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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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The leftist totalitarians will lose. Some people are in a way right that Trump provoked this, but in so doing his political opponents have shown their true colors, and they ain't pretty.


The democrats are only "totalitarians" IYO, because the right is so horrible as is proven bywhat was the complete meltdown of the nation under the last Republican presidency as well as the complete ineffectual Republican Congress.

Trumps spoken words prove his colors and they ain't pretty, thus the reactionaries.

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The best part of all this is the delusional wingnuts think this is somehow going to make Trump stronger. cheesy.gif

How about this idiocy:

"All this is merely the forerunner of what the US can expect if Hillary is elected. The anarchists will reign supreme in her councils of government, as they do in her campaign." What the...???

Ye gods, these people are out of their minds. facepalm.gif This is what happens to your brain on Fox News 24X7.

Americans are horrified by Trump. The majority of Republicans are horrified. There is NOTHING positive for the GOP or the racist buffoon Trump happening. It's the ongoing Republican party trainwreck.

One post after another of absolute nonsense. Outside of the KKK vote, Trumps march to the White House is an absolute disaster.

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George W's Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer had an accurate assessment of how dangerous Trump is to both Repubs and Dems and how he appeals to all the white male blue collar types out there (which we seem to have many of on this forum):

Trump is not really a Republican. He is an independent who has leased the title of Republican so that he can temporarily affix it to the campaign he is building. He’s a wrecking ball, swinging through the Republican Party, destroying the GOP positions on entitlement reform, free trade and Planned Parenthood.

But if he’s the nominee, his wrecking ball will swing through the Democratic Party, too. Republicans have long dreamed of growing the party with blue-collar, working-class Americans, and especially against Clinton, Trump has a chance to gain these new voters.


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Thank you Chicago for giving Trump air time before millions instead of the thousands he planned for. Thank you for reminding everyone what <deleted> you are. Thank you for giving Trump another boost. Thank you for your ugly lack of manners on national TV which people can compare to Trump supporters.

#Chicago #Backfire


Thank you for allowing this Chicago native, Ms. Hernandez to speak her mind:

""I'm protesting because I'm black and Mexican and I'm not sure where he wants to deport me to, but I deal with racism daily in Chicago and I've had enough," she said."

If you think this "boosts" Trump, I question your education.

So was she there to protest Trump or the Democratic party which has held the reins of power in Chicago since prohibition?

Trump couldn't possibly do a worse job than the Chicago political machine has done running and ruining that city.

If you think it "hurts" Trump, I would question your education as well.

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The best part of all this is the delusional wingnuts think this is somehow going to make Trump stronger. cheesy.gif

How about this idiocy:

"All this is merely the forerunner of what the US can expect if Hillary is elected. The anarchists will reign supreme in her councils of government, as they do in her campaign." What the...???

Ye gods, these people are out of their minds. facepalm.gif This is what happens to your brain on Fox News 24X7.

Americans are horrified by Trump. The majority of Republicans are horrified. There is NOTHING positive for the GOP or the racist buffoon Trump happening. It's the ongoing Republican party trainwreck.

One post after another of absolute nonsense. Outside of the KKK vote, Trumps march to the White House is an absolute disaster.

"Trumps march to the White House is an absolute disaster.

...yet inexorable.

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George W's Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer had an accurate assessment of how dangerous Trump is to both Repubs and Dems and how he appeals to all the white male blue collar types out there (which we seem to have many of on this forum):

Trump is not really a Republican. He is an independent who has leased the title of Republican so that he can temporarily affix it to the campaign he is building. He’s a wrecking ball, swinging through the Republican Party, destroying the GOP positions on entitlement reform, free trade and Planned Parenthood.

But if he’s the nominee, his wrecking ball will swing through the Democratic Party, too. Republicans have long dreamed of growing the party with blue-collar, working-class Americans, and especially against Clinton, Trump has a chance to gain these new voters.


