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UK Pound Dipping.

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

So that means that in a yes vote the pound will plummet. I always wanted a no vote but it seems now I have to hope the UK votes no,

To be honest and IMO if Brexit wins, I think you will see a big plummet, maybe to 40 or less.

I hope I'm wrong, but that's a heck of a big market we will be pulling out of.

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

So that means that in a yes vote the pound will plummet. I always wanted a no vote but it seems now I have to hope the UK votes no,

To be honest and IMO if Brexit wins, I think you will see a big plummet, maybe to 40 or less.

I hope I'm wrong, but that's a heck of a big market we will be pulling out of.

I sure hope not.

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Hey guys

Just wondering why would Brexit make the pound drop ? I'm pretty green to economics but wouldn't the fact that the situation with economic refugees would not effect Britain as much if they were not part of the EU attract more investment ..?

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

So that means that in a yes vote the pound will plummet. I always wanted a no vote but it seems now I have to hope the UK votes no,

To be honest and IMO if Brexit wins, I think you will see a big plummet, maybe to 40 or less.

I hope I'm wrong, but that's a heck of a big market we will be pulling out of.

I sure hope not.

40 - 45 somewhere in that area, its not a question if it will drop...it will, its more of a question how long it stays there

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

Do you have any substantive reasons to say that?

Are you a trader or someone with FX skills?

Why does one need to be a trader to see the obvious ?

So tell us all why you think it will drop.

You said it, now explain it.

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

Do you have any substantive reasons to say that?

Are you a trader or someone with FX skills?

Why does one need to be a trader to see the obvious ?

So tell us all why you think it will drop.

You said it, now explain it.

Simple in the case of Brexit, investors in the GBP will bail on currency until such time as the actual fallout/repecussions of leaving Europe have manifested themselves.

As a comparsion in the run up to the Scottish referendum, the GBP dipped 4% in less than 2 week, the same will happen with Brexit

Edited by Bobotie
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As an FX trader its a great time to trade, the pound bounced up against the dollar couple of weeks ago, one of the biggest jumps in a day for a long time. volatility rules! think the floor was reached for now, but great times ahead up or down.

Up...down...with multiple possible reasons that up or down could have occurred....and sometimes there doesn't seem to be any reason. Seems a lot of posters feel the GBP should always be trending upward or at least staying flat against the THB, but that's not going to occur in the real world. Preaching to the choir I know.

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As an FX trader its a great time to trade, the pound bounced up against the dollar couple of weeks ago, one of the biggest jumps in a day for a long time. volatility rules! think the floor was reached for now, but great times ahead up or down.

That's spoken like a real fx trader.

I think it will go up or down laugh.png

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

Do you have any substantive reasons to say that?

Are you a trader or someone with FX skills?

Why does one need to be a trader to see the obvious ?

So tell us all why you think it will drop.

You said it, now explain it.

Simple in the case of Brexit, investors in the GBP will bail on currency until such time as the actual fallout/repecussions of leaving Europe have manifested themselves.

As a comparsion in the run up to the Scottish referendum, the GBP dipped 4% in less than 2 week, the same will happen with Brexit

And you think that's a reason for the GBP to sink. You'll have to do far better than that.

If and it's a big IF, the pound were to dip in the lead up to the referendum,it will only be because the central banks under instructions from their political masters and the big corporations will wish that to happen,in order to scare those who cannot think for themselves. What would be more important, how far would the pound rise in the event of the U.K. leaving this corrupt club.

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

Baht to the pound follows the pound to the dollar. As the leave campaign has gained momentum the pound has dropped steadily against the dollar and the euro has gained.

All we can hope for is something knocks the dollar down as one thing is for sure the pound is not going to recover in the short term. Uncertainty is like high blood pressure, the silent killer.

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

Baht to the pound follows the pound to the dollar. As the leave campaign has gained momentum the pound has dropped steadily against the dollar and the euro has gained.

All we can hope for is something knocks the dollar down as one thing is for sure the pound is not going to recover in the short term. Uncertainty is like high blood pressure, the silent killer.

Expect many scare stories to appear over the next couple of months. This week it's been about how the UK security will be at risk, so say the government stooges, yet the people in the know say the EU is irrelevant, in fact some experts who are not in the governments pay,are stating that the UK will in fact be more secure on exit. The same scare stories will continue to be banded about regarding the pound and the economy. Just check out the facts, don't listen to the proper gander. Remember when all those doom and gloom merchants were predicting the pound would collapse if we din't adopt the Euro.

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Cameron has to put this EU exit to the vote same as the Scottish referendum because he hasn't got the ball's t make a decision himself and doesn't want to get the blame when things go wrong

But I'm sure that next time he makes all important decisions just on his own, so if it goes wrong you can blame someone.

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Why does one need to be a trader to see the obvious ?

So tell us all why you think it will drop.

You said it, now explain it.

Simple in the case of Brexit, investors in the GBP will bail on currency until such time as the actual fallout/repecussions of leaving Europe have manifested themselves.

As a comparsion in the run up to the Scottish referendum, the GBP dipped 4% in less than 2 week, the same will happen with Brexit

TBH I really don't think anybody has any real ideas.

