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12-year-old British Girl Missing in Thailand Found


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That is ok. No problem. I wasn't mad or upset or anything. I just said that I am Zara's mother because I can see that u misunderstood when i red it.

There is no misunderstanding.

What you said is understood.

Have you told the Police you are Zara's mother ?

When Zara was taken away did you make a police report ?

Edited by sunnyjim5
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That is ok. No problem. I wasn't mad or upset or anything. I just said that I am Zara's mother because I can see that u misunderstood when i red it.

If you are on the level and are who you say you are, then there must have been reasons why your husband or partner got custody of your child. Seems like the little girl is a pawn in this sad game of hate whereas the parents prefer to be at war and not call a cease fire for the sake of the girl`s happiness. Emotionally this child must be going through hell. Roll the dice, whatever comes up the kid loses.

I don`t think anything the girl and her father done once discovered by the Thai police was voluntary. More likely the police forced the issue on behalf of the British legal system that considers the wife is always the victim and the husband is always the vindictive brute worthy of crucifying by the British courts, a legal lynching by the mob and he will be once he returns.

If the child does have joint British and Thai nationality and Thai relatives to support her in Thailand, that would mean the British authorities cannot force her back to England, because the girl is not a criminal and has rights as a Thai citizen. If the girl only has British citizenship then I think they can force the issue and make her return to England.

Sorry, but I am in total support of that man who just wants to be with and have a loving relationship with his daughter that will be denied to him in the UK and the child will be left in limbo.

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This will likely result in the child being returned to the UK unless it is possible to prove she is Thai and the Thai authorities are satisfied with her care/safety

If the child is Thai I wonder why it is reported that she entered with a tourist visa instead of her Thai passport ?

maybe mommie had the passport so the dad did the end around.

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Cyberfarang, I have a feeling that you misunderstand WVanessas statement "That is ok. No problem. I wasn't mad or upset or anything".

I read it to mean that she abandoned her daughter when she was 1.5 years old, that she has no problem with the fact that the girl lives with her father, that there is no quarrel between her and the father.

The only problem there appears to be is between a British government agency, Child Welfare Service or something like that, which according to what I sometimes read in British newspapers does not always act in the best interest of the child. It seems that in some parts of the country, once this service has hold of a child, it is difficult for the parent who cares for the child to get it back.

There is a lot missing in the Khaosod article. From what Wvanessa wrote, Zara has not been living with her for the last 10 years, the "Exeter home" from where Zara left to travel with her father to Thailand is not the home of her mother but probably of a foster family with whom the government agency placed the child.

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When I read in the news article "Authorities said that because Trevor Miles failed to account for the girl’s welfare to authorities, the court ordered she be returned to the United Kingdom", I took it to mean that after the daughter left with her father to live in Thailand, the father stopped paying money to the government agency and that this agency wants her back to get those monthly child support payments again. This is just my view of the situation, because I doubt the father brought Zara to Thailand against her will.

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Correction: Zara was not with a foster family but lived in the home of his father in England. From article in a British paper:

Police say Arisara Miles, who is known as 'Zara', travelled to Thailand with her father, Trevor Miles, without permission.
They left their home in Exeter and flew to Bangkok on November 10 last year. Her whereabouts since then are not known.

Source: http://www.cornishguardian.co.uk/Devon-Cornwall-police-appeal/story-28856191-detail/story.html

Without whose permission did Zara travel with her father to Thailand? It would seem that it was the unnamed British government agency that refused to give permission or perhaps wasn't even asked for permission.

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It is possible that the girl is a 'Ward of Court' in the UK which puts her under the legal custody and protection of the Courts system to ensure her safety and welfare. If this is the case, permission should have been sought and obtained before she was taken from the UK even by her father.

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As a Thai citizen, I assume the girl has the right to stay in Thailand.

Strange story with few facts or details about anything.

Where does it say that the girl's Thai?

Someone in a previous thread said they know them, daughter half Thai, Thai mother disappeared long ago (as they do).

It appears to be a SS grab, rather than a mother/father custody battle.

Let's face it, in the UK men are considered evil (by the authorities anyway).

Yes Council authorities are very much over the top. Reading all, then only question is: Does daughter want to stay with father or not, that should be the deciding factor

"Yes Council authorities are very much over the top."

There is a difference between a British Council and British Consul.

The former has to do with education, examinations, etc.

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It is possible that the girl is a 'Ward of Court' in the UK which puts her under the legal custody and protection of the Courts system to ensure her safety and welfare. If this is the case, permission should have been sought and obtained before she was taken from the UK even by her father.

