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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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As GOP turns it back, Trump looks to unlikely speakers for convention help

"Donald Trump is turning to his family, sports figures and business leaders to fill speaking slots at the Republican National Convention later this month,

as scores of prominent Republican leaders continue to refuse to line up behind their controversial nominee-to-be." cheesy.gif

"Trump announced Friday that his wife and children "are all going to be speaking" at the nominating convention that kicks off in just over two weeks."
"And the real estate mogul has also promised to add sports figures and other non-politicians who are supporting him to the roster of convention speakers,
which would set the 2016 convention apart from past conventions packed with politicians."
It's been reported the Bloviator is wooing convicted Rapist Mike Tyson who was also convicted on two counts of Criminal Deviate conduct. facepalm.gif
Nice company at a U.S. Republican Presidential Convention.
He's already asked Mike Ditka who said, no thanks. laugh.png
The Clown Train continues it's dive into the depths of absurdity...
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Refreshing..isn't it?

You mean we don't have to listen to many politicians?

Thank goodness

Sure thing, dude.

I may need some surgery.

Who needs doctors?

I'll just have some baht bus driver cut me open.

How refreshing!

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Case 1:16-cv-04642 Document 1 Filed 06/20/16




JANE DOE, proceeding under a pseudonym,






Case No.:








See full Court Document here:


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Refreshing..isn't it?

You mean we don't have to listen to many politicians?

Thank goodness

Sure thing, dude.

I may need some surgery.

Who needs doctors?

I'll just have some baht bus driver cut me open.

How refreshing!


Coming from a boring Hillary lecture? Ears hurt? Need a doctor? What?

Meanwhile..an announcement from your goddess, Hillary.

Your post makes so little sense that I bet you got one of those contact highs.


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^^^ @Post 4120

Here's two posts that make no sense: laugh.png

Post 4109:

These are allegations...only....from 1994, on a wealthy guy.

You have proven nothing...so deserve no thanks.

Where is the court case...charges...etc.

utter garbage.

Post 4112:

Believe me...I read it....

total garbage. I am shocked at your lack of comprehension.

This was submitted by a Jane Doe....for political purposes. There is no substance to it. 1994.

Watch and learn

( slipperylobster )

Pure uninformed drivel. thumbsup.gif

P.S. See Post 4119

Dunning Kruger.

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As GOP turns it back, Trump looks to unlikely speakers for convention help

"Donald Trump is turning to his family, sports figures and business leaders to fill speaking slots at the Republican National Convention later this month,

as scores of prominent Republican leaders continue to refuse to line up behind their controversial nominee-to-be." cheesy.gif

"Trump announced Friday that his wife and children "are all going to be speaking" at the nominating convention that kicks off in just over two weeks."
"And the real estate mogul has also promised to add sports figures and other non-politicians who are supporting him to the roster of convention speakers,
which would set the 2016 convention apart from past conventions packed with politicians."
It's been reported the Bloviator is wooing convicted Rapist Mike Tyson who was also convicted on two counts of Criminal Deviate conduct. facepalm.gif
Nice company at a U.S. Republican Presidential Convention.
He's already asked Mike Ditka who said, no thanks. laugh.png
The Clown Train continues it's dive into the depths of absurdity...

I can picture it now: With lots of blaring rock & roll (used w/o permission) accompanying the stroll up to the lecturn, Trump's well-coffed children will address the choir cultists fans to share things like;

"My dad is nice. He's always good and never does anything bad. He loves everybody and everyone loves him."

Then one by one, some sports icons will take the stage: "Donald showed up for a game I played in. He supported me, so I support him. "

Seriously though, folks, GOP leaders are crapping themselves hourly, not know what to do about the person most Republicans voted for. 'Down ballot' candidates (congresspeople and governors, etc) were the choice for big money GOP fat cats to invest in. Now, even down-ballot candidates may not get big funding, because the Trumpster's numbers are sinking so low, that investors see the down-balloters have scant chance to win. Most GOP fat cats either won't open their wallets, or will contribute to HRC's campaign, knowing she's the lesser of evils.

