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Trump: Echoes of George Wallace?


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As an American who lived through that era, they are nothing alike. Our current threats are external and are well known to be real. Trump does not hate anyone, quite the opposite, he loves his country and wants to protect it.

Very few politicians actually voice hate for a people or a religious group in the USA. And Wallace did not voice hate against black people as such (although he may well have privately hated them) - instead he was proposing segregation.

In the same way, Trump is not talking about hating muslims but he wants to exclude them. And he may want to separate resident muslims off in some other way (sorry but I am not absolutely up to date with the swinging pendulum that is Trumps policy statements).

But all of this boils down to the same thing - identify a group as the "other" who we cannot in some way or for some reason live with and segregate them away from the mainstream so that they become easy to impoverish and disenfranchise.

In fact, it can be argued that in some parts of the USA this is already the case with the black community - especially in the case of traffic violations black people are much more likely to be treated "according to the letter of the law," lose their job because they have lost driving privileges, have to queue up for hours or travel to some far location for adjudication, too poor to get proper legal representation etc.

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Trump's racism should remind everyone of George Wallace.

Trump’s electoral strategy is bring out angry, disengaged conservatives to the polls. the fact that the vast majority of voters are some combination of young people, minorities, and women is going to mean a bloodbath for the Republicans in November, as it should.

The Weekly Standard, a conservative rag, had a podcast by one of their writers this week. His conclusion "Nominating Trump Guarantees a GOP Bloodbath."


No matter what happens at the Republican convention...Republicans are screwed.

Leading with racism doesn't work in America. That's the lesson we should take from George Wallace and will be driven home again with the Republican bloodbath in November and so very deserved.

Wallace had a much smaller backing than Trump. Primarily his based was Southern whites who hated blacks; Mexicans, Muslims and others were not particularly in the deal. In his four runs for the presidency Wallace never really got close to the nomination; not like Trump is.

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DT is constantly making comments that, for any other candidate, would cut his own throat (politically). I've been waiting for Trump to make irrefutably insulting comments about blacks that will draw the full ire of the Civil Rights crowd. That's when he hits the jugular.

He has as much chance of becoming president as Walter White. The GOP is going to clear the board and have their own hand-picked stooge candidate. Notice how in the past week certain former candidates started popping up for face time, hoping to be the anointed one.

Scott Walker 2016!

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Of course Wallace was a democrat and Trump is not.

So much for the theory that democrats are going to vote for Trump.

At this stage of the election, there is nothing that points to any Democratic support or enthusiasm for Trump. Instead, it’s just the opposite. Trump is deeply unpopular with Democratic voters. Even white ones.


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Trump's racism should remind everyone of George Wallace.

Trump’s electoral strategy is bring out angry, disengaged conservatives to the polls. the fact that the vast majority of voters are some combination of young people, minorities, and women is going to mean a bloodbath for the Republicans in November, as it should.

The Weekly Standard, a conservative rag, had a podcast by one of their writers this week. His conclusion "Nominating Trump Guarantees a GOP Bloodbath."


No matter what happens at the Republican convention...Republicans are screwed.

Leading with racism doesn't work in America. That's the lesson we should take from George Wallace and will be driven home again with the Republican bloodbath in November and so very deserved.

Wallace had a much smaller backing than Trump. Primarily his based was Southern whites who hated blacks; Mexicans, Muslims and others were not particularly in the deal. In his four runs for the presidency Wallace never really got close to the nomination; not like Trump is.

Wallace ran for Potus in 1968 as the self-appointed candidate of the self-created American Independent Party.

Wallace got 9,901,118 votes or 13.5% and 45 of the Electoral College 270 needed to win votes. Wallace won Dixie, to include certain core die hard states from among the Old Confederacy: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana. Look for Trump to win each one of 'em should he be the Republican nominee. In 1964 the extremist Republican nominee Sen. Barry Goldwater had won these exact states plus his own state of Arizona, only (52 EC votes).