Each side of the Brexit is pushing their own views and pumping out scare stories against the other side.

It is a bit like going to a pantomime and shouting out, "Oh yes it is, Oh no it isn't"

Scotland is a bit different as they want to stay in the EU and leave the UK. A large chunk of the funding that Scotland gets from the EU is actually part of the rebate that Margaret Thatcher got from the EU back in the late 1970s.

Scotland is claiming that all the oil revenue from the North Sea belongs to them but in reality it doesn't as the UK as a whole paid for it.

If Scotland leave the UK where will it get its funding from as far more money flows north over the border than flows south?

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Hey guys

Just wondering why would Brexit make the pound drop ? I'm pretty green to economics but wouldn't the fact that the situation with economic refugees would not effect Britain as much if they were not part of the EU attract more investment ..?

Should GB vote to leave the EU there will be a considerable period of time whilst new trade deals are negotiated which will define to what extent the UK will be able to continue doing business with its biggest trading partner and therefore delay potential investment. This uncertainty will put continuing pressure on the pound.

In the short term Brexit will have a very negative effect on both the UK and the EU and could hasten the ultimate demise of the EU at the worst or a significant restructuring of it. In the long term however, the UK could be in a much stronger position having gotten out early giving it a head start.

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Hey guys

Just wondering why would Brexit make the pound drop ? I'm pretty green to economics but wouldn't the fact that the situation with economic refugees would not effect Britain as much if they were not part of the EU attract more investment ..?

Should GB vote to leave the EU there will be a considerable period of time whilst new trade deals are negotiated which will define to what extent the UK will be able to continue doing business with its biggest trading partner and therefore delay potential investment. This uncertainty will put continuing pressure on the pound.

In the short term Brexit will have a very negative effect on both the UK and the EU and could hasten the ultimate demise of the EU at the worst or a significant restructuring of it. In the long term however, the UK could be in a much stronger position having gotten out early giving it a head start.

You cannot negotiate a trade deal with product that is unsaleable.

At this point in time many core manufacturing sectors must mark their products in accordance with EU legislation. Take away the legislation and you take away the mark, google 'CE' marking.

It is very simple, no mark = no export market.

Before anyone says we didn't have a problem before the EU, the fact is that we did have a problem. I used to sit on a BSI committee and the system was farcical.

Many that condemn and ridicule the apparent pettiness of EU regulation are very quick to use that same legislation when it comes to compensation.

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

Baht to the pound follows the pound to the dollar. As the leave campaign has gained momentum the pound has dropped steadily against the dollar and the euro has gained.

All we can hope for is something knocks the dollar down as one thing is for sure the pound is not going to recover in the short term. Uncertainty is like high blood pressure, the silent killer.

Expect many scare stories to appear over the next couple of months. This week it's been about how the UK security will be at risk, so say the government stooges, yet the people in the know say the EU is irrelevant, in fact some experts who are not in the governments pay,are stating that the UK will in fact be more secure on exit. The same scare stories will continue to be banded about regarding the pound and the economy. Just check out the facts, don't listen to the proper gander. Remember when all those doom and gloom merchants were predicting the pound would collapse if we din't adopt the Euro.

That was then and this is now. There is no prediction involved, the pound has already collapsed.

Beginning of June 2015 the GBP/USD was at 1.59 and the dollar index at 96.5, today the GBP/USD stands at 1.41 and the dollar index at 96.2.

It is not a question of collapse, just how far.

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If Brexit goes expect around Thb 45 to the GBP

Baht to the pound follows the pound to the dollar. As the leave campaign has gained momentum the pound has dropped steadily against the dollar and the euro has gained.

All we can hope for is something knocks the dollar down as one thing is for sure the pound is not going to recover in the short term. Uncertainty is like high blood pressure, the silent killer.

Expect many scare stories to appear over the next couple of months. This week it's been about how the UK security will be at risk, so say the government stooges, yet the people in the know say the EU is irrelevant, in fact some experts who are not in the governments pay,are stating that the UK will in fact be more secure on exit. The same scare stories will continue to be banded about regarding the pound and the economy. Just check out the facts, don't listen to the proper gander. Remember when all those doom and gloom merchants were predicting the pound would collapse if we din't adopt the Euro.

That was then and this is now. There is no prediction involved, the pound has already collapsed.

Beginning of June 2015 the GBP/USD was at 1.59 and the dollar index at 96.5, today the GBP/USD stands at 1.41 and the dollar index at 96.2.

It is not a question of collapse, just how far.

Strange that. I don't recall it at 1.59 last year, but I do know I did an exchange at 1.49 yesterday.

As I've already posted,the £ May go lower in the run up to the referendum,that we don't know yet.Although I admit it's a possibility due to the central banks and the big international corporations wanting to put pressure on

those electorates who do not realise how they are being manipulated.

Interestingly 250 of the top business bosses ( not international corporations ) have today come out declaring their support for a Britexit.

Personally It just baffles me how any Brit could possibly contemplate voting to remain in this corrupt Union,given all the fact that are now appearing.

This is off course in addition to national security, based around boarder controls.

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