Here is yet another assessment from your link:


Newt Gingrich

Member (R-Ga.), House of Representatives, 1979 to 1999; House speaker, 1995 to 1999

In truth, the two most likely Republican nominees both represent a widespread rebuke to party elites. With Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) having won 80 percent of the delegates chosen so far, it is time for the elites to accept that ordinary Republicans — their own voters — want an insurgent outsider.

In the event of a Trump nomination, the question will be whether the party elites suicidally do to their nominee what they did to Barry Goldwater in 1964 or come around to supporting him, as they did with Ronald Reagan in 1980. It’s easy to forget that the establishment similarly disliked Reagan, whom they viewed as an outsider, before he became a Republican hero.

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Trump has no ticker. A few protesters exercising their right to free speech and Trump does a runner. When the going gets tough Trump gets going. Really? a world leader. More like Mr Big Mouth who can't back up his own rhetoric. Pussy.

This is a real negative point in electing a business man to public office. Unlike in a business where only one voice is heard the public actually get a say. Trump is simply not up to the job.

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The Left/Communist anti-Trump hysteria I see on this forum mirrors that of the violent mobs on the streets of Chicago and the paid propagandists for CNN, Fox, National Review, MSNBC, and all the other establishment owned media. Last week, you/they said Trump was Mussolini. Now, it's Hitler. Looks like you've played the last desperate card in your hand. And you lose.

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The best part of all this is the delusional wingnuts think this is somehow going to make Trump stronger. cheesy.gif

How about this idiocy:

"All this is merely the forerunner of what the US can expect if Hillary is elected. The anarchists will reign supreme in her councils of government, as they do in her campaign." What the...???

Ye gods, these people are out of their minds. facepalm.gif This is what happens to your brain on Fox News 24X7.

Americans are horrified by Trump. The majority of Republicans are horrified. There is NOTHING positive for the GOP or the racist buffoon Trump happening. It's the ongoing Republican party trainwreck.

One post after another of absolute nonsense. Outside of the KKK vote, Trumps march to the White House is an absolute disaster.

lol....you think all americans are horrified by trump? could you be more wrong? I think he is pulling in high numbers in most of the states. You might need to catch up on the polls.

Really....do you think Fox News, CNN or any other source is responsible for anything going on in Chicago? Or lordy lordy.....had a chuckle on that one. Some folks blame events on fox...some blame events on cnn....but the fact of the matter is.....what happened had nothing to do with either.

Hillary is out....she won't get the nomination, once she refuses the voluntary interview with the FBI. No party wants a delegate that is being investigated...so that scenario is just a fantasy.

Bernie is out as well. That leaves Trump....like it or not. The thing is, every time Trump farts, the world reacts. Just free publicity.......and he has plenty. Publicity is what brings in votes. Funny thing is, he does not even have to pay for his publicity. This Chicago fiasco is just another notch in his belt. If he had not canceled, that idiot crowd of thugs would of instigated violence. It would of ended badly for everyone...even Trump.

Looks like your the only one watching fox here....I don't know what you are talking about, at all. KKK? &lt;deleted&gt;?

Edited by slipperylobster
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Trump has no ticker. A few protesters exercising their right to free speech and Trump does a runner. When the going gets tough Trump gets going. Really? a world leader. More like Mr Big Mouth who can't back up his own rhetoric. Pussy.

This is a real negative point in electing a business man to public office. Unlike in a business where only one voice is heard the public actually get a say. Trump is simply not up to the job.

Let me get this straight.

When the liberals send several hundred of their very likely paid goons to a political rally of several thousand with the sole intent of disrupting it, you think the event should go ahead and possibly break out into riots?

You claim Trump has "done a runner" simply because he cancelled the event to prevent possible blood shed from the protest and then end your diatribe by calling him a "pussy".

I guess it takes one to know one, but here is how CNN described the event.


