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Crushingly Disappointed by?


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Here I am, married to a wonderful Thai lady 20 years younger than me.

I'm somewhat overweight and it's not good for me.

The ole BP is a rising, not good.

But, hey at 74, not easy to keep control of the flab!

So, wonderful wife announces that there is Ice Cream in the freezer.

Bugga, I love ice cream..... All those unwanted extra calories....

So I resist but day by day the urge to indulge grows stronger.

Finally, I succumb to my desires and creep to the freezer to find it

Bloody Empty!

Darling I cry, where's the ice cream?

Oh that.

I ate it a few days ago he he.

So what's your Crushing Disappointment?

PS, if that's all I have to worry about, not a bad life then is it?


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A good laugh. Mines was bring a box of Picnic's chocolates back from Australia only to find the rappers left when I needed a chocolate fix. Hahha

Mine is to do quite some shopping for fresh food, take it home with intention to within an hour or so to cook up several western dishes,partly to be frozen, all dishes my Thai family love and without prompting by me often request.

Within the hour the fresh food can't be found. Eventually discover the full on ladyboy brother of wife has thrown it all away.

I confront him with 'why'. Response: 'because farang food is not delicious and Thai people don't like it and farang people can't cook.'

Ladyboy now totally banned from the kitchen and has since told the broader family and the neighbors 'farang dangerous'.

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I put this in the ice cream thread but you more help....

Next time in Makro grab yourself a 3.6K of pure Nestle's goodness - 320B.....

Grab some butterscotch & chocolate syrup....Some chocolate & white chocolate chips.....Get some shelled peanuts & roast - crush them.....

Make yourself a nice sundae & a dash of a grenadine halo and a pretzel for garnish.....

Lasts the 4 of us about 6 weeks to 3 months......

The snack under the ice cream is fruit smoothies my wife puts in little baggies - healthier & refreshing on a hot day.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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Continuously being served COLD Bigmacs.....sad.png

Anytime I ask for a Big Mac, or something similar from 7-11, I just say lon mak mak. biggrin.png

That's incorrect you should say Ron here here isat. Will not eat a cold burger again..

Sent from my c64

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Continuously being served COLD Bigmacs.....sad.png

Do they taste any better hot then Trans ?....gigglem.gif

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell whistling.gif , actually Mrs.Trans asks them to make sure they are hot, to no avail.......sad.png

Maybe you could stay on topic if you send her out to bring you an ice cream sandwich.....

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I put this in the ice cream thread but you more help....

Next time in Makro grab yourself a 3.6K of pure Nestle's goodness - 320B.....

Grab some butterscotch & chocolate syrup....Some chocolate & white chocolate chips.....Get some shelled peanuts & roast - crush them.....

Make yourself a nice sundae & a dash of a grenadine halo and a pretzel for garnish.....

Lasts the 4 of us about 6 weeks to 3 months......

The snack under the ice cream is fruit smoothies my wife puts in little baggies - healthier & refreshing on a hot day.....

That load of ice cream should have some great looking freezer burn in a few months time....?

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I put this in the ice cream thread but you more help....

Next time in Makro grab yourself a 3.6K of pure Nestle's goodness - 320B.....

Grab some butterscotch & chocolate syrup....Some chocolate & white chocolate chips.....Get some shelled peanuts & roast - crush them.....

Make yourself a nice sundae & a dash of a grenadine halo and a pretzel for garnish.....

Lasts the 4 of us about 6 weeks to 3 months......

The snack under the ice cream is fruit smoothies my wife puts in little baggies - healthier & refreshing on a hot day.....

That load of ice cream should have some great looking freezer burn in a few months time....?
Actually for some reason it doesn't ....Not sure why but the ice cream in the little oval plastic containers pick up ice and blur together & squeeze out the oxygen while that Nestle stuff doesn't.....That box in our freezer is about 6 weeks & still looks/spoons/tastes good without any noticeable compostional change ......Only hits the counter for a couple of minutes then right back to the freezer.....

After writing that post and not having any for about a week - yep - we had some yesterday = still as good as new....

Edited by pgrahmm
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I bought two coconut custards my GF and I like and put them in the fridge, one for each of us. A few hours later I went to eat mine and couldn't find it. "Hey huny wheres my custard?"..."I ate it, I thought you bought them both for me."