Good thing close only counts in hand grenades and horse shoes cause Wallace almost threw the '68 election to the US House as provided when no candidate gets 270 EC votes. Wallace lost North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee to Nixon by 1% of the vote in each state. Had Wallace additionally pulled out the three states, he'd have denied the winner Nixon the 270 EC votes.

While there was no possibility of George Wallace becoming Potus, however, it was certain that in the US House Wallace would have delivered the needed eight states to Nixon to make him Potus anyway. But with George Wallace as shadow Potus. (Which some argue he wuz to Nixon anyway.)

The bottom line in this election is that Trump has no such possibility via either the general or by some wild electoral calculation the House. Trump would/will win a dozen states to probably 15 or so of 'em, almost all of the Old Confederacy and a few others out West, such as Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Kansas, possibly a very few others. It could be worse for Trump and the R's however.

Last week The Deseret News poll in Utah found the decisive majority in the deeply Red state would vote for either HRC or Bernie if The Donald is the nominee. Other Red states west of the Mississippi River would run away from Trump too. As fast and as hard as they can. Missouri on the Mississippi which barely squeaks Red in every Potus election looks bright Blue already. (In the R wave year of 2014 the R candidate for US Senate who wuz 10 points ahead destroyed himself when he confidently blurted that women can't get pregnant from rape cause their body shuts down or some such crackpot drivel.)

Recall further that in 1996 solid Red Arizona voted to reelect Hillary's beloved Bubba, first time AZ had voted D for Potus since "Give 'em hell Harry" Truman won in 1948. ("I tell the truth and Republicans think it's hell.") AZ goes upside down for the R's in November and it would for sure mean suburban Republican women there and veterans too prefer to see DT disappear into the white water rapids of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

Color AZ neighbor purple Colorado Blue btw. Nevada too. Also purple New Mexico. The four of 'em next to one another on the map are called the Four Corners States. Four Blue squares out there when the votes are counted the night of November 8th would mean Trump himself turns blue. Knock his squirrel off floating down the Colorado.

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Expect many more of these character assassinations as Trump gets closer to upsetting the the carefully controlled two party political system, fined tuned to produce either Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum to speak for the global industrialists, banksters and arms dealers. They haven't been this worried since 1963.

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Expect many more of these character assassinations as Trump gets closer to upsetting the the carefully controlled two party political system, fined tuned to produce either Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum to speak for the global industrialists, banksters and arms dealers. They haven't been this worried since 1963.

You seem to forget, or maybe are not aware, that most of us have been "assassinating" Trump's character for years and years. He has been a late night comedy gold mine of idiocy and braggadocio. It's only now that he's suddenly emerged as someone who needs to be taken seriously.wink.png

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Expect many more of these character assassinations as Trump gets closer to upsetting the the carefully controlled two party political system, fined tuned to produce either Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum to speak for the global industrialists, banksters and arms dealers. They haven't been this worried since 1963.

You seem to forget, or maybe are not aware, that most of us have been "assassinating" Trump's character for years and years. He has been a late night comedy gold mine of idiocy and braggadocio. It's only now that he's suddenly emerged as someone who needs to be taken seriously.wink.png

Nobody was comparing him to George Wallace before he started to win delegates.

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I think Trump will beat Hilary easier than most people think.

She has absolutely nothing of substance.

"A new CNN poll released Thursday, taken before the spat with rival Ted Cruz over his wife, found that 73 percent of registered female voters in the United States had an unfavorable view of Trump. That’s in line with a Reuters poll from last week that found more than half of American women hold a “very unfavorable” view of the billionaire."


"Donald Trump does, focused on a new poll that shows him scooping up a staggering one-fourth of the black vote:"


"The math suggests Trump would need a whopping 70 percent of white men to vote for him."



According to exit polls 53 percent of the voters in the 2012 elections were women—"

So Tramp will do it with 25% of the black vote, and 27% of the woman vote?

I do appreciate your optimism . 70% of the white male vote could go Trumps waygigglem.gif

It could happen, he is such a likable guy, certainly more likable than Reagan who got 62% of the male vote.

