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Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump


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Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump

WASHINGTON: -- Foreign diplomats are expressing alarm to U.S. government officials about what they say are inflammatory and insulting public statements by Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, according to senior U.S. officials.

Officials from Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia have complained in recent private conversations, mostly about the xenophobic nature of Trump's statements, said three U.S. officials, who all declined to be identified.

"As the (Trump) rhetoric has continued, and in some cases amped up, so, too, have concerns by certain leaders around the world," said one of the officials.

Full story: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-foreign-idUSMTZSAPEC37O1O8W3

-- Reuters 2016-03-08

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Need to get this news out. It will drive up Trump's numbers even higher. Mexicans, Chinese and Europeans interfering in an American election will not go over well with the electorate.

Why not? The USA have positively interfered with every other developing nations elections in the last 2 decades.

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Need to get this news out. It will drive up Trump's numbers even higher. Mexicans, Chinese and Europeans interfering in an American election will not go over well with the electorate.

Why not? The USA have positively interfered with every other developing nations elections in the last 2 decades.

Ridiculous comment.

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Officials from Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia ...... who all declined to be identified.

cheesy.gif What a load of made-up BS.


All raising alarms about Trump. But all apparently happy for the POTUS to be a proven repeat liar, who apparently breaks laws and get away with it, and who is "owned" by Wall St and the banks.

Trump is dangerous because "the establishment" don't control him. Just like Corbyn is in the UK although at the other end of the spectrum.

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Need to get this news out. It will drive up Trump's numbers even higher. Mexicans, Chinese and Europeans interfering in an American election will not go over well with the electorate.

Why not? The USA have positively interfered with every other developing nations elections in the last 2 decades.

Ridiculous comment.

No, unfortunately it was a very accurate one

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Need to get this news out. It will drive up Trump's numbers even higher. Mexicans, Chinese and Europeans interfering in an American election will not go over well with the electorate.[/quote

Agree, with the qualification that it will not go over well with Trump supporters. Offering an opinion is not "interfering". Those who might take immediate offense is not the same as the electorate. Do not include me in there, thank you very much. I do encourage the Republicans to nominate Trump or Cruz.... because I want Sanders elected. The only non-millionaire, with a lifelong record of opposing the established way of doing things that has led the US to political stalemate. Only he is addressing THE greatest threat to the US...the wealth gap which has decimated the working middle class and seriously torn the social fabric of the country. While not just a US problem, forgive me for focusing on my own country at present. I, as well as others, value the opinions of friends. The most valuable are those absolute friends who will advise against foolish actions...not those who agree with everything due solely to their own interests.
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Need to get this news out. It will drive up Trump's numbers even higher. Mexicans, Chinese and Europeans interfering in an American election will not go over well with the electorate.

Why not? The USA have positively interfered with every other developing nations elections in the last 2 decades.

Ridiculous comment.

No, unfortunately it was a very accurate one

Not sure if it's every single election, but there surely was a lot of interference in other country's politics. Just a start is Italy's 1948 election, Mossadegh in Iran, Allende in Chile, Honduras and Guatemala in the 1980s and maybe 90s, and I am sure you'll find a number of others with a little research. Some of the more recent activities may not have come out yet.

Oh yeah, I have recently read that some Argentinians are unhappy about the timing of an Obama trip to their country due to alleged American interference in their affairs during a coup. I am sure you can find many details about that.

Does the Bay of Pigs and the more recent bombing in Libya count?

Sorry if I have forgotten some obvious and more well-known ones.

PS, I can't believe that I did not mention Diem and Vietnam.

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Why wouldn't these pundits want to make their names known? A pretty good American tradition is to know your accusers, to have them face you. If these foreigners don't like Trump but are so chicken they don't want to be quoted, well then they don't count nor do their opinions.

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Why wouldn't these pundits want to make their names known? A pretty good American tradition is to know your accusers, to have them face you. If these foreigners don't like Trump but are so chicken they don't want to be quoted, well then they don't count nor do their opinions.

If you mean the foreign diplomats, then it might have to do with diplomacy.

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Statistics show there is an inverse correlation between IQ and supporting Trump.

However 78% of statistics are just made up!

Me? I don't really care but Trump is a deeply unpleasant person. How embarrassing for Americans if he makes it.....

