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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Cruz has Carly Fiorina now. Trump has just come off of a massive win and I don't think Cruz is in a favorable position showing his VP cards first.

Yes. I don't recall ever seeing a guy who has been mathematically eliminated announcing his VP pick.

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Chris Christie standing behind the Donald during the post NY primaries speech was hilarious.

The look on that guy's face is somewhere between "geez, I think I have to fart, I wonder if anyone will notice" and "I wonder if I can still make the late innings at Yankee stadium, hot dog extra mustard".

Spray tan dude and the goof, "Hey Boo-Boo I think there is a picnic basket".

Trump probably promised Christie a carton of Orios and a hug from Melania, if Christie would stand behind him for several minutes. As for Carson, all he'd need is an air mattress to lie down on with an herb pillow. Enjoy your new incarnations as Trump's lap dogs, fellows.

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Chris Christie standing behind the Donald during the post NY primaries speech was hilarious.

The look on that guy's face is somewhere between "geez, I think I have to fart, I wonder if anyone will notice" and "I wonder if I can still make the late innings at Yankee stadium, hot dog extra mustard".

Spray tan dude and the goof, "Hey Boo-Boo I think there is a picnic basket".

Trump probably promised Christie a carton of Orios and a hug from Melania, if Christie would stand behind him for several minutes. As for Carson, all he'd need is an air mattress to lie down on with an herb pillow. Enjoy your new incarnations as Trump's lap dogs, fellows.

..........and now all over the internet, twitter and the news is fat boys wife rolling her eyes at Trump as he makes disparaging remarks about Secretary Clinton being a women. Deeper grave for Trump among the female voters.

Anyway, Cruz just announced Fiorina as his running mate, have to think they've already got the path through the convention sealed up.

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still more entertaining than the robotic, nails on the blackboard, welling up with faux passion & emotion delivery exhibited last night in Philly by Clinton

You must have been sporting welding goggles while sitting on nails, if you watched HRC's speech and didn't see it as inspiring. She was also gracious toward Sanders. Hillary, despite some possible faults, is inclusive, inspiring, knowledgeable, smart, refined, .......all things Trump isn't. I watched Trump's speech also, and half of it was semi-mumbling/rambling on about delegate numbers. He's sounded as presidential as the NFL linebacker who is helped off the field after a head-butt injury, "yea, we're gonna win. Go team. The other guys are losers. We got more points. hey doc, you got somethin' stronger than aspririn? Go Steelers!"

"Hillary, despite some possible faults, is inclusive, inspiring, knowledgeable, smart, refined..."

Possible faults??? cheesy.gif

The woman is under investigation by five, count 'em, five federal agencies for possible misconduct.

She has a 30 year history of deceit, cover-ups and possible fraud and criminal activities and this is the best the Democrats can come up with?

Put down that Kool Aid container and smell the real Hillary. It won't be roses you are smelling

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still more entertaining than the robotic, nails on the blackboard, welling up with faux passion & emotion delivery exhibited last night in Philly by Clinton

You must have been sporting welding goggles while sitting on nails, if you watched HRC's speech and didn't see it as inspiring. She was also gracious toward Sanders. Hillary, despite some possible faults, is inclusive, inspiring, knowledgeable, smart, refined, .......all things Trump isn't. I watched Trump's speech also, and half of it was semi-mumbling/rambling on about delegate numbers. He's sounded as presidential as the NFL linebacker who is helped off the field after a head-butt injury, "yea, we're gonna win. Go team. The other guys are losers. We got more points. hey doc, you got somethin' stronger than aspririn? Go Steelers!"

"Hillary, despite some possible faults, is inclusive, inspiring, knowledgeable, smart, refined..."

Possible faults??? cheesy.gif

The woman is under investigation by five, count 'em, five federal agencies for possible misconduct.

She has a 30 year history of deceit, cover-ups and possible fraud and criminal activities and this is the best the Democrats can come up with?

