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Thai Woman Charged With Murdering American Ex-boyfriend

sriracha john

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Woman charged with killing ex-boyfriend

A woman accused of poisoning her ex-boyfriend by lacing his Jagermeister with insecticide and then fleeing the country was charged Thursday with first-degree murder and assault.

Kirkland police say Janjira Smith, 51, gave the tainted bottle of liquer to a woman Roger Mitchell Lewis had recently begun dating and told her to make sure he drank some.

On Oct. 6, Lewis, 56, downed a shot from the bottle and the woman, Thanyarat "Nina" Sengpharaghanh, drank half a shot while they were getting ready to leave her Kirkland apartment for dinner.

Lewis died; Sengpharaghanh passed out and later awoke, temporarily blind after suffering a stroke, police said.

Smith told investigators Lewis had ended their relationship and she had tried to persuade him to come back to her, according to court papers.

She flew to California several days after the crime and later returned to her native Thailand, King County prosecutors said.

She was still at large Thursday.

- Seattle Post-Intelligencer

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Police Locate Alleged Killer In Poisonous Scheme

KIRKLAND, Wash. -- Kirkland police said they have tracked down a woman they believe to be responsible for poisoning and killing her ex-boyfriend.

Police first thought the woman accused of poisoning 56-year-old Roger Mitchell Lewis was in Taiwan, but now they said she has been located in another country.

Darlene Lewis, the victim's ex-wife, said she was still friends with her ex-husband when he disappeared.

Darlene Lewis reported Roger Lewis missing, only to learn he died in his apartment after drinking a pesticide-laced bottle of liquor his ex-girlfriend gave him.

"I was shocked, someone that you care about very much to be dead for unknown reasons," Darlene Lewis said.

Darlene Lewis said the woman police said killed Roger Lewis, is the woman who tore apart their 33-year marriage.

"I was given a threat by the woman he was dating that if I did not divorce she would kill me," Darlene Lewis said.

Darlene Lewis believes the woman police are looking for is in Thailand. She once dropped Roger Lewis and the woman off at the airport headed to Thailand to visit the woman's family.

Police are not saying in which country the woman was found, but they said the country has an extradition agreement with the United States, and it will be up to the U.S. Marshals to bring the woman back.


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Woman charged with poisoning death of ex-boyfriend

SEATTLE -- A woman who is believed to have fled to Thailand has been charged with a poison attack that killed her former boyfriend and temporarily blinded another woman in the suburbs east

of Lake Washington.

Janjira Jeffrey Smith, 51, was charged Thursday in King County Superior Court with first-degree murder in the death of Roger Lewis, 56, and first-degree assault in a stroke that afflicted Thanyarat O. “Nina” Sengpharaghanh, 42, both from insecticide that had been added to a bottle of liqueur.

Smith, who formerly lived in Redmond, is believed to have gone to her native country of Thailand, officials in the U.S. Marshals Service said.

Lewis, who lived at his woodworking business in Redmond after going through a divorce, had an 18-month relationship with Smith but recently told her he planned to marry a woman he had met on a trip to the Philippines, according to documents filed in court by prosecutors.

“Smith reportedly did not receive this news well,” Kirkland police wrote in an affidavit.

On Oct. 6, investigators wrote, Smith arranged to have a bottle of Jgermeister liqueur delivered to Lewis by a man she met in a bank parking lot.

That man, who is being held for investigation of rendering criminal assistance, took the bottle to a nearby condominium, where Lewis drank a full glass and Sengpharaghanh half a glass, according to the court filings.

Sengpharaghanh told investigators she “almost immediately” felt ill, lost her sight and blacked out. A friend found Lewis dead on the floor of the condo Oct. 7 and Sengpharaghanh, disoriented and blind, was taken to Evergreen Hospital, where doctors found she was ailing from a stroke.

Tests at a State Patrol laboratory showed the insecticide Methomyl in the liqueur bottle and the two glasses, prosecutors wrote.

- Bellingham Herald

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Jealousy likely prompted poisoning death: woman, believed to be in Thailand, charged in absentia with murder

KIRKLAND — Jealousy appears to be the motive behind a poisoning murder at the Tera Apartments earlier this month.