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<deleted> Em

Trump will be the next President of the United States GET USED TO IT not only that but he will whip it into shape

19 Trillion in Debt corrupt to the core you better hope he wins else USA will be Bankrupt with Sanders or Clinton

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It is a little bit of a difficult situation for countries external to America. I doubt you will get a public commentary on the US election. However, the outrageous nature of particularly Trump is really wedging Foreign politicians on the basis the questions need to be asked. Simply on the basis there is a great concern of the stability of the US should Trump become President.

When a Presidential candidate endorses torture and targeting of family members, labels an entire race of people as rapists and criminals, threatens to shut borders to religious minorities the main concern is these actions would violate the Geneva Convention and International Law that America is a signatory too. Essentially removing America from International treaties. Many Nations have clear legislation that prohibits them from trading with such countries or becoming involved militarily with countries that are not signatories to certain International Treaties.

It isn't that they give a toss who America elects as President that is totally up to them. What they have to evaluate is any ongoing cooperation or involvement with America. It is pretty obvious that most western Nations will dramatically reduce any political or military or financial involvement with a Trump administration.

As you can see this report shows clearly Foreign nations are raising concerns and indicating diplomatically that they would be looking to reassess ongoing commitments made with the existing US government. Those commitments and involvement will be withdrawn under a Trump administration.

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It is a little bit of a difficult situation for countries external to America. I doubt you will get a public commentary on the US election. However, the outrageous nature of particularly Trump is really wedging Foreign politicians on the basis the questions need to be asked. Simply on the basis there is a great concern of the stability of the US should Trump become President.

When a Presidential candidate endorses torture and targeting of family members, labels an entire race of people as rapists and criminals, threatens to shut borders to religious minorities the main concern is these actions would violate the Geneva Convention and International Law that America is a signatory too. Essentially removing America from International treaties. Many Nations have clear legislation that prohibits them from trading with such countries or becoming involved militarily with countries that are not signatories to certain International Treaties.

It isn't that they give a toss who America elects as President that is totally up to them. What they have to evaluate is any ongoing cooperation or involvement with America. It is pretty obvious that most western Nations will dramatically reduce any political or military or financial involvement with a Trump administration.

As you can see this report shows clearly Foreign nations are raising concerns and indicating diplomatically that they would be looking to reassess ongoing commitments made with the existing US government. Those commitments and involvement will be withdrawn under a Trump administration.

Sober words!

But will the great unwashed listen? I doubt it...

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Yeah, pay no attention to diplomats from all over the world. Trump's our man! He may be a xenophobic buffoon, but he's our xenophobic buffoon! He'll lead America back from the Obama apocalypse to make America great again!

Imagine Donald Trump a world leader? 35% of wingnut Republicans do.

I would quietly tell those diplomats...relax.

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said three U.S. officials, who all declined to be identified...unnamed and unidentified diplomats voicing alarms...

Let me get this right...unidentified US officials claim that unidentified diplomats are alarmed at D. Trump's rhetoric...

Unadulterated sewage...the ruling classes are afraid or Trump...as he represents a re-alignment of power where money will no longer buy you favored status...

What could be more troubling for the ruling elite?

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An intriguing disclaimer at the bottom of the full version of this blatant and ineptly-contrived piece of calculated character assassination states that it was "partly funded by SAP". No clue to the identity of the sponsor is given, but an unnamed senior US official tells me that SAP is a software specialist arm of the global the Thompson-Reuters organisation.

Has our Don done something to rub SAP (or Reuters?) up the wrong way? And, even if he has, doesn't financial support from a third party make this more of an "advertorial" than real news? Like one of the four intrepid newshounds sent to dish the dirt on the flamboyant Republican Presidential candidate, I was soon off the leash and sniffing for clues.

Unfortunately, Mr Trump was having a bad hair day and unavailable for comment. But,several unnamed senior US officials were clamouring to tell me that unnamed senior officials of numerous other unnamed nations - two of them are believed to be Iran and North Korea - have assured them that there is absolutely no hidden agenda whatsoever behind this hatchet job. So there.

Opinion polls show people loathe the media even more than they despise politicians. I guess there's just no pleasing some folk.

Edited by Krataiboy
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