seduced by the neighbour's daughter with her "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" offer. I've worked in Thai shipyards where I was the only male and the goading never stops and being captain of a tour boat you are fair game. I once had an island tour chartered by Thai girls and once most of them left the boat for lunch, the remainder had their hands all over me. The male deserves a more balanced view on this subject because believe me it happens but then it may be because i am just a "hansum man"

No! the guys is a pervert and molesting random women..

Just because you showed your tiny todger to the girl next door and met some women on a boat doesn't mean a grown man can walk around copping a feel without recourse.

I'm all for pervs doing what ever they want with other pervs or willing partners, in fact, I fully support that! BUT, 'xcuse the pun, it has to be between 2 consenting adults not forced on you by some random stranger.


The hookers on the coconut bar do this all day every day, and the Ladyboys go much further than that with their touching of foreigners, so I assume they all should be thrown in jail?

No they should not. Because only the most ignorant and narrow minded person in the world would equate a female prostitute playfully groping potential customers to a grown male groping unsuspecting female pedestrians.


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