Put down that Kool Aid container and smell the real Hillary. It won't be roses you are smelling

well after all the presidents since ike and their illegal activities, she'll be in good company as a president then

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still more entertaining than the robotic, nails on the blackboard, welling up with faux passion & emotion delivery exhibited last night in Philly by Clinton

You must have been sporting welding goggles while sitting on nails, if you watched HRC's speech and didn't see it as inspiring. She was also gracious toward Sanders. Hillary, despite some possible faults, is inclusive, inspiring, knowledgeable, smart, refined, .......all things Trump isn't. I watched Trump's speech also, and half of it was semi-mumbling/rambling on about delegate numbers. He's sounded as presidential as the NFL linebacker who is helped off the field after a head-butt injury, "yea, we're gonna win. Go team. The other guys are losers. We got more points. hey doc, you got somethin' stronger than aspririn? Go Steelers!"

"Hillary, despite some possible faults, is inclusive, inspiring, knowledgeable, smart, refined..."

Possible faults??? cheesy.gif

The woman is under investigation by five, count 'em, five federal agencies for possible misconduct.

She has a 30 year history of deceit, cover-ups and possible fraud and criminal activities and this is the best the Democrats can come up with?

Put down that Kool Aid container and smell the real Hillary. It won't be roses you are smelling

Trump might possibly have defrauded many with his Trump University boondoggle.

Trump might possibly have done business with mobsters in his Atlantic City ventures.

Trump might possibly have used bankruptcy laws to line his own pockets with his "flailing casinos".

Trump might possibly be the most incompetent candidate ever to run, which falls in line with the last GOP President the most incompetent in the history of the U.S.

No quite possibly if there was anything on Hilary indictments would've been brought long ago. They have zilch.

Anyway, after Bush and Cheney started wars on false pretenses then gave Haliburton no-bid contracts on those wars, that they are walking around free men makes Hilary a nun in comparison. Grasping at straws with this criminality B.S. Desperation time.

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I listened to Hillary's recent speech. She's got a lot of support despite the endless shovelfulls of mud being slung at her. The mud isn't sticking. In fact it's getting slung further off target. Hillary speaks her mind. Trump speaks like a salesman (and a crude uninformed one at that). Even his own handlers tell GOP elders in private, "disregard what Trump says in his speeches. That's not what he'd really do. If he gets elected, he'll be different."

So my message to Trump supporters (sorry it's not what you want to hear): What you see and hear at Trump stump speeches is not the real Trump. Even people close to him say that. He's a complete fabrication of what he thinks most people want to hear. The scary part is, the REAL TRUMP could be more of a xenophobic hot head. Who really knows? Does Trump himself know? He flip flops so often that even he doesn't know what he really thinks. Add that to being uninformed on issues, not knowing how government functions, quick-to-get offended, vindictive, quick-to-anger, always ready to name-call, .......and you've got a bad choice for Commander in Chief.

Trump's new catch phrase: Screw America, You're Stuck With Me, Suckers!

Edited by boomerangutang
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I listened to Hillary's recent speech. She's got a lot of support despite the endless shovelfulls of mud being slung at her. The mud isn't sticking. In fact it's getting slung further off target. Hillary speaks her mind. Trump speaks like a salesman (and a crude uninformed one at that). Even his own handlers tell GOP elders in private, "disregard what Trump says in his speeches. That's not what he'd really do. If he gets elected, he'll be different."

So my message to Trump supporters (sorry it's not what you want to hear): What you see and hear at Trump stump speeches is not the real Trump. Even people close to him say that. He's a complete fabrication of what he thinks most people want to hear. The scary part is, the REAL TRUMP could be more of a xenophobic hot head. Who really knows? Does Trump himself know? He flip flops so often that even he doesn't know what he really thinks. Add that to being uninformed on issues, not knowing how government functions, quick-to-get offended, vindictive, quick-to-anger, always ready to name-call, .......and you've got a bad choice for Commander in Chief.

Trump's new catch phrase: Screw America, You're Stuck With Me, Suckers!

So what's not to like? He would fit in well on this forum.