Trump supporters, protesters clash after Chicago rally postponed
By Jeremy Diamond and Theodore Schleifer, CNN
Updated 0557 GMT (1357 HKT) March 12, 2016
The announcement comes amid heightened concerns about violence at the GOP front-runner's rallies
Chicago (CNN)Donald Trump's campaign on Friday postponed a rally in Chicago amid fights between supporters and demonstrators, protests in the streets and concerns that the environment at the event was no longer safe.
The announcement, which came amid large protests both inside and outside the event at the University of Illinois at Chicago, follows heightened concerns about violence in general at the GOP front-runner's rallies. Illinois holds its Republican primary on Tuesday.
Hundreds of demonstrators packed into an arena, breaking out into protest even before Trump had shown up. At least five sections in the arena were filled with protesters.
"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago, and after meeting with law enforcement, has determined that for the safety of all of the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed to another date," the Trump campaign said in a statement. "Thank you very much for your attendance and please go in peace."


Edited by chuckd
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This is how the very likely paid protesters had to be removed from another of Trump's rallies in St. Louis on the 11th.

If it looks like an anarchist, smells like an anarchist and talks like an anarchist, guess what?

It's an anarchist.

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The Left/Communist anti-Trump hysteria I see on this forum mirrors that of the violent mobs on the streets of Chicago and the paid propagandists for CNN, Fox, National Review, MSNBC, and all the other establishment owned media. Last week, you/they said Trump was Mussolini. Now, it's Hitler. Looks like you've played the last desperate card in your hand. And you lose.

The "Left/Communist" ball of wax mumbo-jumbo made me think of this....

Trump: A Modern Day Joe McCarthy

This phenomenon is dismaying but hardly unprecedented. Joe McCarthy did exactly the same thing. Like Trump, who knows next to nothing of the Middle East, Islam, terrorism, military affairs, or any related field, McCarthy was an ignoramus who knew little of the threat he was purporting to address — in his case, communism. But just as Trump is a master of taking advantage of the war on terror to sow suspicion and hatred of Muslims, so McCarthy took advantage of the Cold War to sow suspicion and hatred of supposed Communist Fifth Columnists — which, in his telling, included such distinguished anti-communists as Secretary of State Dean Acheson and General George C. Marshall. And just as Trump plays the media like a Stradivarius, so, too, did McCarthy.


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More popcorn over here please! Keeps getting better everyday. This was the lead article on the BBC news today. Needless to say all the Brits here are enjoying the circus enormously. American politics are surely on an all time low. Can Sanders beat Clinton and then the USA would end up with a "socialist" preident!! Surely that would be a nightmare for the republicans? Will Cruz get the republican nomination? If so how many republicans will actually vote for him.

This is turning out to be a really interesting election but without any heroes at all. Which baddy will end up in the big chair?

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How about this?

Trump wins the majority, and gets the nomination. All you folks that hate Trump so much start whinging/bitching and start throw tantrums at every function Trump attends. There goes the whole system, eh? Anarchists trying to foul up the whole election process, by turning it into a war zone. Yet the guy had has the numbers to back him up.

If he is the dunce some folks make him out to be, he will make enough mistakes in office to warrant an impeachment. Obama, whom I consider the worst of the two, made it through two terms.

If this played out...and the whigning losers blocked every Trump Organized event, the whole thing could end up with the National Guard being called in....for security. After a few deaths, special laws would come into play...allowing Obama a third term (it could happen, for national security reasons).

Is this what some people are after? I say good riddence to obama and lets try out the new kid.

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Trump has no ticker. A few protesters exercising their right to free speech and Trump does a runner. When the going gets tough Trump gets going. Really? a world leader. More like Mr Big Mouth who can't back up his own rhetoric. Pussy.

This is a real negative point in electing a business man to public office. Unlike in a business where only one voice is heard the public actually get a say. Trump is simply not up to the job.

Let me get this straight.

When the liberals send several hundred of their very likely paid goons to a political rally of several thousand with the sole intent of disrupting it, you think the event should go ahead and possibly break out into riots?

You claim Trump has "done a runner" simply because he cancelled the event to prevent possible blood shed from the protest and then end your diatribe by calling him a "pussy".

I guess it takes one to know one, but here is how CNN described the event.


