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American Muslims defy Sen. Ted Cruz's call for surveillance


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Interesting to see the lunatic right, champions of individual Liberty - with their don't tread on me flags, lack of trust in government and fundamental belief that each man is his own island, manage to contort themselves and throw away the very fundamental core values they profess to beleive in and want to defend.

How so? There are already parts of the USA which are no go areas for christians. Ever been to Deerborn Michigan? Try and have a Bible revival in that city and see if you get a permit.

No go areas in the U.S.? Verifiable source citations, please.

I thought they were called gated housing communities...

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If increased surveillance saves lives I'm in favor of increased surveillance. In the absence of infinite resources profiling is a common sense approach to take, especially as some groups are more problematic than others. If this causes hurt feelings I would observe that few people die of hurt feelings.

The chances of an American being killed in a Moslem terror attack are 20,000,000 to 1.

That's 20,000,000 to 1, Dan. Throw constitutional rights out the window because Republicans are afraid of their own shadows? Those SCARRRRY SCARRRRY Muslims. And Mexican rapists too.

Fear is all the Republicans have. If Americans reject the fear bullshit, then Republicans have...nothing.

They got nothing.

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Interesting to see the lunatic right, champions of individual Liberty - with their don't tread on me flags, lack of trust in government and fundamental belief that each man is his own island, manage to contort themselves and throw away the very fundamental core values they profess to beleive in and want to defend.

How so? There are already parts of the USA which are no go areas for christians. Ever been to Deerborn Michigan? Try and have a Bible revival in that city and see if you get a permit.

No go areas in the U.S.? Verifiable source citations, please.

We have more than a few in the UK, d'ya want them?

"No go" areas in Britain for non-Muslims ???

What ? Where in Britain are the areas that British police don't go to ? Where in Britain does British law not stand ? Where in Britain can anybody commit an offence and NOT be put on trial in a British court with Britsh law ?

Look, Britain has some areas where there are lots of curry shops, kebab shops, and other shops owned by 'Asian' people. But British police have access to ALL those areas. It's absurd to claim that there are 'no go areas' in Britain where the state (or government) has limited power or control.

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If increased surveillance saves lives I'm in favor of increased surveillance. In the absence of infinite resources profiling is a common sense approach to take, especially as some groups are more problematic than others. If this causes hurt feelings I would observe that few people die of hurt feelings.

True but you are willingly paving the way to giving up your own rights for something as simple as the illusion of greater safety. Standing up for the values provided to all under the constitution while demanding a plan and action to resolve the problem at its source might in fact provide actual safety without giving up what so many have faught to preserve.

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I don't see anything contentious about monitoring known risks. For example, if religious schools or holy places have been used to recruit people or to spread incendiary rhetoric, then it makes perfect sense for the intelligence-community and police to monitor those risks in the future.

The problem with all-or-nothing extreme views is that they ignore the very fine line that must be walked, to protect all human rights. Yes we should all have the human right of privacy. But all people also have the human right of not being hurt or slain in a criminal extremist attack. So the all-or-nothing approach does not function on the ground, where a fine line has to be walked, and risk-groups risk-persons need to be monitored, based on historical similarities.

People are quick to forget that Muslims are the main death toll from ISIS and other Islamic extremists. The numbers of Muslims who have died at the hands of extremist jihad types is a staggering number.

One of the first things that happened after the illegal invasion of Iraq, was that extremists began butchering hairdressers and barbers. Barbers who had shaved men's beards in peace for decades under Saddam, were now being killed, their barbers shops burned, their bodies paraded. And these were Muslim barbers being killed just for shaving beards, as per their lifelong professional trade. The numbers of slain barbers were in the high hundreds within weeks of the invasion.

Hundreds of bookshops were also burned, and hundreds of the Muslim booksellers were killed, for selling Western literature. And again it was extremists killing normal Muslim people just for providing basic professional services.

So I think that monitoring of any "knowns" is a very good thing when it comes to extremist terrorism, as it protects everybody, including normal Muslim workers and their families.

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Interesting to see the lunatic right, champions of individual Liberty - with their don't tread on me flags, lack of trust in government and fundamental belief that each man is his own island, manage to contort themselves and throw away the very fundamental core values they profess to beleive in and want to defend.

How so? There are already parts of the USA which are no go areas for christians. Ever been to Deerborn Michigan? Try and have a Bible revival in that city and see if you get a permit.

