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The forum has never been snappier as seen from here in France. No complain, really.

The prospect of a new design worries me. I can foresee a material design style with eye-watering solid colors and a lot of wasted screen real estate, like I've seen coming to so many forums I follow. Please, please make it optional.

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There is also noticeable latency tot he ThaiVisa website from UK (5,300ms) started on the 7th June

7th June which year?

If 2016, it doesn't explain the continuing problems I and others have been complaining about for at least the last 6 months.

My first complaint being back in February, when I was assured by a Mod that "the tech guys were looking into them!"

4 months later, still no solution?


When latency to the ThaiVisa website is 100 times slower from the computer of one user in one country than from the computer of another user in another country, it appears highly unlikely that a solution to this "problem" is within the power of ThaiVisa.

This is just my layman's opinion, as I am not an IT expert.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



still getting the same problems and it crashed yesterday - it is seems to me that this is a patched up site trying to do too much.

when does the "all new" site come into being?


still getting the same problems and it crashed yesterday - it is seems to me that this is a patched up site trying to do too much.

when does the "all new" site come into being?

So why don't I have a problem and using the cheapest Internet providers plan...?

probably to slow to highlight any mistakes...


still getting the same problems and it crashed yesterday - it is seems to me that this is a patched up site trying to do too much.

when does the "all new" site come into being?

So why don't I have a problem and using the cheapest Internet providers plan...?

probably to slow to highlight any mistakes...

10mb/1mb for 631bht is plenty for my useage.......tongue.png

30 + mbps - I think the site is just too old to cope.


I concur; the most common message I get when I have problems is that the site, Thai Visa, isn't responding.

It seems that those of us who have modern, high speed connections encounter regular problems, while those who have cheap or old fashioned slow connections don't!

BTW, Transam; I, too, have genuine Windows on my PC, and although I'm not tech savvy enough to say what operating system my phone uses as it's a Sony obtained from Vodafone I think it's safe to believe that it is genuine.

So your snide suggestion that those of us who have problems do so because we are using counterfeit software is baseless.


It seems that those of us who have modern, high speed connections encounter regular problems, while those who have cheap or old fashioned slow connections don't!

I think that's an inexact shortcut.

It's not a question of bandwidth.

At my work I'm enjoying a really fat pipe to the Internet and TVF is fine.

At home I have a regular ADSL line and no complaint either, at least over the past 2 months or so.

On the other hand, certain ISPs might well suffer from serious bottlenecks at some points along the path from their own network to the hoster and uplink provider (ISP) of TVF. At least that's what I supposed. This has nothing to do with the size of the pipe from your home to the network of the ISP, be it 1G fiber or a lowly 2M ADSL line. It's a matter of whom you connect to.

As for issues on the member's computers, they would affect every other visited web site as well.

Just my 0.02฿


I see your point, Lannig.

However, I'm in the UK and regularly get the same problems with TVF regardless of ISP (BT internet at home, Vodafone on my phone, various others on other people's devices), browser or device I'm using at the time.

I never get these problems with other websites.

Other's have posted similar, whether they be in Thailand or elsewhere.

Which, whilst I am no IT expert, indicates to me that the problems originate at TVF's end, not mine.


As for issues on the member's computers, they would affect every other visited web site as well.

Just my 0.02฿

And that's my confusion. I have 15 websites on my bookmarks toolbar, from all over the world, Bangkok Post included. I use Chrome and Firefox, and genuine Win10.

Whenever I have problems with TVF, I open 4 or 5 of the other sites into new tabs, and generally there is no issue downloading the other sites. Yet TVF times out, sometimes with -but usually without- any kind of message.

If 14 other random sites work, and TVF doesn't- I have a hard time pinning it on anything but the design of TVF or (more likely IMO) one or more of the affiliated advertisers.


I see your point, Lannig.

However, I'm in the UK and regularly get the same problems with TVF regardless of ISP (BT internet at home, Vodafone on my phone, various others on other people's devices), browser or device I'm using at the time.

I never get these problems with other websites.

Other's have posted similar, whether they be in Thailand or elsewhere.

Which, whilst I am no IT expert, indicates to me that the problems originate at TVF's end, not mine.

Not necessarily, because in such a case, I would probably experience the same problems from here over the Channel, wouldn't I?

I don't.

On the other hand, whatever international backbone providers UK ISPs uplink to might have issues with TVF's provider.

Mind you, it can be a combination of many factors. Keeping optimal routing to/from most of the world for ISPs peering with multiple international exchange point is a full-time job, and a complex one for experienced network engineers, believe me. Been there, done that.

Sometimes network routes to/from non-mainstream sites (I wouldn't call TVF a mainstream site for European internet users) end up being vastly sub-optimal with many more network hops than should be and possibly going through bottlenecks. This will go unnoticed for a long time because not as many people complain as if the issues were with a mainstream site.

The worst part is that the cause for non-optimal routing might well distributed among the various actors here: your ISP, the international exchange and backbone operators and TVF's network operator.

We might want to compare traceroute output as a starter and compare network paths.