Janjira "Jenny" Smith, 51, of Redmond, was charged in absentia Thursday with one count of first-degree murder and one count of second-degree assault in connection with the death of her former boyfriend, Roger Lewis, 56.

His date, 42-year-old Thanyarat "Nina" Sengpharaghanh, was also poisoned but survived.

Smith remains at large in her home country of Thailand, where she fled with tickets purchased by her daughter, according to charging papers.

Smith and Lewis lived together romantically for about 18 months, but when he returned from a trip to the Philippines on Sept. 21, he announced he'd met someone else and planned to marry her, according to the court papers. Smith said she was upset by the news, police said, and tried several times to convince Lewis to come back to her.

She took a trip to Japan from Sept. 24 to Oct. 1, according to charging papers. When she came back, she said, Smith didn't want anything to do with her.

Smith later learned from a friend that another woman, Sengpharaghanh, was interested in Lewis. According to charging papers, Smith said she and Sengpharaghanh spoke on the phone several times about Lewis between Oct. 2 and 5.

On Oct. 6, Smith learned Lewis and Sengpharaghanh had plans to go to dinner and a movie that night, charging papers said.

About 7:30 p.m., she contacted Sengpharaghanh and offered her a bottle of Jagermeister, Lewis's favorite, and told her to make sure he drank some before they went out. Smith enlisted the help of her friend, Douglas Teague, 54, of Redmond, to meet Sengpharaghanh in downtown Kirkland to hand off the bottle.

Sengpharaghanh told police Lewis had a shot of the green, licorice-flavored liqueur and she had half of a shot. She said she felt sick "almost immediately," lost her sight and blacked out.

The next day, a friend discovered Sengpharaghanh disoriented and blind in her Tera apartment on Sixth Street in downtown Kirkland. Sengpharaghanh was transported to Evergreen Hospital, where it was determined she'd suffered a stroke from a lack of oxygen to the brain. Lewis, who was found face down between the coffee table and the couch, was declared dead at the scene.

Police sent what remained in the bottle of Jagermeister and the two shot glasses to the state toxicology lab, where investigators discovered a yellow oily substance floating on top of the liquid in the bottle. After analyzing the contents of the bottle and the glasses, they determined the booze had been spiked with a highly toxic insecticide called methomyl. Methomyl is so poisonous, it's a registered substance and can only be used by certified applicators, according to charging papers.

Teague was arrested after he told police he delivered the Jagermeister at Smith's request. He told police that five days after delivering the bottle, he and Smith flew to California, where, according to charging papers, Smith looked for defense lawyers in Los Angeles. Charging papers say Smith's daughter told her to leave the country, and Teague said he took Smith to an airport, where she left for Taiwan and, from there, to Thailand.

If Smith is caught and arrested in Thailand, she could face extradition to the United States to answer to the charges against her. Prosecutors are requesting the court set bail at $5 million. An arraignment hearing has been scheduled for Nov. 2.

- King County Journal

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Well that Teague fellow is spent. I hope he doesn't look too pretty in an orange jumpsuit. Or maybe I hope that's waht he gets.

As for that Janjira b*tch, I hope she is thrown into the dungeons of hel_l. I can't find a picture of her. It would be interesting to see one posted.

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Trade and Other Names:

Common names include metomil and mesomile. Trade names include Acinate, Agrinate, DuPont 1179, Flytek, Kipsin, Lannate, Lanox, Memilene, Methavin, Methomex, Nudrin, NuBait, Pillarmate and SD 14999.

Regulatory Status:

Methomyl is a highly toxic compound in EPA toxicity class I. It is classified as Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) by EPA because of its high acute toxicity to humans. The Signal Words for products containing methomyl depend upon the formulation of the product. Restricted Use Pesticides may be purchased and used only by certified applicators. Reentry periods for farm workers of 1 to 7 days are required, depending on the crop.

Chemical Class:



Methomyl was introduced in 1966 as a broad spectrum insecticide. It is also used as an acaricide to control ticks and spiders. It is used for foliar treatment of vegetable, fruit and field crops, cotton, commercial ornamentals, and in and around poultry houses and dairies. It is also used as a fly bait. Methomyl is effective in two ways: (a) as a "contact insecticide," because it kills target insects upon direct contact, and (:D as a "systemic insecticide" because of its capability to cause overall "systemic" poisoning in target insects, after it is absorbed and transported throughout the pests that feed on treated plants. It is capable of being absorbed by plants without being "phytotoxic" or harmful, to the plant.