Trump supporters, protesters clash after Chicago rally postponed

By Jeremy Diamond and Theodore Schleifer, CNN

Updated 0557 GMT (1357 HKT) March 12, 2016

The announcement comes amid heightened concerns about violence at the GOP front-runner's rallies

Chicago (CNN)Donald Trump's campaign on Friday postponed a rally in Chicago amid fights between supporters and demonstrators, protests in the streets and concerns that the environment at the event was no longer safe.

The announcement, which came amid large protests both inside and outside the event at the University of Illinois at Chicago, follows heightened concerns about violence in general at the GOP front-runner's rallies. Illinois holds its Republican primary on Tuesday.

Hundreds of demonstrators packed into an arena, breaking out into protest even before Trump had shown up. At least five sections in the arena were filled with protesters.

"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago, and after meeting with law enforcement, has determined that for the safety of all of the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed to another date," the Trump campaign said in a statement. "Thank you very much for your attendance and please go in peace."


No payment needed for that.
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The best part of all this is the delusional wingnuts think this is somehow going to make Trump stronger. cheesy.gif

How about this idiocy:

"All this is merely the forerunner of what the US can expect if Hillary is elected. The anarchists will reign supreme in her councils of government, as they do in her campaign." What the...???

Ye gods, these people are out of their minds. facepalm.gif This is what happens to your brain on Fox News 24X7.

Americans are horrified by Trump. The majority of Republicans are horrified. There is NOTHING positive for the GOP or the racist buffoon Trump happening. It's the ongoing Republican party trainwreck.

One post after another of absolute nonsense. Outside of the KKK vote, Trumps march to the White House is an absolute disaster.

lol....you think all americans are horrified by trump? could you be more wrong? I think he is pulling in high numbers in most of the states. You might need to catch up on the polls.

He has his lemmings but all Americans? That's laughable.

Trump gets 35% of the Republican primary voters. The rest of the Republican party can't stand him.

The low-information racist voter is Trump's base. And a good portion of those people are armed, angry and generally pretty scary. I don't see other American voters jumping on the Trump train...with that team.

His disapproval rating, as of yesterday had fallen lower than it's ever been. I'm sure this canceled rally isn't going to help. Donald Trump's traveling wingnut carnival coming to a riot near you? That's how Trump rolls.

The people have a right to protest. This guy says terrible things and should hear it from the rest of the people. Americans have a long history of protesting bullshit. You might have to get sucker punched in the face but let this creep know there are repercussions when you open your pie hole.

Reince has been spreading the word, Republicans will support the nominee! No, they won't and nobody believes that.

Donald Trump is a cancer on the Republican party and there are other cancerous Republican candidates waiting in the wings if he drops the ball. Republicans are screwed.

Trump will get slaughtered in November. I know it. The Democrats, Independents, minorities and women all know it. Everybody knows it.

It doesn't matter which idiot they prop up there, he's going to lose. If it's Donald Trump, all the better.

Democrats are rubbing their hands together with glee...Trump/HRC. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

I'm getting goosebumps thinking of the possibilities when the convention rolls around. Love this election.

Edited by Pinot
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How about this?

Trump wins the majority, and gets the nomination. All you folks that hate Trump so much start whinging/bitching and start throw tantrums at every function Trump attends. There goes the whole system, eh? Anarchists trying to foul up the whole election process, by turning it into a war zone. Yet the guy had has the numbers to back him up.

If he is the dunce some folks make him out to be, he will make enough mistakes in office to warrant an impeachment. Obama, whom I consider the worst of the two, made it through two terms.

If this played out...and the whigning losers blocked every Trump Organized event, the whole thing could end up with the National Guard being called in....for security. After a few deaths, special laws would come into play...allowing Obama a third term (it could happen, for national security reasons).

Is this what some people are after? I say good riddence to obama and lets try out the new kid.