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Hardly anybody wants to speak at Trump's convention

POLITICO reached out to more than 50 prominent Republicans. Few said they plan to attend the convention in Cleveland, let alone speak.

"A slot at the Republican National Convention used to be a career-maker —

a chance to make your name on the big stage and to catch the eye of the Republican donors and activists who make or break campaigns."

"With the convention less than a month away, POLITICO contacted more than 50 prominent governors, senators and House members to gauge their interest in speaking."

"Only a few said they were open to it, and everyone else said they weren’t planning on it, didn’t want to or weren’t going to Cleveland at all — or simply didn’t respond." laugh.png


The Great "Unifier". facepalm.gif

Wise move.

Who would want the indelible toxic stain of the Bloviator on their career anyway?

You apparently don't understand that the reason Trump is under such concerted attack is that most politicians are threatened by having someone outside the "club" in charge, and that includes politicians from both sides of the trough. They probably want a bought and sold member of the "politicians first, the voters ( suckers ) last" club so that they can continue to make hay before the voters finally realise what a crock the whole rotten system has become and clean house. It's why Trump and Bernie are so popular among the voters as opposed to the 1% and politicians.

Being unpopular with politicians means that Trump represents a threat to them and their lifestyle, ergo a good thing for the common man.

Silly conspiracy theory.

The republicans are bailing on Trump because he is an embarrassment. He is taking them out as collateral damage.

They DESERVE to be taken out, the whole stinking pile of them. Look at the farce when the Dems occupied the floor. They were in it to score brownie points for the next election, not to actually do anything about guns. That bill had already been rejected by the Senate. There are even some that will vote against Kate's law.

I certainly hope it is too late to stop the Trump machine. Now the Bern is gone, Trump is the only one that can stop HRC.

BTW, if HRC is indicted by the Feds, does the Bern become the Dems candidate? That would be a win win scenario.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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All good, we can look forward to the 'Winner's Speeches" at Trump's convention, such as Mike Tyson, convicted (winner) rapist and inventor of the English language. Anyone want to bet me during his speech, he invents a new word?

No, make no mistake Trump and followers are either the con men or the conned. The conned.(?)...dumb as dog&hit.

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All good, we can look forward to the 'Winner's Speeches" at Trump's convention, such as Mike Tyson, convicted (winner) rapist and inventor of the English language. Anyone want to bet me during his speech, he invents a new word?

No, make no mistake Trump and followers are either the con men or the conned. The conned.(?)...dumb as dog&hit.

There seem to be lots of posters that thinking smearing Trump will somehow make the voters turn to HRC. News flash, a vote for HRC is for business as usual, so let's wait and see how many voters want a continuation of high unemployment, millions on foodstamps, corruption in the big house, loss of jobs to other countries, the continuing enrichment of the 1%, continuing illegal immigration, stagnant incomes, increasing gun violence and a higher murder rate, poor education, more Islamic terrorism in the US, etc etc etc.

Trump might fail on those issues, but he might not, while with HRC they WILL continue.

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All good, we can look forward to the 'Winner's Speeches" at Trump's convention, such as Mike Tyson, convicted (winner) rapist and inventor of the English language. Anyone want to bet me during his speech, he invents a new word?

No, make no mistake Trump and followers are either the con men or the conned. The conned.(?)...dumb as dog&hit.

There seem to be lots of posters that thinking smearing Trump will somehow make the voters turn to HRC. News flash, a vote for HRC is for business as usual, so let's wait and see how many voters want a continuation of high unemployment, millions on foodstamps, corruption in the big house, loss of jobs to other countries, the continuing enrichment of the 1%, continuing illegal immigration, stagnant incomes, increasing gun violence and a higher murder rate, poor education, more Islamic terrorism in the US, etc etc etc.

Trump might fail on those issues, but he might not, while with HRC they WILL continue.

And when he deregulates the banking and financial industries so they can start making huge and risky investments, we can all say, he made a change... for the worse. And he's going to slash taxes on the wealthy most of all because that has worked so well in the past. And he's going to appoint right wing judges who typically favor corporations at the expense of workers.And remember that Clinton is promoting an increase in the Federal minimum wage, a move which is supported by a huge majority of voters. Not by Trump or most Republican legislators, though. Trump is offering classic right wing stands on most issues. On trade, where he differs.he says he's going to change things by out-negotiating the Chinese and others. On immigration he's going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Really? Well, I think the slogan that you and people who think like you should adopt is Trump is Magic!