Not Available

Toxicological Effects:

Acute toxicity: Methomyl is highly toxic via the oral route, with reported oral LD50 values of 17 to 24 mg/kg in rats [10], 10 mg/kg in mice, and 15 mg/kg in guinea pigs [5]. Symptoms of methomyl exposure are similar to those caused by other carbamates and cholinesterase inhibitors [5]. These may include weakness, blurred vision, headache, nausea, abdominal cramps, chest discomfort, constriction of pupils, sweating, muscle tremors, and decreased pulse. If there is severe poisoning, symptoms of twitching, giddiness, confusion, muscle incoordination, slurred speech, low blood pressure, heart irregularities, and loss of reflexes may also be experienced. Death can result from discontinued breathing, paralysis of muscles of the respiratory system, intense constriction of the openings of the lung, or all three [5]. It is moderately toxic via inhalation with a reported 4-hour inhalation LC50 in male rats of 0.3 mg/L [4]. Inhalation of dust or aerosol may cause irritation, lung and eye problems, with symptoms of chest tightness, blurred vision, tearing, wheezing, and headaches appearing upon exposure. Other systemic symptoms of cholinesterase inhibition may appear within a few minutes to several hours of exposure [39]. It is slightly toxic via the dermal route, with a reported dermal LD50 of 5880 mg/kg in rabbits [10], and is absorbed only slowly through the skin [5]. However, if sufficient amounts are absorbed through the skin, symptoms similar to those induced by ingestion or inhalation will develop [5]. Within fifteen minutes to four hours of exposure, the immediate area of contact may show localized sweating and uncoordinated muscular contractions [5]. In rabbits, application of methomyl resulted in mild eye irritation [5]. Pain, short-sightedness, blurring of distant vision, tearing, and other eye disturbances may occur within a few minutes of eye contact with methomyl [11].

Chronic toxicity:

Prolonged or repeated exposure to methomyl may cause symptoms similar to the pesticide's acute effects [5]. Repeated exposure to small amounts of methomyl may cause an unsuspected inhibition of cholinesterase, resulting in flu-like symptoms, such as weakness, lack of appetite, and muscle aches. Cholinesterase-inhibition may persist for two to six weeks. This condition is reversible if exposure is discontinued. Since cholinesterase is increasingly inhibited with each exposure, severe cholinesterase-inhibition symptoms may be produced in a person who has had previous methomyl exposure, while a person without previous exposure may not experience any symptoms at all [5]. In a 24-month study with rats fed doses of 2.5, 5 or 20 mg/kg/day, effects were only observed at the highest dose tested, 20 mg/kg/day. At this very high dose, red blood cell counts and hemoglobin levels were significantly reduced in female rats [39]. In a 2-year feeding study with dogs, 5 mg/kg/day caused no observed adverse effects [39]. It is not likely that chronic effects would be seen in humans unless exposures were unexpectedly high, as with chronic misuse.

Reproductive effects: Methomyl fed to rats at dietary doses of 2.5 or 5 mg/kg for three generations caused no adverse effect on reproduction, nor was there any evidence of congenital abnormalities [8]. No fetotoxicity was observed in offspring of pregnant rats given 33.9 mg/kg/day on day 6 to 21 of gestation [5]. Based on these data it appears unlikely that methomyl will have reproductive effects.


Methomyl is a white, crystalline solid with a slight sulfurous odor.

Chemical Name:

S-methyl N-(methylcarbamoyloxy) thioacetimidate [10]

Basic Manufacturer:

DuPont Agricultural Products

Walker's Mill, Barley Mill Plaza

P.O. Box 80038

Wilmington, DE 19880-0038

Phone: 800-441-7515

Emergency: 800-441-3637

its used for food production you know !! :o

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its used for food production you know !!

Systemic pesticides are in your fruit and veggies, unless you know you have real organic food. But how else is it used in food production?

No pic of the woman yet in the places I've checked.