Without having to know Trumps real policy intentions of you judge a man by his enemies he looks pretty good to me. I only which I could vote and witness the tantrums of the progressive left when he gets elected.
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I am so glad I live in a country where "Free Speech" is protected by the law...


According to the protestors...people like Trump should not be allowed to voice their political opinion...why?...because it does not support their personal views...

What has made America great...is the "acceptance and tolerance" of a variety of people and ideas...you take them to the market place of public opinion and see who wins...

What happened in Chicago last night was a well orchestrated shutdown of the political process...a disgraceful display of thugs winning the day...

What is next...intimidation of people who would like to vote for Trump at the polling places? Who is the Nazi here? Who is the demagog?...

Lefties have no room for a sharing of ideas in a free speech setting...they could get their feelings hurt...and should.

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George W's Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer had an accurate assessment of how dangerous Trump is to both Repubs and Dems and how he appeals to all the white male blue collar types out there (which we seem to have many of on this forum):

Trump is not really a Republican. He is an independent who has leased the title of Republican so that he can temporarily affix it to the campaign he is building. He’s a wrecking ball, swinging through the Republican Party, destroying the GOP positions on entitlement reform, free trade and Planned Parenthood.

But if he’s the nominee, his wrecking ball will swing through the Democratic Party, too. Republicans have long dreamed of growing the party with blue-collar, working-class Americans, and especially against Clinton, Trump has a chance to gain these new voters.


Here is yet another assessment from your link:


Newt Gingrich

Member (R-Ga.), House of Representatives, 1979 to 1999; House speaker, 1995 to 1999

In truth, the two most likely Republican nominees both represent a widespread rebuke to party elites. With Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) having won 80 percent of the delegates chosen so far, it is time for the elites to accept that ordinary Republicans — their own voters — want an insurgent outsider.

In the event of a Trump nomination, the question will be whether the party elites suicidally do to their nominee what they did to Barry Goldwater in 1964 or come around to supporting him, as they did with Ronald Reagan in 1980. It’s easy to forget that the establishment similarly disliked Reagan, whom they viewed as an outsider, before he became a Republican hero.

Chuck, you of all members of this forum, whom I consider to be a true conservative Republican, surprise me with your acceptance of Trump as your nominee. He really will be a wrecking ball for your party, and might also steal working class voters from the Dems, but it would have to be a massive defection for him to win a general election.

Once in place, he lacks all the core beliefs of Republicans, and is a wild card, uniformed on policy, and lacks a temperance to be a world leader.

Myself, I've voted for true Republican presidents before the party got hijacked by nuts, and spent a fascinating evening with one who is still esteemed and living.

Trump is not and never will be a Ronald Reagan or anything remotely close.

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"According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, Donald Trump, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed."

"When Brenner asked Trump about how he came to possess Hitler's speeches, "Trump hesitated" and then said, "Who told you that?"

"Trump then recalled, "Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of 'Mein Kampf,' and he's a Jew."

"Brenner added that Davis did acknowledge that he gave Trump a book about Hitler."

"But it was 'My New Order,' Hitler's speeches, not 'Mein Kampf, Davis reportedly said. "I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I'm not Jewish." laugh.png



The bloviating liar continues...

Edited by iReason
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George W's Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer had an accurate assessment of how dangerous Trump is to both Repubs and Dems and how he appeals to all the white male blue collar types out there (which we seem to have many of on this forum):

Trump is not really a Republican. He is an independent who has leased the title of Republican so that he can temporarily affix it to the campaign he is building. He’s a wrecking ball, swinging through the Republican Party, destroying the GOP positions on entitlement reform, free trade and Planned Parenthood.

But if he’s the nominee, his wrecking ball will swing through the Democratic Party, too. Republicans have long dreamed of growing the party with blue-collar, working-class Americans, and especially against Clinton, Trump has a chance to gain these new voters.


Here is yet another assessment from your link:


Newt Gingrich

Member (R-Ga.), House of Representatives, 1979 to 1999; House speaker, 1995 to 1999

In truth, the two most likely Republican nominees both represent a widespread rebuke to party elites. With Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) having won 80 percent of the delegates chosen so far, it is time for the elites to accept that ordinary Republicans — their own voters — want an insurgent outsider.