But the fact is, for all the talk about how Trump is going to change things, you support him because he's an extremely right-wing candidate. The one candidate who genuinely did threaten the status quo was Sanders. Didn't see much support for him from people who tend to share your views.

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All good, we can look forward to the 'Winner's Speeches" at Trump's convention, such as Mike Tyson, convicted (winner) rapist and inventor of the English language. Anyone want to bet me during his speech, he invents a new word?

No, make no mistake Trump and followers are either the con men or the conned. The conned.(?)...dumb as dog&hit.

There seem to be lots of posters that thinking smearing Trump will somehow make the voters turn to HRC. News flash, a vote for HRC is for business as usual, so let's wait and see how many voters want a continuation of high unemployment, millions on foodstamps, corruption in the big house, loss of jobs to other countries, the continuing enrichment of the 1%, continuing illegal immigration, stagnant incomes, increasing gun violence and a higher murder rate, poor education, more Islamic terrorism in the US, etc etc etc.

Trump might fail on those issues, but he might not, while with HRC they WILL continue.

And when he deregulates the banking and financial industries so they can start making huge and risky investments, we can all say, he made a change... for the worse. And he's going to slash taxes on the wealthy most of all because that has worked so well in the past. And he's going to appoint right wing judges who typically favor corporations at the expense of workers.And remember that Clinton is promoting an increase in the Federal minimum wage, a move which is supported by a huge majority of voters. Not by Trump or most Republican legislators, though. Trump is offering classic right wing stands on most issues. On trade, where he differs.he says he's going to change things by out-negotiating the Chinese and others. On immigration he's going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Really? Well, I think the slogan that you and people who think like you should adopt is Trump is Magic!

But the fact is, for all the talk about how Trump is going to change things, you support him because he's an extremely right-wing candidate. The one candidate who genuinely did threaten the status quo was Sanders. Didn't see much support for him from people who tend to share your views.

YOU have no idea why I support Trump.

Obviously you have read ZERO of my previous posts in which I point out I'd vote for a rock instead of Clinton. I support Trump for the entertainment value of seeing him get all those politicians riled up. Further, as I have previously pointed out, I'm a socialist, but the Bern never had a chance against the Clinton machine.

BTW Trump is as much a right winger as HRC is a Socialist.

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....News flash, a vote for HRC is for business as usual, ......

Even if that were true, which it's not, I would much rather have biz as usual than a smoldering Trumpster fire.

There are a slew of ugly accusations coming out about Trump. Some are allegations (such as court filings about 4 sexual encounters with 14 yr. old, including rape), whereas others are factually based on things he's said and done publicly. The guy is a walking talking trash fire. On a related note, here's a comparison of recent handlings of money by respective state governments:

If California was a country, it would be the world's 6th largest & most robust economy. When the smoke starts to clear from UK's Brexit, CA may jump to 5th. Yet, up until a few years ago, CA suffered back to back Republican administrations (one was the Terminator). Both nearly bankrupted the state with their 'lower-taxes-for-rich' trickle-down crap. Now, with a Democrat (Brown) in charge, the state is showing surpluses in the billions of $$'s.

In contrast, little Kansas had, a few years ago, a strong surplus and things were humming along rather well. Then a Republican gov (Sam Brownback) decided to implement a Republican-style economic policy. Within a short time, Kansas was in serious debt, not able to pay for libraries, Head Start, and other basic services. It had to auction off sex toys to try to gain some revenue (I just not).

Republican's 2 love children, trickle-down economics + lower taxes for rich, have never worked and never will. Communities need tax revenue and jobs. Republican economic plans kill both. Trump will do even worse than what happened in Kansas, but for the whole country, and it will have destructive ripples worldwide. He's also hinted at lessening the trustworthiness of US T bonds ("I'm great with debt" "I'll renegotiate."). That's an added tsunami waiting to happen if Trump gets in the driver's seat.