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its used for food production you know !!

Systemic pesticides are in your fruit and veggies, unless you know you have real organic food. But how else is it used in food production?

No pic of the woman yet in the places I've checked.

Yendii, yendii - here she would had him shot or stabbed to death.

Tragic as always, but the money god got her.

Poor souls them both.



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  • 1 year later...

THis is interesting. My ex-wife's sister, who used to accompany my son as a nanny on his monthly 10 day visit to my home, put Methomyl into the water compartment of my coffee machine on the day she left to go back to BKK.

Next day I drank half a cup, but it didn't taste too good, and almost immediately I got severe stomach cramps. I rushed to the bathroom but by the time I got there I ddin't have the strength to vomit. I sat on the toilet and realised that my heart was fibrillating and I had lost the ability to move my arms and legs. I could only breathe in quick short breaths. I used the last of my strength to call for my wife who took one look at me and called my neighbour.

They got me onto the bed where I lay staring at the ceiling feeling totally confused. I couldn't work out what was happening to me. I thought I was having a heart attack but there was no pain. I was surrounded by my wife, maid, gardener and neighbours who were all trying to massage my limbs. I wasn't aware of it but apparently my neighbour was trying to get an ambulance but no one knew a number. Eventually one was found and called.

As I lay on the bed I realised that I was dying. My breathing suddenly seemed calmer and my field of vision started to narrow down in a kind of circle that gradually went to a pinpoint. I knew I should be fighting it but the feeling of being alive was so horrible I just said to myself Oh well here we go. I shut my eyes and went. All was peaceful and I felt like I was going into a deep sleep. No pain. Until my my wife started slapping my face and screaming for me to wake up. I remember saying OK I'm coming back, I'm coming back.

At this point my neighbour suggested that they put me in the back of his pickup and take me to hospital himself. It is about 15kms and I don't really remember anything about the drive. It seemed to take about 3 mins. On arrival the doctor looked into my eyes and before I knew it he was asking me to swallow a tube inserted in my nose. Not long after I defecated all over the floor and almost immediately started to feel a bit better.

They then transferred me to the top hospital in the area for further observation and by 5pm I felt well enough to discharge myself as I had to meet my guests for a cocktail.

It took another 3 weeks for my stomach to feel OK again but I have no further long term efffects.

After a suitable payment the police decided to investigate but I had to go to BKK myself for the forensic tests. They interviewed the Nanny who denied all knowledge and so they let her go and closed the case.

So there you are. Methomyl is extremely effective and is not easy to detect in a drink.

Does anyone know where the best garden security equipment can be found in Thailand. I need motion sensor lights and alarms. I am sure she will try again and probably with the more traditional method so I want to be notified of their arrival so I can at least shoot back!!

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  • 8 months later...

UPDATE... the accused has finally been found and arrested in the UK

Woman who allegedly killed ex-boyfriend arrested in London

A woman who is wanted in King County for allegedly killing her ex-boyfriend with pesticide-laced Jägermeister after he left her for another woman was arrested Thursday in London.

According to the U.S. Marshals Service, Janjira Jeffrey Smith was arrested on a warrant charging her with murder and attempted murder issued out of King County Superior Court.

According to Kirkland police, Smith laced a bottle of Jägermeister with pesticide and urged her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend to have a drink before the couple went out. Roger Mitchell Lewis died and Thanyarat Sengpharaghanh was temporarily blinded after drinking the herbal liqueur.

The two were found in Sengpharaghanh's Kirkland apartment in October 2006.

By the time police charged Smith, she had fled for her native Thailand, according to the Marshals Service.

She was detained in London and will be facing extradition to the U.S., the Marshals Service said.

"It is unknown why Smith was traveling to England, but within the past few months we have come very close to apprehending Smith in Thailand, and she may have been attempting to flee Thailand in order to avoid apprehension on this charge," said Supervisory Deputy U.S. Marshal Tom Lanier.

- Seatlle Times / 2008-12-05

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Greencardgolf, maybe I am being paranoid I have to ask...

Did you perhaps do something, maybe just some little thing that upset your ex-wife or her sister, like being caught bonking your maid in your ex-wife's bedroom or something trivial like that?