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Quite amazing the amount of posters here that think this WON'T be the case. At this point I'm calling troll on a number of them.

Who in their right mind would vote Republican? -snip-

Not vote Republican, vote to:


5. Get some control of the crazy debt and deficits. There's massive waste and fraud.

All over America there are empty and deteriorating factories and the neighborhoods they supported are deteriorating. They used to provide good jobs and can do it again. Even truck drivers and cab drivers who used to shuttle to those places understand what's happened.

Democrats understand what's happened. Women and minorities understand it.

Hillary is toast. She a huge part of the problem - a woman who's lived of the government and Wall Street all her life. Wait until she gets the wrath of Trump.


Do you even know that Trump has proposed a massive tax cut that hugely favors the wealthy?

"Donald Trump’s tax plan would cut federal revenue by $9.5 trillion over a decade and boost the after-tax incomes of the wealthiest households by an average of more than $1.3 million a year, according to an analysis released Tuesday."

"The gains are highly concentrated among the highest-income households, which would get a bigger percentage of the tax cuts than the share of taxes they pay now."


Definitely a champion of the working wan.

Do you even know that the wealthy already overwhelmingly "pay" (robbed) more than any other "group"? I bet you didn't.

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I listened to both victory speeches this morning. Very different.

Hillary was talking on many topics, sounding compassionate and presidential. Inclusive. Inspirational.

Trump was almost mumbling - completely uninspiring. Talking about numbers. Exclusive, in the sense of marginalizing groups of people.

I already knew HRC would win the general election. Now it's looking like it will be a landslide.

By August 1st when each party national convention will have concluded, the evidence will begin to reveal a Democratic party national wave election year. The elements and the components of it are already in place. Now all that's needed is for Republicans to feed and water them, just as they have begun doing.

As in 1964, when Republicans were blown out of office across and throughout the country by Sen Goldwatere's smashing defeat, Donald Trump will in fact lead the Republican party to oblivion, probably its disintegration.

Turn Washington Blue right through to the Supreme Court. And for some time to come.

The primaries do catch voters' attention at about this time. We see the polling and it is the worst news imaginable for the Republican party. The next time voters will take a close look at the Potus election campaign is during and immediately after the national conventions, which are held in July.

By August Republicans will be deeper into the hole than ever. Voters will do their final take after the three debates between the two nominees, i.e., late in October. The weekend before the Tuesday November (8th) election, voters tie a ribbon on their decision. It's the ritual.


The Democratic party now is trying to do last minute recruiting of its best candidates in numerous US House districts that had previously been regarded as safe Republican but are now on the chopping block. The D party is presently running against the clock in this respect only because it now appears a number of their not the best candidate will win anyway in a number of districts.

Rant as much as you like about the Donald, but the Dems. biggest liability will be HRC. Once she is in the actual race, all her dirty laundry is going to come out, and also, she is uncharismatic and, IMO, just unlikeable. The only reason she has been elected previously, IMO, is because she is married to Bill.

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Chris Christie standing behind the Donald during the post NY primaries speech was hilarious.

The look on that guy's face is somewhere between "geez, I think I have to fart, I wonder if anyone will notice" and "I wonder if I can still make the late innings at Yankee stadium, hot dog extra mustard".

Spray tan dude and the goof, "Hey Boo-Boo I think there is a picnic basket".

Trump probably promised Christie a carton of Orios and a hug from Melania, if Christie would stand behind him for several minutes. As for Carson, all he'd need is an air mattress to lie down on with an herb pillow. Enjoy your new incarnations as Trump's lap dogs, fellows.

..........and now all over the internet, twitter and the news is fat boys wife rolling her eyes at Trump as he makes disparaging remarks about Secretary Clinton being a women. Deeper grave for Trump among the female voters.

Anyway, Cruz just announced Fiorina as his running mate, have to think they've already got the path through the convention sealed up.

