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Thailand Only: Three year old twins get married, make amazing recovery from illness


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'Last year, a couple in Chainat arranged for their four year old twins to be married because they believed that if they didn't, the children would die at the hands of evil spirits.'

This sort of nonsense needs to be ridiculed if the country is ever going to get into the 21 st century. It's not cute, not quaint or charming- it's just stupid, backward and primitive and belongs in the past.

Tell you what, why dont you start ridiculing, the stupid, backward primitative organised religions and superstitions in your own country and when you have corrected their behaviours you can start on the Thais ?

Fair deal ?

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Maybe I am too long in Thailand, but I start to believe in this sort of things. I have witnessed comparable events with phenomenal results.

Start living for a while in the countryside and you will change !

It's all about statistics and luck.

If every Thai visa user were to tatoo "I love Thai Visa" on their little finger and just ONE had some good luck (win lottery, recover from a mystery illness) and the story got out, then half the population of Thailand would be queuing up to have the same tatoo.

Then, out of pure statistics, you would hear even more stories of good luck owing to the tatoo. You wouldn't hear the stories of bad luck.

A bit like carrying a doll around with you.

Back to the original topic.

What happens in the future?

Do these twins stay married and have babies? Surely not. There are so many dangers of genetic disorders associated with that.

Edited by petedk
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Well, some people believe.that burning a candle in front of the statue of a tortured dude will give them eternal life of bliss... Why wouldnt kids marriage work? At least it makes for a good party and positive vibes...

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another sign of the 'developed' nation

Black cats, broken mirrors, walking under ladders, Friday the 13th ?

Same same but different ?

I think 3 years olds marrying trumps those very old superstitions that one rarely hears about these days! funny they call it a 'mock marriage' as if the evil spirit's can't tell the difference!

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another sign of the 'developed' nation

Black cats, broken mirrors, walking under ladders, Friday the 13th ?

Same same but different ?

I think 3 years olds marrying trumps those very old superstitions that one rarely hears about these days! funny they call it a 'mock marriage' as if the evil spirit's can't tell the difference!

Yes you think you think.. just as we don't really believe those things about black cats ect some people still do and wont walk under ladders. This is just a mock marriage later they can marry who they want. Cultural superiority pfff. Just like many believe about a guy who was dead coming back to life.. sound even more strange as spirits not knowing the difference. But hey all religion is just an other kind of crazy.

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another sign of the 'developed' nation

Black cats, broken mirrors, walking under ladders, Friday the 13th ?

Same same but different ?

I think 3 years olds marrying trumps those very old superstitions that one rarely hears about these days! funny they call it a 'mock marriage' as if the evil spirit's can't tell the difference!

Yes you think you think.. just as we don't really believe those things about black cats ect some people still do and wont walk under ladders. This is just a mock marriage later they can marry who they want. Cultural superiority pfff. Just like many believe about a guy who was dead coming back to life.. sound even more strange as spirits not knowing the difference. But hey all religion is just an other kind of crazy.

two stupidities don't make a reality

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Black cats, broken mirrors, walking under ladders, Friday the 13th ?

Same same but different ?

I think 3 years olds marrying trumps those very old superstitions that one rarely hears about these days! funny they call it a 'mock marriage' as if the evil spirit's can't tell the difference!

Yes you think you think.. just as we don't really believe those things about black cats ect some people still do and wont walk under ladders. This is just a mock marriage later they can marry who they want. Cultural superiority pfff. Just like many believe about a guy who was dead coming back to life.. sound even more strange as spirits not knowing the difference. But hey all religion is just an other kind of crazy.

two stupidities don't make a reality

Strange.. your defending the Western crazy things like Christianity and superstition and at the same hand condemning these. I am far more fair as you ever will be. I think they are both equally crazy. But I try not to make too much fun of religion people end up killed for it. I just Ignore it unless it impacts me (or others in a real unfair way). Here there is just a mock wedding.. no harm no foul. If it was a real one and they had to live as real husband and wife and all that comes with it I would have shared your indignation. This however is just one of the many crazy religious rituals in the world. The Western ones are just as crazy (for an Atheist like me)

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Strange.. your defending the Western crazy things like Christianity and superstition and at the same hand condemning these. I am far more fair as you ever are. I think they are both equally crazy. But I try not to make too much fun of religion people end up killed for it. I just Ignore it unless it impacts me (or others in a real unfair way). Here there is just a mock wedding.. no harm no foul. If it was a real one and they had to live as real husband and wife and all that comes with it I would have shared your indignation. This however is just one of the many crazy religious rituals in the world. The Western ones are just as crazy (for an Atheist like me)

where did you get that from? TWO stupidities don't make a reality? no way am I defending Christianity or superstition ANYWHERE and I certainly do not feel 'indignation' I just think it's stupid

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Strange.. your defending the Western crazy things like Christianity and superstition and at the same hand condemning these. I am far more fair as you ever are. I think they are both equally crazy. But I try not to make too much fun of religion people end up killed for it. I just Ignore it unless it impacts me (or others in a real unfair way). Here there is just a mock wedding.. no harm no foul. If it was a real one and they had to live as real husband and wife and all that comes with it I would have shared your indignation. This however is just one of the many crazy religious rituals in the world. The Western ones are just as crazy (for an Atheist like me)

where did you get that from? TWO stupidities don't make a reality? no way am I defending Christianity or superstition ANYWHERE and I certainly do not feel 'indignation' I just think it's stupid

I got that from you saying that walking under a ladder and other Christian superstitions were in a different league as this. I would only agree if this was a real wedding not a fake one.. Otherwise its just a harmless superstition, elaborate.. yes.. crazy yes.. but no more as the western ones.