Just asking . . you never know . . . maybe it was her normal routine to put insecticide in the coffee machine


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Arrest made in Washington death by poisoned liquor

SEATTLE (AP) — Authorities say a woman believed to have killed her ex-boyfriend with poisoned liquor has been arrested in London after two years on the run.

British customs officials detained Janjira Jeffrey Smith, formerly of Washington state, on Thursday when she arrived at London's Heathrow airport from Switzerland. She faces extradition to Seattle, where she has been charged with murder.

Prosecutors say Smith provided a bottle of Jagermeister laced with pesticide to her ex-boyfriend, Roger Lewis, after learning he planned to marry someone else. Lewis and another woman later drank the liquor and became blind and disoriented. Lewis died, but the other woman recovered.

The U.S. Marshals Service says Smith apparently spent much of the past two years in her native Thailand.

- Associated Press / 2008-12-06

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The U.S. Marshals Service says Smith apparently spent much of the past two years in her native Thailand.

Anyone recognize her or see her about from these first pics I've found?



Legal Status

Present family name: SMITH



Date of birth: 7 March 1955 (53 years old)

Place of birth: SURAT THANI, Thailand

Language spoken: English, Thai

Nationality: Thailand, United States

Physical description

Height: 1.65 meter <-> 65 inches

Weight: 50 kg <-> 110 pounds

Colour of eyes: BLACK

Colour of hair: BLACK



Arrest Warrant Issued by: KING COUNTY / WASHINGTON / United States

- U.S. Marshal Service photos and descriptions


just as a review... the man she allegedly murdered...


The victim, Roger Lewis

Edited by sriracha john
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My ex-wife's sister, who used to accompany my son as a nanny on his monthly 10 day visit to my home, put Methomyl into the water compartment of my coffee machine on the day she left to go back to BKK.

so what did you do to the nanny??

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I happen to know this woman, it's the *current* girlfriend of a french man that I know. He went to Thailand and came back with her years ago (like in early 2007). He is a very nice guy, and he (and I) doesn't know at all what was her (real) past.

She was living with him in France in a city near Switzerland border. I was not expecting this at all, it was a surprise to heard from him that she was arrested while she was on a trip to japan (and she had a stop in UK). That's why I looked for information about her and find out this forum and the Interpol wanted page.

I won't give any more details because obviously my friend will be contacted by the police and he will tell everything he knows and you might heard those information from the press but it's strange to meet someone and then learning those kind of stuff... I'm just telling because like you , I expect the truth to arise !

Edited by Jeff2K
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The U.S. Marshals Service says Smith apparently spent much of the past two years in her native Thailand.

Anyone recognize her or see her about from these first pics I've found?



Legal Status

Present family name: SMITH



Date of birth: 7 March 1955 (53 years old)

Place of birth: SURAT THANI, Thailand

Language spoken: English, Thai

Nationality: Thailand, United States

Physical description

Height: 1.65 meter <-> 65 inches

Weight: 50 kg <-> 110 pounds

Colour of eyes: BLACK

Colour of hair: BLACK



Arrest Warrant Issued by: KING COUNTY / WASHINGTON / United States

- U.S. Marshal Service photos and descriptions


just as a review... the man she allegedly murdered...


The victim, Roger Lewis

Wow! Some of the most beautiful looking people also have the blackest hearts...

Yes, I like the idea of a crimes of passion forum... Some Thais can become murderously jealous if...

My condolences to his family... Very sad story...


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Suspect captured in Kirkland poisoning death

A jilted woman who Kirkland police say took revenge on her ex-boyfriend and another woman by giving them shots of Jägermeister laced with poison is facing extradition to the U.S. after being on the run for two years.

Law-enforcement authorities in London arrested Janjira "Jenny" Jeffery Smith on Thursday after she flew in from Geneva, said the U.S. Marshals Service.

Smith had a detention hearing in London on Friday and faces formal extradition proceedings to return her to King County, according to Supervisory Deputy U.S. Marshal Tom Lanier.

According to charging documents filed in King County Superior Court more than two years ago, 56-year-old Roger Lewis had broken up with Smith after living with her for 18 months. According to court documents, Smith "reportedly did not receive this news well."