Yup, I saw on the news tonight that loser Cruz has acquired loser Fiorino as a possible VP, except he has just sealed his fate with a defeat if he actually did become the candidate. However, that is unlikely as the GOP boys want loser 10% Kasich as the candidate. Apparently they hate Cruz as much as Trump.

Anyway, either Kasich or Cruz wouldn't have a chance, even if the opponent was a rhesus monkey or a rock.

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still more entertaining than the robotic, nails on the blackboard, welling up with faux passion & emotion delivery exhibited last night in Philly by Clinton

You must have been sporting welding goggles while sitting on nails, if you watched HRC's speech and didn't see it as inspiring. She was also gracious toward Sanders. Hillary, despite some possible faults, is inclusive, inspiring, knowledgeable, smart, refined, .......all things Trump isn't. I watched Trump's speech also, and half of it was semi-mumbling/rambling on about delegate numbers. He's sounded as presidential as the NFL linebacker who is helped off the field after a head-butt injury, "yea, we're gonna win. Go team. The other guys are losers. We got more points. hey doc, you got somethin' stronger than aspririn? Go Steelers!"

"Hillary, despite some possible faults, is inclusive, inspiring, knowledgeable, smart, refined..."

Possible faults??? cheesy.gif

The woman is under investigation by five, count 'em, five federal agencies for possible misconduct.

She has a 30 year history of deceit, cover-ups and possible fraud and criminal activities and this is the best the Democrats can come up with?

Put down that Kool Aid container and smell the real Hillary. It won't be roses you are smelling

......and I was just referring to her oratory skills. She needs to pay hubby to give her speeches for her.

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I listened to both victory speeches this morning. Very different.

Hillary was talking on many topics, sounding compassionate and presidential. Inclusive. Inspirational.

Trump was almost mumbling - completely uninspiring. Talking about numbers. Exclusive, in the sense of marginalizing groups of people.

I already knew HRC would win the general election. Now it's looking like it will be a landslide.

By August 1st when each party national convention will have concluded, the evidence will begin to reveal a Democratic party national wave election year. The elements and the components of it are already in place. Now all that's needed is for Republicans to feed and water them, just as they have begun doing.

As in 1964, when Republicans were blown out of office across and throughout the country by Sen Goldwatere's smashing defeat, Donald Trump will in fact lead the Republican party to oblivion, probably its disintegration.

Turn Washington Blue right through to the Supreme Court. And for some time to come.

The primaries do catch voters' attention at about this time. We see the polling and it is the worst news imaginable for the Republican party. The next time voters will take a close look at the Potus election campaign is during and immediately after the national conventions, which are held in July.

By August Republicans will be deeper into the hole than ever. Voters will do their final take after the three debates between the two nominees, i.e., late in October. The weekend before the Tuesday November (8th) election, voters tie a ribbon on their decision. It's the ritual.


The Democratic party now is trying to do last minute recruiting of its best candidates in numerous US House districts that had previously been regarded as safe Republican but are now on the chopping block. The D party is presently running against the clock in this respect only because it now appears a number of their not the best candidate will win anyway in a number of districts.

Rant as much as you like about the Donald, but the Dems. biggest liability will be HRC. Once she is in the actual race, all her dirty laundry is going to come out, and also, she is uncharismatic and, IMO, just unlikeable. The only reason she has been elected previously, IMO, is because she is married to Bill.

Rant as much as you like

If I get to a rant you'd know it. No one on this side has any reason to rant in this election. Trump is our 2016 Christmas gift and New Year party attached to election day November 8th with Thanksgiving Day in between. Toasts only over on this side. So cheers.

Trump's basic and fundamental problem is that Trump is not middle class America. He can draw from the lower middle class, but Donald Trump does not attract the mass of the middle middle class. Trump is even weaker with the upper middle class. Trump attracts the nutters on the fringe who have one-line solutions to everything.

Suburban married Republican women cannot support either Trump or Cruz. That is decided already. Trump is down with too many voters across the board, and once someone is down in that way there's no getting up in esteem, either again or for the first time. Once you're down, you are down...and out (come November).