But if you think all religion and superstition is crazy then I can agree with you.

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To all the previous posters about Thailand not being a 3rd world country.This is ok is it?

Is an institionalised peodophillic ritual acceptable per the case of one religion followed in so called 1st world country

Is symbolic cannabilism acceptable per the case of another religion followed in so called first world country

Is killing people in the name of some ficticious man in sky, prophet, soothsayer acceptable as prevent in all organised religions

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Strange.. your defending the Western crazy things like Christianity and superstition and at the same hand condemning these. I am far more fair as you ever are. I think they are both equally crazy. But I try not to make too much fun of religion people end up killed for it. I just Ignore it unless it impacts me (or others in a real unfair way). Here there is just a mock wedding.. no harm no foul. If it was a real one and they had to live as real husband and wife and all that comes with it I would have shared your indignation. This however is just one of the many crazy religious rituals in the world. The Western ones are just as crazy (for an Atheist like me)

where did you get that from? TWO stupidities don't make a reality? no way am I defending Christianity or superstition ANYWHERE and I certainly do not feel 'indignation' I just think it's stupid

I got that from you saying that walking under a ladder and other Christian superstitions were in a different league as this. I would only agree if this was a real wedding not a fake one.. Otherwise its just a harmless superstition, elaborate.. yes.. crazy yes.. but no more as the western ones.

But if you think all religion and superstition is crazy then I can agree with you.

well this involves kids was my point but, yes, it's all madness

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It was decided to arrange a mock marriage between the two and, according to the father, as soon as this was done everyone recovered as if by magic.

so if they fall ill again, what they gonna do?

Get a divorce? Or a lookthep? Up to you khabbb wai2.gif

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there is a HUGE difference between someone who believe in black cat or ladder and someone using a child for a weird ritual.

The last one should be put in a asylum...

How about allowing/encouraging a child to partake in a symbolic cannabilistic ritual ?

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I suspect the 'wife' will be wondering where her 150k disappeared to in a few years time.

I know you are being humorous, but, the"groom" whose father is also the father of the bride, was probably loaned the money by his father to "show" as sinsod for the bride.

After the ceremony, I expect the father handed the B150,000 back to his father, with thanks, and the bride and groom consummated the marriage and will live happily ever after, free of disease, illness and other problems, not even wondering or worrying about money.

All is well in their world.

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Isn't that incest?

Are they consenting 3 year olds??.....smile.png)

As the OP states - it is a mock marriage in a village ceremony. Even in rural Thailand a legal marriage between 3 year old twins would be not acceptable.

On the other hand, if the local temple chooses to endorse this village superstition ceremony, as has happened in the past, the community would probably not really mind too much if the twins grew up to be man and wife later.....

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It's interesting how this marriage appears to have cured them both. To me, it looks like a great example of the placebo effect.

Two children have no real idea of what marriage means. In their minds, they are going through a special ceremony, to be bonded together. Everyone makes them feel very special and important. This all culminates in a special ceremony.

This seriously impresses their subconscious minds, and it is their subconscious which then heals them.

All the conjecture about whether they should have been married or not is nonsense. The important thing is that they were healed, and that is great !

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'Last year, a couple in Chainat arranged for their four year old twins to be married because they believed that if they didn't, the children would die at the hands of evil spirits.'

This sort of nonsense needs to be ridiculed if the country is ever going to get into the 21 st century. It's not cute, not quaint or charming- it's just stupid, backward and primitive and belongs in the past.

Tell you what, why dont you start ridiculing, the stupid, backward primitative organised religions and superstitions in your own country and when you have corrected their behaviours you can start on the Thais ?

Fair deal ?

Got any examples?, you come across as a desperate Thaiophile willing to support any such stupidity just because you live here 'Marrying' twins to ward off illness has nothing to do with religion, it's just backwardness and ignorance.

Edited by thai3
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'Last year, a couple in Chainat arranged for their four year old twins to be married because they believed that if they didn't, the children would die at the hands of evil spirits.'

This sort of nonsense needs to be ridiculed if the country is ever going to get into the 21 st century. It's not cute, not quaint or charming- it's just stupid, backward and primitive and belongs in the past.

Tell you what, why dont you start ridiculing, the stupid, backward primitative organised religions and superstitions in your own country and when you have corrected their behaviours you can start on the Thais ?

Fair deal ?

How about we make fun of both? Stop assuming every Thai person is religious and every farang is also.

This story is stupid. Let's call a spade a spade. If this happened in the west, it would be even more stupid.

I'm an atheist. If people wanna make fun of me for forming opinions based on facts, have at it. I'll quite happily debate why religion is stupid and nonsensical. Hell, they can even debate first and I'll listen. Then when I debate back, they'll listen too, right?

We need to get this whole idea of 'respecting' peoples' beliefs into context. Everyone has the right to believe in whatever they want. That doesn't mean we have to respect that particular belief.

Opinions don't change facts.

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Depends really. I've always felt the Ten Commandments (apart from number 1) and many aspects of the sermon on the mount are outstanding ideas for building a just society. The whole god bit is ridiculous but some of the rules for a harmonious society are worthy and still relevant today.

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