Lewis told Smith, 53, he'd met a woman while traveling in the Philippines and he intended to marry her, police said.

"Smith said that Lewis did not want to have anything to do with her," police wrote in charging documents.

After trying repeatedly to lure Lewis back to her, Smith learned that Lewis and Thanyarat "Nina" Sengpharaghanh had made a date for dinner and a movie on Oct. 6, 2006, police said.

Smith called Sengpharaghanh that day and told her Jägermeister was Lewis' favorite drink and said she would be sending a bottle over, police and prosecutors allege.

Smith had a male friend deliver the bottle to Sengpharaghanh.

When Sengpharaghanh mentioned to another woman that Smith had "graciously" provided the bottle of Jägermeister, the friend warned "that she should not drink the bottle because it was probably poisoned," court documents allege.

Sengpharaghanh was uncertain about whether to believe the warning, according to court documents, but she decided to provide Lewis with a shot because "Smith had told her to make sure Lewis drank the 'Whiskey' before they went out, in order to make Lewis happy."

Both drank the poisoned herbal liqueur, according to police.

Lewis was found dead the next morning in Sengpharaghanh's downtown Kirkland condominium. Sengpharaghanh suffered a stroke and was temporarily blinded by the poison, but she made a full recovery, court documents say.

The bottle from Smith was sent to the State Patrol Toxicology Laboratory for testing, and the lab reported finding the restricted and highly toxic insecticide Methomyl.

Smith was charged with first-degree murder and first-degree assault, but she fled to her native Thailand before she could be arrested, according to the Marshals Service.

Lanier, of the Marshals Service, said Smith may have been going to England to avoid capture.

"It is unknown why Smith was traveling to England, but within the past few months we have come very close to apprehending Smith in Thailand, and she may have been attempting to flee Thailand in order to avoid apprehension on this charge," he said.

- Seattle Times / 2008-12-06

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I happen to know this woman, it's the *current* girlfriend of a french man that I know. He went to Thailand and came back with her years ago (like in early 2007). He is a very nice guy, and he (and I) doesn't know at all what was her (real) past.

She was living with him in France in a city near Switzerland border. I was not expecting this at all, it was a surprise to heard from him that she was arrested while she was on a trip to japan (and she had a stop in UK). That's why I looked for information about her and find out this forum and the Interpol wanted page.

I won't give any more details because obviously my friend will be contacted by the police and he will tell everything he knows and you might heard those information from the press but it's strange to meet someone and then learning those kind of stuff... I'm just telling because like you , I expect the truth to arise !

Wow, that's amazing. Thanks for sharing. I'm amazed that she was able to travel around so freely without being caught. Guess not all immigration computer systems are linked up to Interpol somehow. Good that justice caught up with her.

SJ, I'm also amazed that you are able to keep abreast of these stories. You must search all the time for updates and have them all archived on your computer or something.

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SJ, I'm also amazed that you are able to keep abreast of these stories. You must search all the time for updates and have them all archived on your computer or something.

Actually, it's the other way around with news sources sending any updates to past stories to me. The Web is great for that.

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SJ, I'm also amazed that you are able to keep abreast of these stories. You must search all the time for updates and have them all archived on your computer or something.

Actually, it's the other way around with news sources sending any updates to past stories to me. The Web is great for that.

aka 'Google alerts'

Go to the Google home page, click on 'more' at the top left - then 'even more'....

then click on 'alert' and input your search term eg "Thaksin's a stinker' and the frequency that you want to receive feeds into your email box.

Bingo - you're a web editor, then its just copy / paste and you're in business.

Edited by Journalist
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Taking into consideration the poor quality of the photos, I think she would be attractive enough in person...

...other than that black heart that we all know about now.

One of the best lines ever from the movie Casino , from De Niro to Sharon Stone : " Once a fuc_king hooker , always a hooker" . Never ever get romantically involved with a hooker.

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Is the fact that she was (possibly) once so desperate for money that she (possibly) took to prostitution, relevant in any way?

Not all prostitutes are murderers, and not all murderers are prostitutes...

<-- warfie dons flame proof suit -->

[reason for edit: couldn't find reliable reference to the suspects (possible) involvement in prostitution]

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