Trump had always sounded to me like the drunk C.P.A. at the bar at 1 a.m. ranting about the state of affairs in the society. The difference between that guy and Donald Trump is that next morning the CPA has a clear head again. Trump in contrast always sounds the same.

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I'll worry about the general election later. The real show this summer will be the GOP Convention

Depends on if Trump has 1237 or close or not. I don't think much drama if he's first ballot.

lol....Rules are meant to be broken....changed.

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What choice will they have?

Cruz is a nauseating creep.

Kasich can't win anything.

Pick outside the runnners and there will be riots.

They'll be stuck putting up the orange CLOWN.

Don't ask me. Maybe they will hire Steven Spielberg to create a great plot that makes them look heroic in the end. Maybe they frame Trump for murder or the JFK assassination (since nothing else seems to stick to him). Maybe they will choose another orange mnan and convince Boehner to come out of retirement. laugh.png .

....and nobody is going to riot regardless.

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Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Donald Trump's image among U.S. women tilts strongly negative, with 70% of women holding an unfavorable opinion and 23% a favorable opinion,

of the Republican front-runner in March.

Trump's unfavorable rating among women has been high since Gallup began tracking it last July, but after rising slightly last fall, it has increased even further since January.


Trump: Women like me because I'll protect them from terrorists cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

“You know, I have so many women that really want to have protection from the standpoint — and they like me for that reason,” Trump said before suggesting he gets bad press regarding women.

“But there is nobody that respects women more than me, and I notice a lot of women are saying that…,” he said, trailing off into another point.” clap2.gif


Edited by iReason
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I listened to both victory speeches this morning. Very different.

Hillary was talking on many topics, sounding compassionate and presidential. Inclusive. Inspirational.

Trump was almost mumbling - completely uninspiring. Talking about numbers. Exclusive, in the sense of marginalizing groups of people.

I already knew HRC would win the general election. Now it's looking like it will be a landslide.

By August 1st when each party national convention will have concluded, the evidence will begin to reveal a Democratic party national wave election year. The elements and the components of it are already in place. Now all that's needed is for Republicans to feed and water them, just as they have begun doing.

As in 1964, when Republicans were blown out of office across and throughout the country by Sen Goldwatere's smashing defeat, Donald Trump will in fact lead the Republican party to oblivion, probably its disintegration.

Turn Washington Blue right through to the Supreme Court. And for some time to come.

The primaries do catch voters' attention at about this time. We see the polling and it is the worst news imaginable for the Republican party. The next time voters will take a close look at the Potus election campaign is during and immediately after the national conventions, which are held in July.

By August Republicans will be deeper into the hole than ever. Voters will do their final take after the three debates between the two nominees, i.e., late in October. The weekend before the Tuesday November (8th) election, voters tie a ribbon on their decision. It's the ritual.


The Democratic party now is trying to do last minute recruiting of its best candidates in numerous US House districts that had previously been regarded as safe Republican but are now on the chopping block. The D party is presently running against the clock in this respect only because it now appears a number of their not the best candidate will win anyway in a number of districts.

Rant as much as you like about the Donald, but the Dems. biggest liability will be HRC. Once she is in the actual race, all her dirty laundry is going to come out, and also, she is uncharismatic and, IMO, just unlikeable. The only reason she has been elected previously, IMO, is because she is married to Bill.

Rant as much as you like

If I get to a rant you'd know it. No one on this side has any reason to rant in this election. Trump is our 2016 Christmas gift and New Year party attached to election day November 8th with Thanksgiving Day in between. Toasts only over on this side. So cheers.

Trump's basic and fundamental problem is that Trump is not middle class America. He can draw from the lower middle class, but Donald Trump does not attract the mass of the middle middle class. Trump is even weaker with the upper middle class. Trump attracts the nutters on the fringe who have one-line solutions to everything.

Suburban married Republican women cannot support either Trump or Cruz. That is decided already. Trump is down with too many voters across the board, and once someone is down in that way there's no getting up in esteem, either again or for the first time. Once you're down, you are down...and out (come November).