Oh wait 27% of women dont hate him, it does not mean they will all vote for him

The good news is he is doing well with the self loathing woman group , he get's 100% of that and the European gold digger group, does very well theretongue.png

Edited by sirineou
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I think Trump will beat Hilary easier than most people think.

She has absolutely nothing of substance.

And so we have an example of the typical Trump follower. Shall I enlighten you?

-Being first lady certainly gave her a close view of life in the Oval Office, Trump no experience there.

-Having served as a U.S. senator for eight years, she knows how Congress functions -- or doesn't considering the GOP Congressional constipation,Trump no experience there. (Maybe the constipation....)

-Vast comprehension of foreign affairs, having been to 112 countries during her years (2009 to 2013) as secretary of state -- more than any previous person in that post. Trump? Wants to use nukes against ISIS but you probably like that........Secretary of State, Trump? defrauding U of Trump Students.

-China speech on the rights of women, her aggressive work on climate change and her skill as a senator in guiding the Children's Health Insurance Program through Congress even though that Congress’s only point was to thwart what the government was trying to get done. Trump, another zero please.

-She helped to negotiate a ceasefire with Hamas during a tense moment in Israel, created positive alliances in South America, Africa and Asia, established tough sanctions against Iran.

If you don't believe she is a whole lot more prepared to be President than Trump, well, " You're Fired" and good luck with that bad toupee thumbsup.gif

There is a long history of the wingnuts loathing HRC, as much as the hate Obama. If you judge a person by their enemies Hillary and Obama are two of my heros.

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Expect many more of these character assassinations as Trump gets closer to upsetting the the carefully controlled two party political system, fined tuned to produce either Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum to speak for the global industrialists, banksters and arms dealers. They haven't been this worried since 1963.

Did you know that Trump's campaign manager, Carey Lewandowiki worked for the Koch brothers PAC for 4 years before accepting job from Trump. They met at Koch brothers sponsored 2014 republican candidate cattle call in New Hampshire. Maybe Trump is not quite so independent as one is led to believe.


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I think Trump will beat Hilary easier than most people think.

She has absolutely nothing of substance.

And so we have an example of the typical Trump follower. Shall I enlighten you?

-Being first lady certainly gave her a close view of life in the Oval Office, Trump no experience there.

-Having served as a U.S. senator for eight years, she knows how Congress functions -- or doesn't considering the GOP Congressional constipation,Trump no experience there. (Maybe the constipation....)

-Vast comprehension of foreign affairs, having been to 112 countries during her years (2009 to 2013) as secretary of state -- more than any previous person in that post. Trump? Wants to use nukes against ISIS but you probably like that........Secretary of State, Trump? defrauding U of Trump Students.

-China speech on the rights of women, her aggressive work on climate change and her skill as a senator in guiding the Children's Health Insurance Program through Congress even though that Congress’s only point was to thwart what the government was trying to get done. Trump, another zero please.

-She helped to negotiate a ceasefire with Hamas during a tense moment in Israel, created positive alliances in South America, Africa and Asia, established tough sanctions against Iran.

If you don't believe she is a whole lot more prepared to be President than Trump, well, " You're Fired" and good luck with that bad toupee thumbsup.gif

There is a long history of the wingnuts loathing HRC, as much as the hate Obama. If you judge a person by their enemies Hillary and Obama are two of my heros.

Those same wingnuts also loathe Stalin, Mao, and Hiltler to name a few. Three more legends for your hero club.

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Of course Wallace was a democrat and Trump is not.

So much for the theory that democrats are going to vote for Trump.

The people that voted for Wallace in 68 general election or 72 Democrat primary never voted Democrat again. Likely their children and grandchildren have never voted for a Democrat.


Edited by thaihome
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As an American who lived through that era, they are nothing alike. Our current threats are external and are well known to be real. Trump does not hate anyone, quite the opposite, he loves his country and wants to protect it.

I bet he'd have the bust of Churchill back in the Oval Office quicker than you can say 'We will fight them on the beaches'.
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As an American who lived through that era, they are nothing alike. Our current threats are external and are well known to be real. Trump does not hate anyone, quite the opposite, he loves his country and wants to protect it.