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After reading all this krap about rape charges etc...

I waited until today, and did some more online research...but guess what?

krap...garbage...nonsense posts. Show the meat and potatoes. This should be headline news...

facepalm.gif intelligence factor of your tin foil hillary hat crew is near zero. lol

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Trump: I was asked to speak on all 3 convention nights

"As organizers scramble to find Republicans willing to speak at the party’s convention later this month in Cleveland,

Donald Trump said in an interview published Friday that even he rejected a request to speak on each night of the festivities."

“What they’ve asked me to do is to speak all three nights. I turned it down,” Trump told the New York Times,

explaining his worry that it would make him seem egocentric." laugh.png

"He did not say who had asked him." whistling.gif


"They've asked me"? Who would that be Donnie?

More unsubstantiated Bloviating...

Who would want to listen to this guy for 3 straight nights? facepalm.gif Absolutely agonizing.

After the first 10 minutes you would have heard all of his bigoted, misogynist, racist, isolationist, irrational "policies" anyway.

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Donald Trump tries to woo Colorado Republicans – with 'icon' Sarah Palin

Palin filled empty time and hit all the Tea Party high notes at a rally, but just how much she helps a GOP nominee struggling to broaden his reach is up for debate

"Donald Trump had a tough job in Colorado on Friday. With Sarah Palin as his opening act, he needed to woo a gathering of deeply conservative voters,

in this critical swing state and make nice after offending the entire political establishment during the primary season."

"He also needed to appeal to the broader general election audience as the political conventions near – and sound like a man who could actually be president."

"And he had to accomplish it all during his first campaign visit to the Centennial State – ever – in a cavernous ballroom where empty seats were in the obvious majority." thumbsup.gif


What a grand train wreck it would be if the Bloviator has this clown driving at the convention:

Paul Revere warned the British?clap2.gif cheesy.gif

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Meanwhile...back in Reality.

Hillary had some visitors over for tea and crumpets.....all men in black suits.

Things are just moving along fine...right?


Hillary and Bill are just social animals..eh? Discussing their upcoming trial, and begging for leniency.

Being the fair man that I am...I would suggest that Hillary just drop out...no need to do jail....

Just slip out the back door and disappear.....

This investigation is just getting bigger and bigger....with billy stirring the krap pot.

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Meanwhile...back in Reality.

Hillary had some visitors over for tea and crumpets.....all men in black suits.

Things are just moving along fine...right?


She attended voluntarily. They didn't visit her. She visited them. Yes, it is unusual for a next president apparent, but you know and I know she will not be indicted. So again, bring on Madame President.

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Meanwhile...back in Reality.

Hillary had some visitors over for tea and crumpets.....all men in black suits.

Things are just moving along fine...right?


She attended voluntarily. They didn't visit her. She visited them. Yes, it is unusual for a next president apparent, but you know and I know she will not be indicted. So again, bring on Madame President.

dude...wake up.

When we say "had somebody over for tea and crumpets"....yes..they were invited. Very wise to do so.

That is her home they went to.

It is called a "visit", whether they were invited or not.

The alternative would be dragging her out in cuffs and sit her in a chair at FBI HQ.

I am doing you a service. Lets just call it a "visit"

ok? wink.png

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^^^ @Post 4133


The lobster is on the wrong thread.

His speculations have nothing to do with this one.

Reality. thumbsup.gif

You mean criminal investigations being conducted on Trump's competition have nothing to do with increasing/decreasing the chances of stopping the Donald Trump Machine?

Well..that is certainly a crazy opinion.

Dude....it has everything to do with the Presidential race. It certainly does make Trump look unstoppable.


oh...the irony....the...the...horror...

you people are mighty defensive lately.

I do like your message @jing...lol. I think we have private message capability. TV is high tech...don't you know?

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Meanwhile...back in Reality.

Hillary had some visitors over for tea and crumpets.....all men in black suits.

Things are just moving along fine...right?


She attended voluntarily. They didn't visit her. She visited them. Yes, it is unusual for a next president apparent, but you know and I know she will not be indicted. So again, bring on Madame President.

