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Obama: Cameron was 'distracted' after Libya intervention


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Obama: Cameron was 'distracted' after Libya intervention

WASHINGTON: -- David Cameron became "distracted" after the 2011 intervention in Libya, US President Barack Obama has said.

Speaking to the Atlantic magazine, he said the operation went as well as he had hoped, but Libya was now "a mess".

The article also said he had warned the PM the UK would have to pay its "fair share" and spend 2% of GDP on defence.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-35777274

-- BBC 2016-03-11

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Obama the narcissist is never wrong about anything. Except for everything.

He seems right on this occassion. Cameron wanted to show himself to be a world leader but, like with most of what he touches, he proved himself to be a inept and distracted. I still cannot understand how our country gave this feckless pig botherer a majority government.

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Maybe if Mr Cameron had not insisted in giving India and all the rest of the other Country's ,Borrowed money which the British tax payer has to pay back with interest. And constantrated on His own people we would have enough money to look after Ourselfs . Then maybe help others. Instead of interfering with other people's polertics . There was never a special relationship between America and Britain it was all one way. Tell Mr Obama to do one.

Edited by Thongkorn
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That special relationship that Churchill spoke about was based on America financing Britans war effort in WW1&2. Without the US, Britan would have ceased to exist is a credible fighting force ... the money and equipment. I have often wondered why Britan has consistently supported the US, no or few questions asked. Australia did their payback for America saving their bacon in WW2 by supporting Korea and Vietnam but has not been compelled the way Britan has to continue to heap on the gratitude.

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There was and always will be a special relationship between the UK and the USA and the relationship is based upon a common cultural identity and similar interests. Although, Britain is in Europe- it certainly is not linked to Europe culturally but more to the US. We speak a common language and have fought wars together. Our enemies are similar and our economies are linked. As an American , I value the relationship. It's the politicians who are ruining both great countries and the greedy wealthy who are squeezing the life out of both of our once vibrant populations

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Dear old Spams with their crew cuts, loud shirts, half-mast trousers, white socks and big black shiny shoes.

I'll be eternally grateful for their backing in the war, without them us Brits would probably now be sprecking the deutch and scoffing sausages and sourkraut.

Edited by jesimps
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While I think Obama's mainly polishing his legacy and giving Hillary Clinton a little cover fire, the article/interview the story's taken from is a pretty good read. Pretty open and forthcoming for a sitting president.


Very good article, indepth, and candid. Thanks for the link.

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Won't belong before the Brits didn't win and wars or actually contribute to anything. However we always stood up to be counted alone many times before others thought they might join in but only when they were directly threatened themselves. I get sick of this constant stream of misinformation of our role, it's disrespectful to our veterans who often paint a very different picture of who did what and when.

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Here is a less sanitized version of Obama's throwing the Brits under the bus. Rather extraordinary in today's diplomatic arena.

I doubt Trump would have shown so little class.


Barack Obama says David Cameron allowed Libya to become a 's*** show'
...Unprecedented attack by serving US President claims UK was 'distracted'
Tim Walker, Nigel Morris
18 hours ago
Barack Obama has sharply criticised David Cameron for the UK’s role in allowing Libya to become a “shit show” after the fall of the dictator Muammar Gaddafi, in an unprecedented attack on a British leader by a serving US President.
Mr Obama said that following a successful military intervention to aid rebels during the 2011 Arab Spring revolt, Libya was left to spiral out of control – due largely to the inaction of America’s European allies.
In a candid US magazine interview, Mr Obama said: “When I go back and I ask myself what went wrong… there’s room for criticism, because I had more faith in the Europeans, given Libya’s proximity, being invested in the follow-up.”
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The disaster was overthrowing Gaddafi in the first place, for which Obama & the Europeans are jointly responsible. Gaddafi had come clean on his weapons programmes & terror activities and was minding his own business. Yet again Western morons overthrew a secular dictator in the Arab world and got something 10x worse - now moron Obama seems to think young French & British kids should get their guts blown out trying to fix an unfixable mess. If they feel this is a great moral endeavour a special squad of politicians worthless brats should be trained up and parachuted in.

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The disaster was overthrowing Gaddafi in the first place, for which Obama & the Europeans are jointly responsible. Gaddafi had come clean on his weapons programmes & terror activities and was minding his own business. Yet again Western morons overthrew a secular dictator in the Arab world and got something 10x worse - now moron Obama seems to think young French & British kids should get their guts blown out trying to fix an unfixable mess. If they feel this is a great moral endeavour a special squad of politicians worthless brats should be trained up and parachuted in.

Hillary was also instrumental in the Libyan debacle.

She should be equally responsible, but Obama can't blame her.

He seems bushed out from blaming Bush so Cameron got the short straw.

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We need 9 billion to bring the NHS up to scratch, that's peanuts.

Without making a list, first of all we give Brussels 17-19 million just for a load of grief.

Add all the money we give to country's that want us dead, we could have the

greatest late life security block and NHS over any other country and pensions could rise.

Cameron and Osborne have reduced the UK to rubble, he might not need 5 years

he could well be pushed before then and although he comes across as a baboon, Boris

Johnson has more brains in his little finger than either of those two <deleted>.

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Obama the narcissist is never wrong about anything. Except for everything.

He seems right on this occassion. Cameron wanted to show himself to be a world leader but, like with most of what he touches, he proved himself to be a inept and distracted. I still cannot understand how our country gave this feckless pig botherer a majority government.

You do realise the pig bothering episode was a lie?

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