Trump had always sounded to me like the drunk C.P.A. at the bar at 1 a.m. ranting about the state of affairs in the society. The difference between that guy and Donald Trump is that next morning the CPA has a clear head again. Trump in contrast always sounds the same.

Rant as in general, not specifically to you.

If it comes down to Trump vs HRC, I have no doubt even suburban women ( millions of which already support Trump ) will vote Trump just to keep Obama version 2 out.

I don't know if anti Trumpers on here are just wilfully blind to her shortcomings, or just crossing their fingers and hoping she won't be as bad as Obama. Of course, if one is blind to Obama's shortcomings, one is probably blind to HRCs.

Whatever, I sure the next 5 years will be very entertaining for those of us with nothing invested in the US.

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What choice will they have?

Cruz is a nauseating creep.

Kasich can't win anything.

Pick outside the runnners and there will be riots.

They'll be stuck putting up the orange CLOWN.

Don't ask me. Maybe they will hire Steven Spielberg to create a great plot that makes them look heroic in the end. Maybe they frame Trump for murder or the JFK assassination (since nothing else seems to stick to him). Maybe they will choose another orange mnan and convince Boehner to come out of retirement. laugh.png .

....and nobody is going to riot regardless.

Easy there pardner. If it goes to convention, regardless of how many delegates the Donald has, and Kasich is crowned, I reckon a riot is pretty much guaranteed. If they do that, the delegates will have to go into witness protection and the back room boys better have a helicopter waiting on the roof biggrin.png . Yeee haaaa.

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By August 1st when each party national convention will have concluded, the evidence will begin to reveal a Democratic party national wave election year. The elements and the components of it are already in place. Now all that's needed is for Republicans to feed and water them, just as they have begun doing.

As in 1964, when Republicans were blown out of office across and throughout the country by Sen Goldwatere's smashing defeat, Donald Trump will in fact lead the Republican party to oblivion, probably its disintegration.

Turn Washington Blue right through to the Supreme Court. And for some time to come.

The primaries do catch voters' attention at about this time. We see the polling and it is the worst news imaginable for the Republican party. The next time voters will take a close look at the Potus election campaign is during and immediately after the national conventions, which are held in July.

By August Republicans will be deeper into the hole than ever. Voters will do their final take after the three debates between the two nominees, i.e., late in October. The weekend before the Tuesday November (8th) election, voters tie a ribbon on their decision. It's the ritual.


The Democratic party now is trying to do last minute recruiting of its best candidates in numerous US House districts that had previously been regarded as safe Republican but are now on the chopping block. The D party is presently running against the clock in this respect only because it now appears a number of their not the best candidate will win anyway in a number of districts.

Rant as much as you like about the Donald, but the Dems. biggest liability will be HRC. Once she is in the actual race, all her dirty laundry is going to come out, and also, she is uncharismatic and, IMO, just unlikeable. The only reason she has been elected previously, IMO, is because she is married to Bill.

Rant as much as you like

If I get to a rant you'd know it. No one on this side has any reason to rant in this election. Trump is our 2016 Christmas gift and New Year party attached to election day November 8th with Thanksgiving Day in between. Toasts only over on this side. So cheers.

Trump's basic and fundamental problem is that Trump is not middle class America. He can draw from the lower middle class, but Donald Trump does not attract the mass of the middle middle class. Trump is even weaker with the upper middle class. Trump attracts the nutters on the fringe who have one-line solutions to everything.

Suburban married Republican women cannot support either Trump or Cruz. That is decided already. Trump is down with too many voters across the board, and once someone is down in that way there's no getting up in esteem, either again or for the first time. Once you're down, you are down...and out (come November).

Trump had always sounded to me like the drunk C.P.A. at the bar at 1 a.m. ranting about the state of affairs in the society. The difference between that guy and Donald Trump is that next morning the CPA has a clear head again. Trump in contrast always sounds the same.

Rant as in general, not specifically to you.