In the event of a Trump nomination, the question will be whether the party elites suicidally do to their nominee what they did to Barry Goldwater in 1964 or come around to supporting him, as they did with Ronald Reagan in 1980. It’s easy to forget that the establishment similarly disliked Reagan, whom they viewed as an outsider, before he became a Republican hero.

Chuck, you of all members of this forum, whom I consider to be a true conservative Republican, surprise me with your acceptance of Trump as your nominee. He really will be a wrecking ball for your party, and might also steal working class voters from the Dems, but it would have to be a massive defection for him to win a general election.

Once in place, he lacks all the core beliefs of Republicans, and is a wild card, uniformed on policy, and lacks a temperance to be a world leader.

Myself, I've voted for true Republican presidents before the party got hijacked by nuts, and spent a fascinating evening with one who is still esteemed and living.

Trump is not and never will be a Ronald Reagan or anything remotely close.

I am getting to the point where there is very little choice left.

Cruz is a non-player to me. His personality is such that I see no way he can ever win the Presidency. He supposedly has a brilliant legal mind and is a very good debater but I just don't feel he has the overall support needed to win the office.

Rubio and Kashich don't have any real support outside their own states so that is enough to disqualify them in my mind.

Trump is drawing massive crowds, the Republican participation in the primaries is considerably higher that previous years so he is growing the brand. I don't like some of his rhetoric and don't consider it Presidential but then I believe he is capable of sitting at an adult table due to his many business ventures, meetings and, if the truth were known, probably invitations to state dinners.

I don't agree with all of his stances and political positions but we must remember that without a consenting Congress, there won't be a lot he can do anyway. I don't see him abusing the executive office privileges as the current WH resident has chosen to do. I do believe he is smart enough to know what he doesn't know and will surround himself with the necessary expertise to make sound decisions.

There are many things I have misgivings about but the man is no dummy. Perhaps after the current President leaves office, Trump will be exactly what we need.

On the Democratic side, we have a 73 year old self avowed Socialist who has never held a job outside government service in his life. He has some grand ideas that will not prove workable. His tax plan has been estimated by some to raise taxes by some $14 Trillion over the next decade. The American tax payer can't take that just for some give away programs to win an election.

Hillary? Where do I start. She is so scandal ridden, dishonest and criminal that she should not even be running. Having spent many years in the classified field, I can see instances where she has broken federal laws as SecState that, had I done any of them, would have put me in Leavenworth many years ago.

I am completely convinced that Hillary will get the nomination from the Democrats. They're not going to favor an Independent with their party nomination under any circumstances and Bernie doesn't have the necessary delegate vote anyway.

So where does that leave me?

Right now it looks like Trump has to be my choice. I am not entirely unhappy with it but I do wish he would calm his rhetoric down.

Now, who do I think would win the general election.

I am again leaning toward a Trump win due to a couple of factors. One is he has energized the republican party like no other since Reagan. I think you will see a very large turnout for the Republicans if he is the nominee.

Hillary, on the other hand, has the charisma of a squid and will not inspire Democrats to go out and vote for her, as Obama did. Bernie Sanders is the only living human in the Democratic campaign right now with his young people. When (not if) Hillary becomes the nominee I believe these young people will return to their cloistered halls where the frat parties and beer busts will be more appealing than a vote for Hillary and she will not get out the necessary votes to otherwise carry the day.

So, I suppose it has to be Trump for me as well.

How could an experiment with Trump work out any worse than the current experiment has proven to be.

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Same people who protested probably think every one has the right to free speech too.

I agree. So let the protesters set up a venue, pay the bills and speak as freely as they wish for as long as they want.

But give others the right to free assembly, which is also a guarantee in the Constitution.

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"Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui,

Sounds like a real American name now doesn't it.

It means "friend" in Arabia.

It is also the name of moonshine whiskey brewed in Saudi Arabia.

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