If I can have my say-------- I think the Father and Daughter must have a good relationship,especially as he is her only known parent for the last 10 yrs. If he wanted to bring her to Thailand and the 2 of them live together,I would imagine he would have a hell of a job getting consent from those that sit behind those desks and make decisions( like getting money from the father) irrespective of any input from the young girl.I think I would have done the same thing.It was all probably done in a hurry before wind of it got out otherwise he would have been nabbed before getting on the plane.If the Father and Daughter talked together about this and it was what both of them wanted I say "good on ya mate" and good luck to the futuregiggle.gifgiggle.gif

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The information re the British Consul in Chiang Mai is out of date - there is none, honorary or otherwise - it was closed a year ago.

Both the British Consul in BKK, and the Director of Consular Services in London have put it in writing that there is a consul in C.M., but they are either incompetent, lying, or most likely, both.

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No information at all regarding circumstances, no mention of Mother or anything. Only clue " took her from their Exeter home and flew to Bangkok in November without permission" Permission from who?

Sad when a father gets parted from his offsprings, been there, heart breaking but there is a right and a wrong way of going about things

Wish them both well and they both get what they want

Chiang mai Consulate closed more than a year ago

She could be a ward of court until she is 16 which would the reason for disobeying a court order

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Really think some of you posters have forgotten about privacy. Expecting to know all when its a matter before the family court in UK. You have lived in Thailand too long where everything even if its only suspicion seems to be posted in the news.

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The information re the British Consul in Chiang Mai is out of date - there is none, honorary or otherwise - it was closed a year ago.

Both the British Consul in BKK, and the Director of Consular Services in London have put it in writing that there is a consul in C.M., but they are either incompetent, lying, or most likely, both.

Why is it assumed that an article that is so bereft of factual background information is accurate in its reference to the British Consulate in Chiang Mai? There is no reference anymore to a British Consulate on the UK.gov list of Consulates abroad so what reason does it have for lying or being incompetent? More likely to be the incompetence of the article reporter or translator!

In England if a child does not have an officially recognised parent, albeit the father is one but his parentship has not for whatever reason been recognised or recorded, the Court apponts a Guardian ad litum, usually a Social Worker, to look after the child's interests until its parentship has been determined or until it becomes 16. There is a lot of red tape to this and it could be that the father has just got fed up of it and decided to take the child back "home" to Thailand without seeking permission or notifying the social worker who would then be duty bound to report the matter to the Court. The Court would then take over as required by law and issue proceedings in accordance with the law in the circumstances which nobody posting here so far knows - nor should they! It is a very sensitive and confidential matter which has ended with the child being found and hopefully well and not having suffered for her experience. The resolution will now be in the hands of the British legal system acting on behalf of the child and if it is in her best interests to continue to be with her father let us hope that is what happens.

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Chiang Mai has a British Consulate?

(In case you're being serious.)


  • British Honorary Consulate in Chiang Mai, Thailand

    198 Bumrungraj Rd


    Chiang Mai 50000


  • TELEPHONE (+66) (53) 263 015
  • FAX (+66) (53) 263 016
  • EMAIL [email protected]
  • OFFICE HOURS 09.00-11.30
  • HEAD OF MISSION - Mr Ben Robert Svasti, Honorary Consul

It's more like a club where local business men can drink cognac and have a fine cigar while discussing golf . For all consular queries please refer to Liverpool, UK clap2.gif

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It's amazing how many are prepared to believe that the mother is at fault in this case and that the father was right to take her away.

That might be the case, we don't know.

However the willingness to believe the only ones at fault must be the evil empire of social services, the girl's mother and the british judiciary is astounding.

Especially as we have jacks##t information to base these assumptions upon.

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No information at all regarding circumstances, no mention of Mother or anything.

Here is the background story when it first started on Thaivisa News - UK police appeal for help to find Devon girl missing in Thailand

This topic is a follow up topic.

  Ha, Thank you, leaves one having to read between the lines, No mention of a Mother

There is still little new information of worth, here.

The only new information about the circumstances, seems to be Khaosods revision, which includes the statement that... "Because Trevor miles failed to account for the child's welfare to authorities", which seems to back up the many suggestions that this really is a social services issue.... A nothing issue.... (if SS was worried about abuse, then assumedly they would have taken different actions)

The child and father still need to present themselves in the UK per the court order, seemingly binding on the Thai government... Right now, I think that the Thais hands are tied in this matter.

However, Phrayoa is all long way from anywhere, even if beautiful, and perhaps that's were the mother is (Brit on business... Perhaps mining concerns in Laos?.... Meets Thai girl... Has baby... Etc etc), and if so, I would be suggesting that Trev talks (pays) mum into assisting with obtaining a Thai passport, and tossing her UK passport.