If it comes down to Trump vs HRC, I have no doubt even suburban women ( millions of which already support Trump ) will vote Trump just to keep Obama version 2 out.

I don't know if anti Trumpers on here are just wilfully blind to her shortcomings, or just crossing their fingers and hoping she won't be as bad as Obama. Of course, if one is blind to Obama's shortcomings, one is probably blind to HRCs.

Whatever, I sure the next 5 years will be very entertaining for those of us with nothing invested in the US.

Opinion is fine but some analysis would help.

Declaratory pronouncements are common to state a point but they don't provide a basis of anything to analyse, or to assess or to evaluate.

For instance, the historical precedent of the Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater, considered a radical rightwhinger, in which Goldwater and his people seized the R party nomination then got wiped out in the general election is instructive. Goldwater got 38.1% of the (un) popular vote to win six states and 52 Electoral College votes. That was not good y'know. Trump is actually worse than Goldwater so imagine what youse guyz over there on the fringe are going to end up with this time around the horn with this guy Trump.

At least Goldwater was a US Senator (Arizona) and he knew the issues, it's just that he wuz wrong. Trump is a wild blowhard egomaniac ignoramus.

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What choice will they have?

Cruz is a nauseating creep.

Kasich can't win anything.

Pick outside the runnners and there will be riots.

They'll be stuck putting up the orange CLOWN.

Don't ask me. Maybe they will hire Steven Spielberg to create a great plot that makes them look heroic in the end. Maybe they frame Trump for murder or the JFK assassination (since nothing else seems to stick to him). Maybe they will choose another orange mnan and convince Boehner to come out of retirement. laugh.png .

....and nobody is going to riot regardless.

Easy there pardner. If it goes to convention, regardless of how many delegates the Donald has, and Kasich is crowned, I reckon a riot is pretty much guaranteed. If they do that, the delegates will have to go into witness protection and the back room boys better have a helicopter waiting on the roof biggrin.png . Yeee haaaa.

Whatever scam plan they do choreograph, I think they will be more creative than Kasich. With all the $$$$ at their disposal, they should hire a creative team if for no other reason than to keep us entertained.

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Here is a little reality for you Trump haters. Tomorrow, Trump will win five primaries. In case you forgot, those are actual elections where people vote, not a group of insider party bigwigs who select candidates, but real elections. Trump will likely go over 50% in EVERY ONE. That would give him 5-6 consecutive wins over 50%---that is something St. Ted of Calgary has yet to do in ONE SINGLE ACTUAL primary. He didn't even get 50% in his home state, a truly lame performance.

Here is another prediction: Trump will have 1000 delegates by the end of voting tomorrow. Given that WV and NJ and NM are still out there---and he leads big in all three---and that he will get a minimum of 140 delegates in CA, where he leads big, that's the ball game.

Oh, I didn't forget that there are still elections in IN, OR, WA, MT, or NE, only that if my math is right, Trump wouldn't need one delegate from any of them to reach 1237. He will already be close to 1300. However, now that Bobby Knight is campaigning with him, I would guess he takes IN too.

Prediction one: Check.

Prediction two: Wrong, but close. Trump now has 994 delegates. http://www.politico.com/2016-election/results/delegate-count-tracker

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Former House Speaker John Boehner is a retired politician, so he seems to have retired from being politic. He went with radical honesty at a recent event at Stanford, according to the Stanford Daily, when he was asked about his opinion of Republican presidential candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

"Lucifer in the flesh," the former speaker said. "I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life."

Consider: John Boehner was in Congress for 24 years.

source - NPR

Boomer's comment: It's a sad scenario for Republican Party when the top two candidates are reviled by their long-time colleagues. It would be like a First Division League Football team having to choose a captain; between Tiny Tim and Bozo the Clown.

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Donald Trump now has even more ammunition leading into the election. Hillary keeps praising Obama and it came out yesterday that "Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth."


Couple this with all the blue collar people (including many Dems) across the country backing Trump and the slogan for this election could be "It's the Economy Stupid!".

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