Make coffee the other day but take a peek in the fridge to be sure there is milk and see the bottle tucked in the door. Make the coffee and reach for the milk to find the bottle in the fridge is completely empty. It was her kid that got me that time.

Spent about an hour cleaning and scrubbing the fridge. Take everything out, clean all the bottles and sort out the food, remove all the glass shelves and door pockets etc..

Next morning open the freezer to find GF wanter her Coke extra cold so threw it in the freezer and naturally forgot about it. It exploded leaving frozen sticky Coke all over everything.

Every morning and every evening I have to squeeze all the toothpaste up from the bottom of the tube for someone who obviously gets there ahead of me and squeezes it all to the bottom.

Hot and sweaty one day my GF offers me a cold fresh mango shake she whipped up in the blender with my last two mangos. I take a big sip to find she lovingly put about a tablespoon of salt in it.

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That asteroid Apophis might hit the earth in 2038 and probably wont be here to see it.

Just looked this up, 1 in 45,000 chance of it being dangerous. So, I won't worry just yet.

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Op you owe me 1 min of my life.. This is a terrible thread..

You have more to worry about then ice cream adn carbs I think.

Sent from my c64

1) You didn't have to open this thread.

2) You didn't have to read it

3) So why would you make a post?


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I bought two coconut custards my GF and I like and put them in the fridge, one for each of us. A few hours later I went to eat mine and couldn't find it. "Hey huny wheres my custard?"..."I ate it, I thought you bought them both for me."

Make coffee the other day but take a peek in the fridge to be sure there is milk and see the bottle tucked in the door. Make the coffee and reach for the milk to find the bottle in the fridge is completely empty. It was her kid that got me that time.

Spent about an hour cleaning and scrubbing the fridge. Take everything out, clean all the bottles and sort out the food, remove all the glass shelves and door pockets etc..

Next morning open the freezer to find GF wanter her Coke extra cold so threw it in the freezer and naturally forgot about it. It exploded leaving frozen sticky Coke all over everything.

Every morning and every evening I have to squeeze all the toothpaste up from the bottom of the tube for someone who obviously gets there ahead of me and squeezes it all to the bottom.

Hot and sweaty one day my GF offers me a cold fresh mango shake she whipped up in the blender with my last two mangos. I take a big sip to find she lovingly put about a tablespoon of salt in it.

Now This I can relate to:


Every morning and every evening I have to squeeze all the toothpaste up from the bottom of the tube for someone who obviously gets there ahead of me and squeezes it all to the bottom.

Hot and sweaty one day my GF offers me a cold fresh mango shake she whipped up in the blender with my last two mangos. I take a big sip to find she lovingly put about a tablespoon of salt in it."

I keep meaning to put a clothes peg on the toothpaste!

We keep glasses in the freezer and they have some ice in the bottom.

My made me some mandarin juice and added the teaspoon of salt.

It just stuck on the bottom and didn't mix.

Revolting towards the end!

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That asteroid Apophis might hit the earth in 2038 and probably wont be here to see it.

Just looked this up, 1 in 45,000 chance of it being dangerous. So, I won't worry just yet.

Agreed. Your smoking will kill you long before this does. Enjoy a smoking related death instead :D

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A good laugh. Mines was bring a box of Picnic's chocolates back from Australia only to find the rappers left when I needed a chocolate fix. Hahha

Mine is to do quite some shopping for fresh food, take it home with intention to within an hour or so to cook up several western dishes,partly to be frozen, all dishes my Thai family love and without prompting by me often request.

Within the hour the fresh food can't be found. Eventually discover the full on ladyboy brother of wife has thrown it all away.

I confront him with 'why'. Response: 'because farang food is not delicious and Thai people don't like it and farang people can't cook.'

Ladyboy now totally banned from the kitchen and has since told the broader family and the neighbors 'farang dangerous'.

what ? you shoold of made a real tranny outta him and then fed his wilted willie to a soi dog .

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i met a cambodian woman that has lived in thailand many years , i fell kinda hard , smart beautiful , kind and humble , only to discover # 1 she did not want a b/f but a friend ,# 2 she did not like sex so much anymore , # 3 if we could be together and she would find me a good suitable sex partner . strange things happen in thailand , did not take her up on the offer , but a little disappointed .

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