Of course, this assumes a UK passport, which would explain Trevor's ability to easily travel with his daughter

Mind you... Don't know if that would help, beyond confusing and forestalling the inevitable, but I find confusion often works wonders... Like squealing pigs amongst a herd of war elephants

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As a Thai citizen, I assume the girl has the right to stay in Thailand.

Strange story with few facts or details about anything.

Where does it say that the girl's Thai?

Someone in a previous thread said they know them, daughter half Thai, Thai mother disappeared long ago (as they do).

It appears to be a SS grab, rather than a mother/father custody battle.

Let's face it, in the UK men are considered evil (by the authorities anyway).

Yes Council authorities are very much over the top. Reading all, then only question is: Does daughter want to stay with father or not, that should be the deciding factor

"Yes Council authorities are very much over the top."

There is a difference between a British Council and British Consul.

The former has to do with education, examinations, etc.

  Council!!! Devon Council as in Council child protection, always over the top

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That is ok. No problem. I wasn't mad or upset or anything. I just said that I am Zara's mother because I can see that u misunderstood when i red it.

If you are on the level and are who you say you are, then there must have been reasons why your husband or partner got custody of your child. Seems like the little girl is a pawn in this sad game of hate whereas the parents prefer to be at war and not call a cease fire for the sake of the girl`s happiness. Emotionally this child must be going through hell. Roll the dice, whatever comes up the kid loses.

I don`t think anything the girl and her father done once discovered by the Thai police was voluntary. More likely the police forced the issue on behalf of the British legal system that considers the wife is always the victim and the husband is always the vindictive brute worthy of crucifying by the British courts, a legal lynching by the mob and he will be once he returns.

If the child does have joint British and Thai nationality and Thai relatives to support her in Thailand, that would mean the British authorities cannot force her back to England, because the girl is not a criminal and has rights as a Thai citizen. If the girl only has British citizenship then I think they can force the issue and make her return to England.

Sorry, but I am in total support of that man who just wants to be with and have a loving relationship with his daughter that will be denied to him in the UK and the child will be left in limbo.

"the British legal system that considers the wife is always the victim and the husband is always the vindictive brute worthy of crucifying by the British courts, a legal lynching by the mob and he will be once he returns."

"man who just wants to be with and have a loving relationship with his daughter that will be denied to him in the UK and the child will be left in limbo"

I am surprised to hear that the law in the UK treats their citizens thus.

To-date, I thought these happen only in the 3rd world countries!


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...is all long way from anywhere, even if beautiful, and perhaps that's were the mother is...

Seeing that Zara's mother, Vanessa, wrote that she has had no contact with Zara's father, Trevor Miles, since Zara was 1.5 years old and perhaps also had no contact with Zara since then, I'd like to think that they separated or divorced amicably, both parents went their own separate ways, perhaps even live in different parts of the world, Zara went with her father by mutual consent and/or based on a court decision, and all three would like to maintain their privacy, which means that also I should stop speculating about them but because they have hit the news it is rather difficult to refrain from doing so.

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As a Thai citizen, I assume the girl has the right to stay in Thailand.

Strange story with few facts or details about anything.

Family Court in the UK is very secretive.

I had all sorts of 'non-disclosure' orders served on me by them.

The strangest being an order banning me from playing computer games with them, but not allowing me to tell them why.

"Dad, why don't you play with us any more?" ........ Errrrrm

It was all very distressing.

Hope this dad gets to keep his daughter.

He must never go back, well not until she's 16+.

Given you have previously posted openly admitting that you have been arrested by the UK police on several occasions, some of which concerning 'matters of national security' (usually an indication of terrorist activity\association), it's surprising than that you would find it strange to have conditions attached to your access....

If what you have previously claimed is the truth then there may have been concerns that you might attempt to train your kids up on MS Flight Simulator..

On the other hand if what you have previously claimed was BS, and in fact never happened, then such a restriction would be odd.

Edited by Shadychris
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It's amazing how many are prepared to believe that the mother is at fault in this case and that the father was right to take her away.

That might be the case, we don't know.

However the willingness to believe the only ones at fault must be the evil empire of social services, the girl's mother and the british judiciary is astounding.

Especially as we have jacks##t information to base these assumptions upon.

Not really amazing considering ThaiVias is made up of strong and vocal contingent of bitter older men with broken marriages back in the west who consider themselves blameless and the evil witches women to be at fault for everything. Throw in some anti-government paranoia and you've got their perfect topic.

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