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Could Hillary Clinton face the same fate as David Petraeus?


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Could Hillary Clinton face the same fate as David Petraeus?
By Tara McKelvey
White House reporter, BBC News

WASHINGTON: -- Could Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information while secretary of state sink her presidential hopes?

It's a question that has dogged her campaign for over a year - but opinions are divided over whether the allegations made against her constitute a crime or are just the latest partisan sideshow.

Perhaps the best way to look at the implications of her case is by considering the context of another high-profile legal drama involving classified documents that was recently resolved - that of former CIA director David Petraeus.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35722882

-- BBC 2016-03-15

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If Hillary were to win the general election I'd move out of America and move to Kalifornia.


California has marginalized what was left of the Republican party and prospered. People have enough of the Republicans, way more than enough. The Republican party nationally is in it's death throes as Trump leads the lemmings off a cliff.

It's so richly deserved.

Welcome to the hotel California, NeverSure.

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If Hillary were to win the general election I'd move out of America and move to Kalifornia.


Is that a threat to Californians? California is one of the few states which has legalized the growing of pot. Now tens of thousands of Californians who were just scrapping by trying to make ends meet, are making tens of thousands of $$'s/year. Californian friends of mine who used to only be able to afford a thrift store bicycle, are now driving around in BMW's. Indeed there are so many backpackers coming to California from overseas to work in the pot biz, that there's a new term for them; 'trimmigrants' because they trim the leaves off the pot chollas. It's win-win for everyone. Even the beer sellers are happy because pot smokers don't drink any less beer when stoned on pot, and many have more disposable income.

A Democrat, Jerry Brown, is again governor, so that helps bring down the deficit which was made worse by prior Republican governors.

NeverSure, it's not sure whether you'll like California, unless you like liberals and free-thinkers. You might be more comfortable in a place like Texas where anyone can carry a gun, and steer manure dust blows around most cities.

P.S. Thailand should also allow their farmers (and other Thais) to grow pot and hemp. It would be a tremendous boost to the economy. But it won't happen for at least 40 years because Thai leaders are woefully stuck in archaic ways of thinking.

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If Hillary were to win the general election I'd move out of America and move to Kalifornia.


Is that a threat to Californians? California is one of the few states which has legalized the growing of pot. Now tens of thousands of Californians who were just scrapping by trying to make ends meet, are making tens of thousands of $$'s/year. Californian friends of mine who used to only be able to afford a thrift store bicycle, are now driving around in BMW's. Indeed there are so many backpackers coming to California from overseas to work in the pot biz, that there's a new term for them; 'trimmigrants' because they trim the leaves off the pot chollas. It's win-win for everyone. Even the beer sellers are happy because pot smokers don't drink any less beer when stoned on pot, and many have more disposable income.

A Democrat, Jerry Brown, is again governor, so that helps bring down the deficit which was made worse by prior Republican governors.

NeverSure, it's not sure whether you'll like California, unless you like liberals and free-thinkers. You might be more comfortable in a place like Texas where anyone can carry a gun, and steer manure dust blows around most cities.

P.S. Thailand should also allow their farmers (and other Thais) to grow pot and hemp. It would be a tremendous boost to the economy. But it won't happen for at least 40 years because Thai leaders are woefully stuck in archaic ways of thinking.

I was joking but I'm in Oregon where pot is just as legal. Stores everywhere. Grow your own. I just don't care for it myself, but up to you.

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Suspect Hillary is untouchable, she seems to be the anointed one for the next election to get a few more profitable wars running, as such cant imagine anyone would dare try and take her down.

Americans really should get over the Republican/Democrat rivalry, after all the same puppet masters stand behind both parties, you have more in common with each other than the millionaire politicians from either party.

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If Hillary were to win the general election I'd move out of America and move to Kalifornia.


That always reminds me of an old man of Norwegian heritage I knew many years ago. He was mad at the gov't about something and he said "To hell with the United States, I am going to Minnesota."