I bet he'd have the bust of Churchill back in the Oval Office quicker than you can say 'We will fight them on the beaches'.

This is the only bust you're ever going to see in a Trump Oval office:


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As an American who lived through that era, they are nothing alike. Our current threats are external and are well known to be real. Trump does not hate anyone, quite the opposite, he loves his country and wants to protect it.

I bet he'd have the bust of Churchill back in the Oval Office quicker than you can say 'We will fight them on the beaches'.

Stupido said he would consider tactical nukes against ISIS...........right, lets go launching nukes in other countries......BRILLIANT !


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Expect many more of these character assassinations as Trump gets closer to upsetting the the carefully controlled two party political system, fined tuned to produce either Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum to speak for the global industrialists, banksters and arms dealers. They haven't been this worried since 1963.

You seem to forget, or maybe are not aware, that most of us have been "assassinating" Trump's character for years and years. He has been a late night comedy gold mine of idiocy and braggadocio. It's only now that he's suddenly emerged as someone who needs to be taken seriously.wink.png

Nobody was comparing him to George Wallace before he started to win delegates.

The Wallace comparison is a recent and newer one.

It was many moons ago already Trump was being compared to Mussolini and Hitler.

I myself have been consistently with the Mussolini comparison cause the Hitler one is a bit unfair. Trump wouldn't be pretty for sure, he just wouldn't be that ugly.

Not unless he got a second term....with 121% of the vote.

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I think Trump will beat Hilary easier than most people think.

She has absolutely nothing of substance.

And so we have an example of the typical Trump follower. Shall I enlighten you?

-Being first lady certainly gave her a close view of life in the Oval Office, Trump no experience there.

-Having served as a U.S. senator for eight years, she knows how Congress functions -- or doesn't considering the GOP Congressional constipation,Trump no experience there. (Maybe the constipation....)

-Vast comprehension of foreign affairs, having been to 112 countries during her years (2009 to 2013) as secretary of state -- more than any previous person in that post. Trump? Wants to use nukes against ISIS but you probably like that........Secretary of State, Trump? defrauding U of Trump Students.

-China speech on the rights of women, her aggressive work on climate change and her skill as a senator in guiding the Children's Health Insurance Program through Congress even though that Congress’s only point was to thwart what the government was trying to get done. Trump, another zero please.

-She helped to negotiate a ceasefire with Hamas during a tense moment in Israel, created positive alliances in South America, Africa and Asia, established tough sanctions against Iran.

If you don't believe she is a whole lot more prepared to be President than Trump, well, " You're Fired" and good luck with that bad toupee thumbsup.gif

There is a long history of the wingnuts loathing HRC, as much as the hate Obama. If you judge a person by their enemies Hillary and Obama are two of my heros.

Those same wingnuts also loathe Stalin, Mao, and Hiltler to name a few. Three more legends for your hero club.

That one might be a bit overheated.

Somewhat exaggerated.


Really beyond the outer limits.

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"Members of the GOP foreign policy establishment are open to supporting Ted Cruz or even Hillary Clinton for president if that’s what it takes to prevent Donald Trump from becoming commander in chief." The Hill

Apparently there are 100+ members of the GOP foreign policy establishment ready to vote for Hilary if Trump gets the nomination. So the neocons are lining up to support Hilary, now what does that tell you?

I do wonder about Trump, is he there just to ensure that the establishments more war choice Hilary gets elected or is he really about shaking things up? The fact the war party doesn't like him is a plus, but could be just a farce to ensure Hilary's passage, and she is the really scary one.

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There is a long history of the wingnuts loathing HRC, as much as the hate Obama. If you judge a person by their enemies Hillary and Obama are two of my heros.

Those same wingnuts also loathe Stalin, Mao, and Hiltler to name a few. Three more legends for your hero club.

That one might be a bit overheated.

Somewhat exaggerated.


Really beyond the outer limits.

His hero selection method has a logical fallacy. Just pointing it out for his convenience.

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