No go areas in the U.S.? Verifiable source citations, please.

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Profiling is a normal common sense approach. This is about the security of the country. If there is an internal national threat, then it needs to be addressed. If they are not doing anything wrong, they should not mind. I know all of my communications are subject to review, but I have nothing to hide, well, nothing that is illegal. Set aside political correctness, adhere to the constitution, but don't let those that want to kill innocent people use the system to their favor. It's a delicate situation, but our world has changed.

Profiling: Why can't these people get it through their thick heads that they are profiling themselves? They are the ONLY people who refuse to to be XXX-Americans. In the US we have Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, African-Americans, Japanese-Americans, German-Americans, Chinese-Americans, Mexican-Americans, even Cuban-Americans (2 of which want(ed) to be president) yet the Muslims are the only group that claim religion instead of origin of roots.

Do they not understand this? How hard would it be for them to simply embrace their new country and proclaim themselves as Lebanese-Americans, Iranian-Americans, Afgan-Americans, Pakistani-Americans, etc.?

They say they don't want to be identified with radical Islamic Muslim groups but they do it to themselves.

Keep your faith, keep your customs, keep your beliefs BUT, embrace your newly chosen country. Jewish people practice Judaism, Catholics practice Catholicism, Christians practice Christianity, Buddhists Practice Buddhism, Mormons practice Mormonism BUT they all work together to defend America, not attack it for not believing the same way they do.

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Interesting to see the lunatic right, champions of individual Liberty - with their don't tread on me flags, lack of trust in government and fundamental belief that each man is his own island, manage to contort themselves and throw away the very fundamental core values they profess to beleive in and want to defend.

How so? There are already parts of the USA which are no go areas for christians. Ever been to Deerborn Michigan? Try and have a Bible revival in that city and see if you get a permit.

No go areas in the U.S.? Verifiable source citations, please.

Sorry, my fault should have asked for creditable sources. The United West is dedicated to their mission. The law was enforced. Provocateurs notwithstanding. a forest I thought I was watching a Trump rally. By the way folks, it is Dearborn, Michigan for the correct spelling. Just trying to help.

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Profiling is a normal common sense approach. This is about the security of the country. If there is an internal national threat, then it needs to be addressed. If they are not doing anything wrong, they should not mind. I know all of my communications are subject to review, but I have nothing to hide, well, nothing that is illegal. Set aside political correctness, adhere to the constitution, but don't let those that want to kill innocent people use the system to their favor. It's a delicate situation, but our world has changed.

Profiling: Why can't these people get it through their thick heads that they are profiling themselves? They are the ONLY people who refuse to to be XXX-Americans. In the US we have Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, African-Americans, Japanese-Americans, German-Americans, Chinese-Americans, Mexican-Americans, even Cuban-Americans (2 of which want(ed) to be president) yet the Muslims are the only group that claim religion instead of origin of roots.

Do they not understand this? How hard would it be for them to simply embrace their new country and proclaim themselves as Lebanese-Americans, Iranian-Americans, Afgan-Americans, Pakistani-Americans, etc.?

They say they don't want to be identified with radical Islamic Muslim groups but they do it to themselves.

Keep your faith, keep your customs, keep your beliefs BUT, embrace your newly chosen country. Jewish people practice Judaism, Catholics practice Catholicism, Christians practice Christianity, Buddhists Practice Buddhism, Mormons practice Mormonism BUT they all work together to defend America, not attack it for not believing the same way they do.


As an American having Scot-Irish, English, Welsh, German heritage I do get your meaning and do not disagree. I am curious as to your religious statement. So, "Catholics practice Catholicism, Christians practice Christianity, Mormons practice Mormonism". Am I to understand that you do not consider Catholics and ?Mormons as Christian? Just curious.

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"The surveillance, he said, makes Muslims feel like they are being watched and they "don't feel free."

Welcome to the club. I feel like that every time I go to the airport. And it's not because of Christians or Christianity ... They sure enough "surveil" me; they can "surveil" you, too.

"They are killing more Muslims than anyone else in this world."

Oh really. NOBODY kills Muslims like Muslims kill other Muslims.

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Sen. Cruz has a lot of support but only over there with the company he keeps, relies on, promotes, is a central part of.

Cruz repeatedly says he's spent his life defending the constitution. Now he'll have to say which country''s constitution...



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