California is a big state. You'll find someplace there that you like.

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Getting this off the topic of growing pot, yet another former State Department official is refusing to talk to Congress about Hillary's use of a private server.

Maybe it is immunity and subpoena time again.


Republicans pressure IT official for information about Clinton server
By Julian Hattem - 03/14/16 12:27 PM EDT
Senate Republicans are threatening legal recourse against a State Department IT official who has refused to answer their questions about Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
The leaders of the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security committees earlier this month told the official, John Bentel, that he was “an integral figure” in the State Department and should be able to answer questions about the unusual setup that Clinton used while serving as secretary of State.
Yet more than three months after lawmakers reached out, he has refused to talk. “In order to properly exercise our constitutional oversight functions, we need to speak to you,” Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) wrote to Bentel’s lawyer.
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Getting this off the topic of growing pot, yet another former State Department official is refusing to talk to Congress about Hillary's use of a private server.

Maybe it is immunity and subpoena time again.


Republicans pressure IT official for information about Clinton server
By Julian Hattem - 03/14/16 12:27 PM EDT
Senate Republicans are threatening legal recourse against a State Department IT official who has refused to answer their questions about Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
The leaders of the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security committees earlier this month told the official, John Bentel, that he was “an integral figure” in the State Department and should be able to answer questions about the unusual setup that Clinton used while serving as secretary of State.
Yet more than three months after lawmakers reached out, he has refused to talk. “In order to properly exercise our constitutional oversight functions, we need to speak to you,” Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) wrote to Bentel’s lawyer.

I don't think the 5th Amendment should be applicable in cases of espionage and national security. Some really serious, country-damaging stuff has gone down and to think a gov't employee can pull a Lois Lerner and not have to give evidence and ride off into the sunset with a big pay package is bulls***. Who do they think they are? Wall Street CEOs?

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"Could Hillary Clinton face the same fate as David Petraeus?"

Only is she is in a position to offer testimony damaging to the White House. If I remember correctly the Petraeus scandal was leaked a week before he was scheduled to testify before Congress on Benghazi. Oh, I'm sure that was just a coincidence. :rolleyes:

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If Hillary were to win the general election I'd move out of America and move to Kalifornia.


I CERTAINLY wouldn't go that far. I spent five miserable long years in Kalifornia making a very good salary. The happiest day in my life was after I was able to retire and was sitting in that big bird on the runway of LAX knowing that I would never have to return to the Land of Fruits and Nuts. I lived there during the reign of Gray Davis who had to have been the undisputed king of stupid totally incompetent politicians. I could tell stories that would be amusing if they were not so sad.

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If Hillary were to win the general election I'd move out of America and move to Kalifornia.


Is that a threat to Californians? California is one of the few states which has legalized the growing of pot. Now tens of thousands of Californians who were just scrapping by trying to make ends meet, are making tens of thousands of $$'s/year. Californian friends of mine who used to only be able to afford a thrift store bicycle, are now driving around in BMW's. Indeed there are so many backpackers coming to California from overseas to work in the pot biz, that there's a new term for them; 'trimmigrants' because they trim the leaves off the pot chollas. It's win-win for everyone. Even the beer sellers are happy because pot smokers don't drink any less beer when stoned on pot, and many have more disposable income.

A Democrat, Jerry Brown, is again governor, so that helps bring down the deficit which was made worse by prior Republican governors.

NeverSure, it's not sure whether you'll like California, unless you like liberals and free-thinkers. You might be more comfortable in a place like Texas where anyone can carry a gun, and steer manure dust blows around most cities.

P.S. Thailand should also allow their farmers (and other Thais) to grow pot and hemp. It would be a tremendous boost to the economy. But it won't happen for at least 40 years because Thai leaders are woefully stuck in archaic ways of thinking.

And unlike every other traceable product/commodity you can think of, there is no danger of pot growing or processing being outsourced to China or some other low wage Asian country!

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The Clinton's are beyond reproach. They are untouchable, They both belong in jail but they bring so much to the establishment that it will never happen.

