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Pol Lt-Gen Sanit wonders why drunk driving charge was dropped against Red Bull heir


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Can't any of you give the benefit of the doubt and see that possibly things are changing for the better? Yes, the latest incident brought this case back to the fore, and social media has been helping, but in this day and age the police will not be able to continue covering up for the guilty, at least in cases that are brought to the attention of the public.

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I always thought that the police were there to uphold the law.

Police are there to make as much money as they possibly can.

No thought about law and justice, and in this case it was one of their own that died.


The Thai Public should have boycotted Red Bull Drink. There are enough other choices.

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Money money money and 'the boss' has (or had) lots of it !!! Too late try shut the door after the horse has bolted,

He is gone gone gone never to return return return, againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!

If they couldn't keep him here when they had him, they sure ain't going to get him back now...........

My guess is, he is driving around in another nice new Ferrari somewhere ..

Money money money, I want money money money, then I can do anything at all !!!

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I would think that they didn't get a breathalyzer or blood test so cannot charge for drunk driving. However, I don't know how this works in Thailand. I would think with careful investigation that the speeding charge would have stuck had the charge been made in time...

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Sanit ... didn’t want to implicate any governmental agency concerned.

Especially his own agency and the Office of the Attorney General - might not be good for his continuing career.

Maybe it's time for PM Prayut to intercede and show how justice is done. wai2.gif

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When a Police General start o "wonder" why thing that should have been done long time ago, hasn't

been done, YOU KNOW that something is fundamentally wrong with the people we trust to keep the

peace and protect the public.....

You may trust them I dont

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So if you overstay your Visa then you will be prosecuted, kill a Police officer and it's not such a big deal - something not quite right here... ???

Why you don't understand ? You are a Farang visiting Thailand. When you become a citizen you can also kill people. Get with the program.

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When a Police General start o "wonder" why thing that should have been done long time ago, hasn't

been done, YOU KNOW that something is fundamentally wrong with the people we trust to keep the

peace and protect the public.....

"We trust", you have got to be kidding!

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So if you overstay your Visa then you will be prosecuted, kill a Police officer and it's not such a big deal - something not quite right here... ???

Why you don't understand ? You are a Farang visiting Thailand. When you become a citizen you can also kill people. Get with the program.

It is called being facetious... it is a way of making a joke... of course I know what it is all about...

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...initially it was reported that he was a user and under the influence of something else as well...

...that which he was on his way to obtain more of....

...somehow that all disappeared....

...and now....for this that and the other reason....no charges whatsoever......


...truly.....truth.......and justice.....have no bearing.....

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When a Police General start o "wonder" why thing that should have been done long time ago, hasn't

been done, YOU KNOW that something is fundamentally wrong with the people we trust to keep the

peace and protect the public.....

TRUST the police in THAILAND ?i did not think anybody did

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" Pol.lt.gen Sanit wonders why drunk driving charge was dropped against red bull-heir"

"This is so strange, I can't figure it out! Why did this happen? I have no...oh, look! Money!"

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So if you overstay your Visa then you will be prosecuted, kill a Police officer and it's not such a big deal - something not quite right here... ???

Why you don't understand ? You are a Farang visiting Thailand. When you become a citizen you can also kill people. Get with the program.

It is called being facetious... it is a way of making a joke... of course I know what it is all about...

And no, you don't get to kill people because you're a citizen. You get to kill people and get away with it 'cos you're rich. The same rules apply for rich farangs.

The outrage for a farang killing a Thai would be more so you'll have to pay more. But make no mistake, the colour of your skin won't matter as long as you have the money.

The 'Thai rak Thai' philiosphy was created by the rich for poor. But It does come in handy for the rich when they need the poor to have their back.

Edited by rkidlad
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I was going to say the Thai Justice System should feel totally ashamed of themselves but obviously there isn't one (A Thai Justice System I mean) and the police administrators are too afraid to go against the HiSo society - This means it is official, the HiSo's are above the law and Thailand has no justice - SHAME ON YOU THAILAND.....!!!!

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If General Sanit wonders this, he is about the only person in the World who does not know the reason the drink drive charge was dropped!

Notice that BKP and Nation have suddenly had collective case of amnesia on these cases.

I dont suppose its becuase many of their writers also come from Hi So families who may have benefited from this type of selective policing, or may do in the future. Either that or there must be a more sinister reason why someone has decided to drop the issues.

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''Pol Lt-Gen Sanit admitted that he could not tell whether the dropping of the drunk driving charge by the police concerned amounted to aiding the suspect or not because he didn’t want to implicate any governmental agency concerned.''

Yep, who needs to be sued?

As the General in charge of the Police Department, I am structuring into police procedures, Instant dismissal and a 100,000 baht fine for any police, part of any serious accident investigation who do not obtain blood tests of the drivers, whether the drivers are conscious or not.

This regualtion is active instantly.

Seems like a quick response to a ridiculous situation where the police are allowing road crime to go unpunished. No wonder the road toll here is one of the worst in the world.

Your plan is not bad, but it is against Thai law from what I have read. Drivers are allowed to refuse a blood test, same as USA. By doing this you committing a different crime (in USA) and basically admitting guilt without the evidence. Thai law seems to be similar.
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