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Facebook and Politically Correct Lefties

Jeddah Jo

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I have never been that political really, but having spent 15 years in Thailand with zero welfare state, health care or any other kind of safety net I have become very self-reliant and almost appreciate the benefits of small government and limited intrusion by the state in to my private life.

However, all my old friends and family from back home seem to have become rabid lefties, and their facebook posts are like political broadcasts all espousing the latest moral outrage they feel about immigrants rights, how much they hate Donald Trump, UKIP, teacher's pay, doctor's pay, anti-racism etc etc. It really becomes so tedious to wade through but the trouble is if I block them all I won't have any friends left :(((

Does anyone else get this, and how do they deal with it. I wish people would not use Facebook as a political platform as for me it is just a way to keep up with old friends and see what they are up to.


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...just a way to keep up with old friends and see what they are up to.

If they're old friends and you don't like what they're putting on Facebook why not start direct email correspondence with them where you'll have more control over what's discussed.

If they're such good friends you could just tell them you're bored with politics and just want to know what's happening with their families, in your hometown or whatever.

Facebook is just a tool. If it's not serving your needs, use something else.

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I see the same type of posts every time I have a quick look at FB. I now limit myself to 2 quick looks through the posts per week and never reply to a comment unless it makes me happy. I give out occasional likes on a random basis so everyone thinks I actually read their moaning drivel that usually culled from the Daily Wail or some rag.

Limit your time on FB and let all the moaning just flow past you as it doesn't affect you any more. That moaning UK life is your past, enjoy your time here and let your friends moan on.

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People read too much news, and then feel that they have to post their opinion on what they read. I'm fortunate that I live in a regime where free speech is not so widely tolerated, and so I am able to restrain myself from commenting on the nonsense and buffoonery that I read about. Sadly, people in Europe are not so lucky


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^^^ I thank my lucky stars I am working in Nth Korea.

If you can't say something nice, better not to say anything.

Luckily, I have more than my mother's advice to encourage me.

I reckon most north Koreans must be insufferable optimists - "Things can only get better ...."

Well, they couldn't get any worse...

Which is, of course, tragic self-deception, as you would recall from my story of coming home from the pub in the rain in Taipei, if you had heard it. Things can always get worse. Much worse, in completely unexpected ways that you could not have prepared for or anticipated.

All the more reason to keep your opinions to yourself....


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I couldn't agree more with the op. I am in the same boat. Email is old school, I could not get my friends t do it. I guess it's keeping in contact via other apps and leaving those FB political bs statuses alone from now on. What are people from the US gonna poat after the election?

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OP - Suggest to your FB 'Friends' that perhaps it would be better for them to form political action forums using the Facebook GROUP feature ... then they can talk their mirror images within a closed group ... And maybe have a little room for Social Intercourse among their regular friends.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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I find Facebook very helpful. I am the Admin of several FB Groups - one just for locals and tourists and another is a Second Hand Buy / Sell Group ... One has membership of over 4000 and the other nearly a 1000. There are some major Thailand FB Groups numbering 30 and 40K members. Plus there are many Second Hand type groups under various names. There is even one nice one about Thailand memories - a photo blog of sorts... some of the old photos are fabulous ...

Facebook does not have to be just about rabid political discussions or 'what I had for dinner' posts.

If you imagine that there is a FB Group on a particular subject - then there probably is one. There must be hundreds of thousands of FB Groups...

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At the risk of straying off-topic, who else feels incensed by the pantomime condensation of Joe Marler for calling Samson Lee 'gypsy boy'? When the day comes that you can't say "F@@@ off you English C@@@" on the rugby field to an opposition player it will be time to take up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them. In the meantime, like mercy, we must let this nonsense fall upon us unsteadiness like the gentle rain

Edited by StreetCowboy
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