Institutionalized are brainwashed into believing everything they are told and do not vote with their brains. They can't see Hillary = Disaster

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The only place Hillary's emails have any relevance is in the minds of far Right Wing fringe Republicans and for people who don't have any real interest in politics. People in the 'real world' understand it is a never ending smear campaign that has no merit.

File it with 'Benghazi' and 'Obama born in Kenya' it is all just foolishness.

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The only place Hillary's emails have any relevance is in the minds of far Right Wing fringe Republicans and for people who don't have any real interest in politics. People in the 'real world' understand it is a never ending smear campaign that has no merit.

File it with 'Benghazi' and 'Obama born in Kenya' it is all just foolishness.

Those 100 or so FBI Agents currently investigating Hillary's illegal actions might have a disagreement with your post.

I have a feeling they probably know more about the proper handling of US classified information than you do.

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The only place Hillary's emails have any relevance is in the minds of far Right Wing fringe Republicans and for people who don't have any real interest in politics. People in the 'real world' understand it is a never ending smear campaign that has no merit.

File it with 'Benghazi' and 'Obama born in Kenya' it is all just foolishness.

Those 100 or so FBI Agents currently investigating Hillary's illegal actions might have a disagreement with your post.

I have a feeling they probably know more about the proper handling of US classified information than you do.

Exactly. Spent years handling classified and it's a zero tolerance business. If any one of us had done what she did...even once...we'd have gone to jail. No question whatsoever.

Edited by Hayduke
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If war criminals like George Dubya and Henry Kissinger are walking around free, it's hard to imagine HRC being informed that Orange is the new Black.

Please don't start down that road, thousands dead and thousands more injured as a result of lies leading to the invasion of Iraq let alone the civilian casualties. trillions of dollars wasted and the Middle East a mess as predicted by one of the main culprits VP Cheney. Its far more important that we see the damage that Clinton did over Benghazi where it was absolute carnage resulting in four dead absolutely dreadful. Lock her up, no need for a trial she is obviously guilty.

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The only place Hillary's emails have any relevance is in the minds of far Right Wing fringe Republicans and for people who don't have any real interest in politics. People in the 'real world' understand it is a never ending smear campaign that has no merit.

File it with 'Benghazi' and 'Obama born in Kenya' it is all just foolishness.

Those 100 or so FBI Agents currently investigating Hillary's illegal actions might have a disagreement with your post.

I have a feeling they probably know more about the proper handling of US classified information than you do.

Exactly. Spent years handling classified and it's a zero tolerance business. If any one of us had done what she did...even once...we'd have gone to jail. No question whatsoever.

Do you mean like this,
Valerie Plame says former Vice President Dick Cheney is a traitor for allegedly having outed her in 2003 as an undercover CIA operative overseas.
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Getting this off the topic of growing pot, yet another former State Department official is refusing to talk to Congress about Hillary's use of a private server.

Maybe it is immunity and subpoena time again.


Republicans pressure IT official for information about Clinton server

By Julian Hattem - 03/14/16 12:27 PM EDT

Senate Republicans are threatening legal recourse against a State Department IT official who has refused to answer their questions about Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

The leaders of the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security committees earlier this month told the official, John Bentel, that he was “an integral figure” in the State Department and should be able to answer questions about the unusual setup that Clinton used while serving as secretary of State.

Yet more than three months after lawmakers reached out, he has refused to talk. “In order to properly exercise our constitutional oversight functions, we need to speak to you,” Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) wrote to Bentel’s lawyer.


I don't think the 5th Amendment should be applicable in cases of espionage and national security. Some really serious, country-damaging stuff has gone down and to think a gov't employee can pull a Lois Lerner and not have to give evidence and ride off into the sunset with a big pay package is bulls***. Who do they think they are? Wall Street CEOs?