Yes, voluntarily. I suppose she could have simply refused to be interviewed, right?

Trump is a clown for sure. He SAYS God-awful things all the time.

Hillary is a crook for sure. She DOES illegal and unethical things all the time.

America deserves better than those two...

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Meanwhile...back in Reality.

Hillary had some visitors over for tea and crumpets.....all men in black suits.

Things are just moving along fine...right?


She attended voluntarily. They didn't visit her. She visited them. Yes, it is unusual for a next president apparent, but you know and I know she will not be indicted. So again, bring on Madame President.

Yes, voluntarily. I suppose she could have simply refused to be interviewed, right?

Trump is a clown for sure. He SAYS God-awful things all the time.

Hillary is a crook for sure. She DOES illegal and unethical things all the time.

America deserves better than those two...

well..being the fair man that I am.... I would happily give these guys a chance.

Might be a good idea if there are no other options.

But. pleeeeease.... NoHillary !

Let her slide out the back door, gracefully. Deal with Trump later...he poses no threat.

(according to the majority of naysayers here on this thread)

I wonder why everyone here is so defensive and worried?

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All good, we can look forward to the 'Winner's Speeches" at Trump's convention, such as Mike Tyson, convicted (winner) rapist and inventor of the English language. Anyone want to bet me during his speech, he invents a new word?

No, make no mistake Trump and followers are either the con men or the conned. The conned.(?)...dumb as dog&hit.

There seem to be lots of posters that thinking smearing Trump will somehow make the voters turn to HRC. News flash, a vote for HRC is for business as usual, so let's wait and see how many voters want a continuation of high unemployment, millions on foodstamps, corruption in the big house, loss of jobs to other countries, the continuing enrichment of the 1%, continuing illegal immigration, stagnant incomes, increasing gun violence and a higher murder rate, poor education, more Islamic terrorism in the US, etc etc etc.

Trump might fail on those issues, but he might not, while with HRC they WILL continue.

And when he deregulates the banking and financial industries so they can start making huge and risky investments, we can all say, he made a change... for the worse. And he's going to slash taxes on the wealthy most of all because that has worked so well in the past. And he's going to appoint right wing judges who typically favor corporations at the expense of workers.And remember that Clinton is promoting an increase in the Federal minimum wage, a move which is supported by a huge majority of voters. Not by Trump or most Republican legislators, though. Trump is offering classic right wing stands on most issues. On trade, where he differs.he says he's going to change things by out-negotiating the Chinese and others. On immigration he's going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Really? Well, I think the slogan that you and people who think like you should adopt is Trump is Magic!

But the fact is, for all the talk about how Trump is going to change things, you support him because he's an extremely right-wing candidate. The one candidate who genuinely did threaten the status quo was Sanders. Didn't see much support for him from people who tend to share your views.

YOU have no idea why I support Trump.

Obviously you have read ZERO of my previous posts in which I point out I'd vote for a rock instead of Clinton. I support Trump for the entertainment value of seeing him get all those politicians riled up. Further, as I have previously pointed out, I'm a socialist, but the Bern never had a chance against the Clinton machine.

BTW Trump is as much a right winger as HRC is a Socialist.

So your reason is that he's going to get politicians riled up? And you as a socialist don't care that he's going to make the rich even richer and more powerful? So that they can have even more control over government? That he's going to deregulate banks so that they can bring on another financial crisis? That he's going to appoint judges who will make favor corporations over workers? And will make it possible to outlaw abortions? That he's going to get rid of consumer protections? If you're a socialist, then that word must have a whole different meaning than it does for most of us.

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More staffers leave Donald Trump's campaign

"It sounds like more turmoil on the Donald Trump presidential campaign."

"More officials departed the Trump team this week even as the campaign continues to try and staff up for a general election campaign against Hillary Clinton."

"Kevin Kellems and Erica Freeman, both of whom dealt with surrogates who spoke on behalf of Trump, resigned from the campaign in recent days."


Bailing from the sinking ship. thumbsup.gif

Described as chaotic, dysfunctional and commotion. laugh.pngclap2.gif

Downward Spiral.

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