From where I am now:

C:\>tracert www.thaivisa.com
Tracing route to www.thaivisa.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
  1     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms  livebox.home []
  2    21 ms    20 ms    21 ms
  3    21 ms    20 ms    20 ms
  4    20 ms    20 ms    22 ms  ae41-0.niaub201.Aubervilliers.francetelecom.net
  5    26 ms    23 ms    22 ms
  6    23 ms    34 ms    28 ms  hundredgige1-3-0-0.pastr2.Paris.opentransit.net
  7    20 ms    21 ms    19 ms  tatateleglobe-2.GW.opentransit.net [193.251.250.
  8   255 ms   275 ms   255 ms  if-ae-2-2.tcore1.PYE-Paris.as6453.net [80.231.15
  9   270 ms   270 ms   270 ms  if-ae-8-1600.tcore1.WYN-Marseille.as6453.net [80
 10   284 ms   287 ms   288 ms  if-ae-9-6.tcore1.MLV-Mumbai.as6453.net [80.231.2
 11   270 ms   270 ms   270 ms  if-ae-7-2.tcore1.CXR-Chennai.as6453.net [180.87.
 12   259 ms   263 ms   260 ms  if-ae-5-2.tcore1.SVW-Singapore.as6453.net [180.8
 13   257 ms   258 ms   259 ms
 14   199 ms   198 ms   199 ms
 15   196 ms   196 ms   194 ms
 16     *        *        *     Request timed out.

(can't trace beyond that point)


I am by no means an IT expert, but what you say does not explain two things.

1) I only get these problems with TVF; no other site, including ones in Thailand or elsewhere outside the UK.

Indeed, like impulse I often browse such sites in another window while I am waiting for TVF to load without problems; even when TVF eventually wont load and I get the error messege.

2) Posts from other members show that it is not just people from outside Thailand who are experiencing these problems; those inside Thailand do as well.


I am by no means an IT expert, but what you say does not explain two things.

1) I only get these problems with TVF; no other site, including ones in Thailand or elsewhere outside the UK.

Indeed, like impulse I often browse such sites in another window while I am waiting for TVF to load without problems; even when TVF eventually wont load and I get the error messege.

2) Posts from other members show that it is not just people from outside Thailand who are experiencing these problems; those inside Thailand do as well.

It may not explain these but they don't contradict my points either:

1) AFAIK the TVF servers are hosted in Singapore. Maybe you're not hitting any other site hosted by the same company or using the same ISP, if we assume that this particular ISP has routing issues with yours

2) the problems I have mentioned are in no way specific to international and transcontinental connections, furthermore as mentioned above TVF is not hosted in Thailand, so people in the LOS don't browse it "domestically"


Wherever TVF is hosted, as shown by this and similar topics, many members from many parts of the world experience the same connection problems.

We experience these problems regardless of device, ISP or browser.

We experience these problems only with TVF; no other site, no matter where that site is hosted.

Even Admin experience these problems, as a member of Admin said to me when I first posted about my problems back in February

When it happens, my reaction is to log out of Thaivisa and do other things. If Thaivisa does not want my post, so be it.


My experience is that ThaiVisa is the slowest to load page that I visit regularly. I use Internet Explorer or Chrome on a laptop and mobile. Other sites load OK, but TV is noticeably slower with a delay of several seconds before I can scroll down.

I'd always suspected it was due to the large number of ads on the ThiaVisa pages?

But today it's worse than before as the page fails to load the first time and just seems to get stuck with a blank screen. This causes IE to lock up and I have to close all tabs and re-launch it. After that TV loads in it's usual slow style while all the Google Ads load.


For me using apple app I am no longer receiving notifications.

Also why are we subject to adds in the pic below I received today. This add scheme is totally out of control now. Listen to your members for a change and get rid of some of this nonsense. post-198680-14667509707316_thumb.jpg


I can't understand why people keep defending the site - it crashed only a few days back - any extra traffic and it can't cope.....and above all the technicians AGREE with me......


3 hours with TRUE = www.thaivisa.com Driver Error


There appears to be an error with the database.


www.thaivisa.com sent no data


We are currently over capacity. Please email mailto:[email protected] to notify them of this issue.

mySQL query error: INSERT INTO ibf_cache_store (`cs_key`,`cs_value`,`cs_updated`) VALUES('mail_processing',1,1467077030) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cs_key=VALUES(cs_key),cs_value=VALUES(cs_value),cs_updated=VALUES(cs_updated)

I am now using a VPN = painfully slow, but at least it opens = 7 mins to open any page..


posted double for some reason

That has been a symptom for me for well over a year now.

I still get the feeling that the site doesn't like Macs.....


It went down this morning starting at about 8:30am for me here in Bangkok and the Down for Everyone or Just Me confirmed it appeared to be for everyone. I am seeing a significant increase in the frequency of short down period over the last few months.


And at around 10:15am I could not access. A few times when typing-in www.thaivisa.com a logon prompt would immediately pop up before even going to the webpage saying to access I needed to logon/enter my ThaiVisa User ID and password....and I don't mean just to be able to write posts/access my content, I mean just to reach the www.thaivisa.com home page. I never did what they requested. Tired a few times even with another browser and the same problem.

Then I just waited a few minutes and tried again...this time I go right to ThaiVisa...problem had apparently went away. Me think ThaiVisa is having some issues this morning (and increasingly at other times also over the last few months).

I'm on True in Bangkok...running Win 10 using Chrome and/or IE.


^ yes that happened to me too about 10: 25 am, and on different browsers Chrome and Firefox using a PC and DTAC wireless.

Could not even get to home page

I entered the info, name and password, it went back to blank fill in form and then second time went to Access Denied page- thought I was being miserabled.

A couple of days ago I was trying to post, and it would not go through so I just reloaded the page and ended up posting about 8 times ( sorry )



​We have installed some more monitoring software to help us diagnose why we are getting this re-occuring issue once a week. The new site is being pushed through at the moment.



Something to do with running backups at that time mabye?

I've seen this happening to so many forums...

Or possibly a misbehaving spider running riot?

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