What serious country-damaging stuff? I saw some of the emails. They mentioned what sort of pants suit she might wear to meet so-n-so world leader. Republicans are trying desperately to make political hay of the email thing, just as they tried mightily to drag her down about Whitewater and other tempests in teapots. Please name one high-security breach which came out of the emails. If you look on Youtube, you can find schematics for nuclear subs, and details of the newest high tech weapons. There's a lot of data already out there. The Chinese have large rooms full of PLA members whose full time job is pecking at computer keyboards, trying to find the deepest darkest secrets about US military and corporations. If you want to find a bogey man, look to China.

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There will be speculation on all sides because that is what the media needs to keep selling their wares. It has been obvious for the last four years that Clinton will run and win the presidency no matter how much hot air is spouted. The republicans do not offer any viable candidates and Sanders has socialist values that won't win votes in the US.

However the circus is very entertaining this time around even though the result is inevitable.

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The only place Hillary's emails have any relevance is in the minds of far Right Wing fringe Republicans and for people who don't have any real interest in politics. People in the 'real world' understand it is a never ending smear campaign that has no merit.

File it with 'Benghazi' and 'Obama born in Kenya' it is all just foolishness.

Those 100 or so FBI Agents currently investigating Hillary's illegal actions might have a disagreement with your post.

I have a feeling they probably know more about the proper handling of US classified information than you do.

Exactly. Spent years handling classified and it's a zero tolerance business. If any one of us had done what she did...even once...we'd have gone to jail. No question whatsoever.

Do you mean like this,
Valerie Plame says former Vice President Dick Cheney is a traitor for allegedly having outed her in 2003 as an undercover CIA operative overseas.

You only made two mistakes with that idiotic post.

Number one is you seem to believe what Valerie Plame has to say.

The second one is Dick Cheney did not out her at all. The outing was done when Richard Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State, who told journalist Robert Novak that she was a covert CIA operative. Novak then went public with it. Cheney had nothing to do with it.

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Getting this off the topic of growing pot, yet another former State Department official is refusing to talk to Congress about Hillary's use of a private server.

Maybe it is immunity and subpoena time again.


Republicans pressure IT official for information about Clinton server

By Julian Hattem - 03/14/16 12:27 PM EDT

Senate Republicans are threatening legal recourse against a State Department IT official who has refused to answer their questions about Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

The leaders of the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security committees earlier this month told the official, John Bentel, that he was “an integral figure” in the State Department and should be able to answer questions about the unusual setup that Clinton used while serving as secretary of State.

Yet more than three months after lawmakers reached out, he has refused to talk. “In order to properly exercise our constitutional oversight functions, we need to speak to you,” Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) wrote to Bentel’s lawyer.


I don't think the 5th Amendment should be applicable in cases of espionage and national security. Some really serious, country-damaging stuff has gone down and to think a gov't employee can pull a Lois Lerner and not have to give evidence and ride off into the sunset with a big pay package is bulls***. Who do they think they are? Wall Street CEOs?

What serious country-damaging stuff? I saw some of the emails. They mentioned what sort of pants suit she might wear to meet so-n-so world leader. Republicans are trying desperately to make political hay of the email thing, just as they tried mightily to drag her down about Whitewater and other tempests in teapots. Please name one high-security breach which came out of the emails. If you look on Youtube, you can find schematics for nuclear subs, and details of the newest high tech weapons. There's a lot of data already out there. The Chinese have large rooms full of PLA members whose full time job is pecking at computer keyboards, trying to find the deepest darkest secrets about US military and corporations. If you want to find a bogey man, look to China.

" Please name one high-security breach which came out of the emails."

I doubt this will be possible. Why, you ask?

Of the some 55,000 emails she tried to hide from the FOIA requests and the State Department to begin with, something over 2,000 of them have been found to contain classified information with 22 of them being Top Secret.

Since they are considered classified, the information they hold will NOT be released to the public.

Your only hope to get an answer is if one of the, very likely, many countries that hacked her unsecured server should decide to release them in the future.

Who knows, maybe Wikileaks already has them.

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